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I want it all... I want it all... I want it all... And I want it now!
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I couldn't fit it all right here.
You have it all, but it took a whole universe to store it.
Why share this nerd? Who is he even?
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Dr Robert Gilbert
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Captcha was GAYH8
Seems worth posting
How many threads have you made during this year asking for anons to share YouTube /x/ Channels? Just curious.
JRE has the best /x/ guests and it's not even close!
Tinfoil hat is the new JRE
bot thread
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Just some discord stuff I ran into with my new account, I've never been to any of these places.
This is a youtube thread not a discord one, so make a new containment thread and shill this there
>The Open Resourcery
>Tinfoil hat is the new JRE
It's good but not on the level of JRE cause Sam overtalks his guests too much not to say he's bad but I like it when the guests talk more so you know??
does anyone remember a schizo artsy news channel that was posted on /x/ constantly for years? the news anchor was some dude wearing a fabric mask that covered his entire head and the titles of the videos were insane. i believe the titles were in all caps but some of the titles were gibberish. there were often jumpscares and horrible noises and other creepy shit going on in the newsroom set. it was some weird horror art project that uploaded frequently but had very low views. the production quality was pretty high for this type of thing. i have no idea why someone would make these videos for so long and dress up for them with such low views. i cannot remember the name of it for the life of me but it haunts me.
Yeah but most of JRE guests are former CIA
They even put it into the title
Are they satanic?
Dead Rabbit Radio
Styx used to be but that was because theyre edgy mot because they believe in the devil
Robert Kennedy Jr
JayDreamerZ is one of the more schizo YTers I've seen
>because theyre edgy mot because they believe in the devil
He still writes books on the occult so yeah he believes in satan
Georgina Rose
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Aint she a cutie?
Yes but a bit loud
Yeah she needs to be spanked
Fucking coomers.
Sam needs to shut up
Rogan has sucked for the last 6 years
>Rogan has sucked for the last 6 years
Nigga, Alex Jones, Katt Williams, Dave Chappelle and Elon have been on within that timeframe, so fuck no its been great
satanic ritual highschool murder look it up!
When will Jason ever do a Q&A episode with questions from /x/ 4channers?
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No Anthropics?
>joe rogan fan
Go back bitch
He does that on his livestreams
only good ones so far

I'll add this:
It’s a limited hangout


What the fuck is this?
>limited hangout
What sort of incel term is that lol

Where's Negi Springfield at? He used to be around more.
I'm not sure if /x/ never mentions the mysterious universe podcast because they're considered to be too well-known to be worth mentioning or what, but in case no one is aware they've been running an awesome podcast about paranormal topics for ages.


And they're also on spotify if you want to listen while driving or walking.
>Half of every episode is an advertisement for their paid show.
>"Want to know how this story ends? Pay to hear the end!" nonsense
>Even their articles are hidden behind paywalls.
For the cost of their shitty show you can buy some books and just read the stories yourself.
I love her so much it's unreal
Smartest witch girl
Also my recommended youtube channel is llluminatiOvIndiana as I mentioned in the last thread like this
I've always found the discussion in the free part of the show to be sufficiently self-contained and long that I never felt the need to pay for anything, and I like it because I can listen while driving. *shrug* At the very least they're a good source for topics.
stay off youtube, read books. google=govt jus sayin
>Smartest witch girl
Nigga not one bit.
You’re too stupid to understand or use 4chan terms correctly
I just recently discovered
>Library of the Untold
Pretty good stuff
Mel Gibson
How is mel gibson x? lol
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I found him on here many, many years ago. He's alright. Love the guns rights and free speech stuff.
She's good

And no, I'm only a coomer for my gf
you have abysmally shitty taste
have some standards
Go suck a cock, gayboy
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Idk about the channel per se but I made this video after watching fauna play silent hill. It's very bad and random because halfway through editing I experienced this weird brain fog and lost the original point. Im Looking for any feedback on the subject matter please https://www.bitchute.com/video/IBlXUUOOKD87
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Besides that please see my playlist as compensation for my own poor oc. Or has a few gemeralds.
It* not or
That conspiracy movie was alright

Just a gay nazi with an aids infested colon.

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