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>be 2005
>friend tells us about hidden tunnels at the mall
>go to the mall ourselves to check it out
>to access we went to the outdoor food court
>there is the fire exit with stairs he mentioned
>we go down the stairs to the very bottom
>a locked chest-high gate blocks more stairs
>we hop them and venture down even further
>we probably went 3-4 floors below the mall
>there is a door at the bottom of the stairs
>oh shit it's unlocked
>enter the door and see a vast tunnel system
>~2sq miles of pristine tunnels all together
>notice there are no cameras anywhere
>no guards/people or even a sound
>each path leads to a big steel door
>notice that each door (3) has no visible points of entry or windows

Post any stories about secret/hidden areas you have been to... and yes, I am oldfag. Wtf did we come across? We went back maybe 5-6 times to drink/smoke/skate and never saw a person each time. My friend (who worked at the mall) tried telling us that's where they take kids who get caught for stealing shit, but even then, why no cameras? or again, any visible points of entry on the big steel doors? Maybe they take kids down there to rape/unalive them? I personally believe this was a doomsday bunker, as I've read countless times every major mall has one underneath...

*picrel is what it looked like, only no signs and much less lighting
there's a book store in salt lake where a serial killer used to visit and the basement has a bathroom and graffiti and a stripper's pole. it's wild
>I am oldfag
Get the fuck outta here
Probably the one coomer term I am guilty of using, unfortunately.. but you're right I should stop.
if you stop, your messages will be suppressed or deboosted on any site that uses algorithmic feeds, jsyk. that's why the young people started using it in the first place. you don't really have to worry about it on imageboards
>you don't really have to worry about it on imageboards
Right now you can get banned or suppressed here for saying wrongthink words 3 times in a post
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>be me
>Start of the year
>live on campus at Uni
>one night me and a friend decide to invade other dorm buildings for fun
>its like 1 am
>get to the Honors dorm
>its older than the other dorms, big open hall with hardwood floors
>get to stairs
>theres a little gate heading downstairs(Im on the ground floor)
> the gate opens and we end up in this creepy concrete tunnel
>no one in sight
>the other end of the tunnel theirs stairs that lead up to the other side of the building

It wasnt too crazy but it was really creepy, I have some friends who claim the school is connected by tunnels underground.
OP here and pretty similar to my mall experience
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I also saw this weird door down there the "trunk room" I highly doubt its been used it 40+ years
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>Big mall building in town
>Has a really crazy space themed layout, built in the 90s
>has rocket shapes elevators, super cool. Place is built like a labyrinth
>almost completely empty. All the stores have shut down except for a bowling alley and movie theaters on the upper floors.
>a lot of restaurants still have the chairs and tables set out, with a thick layer of dust. Pic related.
>abandoned mini golf in the basement that you can see into
>all owned by some chinese guy who doesnt give a shit.
>One day, find a door thats usually locked is open. It leads to an elevator.
>wait for friends to arrive. Get in elevator and try to go to the basement, because I want to see the minigolf. Button doesnt work.
>go to next down instead. It works
>takes us to an area filled with rubbish bins and big whirring vents.
>not supposed to be here lol
>try to go back to floor we came from, button doesnt work
>oh fuck
>try the top floor, works
>come out into some sort of fridge area
>walk out and find ourselves in a bar which is part of the bowling alley
>bowling alley staff gives us weird looks but doesnt say anything
>speed walk out as fast as possible while avoiding eye contact
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The mall
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The elevator
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The minigolf
I went to the underground house in Las Vegas. Only outside of it, cannot get in. Cameras everywhere, walls and gates, etc.

Creepy bomb shelter from the Cold War. But in the 2000s/2010s it got purchased to store the bodies of people who cryogenically froze themselves.

Post location.
Yeah, because you weren't standing in front of a mirror when you said it
Hell no, I'm not turning myself into a nigger.
You gotta do an exploration thread on this...
>no-no word is wrongthink
have heard reports of underground tunnel systems under major cities in USA even tunnels connecting skyscrapers and gov buildings.
Zoomer larp.
>b-but da algowivm
Does not exist.
Reminds me of my university. Every dorm building had a basement with fully ready to be used rooms, but they were closed off and never used despite every dorm building being packed and hard to get into. One older building had a fifth floor that was completely locked, with rumors abounds of rituals and a suicide having happened there. There was an attempt at having a haunted tour of that floor one year, but it mysteriously got canceled.
it exists but it requires your consent, which is even more easy. just say no, etc.
the old cities that were on the surface before our current ones were covered with red loam (undifferentiated flesh that turned into soil), and the inhabitants set out to repair their preexisting passageways. they're just tunnels instead of long stretches of intercity surface path, now.
The tunnel under parliament hill in Ottawa built in the 1960s so politicians could escape to a bunker in the event of nuclear war.
That was when realized most politicians are self serving douchebags with an overinflated sense of importance.
This is cool thanks for sharing

Smoker's Staircase
>there was a "smoker's staircase" at my old college. Like a side entrance/fire escape nobody ever used. I don't even really remember how you got there. The top of the smoker's stairwell was blocked off and felt extremely unfinished compared to the rest of the building, which was actually the main administrative building of the university. There was tons of trash/graffiti on the walls. People literally only used it to smoke weed/tobacco, the vast majority being freshmen. I have no idea if the univeristy was in on it or not.

Renaissance Fair "Special Campground"
>no, not quite what you're probably thinking (as far as I know). But this one is a camp that a certain festival troupe puts up all season long. I've only been here twice and best I can describe it is as "Harry Potter Goblet of Fire Quidditch World Cup camp, but real". All of it feels larger than life and it's totally nestled away from the festival and even most other festival workers. I only got to stop by because I am friends with one of the troupe members. Very magical scene.

Hidden Giant Coffeeshop
>there's a small exurban town by me that has an unassuming coffee shop tucked next to a pizzeria. At first it looks like it's really small with only a couple of seats, however there is a semi-hidden side staircase that leads to basically a whole ass house on the second floor that's open to patrons. So not strictly secret but by golly does it really feel like it, especially when most patrons have no idea of the massive upstairs area - they tend to either stay in the smaller lower level or just grab and grow. So when you go upstairs you tend to be one of like two people up there. It's a really odd experience.
>ITT: old bomb shelters and maintenance areas are 2spooky4me
Yeah those are steam pipe tunnels. A lot of universities have them. Saves money to have one big boiler to heat all the buildings instead of getting a furnace for each one.
I have some
>Looking for a house with two of my friends
>Get shown around this really dingy one with a sealed off fireplace and mismatched wallpapee
>Go outside to discuss what we think
>Friend notices a window that we can see from the outside but not the inside
>We go inside and outside a few times to check
>Finally figure out where it is meant to be relative to the inside and there is just a wall in the hallway
>Knock on the wall
>It's hollow
>Go back outside and the light in the room is now switched on.

We decided to pass on it.
Another time:
>Become obsessed with this shutdown section of a mall in the nightlife section of town
>It's a very old set of appartment blocks and the ground level was converted into a train station/shopping complex, the other five levels above and below have been sealed off for decades
>One day I notice that a door leading up to the old apartments has been left open.
>Immediately stuff a card in the lock to keep it from closing and call my friend that shared my obsession
>He arrives less than ten minutes later obviously having leapt out of bed and grabbed a rideshare right away
>We go up the stairs and dissapointingly the first four floors are locked
>We get to the roof access and the door being held open by a brick
>We can see shadows and hear many voices
>Very carefully open the door and peek through
>We see a bustling bazaar of homeless people, like 1202ft of tents and tarps displaying a medley of wares and merchandise, they are bartering instead of using money from what we can tell and in the centre there is a large and (comparatively) palacial looking tent with weird glyphs I later found out were homeless code
There's a defunct mall that sat near a five or six story masonic temple where I live. The mall closed in the mid 2000s and was renovated into a horseshoe of neighboring hotels. It was after I graduated high-school that someone told me about the lodge having gargoyle statues removed from the interior, and that the place had stained glass windows with weird designs. At another job a Gen xer mentioned the same area and told me about underground tunnels that used to have a tour group, what I remember about the street layout near it are oversized traffic islands that go for more than a mile, they do intersect with some far off north government buildings, and end south at an old church next to some dodgy looking apartments/homes, they seem out of place too, like they were built in a rush. It's a route I've never fully driven, so maybe I'll have a look later. The entrances to the tunnels were blocked off with iron doors, and the mall itself had a basement which was open to the public through a store named Mervyn's. The Gen xer guy said that the tunnels were built in the event of a plague, to quickly dispose of bodies, and that there were large furnaces to do it, maybe that was it's original purpose.
This is in Auckland CBD, New Zealand isn't it? The name of it escapes me.
not him, but i'm truly an oldfag. Ask any of us in San Diego if they remember the secret door near the little strobe light cubby hole room that led to a long maze of empty hallways, rooms and possibly tunnels where kids got lost, but eventually found their way out on the side of the stage where the creepy animatronic puppets performed
oops. forgot location lol
*The Showbiz Pizza Theater in San Diego (which is no longer there)
>five nights at freddies
Was this in upstate ny? A house about a mile from mine fits that description
I worked for my company who was and still is a client customer of - Iron Mountain.

Ama i'll keep watching this for 5 mins.
I once went into an old corporate hideout that was closed off until it was under construction 40 or so years later. There was old commercial equipment and microfiche left over of the people who worked there and some messages. There was some art from famous artists there too. It was pretty neat.
>roughly 10 years old
>helping with elementary school play because I got voluntold
>teacher in charge trusts me to go and grab something from school storage on the other side of the building
>other side of the school is the "old side", basically unused and got demolished a while after I finished because it was a really small school
>storage was a weird sub basement, due to the architecture and where the school was it was technically on the same level as the gymnasium on the far side I had just come from
>trying to find whatever I was sent to grab (think it was a a sort of cover or filter for this ancient spotlight we were using for the play)
>eventually find it, and it's right next to this big wooden door
>curious child, so I open it and it's just a long hallway with some dim lights, either were dusty or hadn't been changed
>decide to explore and run through it
>somehow exit into the gym storage, walk back in like an idiot but nobody noticed
Looking back, it was probably an old maintenance hall. Have to wonder what happened to it, since when the demolition happened, that storage room would've been part of it. A lot of those old pipes probably went nowhere since the school got a ton of renovations when I was there, including a complete overhaul of the washrooms (there wasn't much for the pipes to connect to as well, from what I remember there was just four washrooms and two sinks).

Only secret area I've ever been to.
n-word zoom zoom with a hard r, you have no fucking idea LMAO https://youtu.be/QWYpWQPCwU0?feature=shared
This hotel is actually liminal as fuck
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what does that even mean?
what do "coomers" have to do with the word "unalive"?
It is censorship on major platforms that makes people say such words, the same platforms that censor sexual content.
Are you just using popular words to try to fit in?
No you triple digited coomer, I'm just used to having to censor myself on joutube* otherwise my comment gets zapped (along with my future ones).

*have to censor myself here too, otherwise I get banned for "racism outside of /b/

>Biking around with a friend
>Find path in woods near the lake, follow it
>Come across an overgrown baseball field in the middle of the fucking woods
>Walk around it, find some skeet discs, walk to the dugout
>There's plywood on the floor and a broom propped up against the wall
>We hear the sound of a huge door open then close under the plywood
>FUCK! We run as fast as we can back into the woods then keep following the trail
>Eventually two guys wearing all black on all black dirtbikes come up the trail in the opposite direction and demand to know who we are and how we got here
>"Idk man we're just riding in the woods"
>Demand we leave.
>Alright, turn around and start biking back, soon as we're out of sight we go through the woods and find another trail and start going in the same direction we were earlier
>Hide in the woods when we hear dirtbikes
>Eventually we start to hear/feel a "FWUMPH... FWUMPH.... FWUMPH.... FWUMPH...." coming from underground
>We find an end of the line train line in the middle of the woods that goes into a fairly large building
>Train cars in front of it look like something out of a scifi horror movie. Huge aluminum looking cylindrical cars with port windows on them
>wtf did we just find
>dirtbike guys spot us looking through the woods and start flying over towards us
>We run into the woods not on a path and they can't follow
>Get home, none of our friends believe us

Turns out a couple years later the city revealed that they built one of the worlds largest underground natural gas turbines right where we found it. Doesn't explain the baseball field door though
Fuck it… Valley Fair (Westfield) Mall in Santa Clara, CA. Can access it from the fire exit stairs on the 2nd floor outdoor food court patio*
The guys on bikes were probably private security hired by the land owner to keep people out while they tried to find a buyer. Looks like they did their job well. As for the door leading underground, I'm willing to bet it was a storage room or bunker for the baseball field. I could be wrong since I don't know how these things usually work in your part of the world, but here in the midwest US people do dumb shit with property. For example, there's an abandoned hospital in my small town that got shut down over 50 years ago because of asbestos. There aren't any plans for it because the local governments are egotistical and never take responsibility unless they smell money coming their way. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised at all if your story happened where I live.
I wanna see more of this underground house wtf lol
Yeah it's really not
Chuckie Cheeze lil bro
There used to be a History Channel show that the host went to cities like Portland & New York and showed the underground tunnels built there. He also showed a few submarine bases carved into the fjord-sides up in Norway/Sweden and northern Russia.

Lots of rich people’s mansions in London have expansive underground areas. They can’t build up or out due to the fact they have to retain the historical facade cause of historical preservation laws, so they dig down. They build large party areas, wine cellars, even pools. Somehow they avoid the London Underground subway tunnels.

A few city centers / colleges in northern US states have tunnels connecting buildings because of high levels of snow in winter as well. University of Michigan is one.

Moscow has a whole secondary underground subway system for government & military only.

Beijing underground city. Where the keep the panda DNA vaults.

Disneyworld’s underground tunnels are actually above ground. The whole park is built on top of them.
>A few city centers / colleges in northern US states have tunnels connecting buildings because of high levels of snow in winter as well

I was involuntarily admitted to a mental institution that had underground tunnels. I was there in the middle of winter, which must have been why I was transported through them to the clinic to examine my toe infection. They were huge, easily wide enough for a golf cart to pass through, which is what I was transported on. The ride took so long I started to wonder if the driver was lost. I was too depressed and "medicated" at the time to care so I never found it interesting until now.
Can you share the institution? Never heard of any having underground tunnels....

Love the B/S behind the stories of "the mob made these tunnels for prohibition" lol
It was in Mendota, WI. Lol it was such a blur of a memory and so long ago I had to search for it.
Former nyc parks dept employee - moved up the ranks kinda quick , was a real go getter..not only is there a massive area under central park , but they installed poles for stripping in one area and offer new female employees vacation time in return for pole time. Ive heard internally the area was built by prior civilizations but was also used in case the government needed to go underground after the civil war.
The Oldest View
He confused coomer with zoomer bc he'sold
I thought I recognized it. I think it's Sky World Entertainment
I heard about some shit alright, but the one who told me about it said it was probably boobytrapped.

Otheer than that I have seen a concrete hut with a steel door, blast valves and no door handle on the outside, no way IN, in the outskirts(really in the woods) of a city in my country.
That's liminal as fuck
Looks like something I planned to build before when I had crypto money, only 4 storey tall "apartment buildings" inside the shelter though.
>bootleg tunnels

There was a closed-down bar in my hometown that was used by Al Capone during prohibition.

>be 12 hanging out with friend
>friend tells me he heard about an abandoned building in town that's haunted
>we decide to check it out
>ride our bikes to it
>no cars in nearby
>look around the back, find a door
>he tries the knob
>it's locked
>I try it
>it opens
>we silently look at each other
>we're both close to noping outta there
>nut up and walk in
>door opens to a wood stairway up to the 2nd floor
>we try to tip toe up
>complete silence except for the loud creaking of our footsteps
>every creak makes the hair on my neck stand up
>get close to the door at the top
>notice the wallboards have tiny gaps in them
> we peek through into the 2nd floor
>sunlight shining in, hard to make out details
>room looks empty
>suddenly my blood turns cold
>see the figure of a man
>he's sitting down, motionless and silent
>he moves silently
>we scramble down and out the 1st floor
>guy doesn't say anything despite us waking the dead
>grab our bikes and leave
>silently agree that was some spooky shit
>never talk about it

20 years later
>new friends say they wanna go to a bar
>they say the name
>its the haunted bar
>the new owners opened it for tours and drinks
>I agree to go but don't tell them I've been there before
>find out it was an inn/brothel before the Civil War
>and a speakeasy during prohibition
>closed down for decades by the time I was 13
Used by Capone but not made by him..



In HS I was involved in a program for students who want to work for the gov't. Diplomacy, intelligence, or military. One afternoon they dropped us on the national mall with a list of persons who were willing to speak with us, and where they could be found. One girl and I got lost in the offices for the House of Reps, and ended up in a secret metro station that ran from the offices to the basement of the US Capitol, with no other stops or connecting lines. An older man in a suit noticed that we looked lost, and kindly gave us directions to the office we were looking for, before mentioning that this are was not open to the public. Turns out you can get into come secure locations by being clean-shaven and well-dressed, no ID necessary.

I also got to visit CIA headquarters that same week, but was too scared of the glowies to try to wander off.
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Have any Texasfags been in the abandoned underground mall in Dallas? I tried to access it a few years ago with an old map, but none of the entry points were accessible.
>ITT: underage fags discovering urbex for the first time and shitting their pants because muh liminal spaces.
The only /x/ worth post is this one >>39243820
Great, now somebody's gonna go and draw dicks everywhere.
Salt Lake has all kinds of shit
I once got into The Science Academy of my banana republic while searching for the headquarters of a publisher that was supposed to be located there (but was apparently closed?)
anyway the building was huge and wandered through it for about an hour, didn't find anything spectacular but the soviet-style 60s atmosphere was overwhelming; the few people I encountered (most never exited their huge offices behind padded doors) were happy to see me and even chatted for a few moments... I was probably the only "real" person they have seen in years, unfortunately
Hash Digests:
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Creepy, thanks for sharing.
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my old elementary school had underground tunnels that were rumoured to be for spanish flu / tuberculosis patients. A lot of old buildings in my city have tunnel systems apparently. Pic related is from a local castle.
i think i got the black plague by just looking at that
Yeah! I had one of these in my basement growing up! All the houses had tunnels that connected to other houses on our street that started from the main street mansion that went all the way to the baron's estate.

You guys didn't have basement tunnels growing up?
oh and if you're wondering if it was for something evil or ritualistic, not really. Bootlegging, gambling, numbers running, you know. Typical stuff that rich business people did. They got sealed up in the 70's, but people break into the tunnels all the time so finding a stranger in your basement was actually pretty common.

...you guys seriously never had to deal with basement strangers who came from the tunnels?
>didn't check for external doors
It might have been a house with a rental room.

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