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Previous: >>39195290
Welcome to /srg/ Semen Retention General
>/SRM/ reading list v1

What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting sexual energy. It originates from various spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions. The idea is that abstaining from ejaculation can lead to increased vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. While there isn’t a lot of scientific research (hard topic to do studies on) on the topic*, there are tons of personal accounts. Therefore, the only sure way to find out is trying it out for yourself.
Reported benefits include, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy*, improved focus, healthier hair/skin, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, and more.

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ - study that proves test levels are affected by SR. Average peak in test levels was 145%, one subjects test levels was raised 197%. However it has no data on what happens after week 3-4 and after that.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17268169/ - study that explores how mating until satisfaction affects the brains of male rats and their sexual behavior. (coom =“numb”androgen receptors = body unable to “register” testosterone as effectively as it should)

How to Practice It?
>No porn – do not watch porn whatsoever.
>Remove triggers from your life.
>Productive acts - clean, cook
>Creative acts: Art/Music/Writing/Crafts. It can be anything that makes you feel like you’re being creative.
>Light meditation. Try minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
>Walk everyday. 10-15 minute walks should be a good start.
>Gym/Sports/Martial Arts
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
Consider this deeply: the efferent nerves that connect to your testes signify that every lustful thought, image, or sound isn't just a passing whim—it’s an unspoken command to your sexual centers, demanding the alchemical production of vital fluids. This is why true celibacy begins in the mind; it's not merely abstaining from physical acts but waging a war on the psychic plane.

The essence of this struggle lies entirely in the realm of thought. Without mastering your own consciousness, celibacy becomes a hollow effort, doomed to collapse. The signals that travel from the brain operate at a subconscious, autonomic level, bypassing your conscious defenses. Each indulgent glance, each whisper of lust, amplifies the command sent through your neural pathways: from body to brain, and then back to body, compelling the endless cycle of creation.

This is why the so-called "conversion of sexual energy" is not just inefficient—it is disastrously wasteful. Fluids, once created, may be partially reabsorbed, but the cost in vital energy is profound. The body sacrifices the richest of its resources, the very "essence" of life, to generate these fluids. To drain them constantly is to bleed away your own life force, bit by bit.

Ancient Taoist teachings speak of this truth with unyielding clarity: the sexual organs, left unchecked, will drain energy from even your most vital internal systems. They will prioritize themselves, feeding on your essence. Engaging in any form of spiritual practice while constantly succumbing to lust is not only self-destructive; it is a path to accelerated decay, leading you ever closer to an early death.
anticipate this thread will face significant resistance, as semen retention seems to be forbidden knowledge, something not meant for the masses. Already, attempts are being made to taint it with malicious elements, likely to suppress or discredit it. Those who've been around long enough remember how /SIG/ was taken down on /fit/, where SR was a core teaching.

Some fools will argue that this topic isn't forbidden because it’s "everywhere," but what we mean is how persistently it's dismissed, downplayed, or ridiculed. The effort to undermine it is proof that there's something significant here. Others will say it doesn’t deserve its own general thread, but I don't see them complaining about the countless trash threads that contribute nothing.

It’s odd how this topic has bounced across boards—/fit/, /biz/, /pol/, /adv/—and been banned as "off-topic." From the moment it appeared here, it faced backlash, despite SR being rooted in all major religions and spiritual traditions for thousands of years. I suspect our time here is limited, and the sudden influx of disturbing content today feels like an ominous sign.

This is why they want to delete it from /x/ too. Semen Retention is powerful; it’s in someone’s interest to keep men from this practice. How can self-discipline and control be harmful? It leads to freedom.

/pol/: Sexuality is political; porn industry leaders shape society.
/fit/: SR offers physical and psychological benefits—strength, sleep, clarity.
/biz/: Magnetism is key for career growth, interviews, sales.
/adv/: SR aids mental health for those struggling with porn addiction; even women face hypersexuality issues.

There's a case for SR on each board, but /x/ may be the last stand. If it's removed here, the topic may be lost entirely.
Dirty streaks are not worth it bros…. The pain…
Methuselah has subsumed himself into the æther
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Ignore all the bloat advice. Just watch and do >>35119513 and read picrel
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Last night I woke up and right after I woke up I received a message on my device, I woke up in anticipation of it. I'm attributing this to retention
Did you know you can't write advertisement without semen?
what is a "dirty steak"? is it when you use porn but not masturbate? Or edging without ever climaxing?
I don't know how you function normally while doing this. I'm only a week in, I get spontaneous erections at all sorts of weird moments, I'm restless and keep pacing around, and it feels like there's a constant drop of cum at the end of my dick. I don't know if women around me are flirtier than usual but it certainly feels like it and every little "fuck me" signal drives me crazy. I want off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.
You're doing it wrong, do NOT engage with lust
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Become the one who wants a more thrilling ride
Okay, but if a woman says "that's a nice shirt.." and slowly strokes my chest I'm not engaging with lust, that's lust engaging with me! I can't just stay in my home all day!
smoke shard with her and get into a police chase
It’s where you psychically jerk off by remote fucking sage posters asses…. NOT worth the hassle
That is basically it.
i know i posted the same thing yesterday but now its day 9 and i still need advice to not fucking lose it. i dont know if i always hated life and jerking off was my distraction away from realizing that but i feel like utter shit. someone help.
I am sure that I will not gonna relapse, but how can I completely avoid the WDs?
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so i'm watching porn and i found the lustery pornsite says NNN is evil

maybe a good start is edging

can somebody debunk that?
Work on your lower chakras, Root, Sacral and Solar.
From my knowledge and experience, a balanced Sacral Chakra helps a LOT in reducing lustful thoughts.
I was restless last night so I started edging and ended up cumming to porn after 12 days. I woke up feeling like shit, confidence dropped to zero, had an acne breakout and now I'm walking sad and with an impending sense of doom, I feel like a creep and a fucking loser bros.
Give it time, you'll feel better. Just start a new streak. Honestly if these threads can get a goonet who faps daily to cut back to once a week, that's still a major step in the right direction. Not talking about you, just saying in general. If you stumble just try to go another 12 days clean.
Do you want to be a coomer retard loser who relapses every time?
It gets a lot easier the more streaks you go on, my first few were exactly like that, going crazy even 3 days in. Now I can last around 2 weeks or so before things get hard, I’m at 11 days today and I’m really going to push myself to crack the 3 week mark.
>>39229721 have a car and enough money for petrol to drive around looking for crimes to solve or be apart of
ekhm>(((Benjamin davis)))
there, debunked
The wet dreams come to you because your mind is affected by erotic thoughts. Basically your brain takes some recent memories/thoughts and makes dream out of them. You can avoid wet dreams by focusing on keeping your mental pure, do not engage in erotic fantasies or thoughts. Meditating before the sleep also helps me a lot.
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I edged..
Welcome back frens
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Reminder to be aware of the full moon, don't make any mistakes anon
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Guise, I seriously need help.
I've been trying to quit for literally 6 years.
Would experienced anons halp me to debug this issue.
It's holding me back in life so much.
Many of you are depressed, unknowingly mentally ill, malnourished, and deficient in nutrients–specifically B3.

We've figured this out in the 50s. Heed my words >>39228225



DO IT >>39228225
lament on the meditations of meth
>Beaver Moon tomorrow
Stay strong brothers!!
I suggest transmuting at the summit of the mountain for the libration capture
Pick a new name for yourself. Don't tell anyone. Call yourself that name in your head.
>libration capture
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Day 19 almost in the books.

O my Jesus
meek and humble of heart
make my heart like unto thine
and grant me the grace of final perseverance
Have you tried actually getting a wife and starting a family?
13 days in for nnn
The moon will reveal parts of herself, this process is the libration and during this type of phase the parts are like seeing an upskirt of a really hot girl and she isn't wearing underwear
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"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.."
Gone clean in fear of moon as well as trial and error making it clear that dirty streaks are for retards. Getting powers back nice
fuck, no wonder I fail. It always gets me
Mate you’ve just uploaded the entire movie “Shrek 2” in Hindi. What did he mean by this
How to stop having nocturnal emission?
every sexual thought "cut" it from your mind.
That's too European for Israelis. They like Full-on aerobics psytrance.
at least don't put niggers you inmense faggot
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My problem is the following.
Without noticing I can go without cumming weeks. However I have a partner and obviously I'm not asexual so when she's in the mood I'm down for it. Unfortunately sex just leaves me hornier than before. Like I need a good 2-3 sessions to clean my mind, but it's not always a possibility. So the problem is: if I don't jack off I can meditate better, focus better etc. But if I do the sex that's going to put me off balance and feel like I have to do it until my dick fall off. Now I'm in the limbo state when I feel both drained of my spiritual energies yet so horny I cannot focus on practice.

Is there a way to cum without loosing spiritual energy?
Look at that grim reflection of the hairline.
Stop desiring orgasms, they are novel at best.
well the favorable exit is to get her on board with meditation, the jhanas and so on, so that you are both on the same wavelength. otherwise there will be tensions the relationship, and women live on being desired and the realization of it, ie a bestial dicking. If you dont provide this to her you may just end the relationship right now.
Dont forget that celibacy is kind of the norm and the household life is always one foot in, one foot out of the spirituality, it's bastard position to be in.
Nta but I’m 24 you’d better be like 19 weak fuck. Cost/benefit analysis is all it is. In terms of actual physical difficulty it’s far easier than quite a few things that you’ll come across as an adult. Try self reporting less hard next time.
>smell the masculinity
by masculinity he surely means paki curry smell
I survived the Beaver Mooon, no nocturnal emission last night, i was horny though
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>Beaver Mooon
wow I don't feel bad for failing, fucking beaver moon that's epic
It's past us now, you'll do better this time around
>I have a partner
retention and secondary cause LoA is for achieving gf
What are you trying to do with spiritual energy?
note the tripcodes >>39232453
also there is the Castignani gateway Methuselah
regardless, good will to good men
Retaining is comfy
FUCK the full moon and FUCK Lunatics. Solarchads RISE UP
If you've retained through the full moon you can retain through eternity, LETS RETAINING BOYSSSS!!!1
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cold shower
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so you're telling me to get naked
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I completed the quest but when I heard the bandits screaming I came my pants so this whole thing was counter-intuitive
we are to retain until we deposit into the female. For those whom God has different plans, the state ultimately becomes the female, and our seed is fire -your actual cum is inconsequential in this instance.
what matters is your retention during the process, for nothing lasts forever.
There is a big breasted goth girl at the dinner function I have just arrived at
prepare for sexual energy transfer
Archetype Methuselah watch over me
Yeah, doing this while not on the prayer/meditation grind is virtually impossible for me. I'll have to go into the archive to get the exact day, but I'm probably on a 5 month lapse in prayer and struggling to get above 10 days. I had a 20 day edge less streak followed by a 40 day one when I was committed to my devotions. Really need to get back into it.
these threads used to fill up in few hours. now one thread lasts almost a week. surprisingly there are no more shills and traffic is low in november. i expected a shitshow and chaod here because of NNN but it is complete oposite. what is the reason? not complaining tho.
The shills are still here, the jannies are just lazy about banning them sometimes. Their presence is disruptive enough that I only come here and post occasionally. Range ban a specific number of users and it will improve engagement.
Full moon event: completed
Nothing can stop us now
I don't know about you assholes but I transmute my horny energy so that it travels up my spine and nourishes my head.
kill yourself faggot
That kinda happens automatically when you abstain from lust, zero effort required, energies just rush up the spine on its own.
What full moon? I started nofap after the October 17/18 full moon and going strong. I am going to carry on Hitler's work. Thanks for reading my blog update.
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>I am going to carry on Hitler's work
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He was in fact, a retainer
It takes far less effort to transmute than it does to deal with an overflowing cup.
bro reading that had me say WHAT out loud cause it caught me off guard
>Avoid adderall

Is it bad that I've been on 20mg and have been doing no fap for over a year? Longest streak was 6 months or so
Anyone got some books about meditation? Most things I read online about any kind of spirituality are bunk, and I'm looking for something that I can use to understand the inner workings of energy. For instance, people talk a lot about chakras, but they don't talk about the pathways when you're looking things up.

I recently experimented a little and fell off track and I'd like to help solidify my understanding as someone who has meditated for a long time, but is now finding discomfort while meditating. Some things help, but I want to build my knowledge from the ground floor to avoid a disaster like this again. I'm looking for something not bunk (hopefully)
No books on the subject because I had to learn it myself. Relax your lower Dantian. It opens a door that allows the pressure to release. Stay conscious of it and be mindful that you keep the door open instead of clenching it involuntarily. Avoid having a tight belt around your waist because it forces the door shut. Consider buying a pair of 100% silk underpants. Expensive but magical in the way they don't chafe when you're asleep.
Thanks. I'm wearing pajamas whenever I'm home, so it's not as bad as pants, but this is a good observation. Thank you.
Degenerates don't have a place in the world to come. If I catch you indulging in your furshit I'm going to kill you. Just FYI, you still have time to repent.
It’s fun to watch the energy shift in these threads as the month progresses. Currently we are in the Chad energy stage it seems. Going to any other thread or board is low level hopeless degeneracy in comparison
Addiction, son.
Hey, been meditating a lot, exercising and I've been on nofap for a while now. Completely cut out porn. Peaked a week + ago, but I've been really serious about avoiding the stuff lately. Anyways a few times in the past I've gone to piss and nut has just come out. Nor orgasm or anything, I just feel like there's something stuck in there, sometimes without really needing to piss that much. Nut just comes out. In the past I could blame the fact that I'd been looking at porn or something, but I didn't do any of that recently and it just came out. Can an anon explain why, and if I should be concerned? Back when I was on a long streak this only started towards the end. I don't know how long this streak is because I deliberately didn't mark when, but I know it hasn't been anywhere near as long.
There's power in these balls.

Look up Ruben Laukkonen
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Genuinely curious, why is this on x and will it give me psychic powers or something?
masturbating makes me feel dead inside so I rarely do it, been a little sad and stressed lately so it's been some months since last time
when does the telekinesis kick in
after a certain number of days of retaining you obtain the super power of growing the fuck up and not jerking off your pee pee like a retarded child with no life
>retention is dangerous and can lead to maladies if done in persons who produce a lot
i read that book cover to cover, because it was the first piece of literature i ever found on the subject, before /SRG/ or anything else. nowhere does the author say anything like that. Methuselah really is a batshit retard.
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I touched my ballsack
Happens to me too. I don't worry about it. Keep a pure streak.
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you can masterbate for hours but do not cum!
you are doing this for your health.
try doing some cleanses!
keep your body mind temple strong
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Im three days I think into SRG.
So you have cumbrain?
2 months
no wet dreams either
Having not read the text myself, I will defer from regarding Methuselah, his interpretation may not be a direct extraction
i cant fucking focus on anything while having urges fuck
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I've been doing nofap on and off since I was a teen. Nowadays I don't try to abstain, it just sort of happens and I usually go a week or two between cooming. Longest I've ever gone was about six months, can't say for certain since I lost track. If anons want, I could share some of my advice here that makes nofap easier, although it might not be popular and is seemingly contradictory to some of the commonly-given tips.

The issue is, not once have I ever really noticed any of the benefits. I think, early on when I first started nofap I did noticed some extra female attention from girls in my school and female teachers, but these past few years as an adult I have been invisible to women. This might not be related to SR but presently I also feel lethargic and have brain fog regardless of whether or not I coom. It might be low T, but I don't think it is since I still have a lot of physical masculine traits like body hair, and my bone structure is unmistakably masculine, with a very strong brow ridge and chin, and narrow waist, and I get a 5 o'clock shadow when I bother to shave that day.
So am I just one of the unlucky few who don't get SR benefits? Is my lethargy and lack of brain function caused by something else?
Might be your diet. Stop eating high fructose corn syrup, basedbean oil, canola/ vegetable oil, and things with lectin.
17 days in now. Something must have clicked because I stopped watching porn, stopped watching lewd imagery/hentai/ecchi, stopped peeking, stopped lurking local proz ads, which were things I was doing until just a few days ago. Urges have ceased completely.
I have never thought this possible it's frankly unbelievable, like I have no reason to masturbate anymore because I don't see the point in it.
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
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Do your hands idle ?
I find myself becoming concerned with participating in violence both physical and psychological
my empathy is receding
forever a woman will be the solution
she is absent
The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate, it is the sand of the Colosseum.
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do it for her
What? I'm asexual because I transmute it all.
Does it work if I'm coming in my girlfirend?
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This isn't the sort of thing you need published scientific papers for.

You are a male human. You can prove it to yourself without having to put trust in anyone's claims or studies.

I am, of course, speaking to gen Z/Alpha.
For anyone older it is simply known fact.

Ejaculation = Cutting Samson's hair.
What's the butterfly on stomach meaning?
what withers and dies is but alike the larva in its cocoon
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so im just here retoonin' and on my youtube feed some video about tarot comes up so i click on it
as soon as i hear the voice of the narrator i knew something was up
their voice is neither male nor female and it freaks me out
is this the power of SR? to know evil so easily?

this is the video
I agree but this is blatantly pharmaceutical shilling. Consume from foods instead.
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oh shit! me too. Haha yes, yes, we're day buddies
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I feel human now. The demiurge is so over. Your time is up, faggot.
In Alchemy Mercury is the life force
And I just learned that Mercury returns every 88 days. Maybe that's why we talk about a 90 day reset in SR?
Congrats. You're gonna make it.

Not him but
I did a 2 week streak, nutted once and now I’m on day 14 again, very sure I’m going to break my longest streak of 16 days, feel pretty good about hitting 3 weeks
Peeked at a ASMR girl on twitch for about 5 minutes. Didn’t edge though.
>is this the power of SR? to know evil so easily?
Of course.
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>Your semen retention is no match for my Ovum Reabsorbtion
she scares me sometimes
What is /srg/ thankful for?
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The shills and glowies that strengthen my beliefs
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Absolutely wonderful looking revision of the old infographic. Most wonderful use of language as well; the lack of profanity is nothing but a benefit to the message as it, along with the lack of other "identifying phrases" of ideology, makes it agnostic to one's personal beliefs: this is a call to seek truth above all, and for it, it is clearly true and morally good. Fucking based anon, bless ur heart for that.
nannoids regularly need monitoring with instruments
bloody hell
I'm thankful for connecting with God.
I'm thankful for my family's health.
I'm thankful for having a better life than most.
>Semen goes to the brain
Any truth to this? Is it a meme or actually real? I think the benefits most experience here is from lowered prolactin. It's strange, nobody really talks about the prolactin part. Should be called orgasm retention or something.
some concepts are allegorical, of parable concerning metaphor and simile
The hormonal responses are very true to the observation when retaining
consider acid and base fluctuations when resetting for reconstitution of the elements that sustain vitality, particularly zinc
any book recommendations for nofap and semen retention?
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Hear ye, hear ye
Don't Dispense December is on the horizon. Prepare for the ceremonial reset for those adhering to the KULT phase. For those in indefinite retention phase, we hear ye
what's with the full moon?
idk but i think its not hitting me as hard as the last times.... thank god
Fellas, how do I reduce sensitivity down there on my streaks, I can fail way too quickly and even on accident, like just stretching while hard. I've lost two many streaks to this little shit, can someone help me?
Stay cold I guess. Can you really nut accidentally while not thinking sexual thoughts?
Unironically yes, it is a process that takes less than 10 seconds even if I'm not trying.
lol you could try jelqing for the temporary nerve damage. Otherwise I’d suggest finding a hassidic rabbi. I’m sure those horny fuckers have some work around
Visited an escort and came in like a minute...again.

I really really need to get back on retention streak this shit is miserable
It's all about your breathing
Yeah you can’t be doing that. I edged yesterday and felt like a fucking zombie all day. No more failure it simply isn’t worth it.
Some people might have failed NNN by now and are too ashamed to drop by and talk about it here. No shame bros, just restart and don't give up.
Back to zero again here after 9 days
It's hard to remove triggers especially if you have the knowledge, my creativity just moving on itself.
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Any SR movie recommendations ?
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They are on a mission, and they don't cum. They don't need to talk about it constantly because they are men and not boys.
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retaining is the easiest thing in the world. Just do something interesting and meaningful that exhausts you, and you will never find time to cum.
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Unironically a few (pre-Season 4) Spongebob episodes
"Just One Bite" comes to mind
The Bunker (1981)
When you almost conquer Europe and then fail your streak, cautionary tale
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Watch something extremely Jewish, like Sausage Party or Big Mouth
You'll be too disgusted to fap afterwards
I remember that episode.

So it was Evas fault after all
Pretty much all porno is produced by them and yet I still struggle to quit watching this filth.
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Here, have a clip from Sausage Party, possibly the most Jewish film ever made.
This should make you too disgusted to fap for awhile
peak degeneracy
Don’t retain for any “spiritual” “ethereal” shit….. go to the SR subreddit and retain so these fucking fags aren’t the only ones with powers. The world cannot be entrusted to these mid wits. At the top every /x/ retainer will have 10 Redditainers as lieutenants
Anons get benefits faster than redditors because our vril is powerful
Ugh bros.. woke up this morning and my underwear was gooey. Guess I failed NNN.
Boxers or briefs? I wonder which helps with retaining more.
This is like apologizing to your fellow soldiers because you got hit by a sniper bullet from 2 miles away. You didn’t fail at all.

Thanks that makes me feel better, and at least this time it was 20 days since my last. I think they are getting more infrequent
wruff :3
can i put my face in ittt
We could be living in a hyperborean ethnonationalist utopia built on top of the skulls of judaic talmudists but these faggots are quivering with their hands on their dicks watching cartoon animal porn

you aren't going to make it. you won't survive what is coming.
Whoa?! Wtf?!?!
We could be living in a hyperborean ethnonationalist utopia built on top of the skulls of judaic talmudists but these faggots are quivering with their hands on their dicks watching cartoon animal porn

you are going to make it. you will architect what is coming.
you're a fucking dork kek
plsss >~>
ill help with the stains! ^w^
O-Oh my god?! This is getting overwhelming haha
Dubs canceled his dubs damn. US SHILLS CANT GET A BREAK BRO!
You just posted cringe
Says the guy posting cringe
If it was in a vacuum definitely but as a response to you it’s fine
If you are living alone go take a walk. If you arent, just leave your door open.
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Weirdly enough it seems to work
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Don't do this. Even if you don't coom you harm yourself A LOT.


>Retard "retainer" that edged a lot the past year.
>chan bullshit makes it to print
Rational male is way shittier than Chan bullshit and rollo tomassi is a lolcow at this point
Retainer chads dont care for evolpsych nonsense, fuck off outta here
My mistake, I didn’t read the thread, I didn’t realize he was making fun of the other post
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Who does "this" to attract mates lol?

I do this to keep my soul pure. I do this because I feel good for remaining pure. I feel good that I have control over my brain than the other way around. I feel good that I have disciplined myself. I feel clean and purged of the filth. If you do this to attract attention then you might as well just give up. It should be done purely for philosophical reasons and to push your body beyond the limits.
I know all of the claimed benefits of simple retention, but what are the occult effects of edging? Clearly it transports you into a highly energetic state, but without the release/wasting of energy
Faggot. I was asking a serious question, you kys
There are no benefits to edging. There are no benefits to watching porn.
I didn't say anything about porn, I don't watch it. Could you elaborate on how there are no benefits to edging? The semen doesn't leave your body
You are pleasuring yourself.
get that 'redpilled' shit out of here, just a bunch of bro science. just stop jerking off
How does pleasuring yourself benefit you.
>Could you elaborate on how there are no benefits to edging?
You're still making your brain go through the same neural pathways that it goes down when you fantasize/watch porn/goon. And your body has to use blood to keep your cock erect, and your balls are still primed ready to ejaculate.
>Could you elaborate on how there are no benefits to edging?
Imagine you set out trying to stay dry as long as possible but then walking over to a swimming pool and giggling to yourself like a retard while slowly creeping closer and closer to the edge of the pool, and then 'accidentally' falling in. Oh darn I just relapsed, better start again. This time I will only take smaller steps.

That's you.
How does it have a detrimental effect, since the semen stays within your system? This is semen retention general not pleasure denial general
Yeah just build up your sexual energy until it overflows and results in you splooging. It couldn't possibly lead to ejaculation.
I think he's just trolling, just ignore him.
How do I stop my lower dantian from leaking? Sometimes it rises to the top because my attention just finds itself there since I was told to train it to do that naturally and subconsciously. The problem is that it's rising from the front of my stomach all the way up to the middle, then the upper part. Happened earlier today and I had difficulty focusing, and thus difficulty actually doing my daily practice. I basically became a functional retard. I got distracted by every little thing and I'm not sure how to find balance.

I've been meditating a lot throughout my life, but I'm new to this. A lot of these sensations are familiar, but I can make sense of some of them more, as I'm not just thrown in by someone preaching mindfulness who's just like "lol just do ur thing xD" but I feel lost.
Based and Hitlerpilled
I'm gonna hook up with a girl next week, but I'm worried about my sexual performance. I slept with her once and made her cum, but I couldn't stay hard. Does retaining until I meet her again make sense? I want my dick to work without thinking about it

Wake up, traveler
I'm like some fucking wild animal its in'n'out and its so fucking frustrating.
>a benefit by definition
He derives pleasure from it? Duh.
If anyone does have solutions I really need them, I just lost a 21 day streak in about 5 seconds.
i almost had a nocturnal orgasm this morning. my body likes to always troll me by waking me up a few seconds prior to giving me a sleep orgasm so that i helplessly witness it happen in front of my very eyes. somehow i have managed to stop myself from cumming all over myself through sheer willpower. what i did is focus on the ceiling and start thinking about random things, anything to distract my mind. somehow, miraculously, it actually fucking worked. im not exaggerating when i say that i could feel my the cum go all the way up to the tip of my dick and then go back inside. i didnt lose a single drop of cum, but i was extremely horny for the next few hours
is it truly possible to never ejaculate ever? ive gone 215+ days before.
Edge for a few hours and tell us how you feel for the rest of the day and next day. You’ll feel much worse and lose all benefits of retaining. You’ll get your powers back after a bit but you’ll be a shuffling corpse until then
what about naked cuddling with an asian massage girl and her edging muh dick for an hour but not cumming
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Semen retention is my only hobby
Damn it you found the loophole and successfully tricked god/your biology. You now get infinite pleasure AND infinite retainer benefits. Fuck bro :/ this was our biggest secret and you’re talking about it like it’s nothing
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Are you a retainer or a talmudtroon sexposter?
question why does wet dreams negeatively affect you?
They indicate that you're not having pure thoughts when awake but they're not nearly as bad as conscious and intentional ejaculation.

appreciate the answer

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