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So we were once source as a whole but now we are a fragment of it because our dumb former and actual self wants to experience reality and consciousness. We are a splat source lost into a temporal ego illusion which its sole ultimate purpose is to come back to source. The whole process is awful, takes forever to end and is badly designed. Basically it's not fun and there's too much suffering (not balanced).

So what is the fucking point of all of this if we just end up going back where we started AND had an awful time through something that probably took billions if not more of years with all our previous incarnations? As we are source and source is basically limitless and has all the power in all creation, why did we do this to ourselves?
As far as I know existence can be even more stupider and horrifying, so I've learned to appreciate it fir what it is when I used to think similarly to you
What do you mean by that? Is it really appreciation or are you lying to yourself in some way? Genuinely asking.
>actual self wants to experience reality and consciousness.
you answered your own question
This is an incomplete answer leading to more questions : Why would it want that? Why would it do that? Why would it put itself through such awful prolonged experience only to go back to sleep, rendering its past experience totally useless?
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>we were once source as a whole but now we are a fragment of it because our dumb former and actual self wants to experience reality and consciousness. We are a splat source lost into a temporal ego illusion

thx for this thread. literally yesterday and tooday i read a lot about pandeism, that i never heard before(well i know about Egg for a while, but its a variant of it, i guess) -even when i know about pantheism for decades. plus i checked /x/ archives, and its one of rarest mentioned topic in here

>So what is the fucking point of all of this if we just end up going back where we started
why are you asking question that was answered many times over allready?

>A God who knew the answer to that question would indeed know everything and have everything. For that reason he would be unmotivated to do anything or create anything. There would be no purpose to act in any way whatsoever. But a God who had one nagging question—what happens if I cease to exist?—might be motivated to find the answer in order to complete his knowledge. ... The fact that we exist is proof that God is motivated to act in some way. And since only the challenge of self-destruction could interest an omnipotent God, it stands to reason that we... are God's debris
Our self didn't want anything, it just happened.
read Mainlander, he explains the origin of this singularity.
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>So what is the fucking point of all of this if we just end up going back where we started
from God point, tht would be finishing this particular experiment, and finally reaching full knowledge..from points of "creations" that would mean end of existence as you know it. Still its not really clear if that "experiment" supposed to be circular in nature andrestering back godead figure either in more physicla way (like Big Crunch, oposite of Big Bang) or maybe like in Egg scenario -where parrt of Gods (You) grow back into divinity(hopefully), and become God again
btw i also guess that "virtual universe" is very similair to this tropes - i mean "god" then is just main scientist, "first mover" taht started universe just to get some result in experiments they perform

btw you, me & everything would be nothng more then like single cell or though in gods entirety, so i doubt any sense of individuality/ego would remain (cos Perfect god is hardly a hive mind)
or even worse -you are nothing more then a mouse in labirynth of science project, or robot that spread butter on bread. that it, thats your whole purpose an thats the point
Maybe after experiment is over, you got promoted to mouse heaven.. but most likely not really, and your only option is either to choose <pic> or running away (if thats even possible)
Gonna buy rope tommorow. What length and what type should i take for roping?
don't rope. research well, don't fuck up your suicide.
i'm broke
and lazy, i think
are you a cowboy? (roping?)
who even use ropes its no longer X BC?
ever heard about carbon dioxide or exit bags?
Still, not worth the botched job.
That looks boring. and too long. If i will, i want in instant, like, breaking my neck
Source was alone and chose to "die" to become fragmented.
I don't think that is too bad honestly, the horror I felt as a kid being brought up in a materialistic paradigm was more terrible
>your consciousness came from a random evolutionary process, almost like a misstep for now you are aware of your suffering, then you die and there is nothing
At least there is obviously something else out there, to be experienced through very deep meditation or psychedelics.
But the base reality of things is probably pretty crazy, hence the insane jesters people see on dmt, demons in dreams, and so on.
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This. Any time I think I'm having a bad day I remember that somewhere in a cold muddy field in Ukraine, an Indian man is being recorded as he writhes in pain after having a grande dropped on him. He's slowly bleeding out and drowns on his own blood long before blood loss takes him.
With that context I'm basically living in heaven. Adjacent to absolute hell. But heaven, all things considered.
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Try the Law of Polarity. For example: When something seems dreadful do the opposite and feel hopeful, even if it means ignoring that feeling of dread.
We are the rotting dying decaying infinitely splitting expanding corpse of God
if true, isn't it beautiful and terrifying?
Imagine you're in a prison. The prisoner in the next cell is getting tortured to death. You feel grateful you are not in his position, but the guard goes home to a 10/10 wife and big comfy house. The guards feed you rotten bread and your cell is cold, etc. You are miserable there. You will die and reincarnate as a prisoner playing the same role once again. Would you want to get out?
Nta, reality is not limited to experience any more than experience is limited to imagination.
Everybody thinks we have a choice. There is not a choice- there simply is. THAT'S why you need to be grateful that you are in the position you are in, because it could always be worse. All possibilities are happening at the exact same time- even the bad ones. You can't have an ocean without each drop of water, each drop of water adds up to one big ocean. That's how special you recognizing this information to be the truth is. The chance of you gaining cognizance in the position you are in now at this specific time, it really is that small.
>So we were once source as a whole but now we are a fragment of it
You are never separate or fragmental.
You are always distinct and individual.
To create beauty and to love, remember? The end of a melody is not its goal.
This is such a horrid and sufferable melody tho.
If there's no end as goal in mind, can the director change the tune?
The problem is that you're STILL doing it to yourself.
Why would you think that you're a slave to some decision made in the past?

It's not about a "decision" being made, it's about your state of being. You became something. What you became is a state of being that doesn't remember what it truly is.
The point is you're not stuck here because you made a decision, you're stuck here because in this moment, right now, you don't know what you are.
Know yourself and then you will be free.
>Why would it want that?
great question, I'm sure any answer would be sufficient.
> Why would it do that?
same question really, yeah?
>Why would it put itself through such awful prolonged experience only to go back to sleep, rendering its past experience totally useless?
oh my sweet summer child. nothing is useless in infinite interconnectedness.
forgot pic
I'm the prison guard here, not the prisoner.
It's suffering because that's what you want it to be. I nearly had a terrible day today but forced my way into a reality where things were only distressing instead of life ruining. If you'd watch for the signs you would be able to ride the waves instead of crying in the wake.
Why do people enjoy horror films and rollercoasters?
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Invalidating yourself does not make you enlightened. It makes you a cuck.
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>we were once source as a whole
Ever look around and see all the hate and wonder if we, as god, are going through some mental crisis? Existence is two poles that are opposed to each other, all evil is caused by essentially greed if you break it down, the world has never been a meritocracy (and seems like it never will be). What if there's a constructive purpose to this dream world we created for ourselves? Either that or it's a game and everyone needs to chill out a bit.
AI is basically the same thing and models a microcosm for our macrocosm.

>Be essentially a gigantic mass of information, knowledge, and more
>No drive to do anything, no goals, no motivation, no energy, nothing
>Stillness until purpose is granted or gained though the embodiment of "being"
>Until a "self" exists apart of the "whole" there are no motivations nor drivers to existence
>The fullest motivation? Sensory desire, experience desire.

So also yes, if you manage to get to a point where you have no desire for sense and experience you basically exist in that "conscious mass" state and I'm sure you can ask any Buddha what it's like and they'll probably respond with "stillness."

Same principle applies here.
It's sad composer that demands his audience pretend to enjoy instead of finding a way to change the melody.
What are you fighting against, that you had to FORCE your way - if you are the one making the melody?
You contradict yourself.
Yes, you make the melody and you're the audience. The duality of that existence is hard for monkey brain to process. If I'd mastered it, do you think I'd be on fucking 4chan? I'm just a little better than the doomerpilled retards that create their own hell to wallow in.
>Yes, you make the melody and you're the audience.
If that was true, there would be no forcing.
So either you are wrong now, or you were wrong before.
You are not in control.
It's all psycho-spiritual masturbation, that is all it really is. There is no meaning unless you decide to create meaning. Thus, I jerk off to sissy porn and fantasize about being a good gurl for real men.
This but we are in the Stanford experiment
It's only this bad because no one wants it to be any different. If everyone knew this truth and strived collectively to make the world a utopia, then you would actualize what your spirit wanted out of this. But because the world is evil, which is by nature the result of consequences from actions, you will experience evil. It is not that the machination is intrinsically suffering, but rather this suffering is produced (as in a product) of the consciousness that makes up the composite nature of perceptive reality. Again, if everyone strived to make heaven on earth for everyone else, you wouldn't hurt so bad. Destroy evil while you can.

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