Is 4chan haunted? Which website is the most haunted?
>>392317924chan is probably the site where I can feel energy radiating off of it the easiest, at least in terms of websites I have visited, if that is what you are trying to ask.
>>39231792Unironically a tie between plebbit or CNN, if you use the traditional definition of haunted, akin to spooky.If you mean able to feel energy from the site's users then it is by far and away 4chan by a distance equivalent to that of the void between our sun and andromeda.
>>39231792Only some boards are haunted in the sense that they collect and emanate vast amounts of psychic essence that ghosts and other spirits live inside of. /x/ is one of these boards. so is /d/ and also /s4s/. All the other boards are far less "haunted"
>>39232510Elaborate please. I'm coming back after a hiatus of not browsing for 5+ years and I'm definitely feeling this as well.
>>39232586reddit just gets unsettling after you realize that that's one place where the dead internet theory is totally true for all the mainstream subs
somethingawful is definitely the most hauntedit undeniably lost all relevance years ago and most people probably think it doesn't even exist anymore, and yet for some reason there are people still posting there. along with that lowtax blew his brains out a few years back. I'm assuming every single person that posts there is a ghost and lowtax is still paying the server bills from the spirit realm.
>>39232732What more can really be said? When I read certain boards such as /x/ or even just have a tab of it open I feel energy radiate out from it. Often times it is quite negative, but not always. Sometimes it feels like an overwhelming negative heat.
>>39232742I disagree, the most unsettling thing about reddit is the inherent urge to parrot and regurgitate the comments that ((("people"))) have read typed by bots.Dead Internet Theory isn't even the worst thing about that site, the worst thing about that site is the alarming amount of people that lack both a conscious and soul.
>>39232732I am returning after the hardest years of my life. Stopped browsing in 2019 and went through spiritualy intense and life changing events. I'm more spiritually aware and I agree that /x/ has certain energy to it it's such a diverse mix of energies. I also frequent /biz/ which also has a distinct vibe. Seems like it has to do with the vibration of the users on the board.
>>39232510>>39232586I'm not sure what I was asking really but I enjoyed everyone's answers immensely.I feel as though /b/ is fucking demonic. The same boring, horrible shit over and over every day forever. literal hell./pol/ is always a good laugh and doesn't give me any bad feelings./x/ doesn't feel haunted - spooky yeah but intentionally so which gives me a cosy feeling. You're all cool dudes and you make me warm and fuzzy. /ck/ is very nice too. /mu/ is ok mostly. Don't really go anywhere else.Twitter is bad news. Reddit is spooky for the most part but you can find sanctuary in the nicer subs. Facebook is the worst.
>>39231792Never been haunted, summoned lot of demonsusually call me a nqr, and never come back.