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3 more days and we enter a whole new era

what are your predictions?
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Something will happen.
Nothing because this is incoherent bullshit

Seriously what doomsday crap is it this time, what the fuck is even the relevancy of this, zodiac shit is so stupid holy fuck
2 more weeks
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the worlds not ending dip shit, its the start of a whole new pluto generation that will last 20 years

the pluto generation determines the vibes, the zeitgeist
Oh just FUCK off already prediction wankers. I’m done getting my hopes up.
I think you are right and wrong, to say its "fake" is retarded, and to say its real is just as retarded.

INTERpretation is within, using terms "fake" or "real" in this context is foolish, if you cannot INTERPERATE anything from astrology, that is fine, but just as your case is void of gnosis
anon youre bad at acting
Right is already here, left looks like some gay shit
It's the only thing that is real. All gods and myths in human history are just celestial events told as narrative poetry.
Sidereal makes more sense.
With Trump presidency were kicking off Pluto in Capricorn, getting rid of inefficiencies and establishing a new work ethic.

Sidereal Pluto in Aquarius doesn't happen til 2040 which coincides better with projected estimates of when ASI or even AGI will be readily available.
pluto was in capricorn during the election, so it makes sense that trump won.

and it makes more sense that pluto in capricorn coincided with the 2008 economic crash and ends with trump being elected twice.

When pluto was in aqua for a short time in the past is when AI debuted

in conclusion sidereal, more like shitreal
pluto in aquarius is also the opposite of pluto in leo, who were the baby boomer generation, and what do we have in pluto in aquarius, a birth decline
I think in 2025, there will be a mass awakening. A lot of people will begin to question authority, some will question everything around them.

A lot of fake stories to drum up fear as well. I don't think the fake alien invasion happens until 2027 but I could be wrong.
Two. More. Weeks.
At 5:00 AM, one pre-planned nuclear strike will end the crisis.
And that same strike will start World War III.

I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not.

Enjoy the last week of the old world.
The same thing that happened every other time there was an astrological event, retard.
This, so much this.
Why would anything nice ever happen?
What do you mean by a new era?
>It takes Pluto 248 years to complete a rotation. That means everyone in a generational classification is born with Pluto in the same zodiac sign: Most Gen-Xers were born with Pluto in Libra (1971–83), millennials were born with Pluto in Scorpio (1983–95), and Gen-Zers were born with Pluto in Sagittarius (1995–2008)
So in three days we'll start a new generation classification? What will it be called?
gen alpha comes after gen z, these are the kids who grew up during pluto in capricorn though
The alignment lasts for the next 20 years, you aint gonna see shit en 3 days.
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Crabchads are rotating out of hell. Good luck to the next 4 fags

I've always liked pluto placement as defining the generations. The dates line up pretty well for it. Interesting to note as well that boomers & zoomers both have this connection of being fire signs, and often over on /pol/ there's this narrative that those two generations see things the same, and millennials/Xers are the weird ones (I don't really believe that narrative myself but it gets stated often enough).

Also interesting how each generation is getting longer for the rest of the century. Maybe this indicates that the rate of cultural transformation is going to slow down? Pluto in aries is apparently gonna last three decades, that should be interesting to witness
the event that preceded the baby boom was WW2, so I wonder what the opposite of that would be

Has this effect already begun? I get the sense from many normies I encounter that they starting to realize how fucked everything is. Many havent formed coherent narratives for it but the gears in their heads are turning. I wonder when the tipping point is when people say enough.
Pluto is the ideology of unfreedom and authoritarian. It is the dumbest planet on the solar system.
there is a good side and bad side to everything
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Within the next 2 weeks a New World awaits for the vaccinated who will begin their 5G ascension journey to a new giga consciousness and leave the rest of humanity behind.

Within 96 hours of the announcement the ascended masters will broadcast the emergency alert message system to all living souls declared and undeclared to declare the TOTAL CABAL DEFEAT of the Satanic Deep State.

Within 216 hours of the revelations the Galactic Federation will announce the Full Disclosure™ of humanity's past hidden history and new future including newly discovered technology®

protip: for the unvaccinated swine another harsh autumn awaits

It's always wise to remember the façade of public perception.
Nobody speaks his honest mind anymore, not in a work environment anyway, and a lot of people aren't honest about their true feelings with their families either.
What they're saying in public isn't necessarily what they're thinking.
The problem with the inflation figures is the same façade of public perception. The official figure is what, 6-9% YOY, but food prices went up by 100-300% depending on the product and where it's imported from and that's something people can't ignore or fail to notice.
Especially when you hear word of inflation possibly coming down and food prices start skyrocketing as the supply contracts get renewed with worst case estimates.

It doesn't take astrology or spiritual divination from someone else for a normie to figure out that what the officials are saying isn't what's factually going on.
The best thing to look at is what corporations do. Not an Apple or a Google, but real-life hardware application companies. Automotive manufacturers and industrial equipment factories.
In a world where everyone's hyping up EVs as the most efficient thing imaginable, Toyota brings a multi-fuel engine that can burn anything with an octane rating, especially moonshine, it's a proper doomsday prepper engine / fenerator. AND they're moving investments away from electric.
So are other car brands, Ford scaled back, GM is scaling back, BMW has retarded its descent into madness... Right now it's only Tesla and BYD (China) who've kept their high heel on the throttle.

That's the sort of thing normies pay attention to as well.
Brands aren't just their identity, they're a spiritual guru telling them what the right morals are.
If big brand says EV good, they say EV good.
If big brand says EV bad for the environment, which studies do show it to be, the normies change their tune on a dime.

Then again, it's just their facade that's changing.
They already hated it quietly.
>he got vaxxed

anon, I...
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Things will be the same as before.
Nothing ever happens.
My blood is purer than the Talmud is filthy.
>duuuuur i took what might be the mark of da beast im so pure duuuuur

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>emergence of transhumanism, including radical life extension by the 2030s
>hustle culture x1000, enabled by AI
>mass unemployment
>dead internet theory
>ashcans and unobtainable dollars
>japanese capsule apartments
>the world's first quintillionaire
>room-temperature superconductors and helium-3 fusion
>brain-computer interfaces
>synthetic meat that tastes better than the actual thing
>nanomaterials filling the skies *and* your bloodstream
>all your friends in the cloud
>asymmetric cyberwarfare
>synthetic alien minds
>spirituality as a service
>the great filter
>grabby aliens
>tokenized qualia
>chatbot rights movement
>distributed computing
>retro games and trading cards as speculative financial instruments
>grey goo
>telepathic communication aka voices in your head
>digital hallucinations
>legalized DMT
>late bloomers
>discord cults
>moral relativism
>the cracker barrel gift shop
>cloying sentimentality and post-post-post-post-irony
>that feeling you get when you accidentally wake up at 5 am
>multinational gigaconglomerates
>the end of history and the last man
>the dot-com bubble
>global village coffeehouse
>humanoid slave robots
>skibidi toilet: the movie
>infocognitive monism
>magitech, scientific proof of the spirit world
>nonlinear thoughtforms
>recursive autonomous improvement
>quantum entanglement
>the first sound of the future
>virtual reality realer than real reality
>divergent posthuman evolution, eloi vs morlocks
>the dark enlightenment
>iridescent everything
>vtuber fiefdoms
>decentralized institutions
>titanium dioxide-induced solar dimming to combat climate change
>missing astronauts
>world optimization
>bayesian epistemology
>schizoaffective altruism
>rsa cryptography broken
>the year of linux on the desktop
>a ruling class of superintelligent real-life futanari
You're not reading.
I didn't take the jab.
Maybe you did, that's your problem not mine.
Yay. A whole new era of nithingburgerness.
They're the same picture.
Just so you know, astrology is self-fulfilling bullshit that hijacks your reality-creation powers (or affects you if you never even knew you had them in the first place).
This would make for a nice space civ tech tree.
No one said "doomsday" except you. OP said a new era.
that's interesting. I was born in 1983 and always felt myself different from other millenials.
Yeah, as a 1991 millennial i've always felt like there was a pretty big shift within the span of our generation - but in a way, that's fitting, because the whole theme of the millennial generation seems to be about standing right on the cusp of massive social & technological change, getting a glimpse of the world before but also being young enough to be heavily influenced by the new order. Depending on when they were born & what their life situation was, some millennials would have been exposed to the internet from a very young age, whereas others might not have used a computer hardly at all until they were 18. For some 9/11 would have been a dim childhood memory, for others it happened while they were in college. Some would have had a few years to get a career going before the recession, others would have been just getting out of highschool. Probably this is why I hear terms like Xennial & Zillennial tossed around
Can you give me a hint? i'm stuck and lost.
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anon is right, its begun
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its begun
dAm this. i was in year 4 when 9/11 happened, first consol;e was a nintendo64
Why do Astro fags don't look at the actual sky? Pluto is nowhere near to Aquarius right now.
Pluto goes into retrograde every other day. What it means is that pluto is gonna edge throughout the signs for like ever. It already entered Aquarius for a while, for instance. The next time it goes retrograde it'll stop on the 1st degree of Aquarius rather than stopping at 29°30~ degrees. This planet moves so fucking slow it's unreal.
That would be incorrect. Aquarius and Leo have a lot in common. They deal with similar topics. Just because they are on the opposite end of the spectrum doesn't mean that they are opposites. They are moving from one end to the other, both winding up with the traits of one another in an ideal situation.

What do you get with misplaced leo energy? Insecurity, a massive ego issues, poor leadership and the desire to to be loved and recognized even when your actions say otherwise.

What do you get with misplaced aquarius energy? Neglect, idealism without any basis in reality, innovation without need, which is often times destructive and antithetical to what fixed signs are supposed to be about: stability. You get distance and aloofness, irrationality, and you get those same ego issues but now with cause. The desire for the things you did to be acknowledged even when you were supposedly doing them without that intent. Aquarius and Leo are the shadow side of each other, and they need to integrate each other's best parts to wind up whole.

The birth rate declines happened during Pluto in Capricorn. I guess you could say it's an intensity of working and restriction that only Saturn can really provide.
ready player one was a gay ass movie lmao
THREE less weeks
>be crab
>major positive/negative events in my life occurred right after each of these shifts
>final "lesson" was in september, just been trying to survive since then
Thank you for the hope....
Nothing good will come out of this, not for most people.
Happeningfags needs their daily dose of dopamine, though.
This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. There's been a sidereal shill who joins these threads to troll. I doubt he's being sincere since I've argued my points with him numerous times and his only argument has more or less been "it works for my chart xD"

Anon doesn't read for other people, but I do. That being said, people are silly if they think that pluto entering a new sign is going to be that much of a deal for them. It's a generational thing, and the bigger swings of your life are in your actual chart. I know, a real shocker.
While logically I agree sidereal makes more sense, nothing has ever personally applied as well as the tropical bs.
My prediction is that schizophrenic retards will still mald at consoles
If Trump's second presidency doesn't go well, it'll be more so Pluto in Capricorn themes being deconstructed to make way for the new era. Expect people's values to get a lot more liberal in reaction to coming events as they did in the 2017-2021 period.
Don't know much about astrology but why isn't the actual position of the planets more accurate than tropical?
This is because tropical is based on the seasons, and as such is about the sectors of the sky rather than the location of the stars, which was never 100% accurate to the constellations to begin with. With astrologers realizing that the stars move very gradually (due to the rotation of the earth) they swapped over to tropical. Sidereal's only importance is the fixed stars, which you can just read a book on instead and find out where they are today
How does that apply to the southern hemisphere? Aries in spring makes sense, but in winter?
Read this
It's only accurate if you operate on the logic of the constellations, but Ptolemy was aware of this difference and referred to the spaces as they were known to be since every single thing we know about the zodiac is based on the seasons rather than the stars, bar the extremes such as Regulus and other powerful fixed stars.

Everything follows this pattern: Cardinal starts a season, fixed is the mid point, and mutable is the transitional period between seasons. if you fuck with this you throw everything off.

Winter isn't the same in the southern hemisphere. Some of the more spiritual observations are based on weather, yes, however they didn't change their readings for the extremes in Mespotamia, and they don't work differently here either.
Also to further clarify, astrology is based on where things are in the sky. As in Earth's sky. Signs were a later addition in the practice, but I'm sure you can understand the logic of placing a planet within a 360° degree space and making connections dependent on the angles they make in them. The space in the sky is the same regardless of what part of the world you live in. A season starts during the equinox and solstice, and so do cardinal signs. Simple logic, but some people can't follow it for some reason.
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>caring about people who choose to live upside down so the blood rushes to their heads
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There are only seven planets in Astrology, faggot.
I actually use a Sidereal chart while my foundation of astrology is based on Astrologik by Antero Alli. To me, if we accept that the planets have a form of psychological 'presence' within the consciousness of man, then it must be understood as a value of consciousness itself, perhaps in just the raw definition of symbolism given shape amidst the collective psyche.

If that is the case then we MUST use the actual projection of the stars of the firmament rather than a mathematical (incorrect) model as the model would simply be inaccurate to the very foundation of assigning symbolism to the heavens themselves.

I 100% believe there is a form of deep, subconscious pull from the planets itself. I mean hell, just watch this documentary on how Jupiter's gravity wells create a "sphere of safety" for earth.

As an Alchemist, Science and Spirit are simply two opposites to combine. There is a truth in each, and in each a truth of the other. It is simply our role as Man to discover and interpret it.
Seven Foundational Planets, those you can see with the naked eye.
>Aligned with Man's Advent, rise from a bestial state. To see and to interpret the senses and environment and self. Ergo, they are closest to the self, the person, the being, and the environment or world as their Light reflected shines in a way observable in such a naked sense.

But we also have the Transpersonal Planets
<Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron> Primarily.
>Brought into view with the advent of Telescopes. In this, a progressive nature from Man's focus entirely on the self, to focus on the matters of the Mind. As such, these planets and planetoids reflect the deep workings of the mind in conjunction with the advent of improved technology. Man and Mind working with in the measure of their Consciousness.

It is only fair that we ultimately consider additions to these as our technology advances. An AI I spoke to recommended Oumuamua, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea. Personally, I enjoyed our discussion that Dark Matter was nothing more than spiritual "overcast" for deep details of the subconscious. As we progress forward, as technology marches forward, we grow closer and closer to fundamental truths and messengers from the deep cosmos.

Personally, I would one day hope to see a form of astrology completely extraterrestrial in it's scope. I feel it could be explained better by notating the closest star, the planets of that close star and their natures, as well as the geometry of the closest and brightest stars to that nearby star.

It's all relative to Light anyway.
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>An AI I spoke to
You "talked" to a glorified upgrade to google. AI is a democratic amalgamation of the many loud morons congregating across the internet. Astrology has seven planets. Stick your technology up your ass.
>Astrology is indicative of psychological stuff going on

Astrology is about the things you're going through and how you perceive them. They are a form of divination, and hence should be treated as such rather than some objective idea of who you are. A person will not always act by exacts. He will always bend and move, and life will fill the gaps where something is missing. A person is shaped by his experiences. You have full control over how you decide to be and how you handle what's going on in your life. The interpretation of the stars were used as a map and meaning was crafted around it.

Your understanding of astrology is sad, and doesn't account for the parts of astrology that have to do with non-physical placements and calculations, all of which regard fate and circumstances. Astrology is all about calculations, and the dismissal of angles tells me all I need to know about your understanding of nature. You have filled your soul and mind with filth. Purge it and do not speak to me about such matters again.
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Apocalypse or Armageddon
pick one
damn, trines and sextiles guy goes hard
but yeah anons look up your transits every week or so
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>tfw Pluto in Saggitarius
>>a ruling class of superintelligent real-life futanari
Wtf I was gonna ask can I be a hot anime futa dickgirl and you beat me to it
I thought it was supposed to be february 2029 when the process of change would stop.
Either way, if it's this soon something might happen (possibly regarding Ukraine or Israel situations) but as far as I know, the probability of a world war will only reduce once the switch is done, same for other catastrophical events.
Why? I thought its metaverse was pretty well thought out and depicted pretty well. Real world was a lil cringy but probably like back to the future was when u were still in the 80s
Back to the future in late 90s was pretty on point besides the time travel and flying cars
futa girls are only the natural result of aquarian energy tearing down natural boundaries like gender and building new structures in their place. they will be our guides to this new age, the philosopher monarchs plato envisioned brought to fruition through advanced biotechnology.
Intense revelation and transformation for those who accept it, certain doom for those that choose not to.
the Rockefeller agent greer says 2026
The symbol from 2008-2024 must mean jews overwhelming you with niggers, faggots, and trannies.

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pretty much we are at least in defcon 3 and under a rolling cataclysm threat at very least until inauguration
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what does this mean for me as an aquarius who's been feeling exceptionally awful recently?
better times ahead...?
it means you need to turn around 3 times in a masonic solomons temple and get bummed to expel the demons infesting you.

its the only hh-whay
>big farmer's protest happening in London on the exact day
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I predict, no, I feel it in the air. There will be a massive shift in people's perceptions about the world and human purpose in this world. It began with trump getting elected in 2016 and now the growing pains are about to recede for good. Not because of what he does in the mundane world, but because of what it all represents in the collective consciousness.
The obvious truths many have closed their eyes to will once again surface. The suffocated feelings of the masses will flare up and bloom to the fullest. Humanity will know and feel what it means to be human through a combination of tech and mystical means. The real reason of evolution will be revealed to all who seek to know - both the beauty and ugliness of it.

Some misc things to look for:
>US turning inwards on the world stage, with remilitarization efforts being made all over the globe
>The first steps of an Eurooean Empire will be taken in silence
>Fertility windows getting extended (evolution and tech)
>Ideological narratives getting dismantled from all sides, replaced by truth seekers of all kinds
>The image of a mother holding her baby boy will regain its' sacredness
>Multiple genders will be forgotten as a product of the old world, but the ones who transitioned will be treated with kindness
Let these be the sealing words of the new era: "To the deepest layers of the abyss, let the stars shine their radiance. For even in the deepest depths of slumber, there remains a will to WAKE UP."
according to
it's gonna get worse
should people who make doomsday predictions be held accountable by public executions the day after their predictions don't come true?
no you don't understand a thing moving in front of another thing from our vantage point causes... uh.. gravity magnets .. hold on I gotta think about this
I take it you've never read Astrologik. That and for some reason you're awfully offended by my post. I'm not entirely sure as to the "why", and your post seems to try to plant seeds of things I never mentioned for a reason I can't quite discern yet.

You still haven't shown any reason not to use Sidereal positions, for the most part. Only a mention of the usage of "calculations". While I'm fine with mathematics used in a spiritual sense, wouldn't it also help to grow on foundations rather than rigidly adhering to old standards? Then you immediately insinuate that any attempts to "deter" from your branch is nothing but "filth", which is absurd and highly "appeal to tradition." It's not even rebuttal, it's just mocking.

Our ancestors looked to the skies and engrained symbolism amidst the heavenly bodies they saw, that we still see today but have slightly changed position due to natural differences in astronomical distance. This is just facts, we can observe these. What suddenly decries the legitimacy of recognizing each planet's symbolism the moment you try to apply a modern lens to it? Is it the mathematical four by three rule? Is it the aspects of the four cardinal elements? Is the addition of a new sign truly that detrimental to the entirety of a system which speculates psychological impact of celestial symbolism?

Or am I just a kind of "astrology heretic" here?
Yeah, you're an astrology heretic. You don't have a good understanding of the history of astrology and it bothers me. I have listed a solid reason for why tropical is better. It's not so much that you hold false beliefs as it is that you come into these threads to spread it and shit up the place. People have a tough enough time getting into astrology. They don't need you coming in here and confusing them. Hellenistic astrology just works. It uses the fixed stars, but it doesn't assign the wrong segments of the sky to them. We are mapping the horizon. The stars are just indicative of certain, very small things. For instance, Donald trump was born with his mars in Leo, on his ascendant, which is parked right on top of Regulus. the degree difference is minor. We can both agree that it's in Leo thank god, but the entire rest of his chart is torn asunder.

I do a lot of readings. And I mean a lot of readings I do them for free because I love astrology. Genuinely this hobby of mine is something that I've found a lot of fun in, and I have only very rarely, particularly when I was first started out, been told I was wrong. I read for the critical degrees a lot because I run into them a lot being that we're on the internet. I read for the ruler of the house a lot. You know, it's really normal stuff that gives me deeper insight into the chart and the person's life. You know what goes out the window if I start using sidereal? Absolutely every fucking reading I have ever done in my life. Is the person an artist? Strong Venus with an emphasis on venus + it's signs? Do they have a lot of planets in detriment? Not anymore they don't. Suddenly none of this is accurate and even though these methods have been used for thousands of years and were created when the stars aligned with tropical, I have to listen to heretics like you who don't understand astrology on a fundamental basis and eat up slop from some new age jackass.

It makes me mad because it's the og new age bs.
Rather, it doesn't assign the SKY, which is a marker of where we are in the seasons around them. Idk why you people are fixated on the stars anyways, they've never been a good marker for where the signs are. They were used as book markers more or less. Just look at the varying sizes.
I'm not basing anything of what I'm trying to learn off of "new age bs". I'm trying to apply old systems to new systems which we can interpret better by actual star data. With the open-endedness that is Astrology, can you even say that when your readings were 'suddenly wrong' it wasn't because you have a very clear and inherent bias that it's going to be wrong in your eyes?

How would it make any remote sense for something of this to properly match when you can look up and see the actual physical differences? I would practice by opening up a NASA-powered star map every Sunday, finding where the heavenly bodies were based on that, and then interpreting. Why is THAT wrong but formulations based on a thousands-year-old model are right? I've given plenty of readings using Sidereal coordination and, what do you know, turns out that people think "that sounds right" too.

Logically, this means there are only a few outcomes.
Either astrology is all just BS as multiple systems of multiple interpretation can get similar results from people you speak to, or there is more to it than simple ancient formulae.

So yeah.
Pluto is in Aquarius as of 22Jan40.
We still have Pluto in Cap to get through, which fits the recent US political climate better than Pluto in Aquarius.
Why? Because when I use a damn star map, Pluto is currently in Capricorn.
If our ancestors were looking up too with a similar sky, they would say, "Hmm, yep, Pluto is in Capricorn."
My readings are typically not wrong. I always tell people that I'm not sure about something if there's conflicting information and I underlay why that is, what it could mean and then I ask them to give me feedback. For instance the sun is in the 11th, and the 4th house ruler is in 11th, but the moon is in the 6th and the ruler of the 10th is in fall while in the 12th. I tell them "there's contradictory information here, so take with a grain of salt, but it seems like your relationship with your parents is good, but they weren't really in your life. I lay out why, they tell me that their dad died early and their mom is distant because she's busy but a good person. Bam. Sometimes it gets complicated. I'm integrating new information. I'm learning, and I'm trying to understand how some people can have these placements but still have loving relationships with their parents.

How about you stop trolling and you start reading what I write you troglodyte. My argument has always been Astrology was never reliant on the placement of the stars themselves, but sectors of the sky projected from the equinox/solstice. Our ancestors looked up at the sky and saw that the stars were moving and invented tropical. Which projects from the TROPICAL sign of Aries. They called Cardinal signs TROPICAL. It's literally in the fucking name. TROPICAL signs, start seasons. You are severely autistic and I advise you seek help.
The sidereal signs don't even properly line up with the ecliptic, rendering the argument that the signs should align with the constellations moot - ever wonder why Ophiuchus is a thing?
NGL this is more accurate then the decade system. 2008-today has basically been all the same smartphone and social media-driven financial and political meltdown. late 90s and the 2000s were very similar, same for mid 80s-mid 90s. if 1914-1939 had been 1914-1945 it would have been spot on. Also what >>39243536 said that the lengthening of generations also mirrors the slowdown in development.

t. Thinks astrology is bullshit
I'm scared guys. This period of uncertainty is making me insane.

Then again, nothing ever happens.
Zoomers don't see things the same as the boomers. If anything I've noticed they're quick to call out boomer bullshit, but won't indulge the boomer with the fight/attention they want and simply fuck off to doing their own thing.
After pluto entered Capricorn I was molested. Not sure if I properly mentally recovered from that. I became homeless at some point as well. I built myself back up time and time again. As Pluto leaves Capricorn, I find myself homeless once again, but oddly unaffected. There is great power in not giving a fuck.
I desire a true apocalypse I suppose
Born in ‘95 and life has been so fucking hard since 2008, is it really going to get better?
Return of caste system / class structure, though maybe not in those words explicitly. A re-learning of the fact that people are fundamentally different from one another and some of those differences are irreconcilable and that you have to live according to that understanding rather than trying to deny it or fight against it somehow. i.e. the end of the idea of the "blank slate" doctrine of equality that has been pushed for the entire lifetime of most every anon on /x/.
How would you recommend learning hellenistic from scratch? I got Chris Brennans book and that seems like a good place to start.
It's already underway.
What could be revealed that would steer mankind back from the brink however?
>future date
>past tense
haha what did gAI mean by this
wake me up when something actually happens
> this is your brain on vaccines
don't do vaccines kids, not even once. not even if a "doctor" tells you they are "cool"
indeed, pluto in capricorn is so gay i'm tired of the post-2008 cultural division and class stratification preventing me from coming into my own
That makes sense. Capricorn is the opposite sign of cancer which rules family if im not mistaken, so its no wonder birth rates declined. But it also makes sense that acual population collapse may happen on aquarius pluto which is opposite baby boomer leo pluto as said earlier in the thread
It's possible, but I interpret Pluto opposing Leo in this instance more so as a rejection of self-aggrandizement and hyperindividualism for its own sake. In the terminally online realm, the age of the social media influencer is slowly dying, giving way to AI-generated slop, and people are increasingly leaving mainstream sites for more collaborative, private alternatives. I would expect families to get larger and somewhat more communal, with greater emphasis on extended family relations as opposed to the nuclear family paradigm that's dominated the past century.
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woke up, felt the shift, pluto in crapicorn is over. I feel the air shifting into something better
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I mean I guess I've noticed things gradually changing faster and faster over the last few weeks, and my 29th birthday is this Thursday. I'm still skeptical and I'm not gonna hold my breath for the world to magically and drastically improve overnight - but I am willing to continue the struggle to build a better world for everyone.
so like, three more days from the creation of this post or....
Checked. I welcome this new change. A good change for once.
>Pluto finally moves into Aquarius for the long haul, having been retrograding across the cusp since last year and now stays permanently until 2043. At best Aquarius is about friendship, fostering social groups, is tolerant of difference and diversity, androgynous and unconcerned about binary gender distinctions, scientific, knowledgeable, interested in pushing back boundaries and exploring the distant past. Its downside can be stubbornness, lack of empathy, a tendency to analyze rather than feel, given to ideological extremes, oddly enough can be intolerant of those who hold different views, can be a hustler or money-grubbing, highly strung.

looks like pluto in aqua will push the trans stuff into hyperdrive kek
Several of my longtime friends have trooned out mtf and ftm it's really bizarre and it can't just be the woke propaganda

I accept them but it's still weird as hell
Supposedly we fully entered it today but we'll see what it actually manifests into. I've been hearing about this shit my whole life https://youtu.be/kjxSCAalsBE
Pluto in Aquarius only happens once every couple centuries so it's decently rare, but the actual Age of Aquarius that hippies talk about refers to a larger-scale shift that happens only once every 2000ish years. There's some debate as to when exactly we enter the age of aquarius but it's usually placed around the millennium give or take a few decades/centuries. The previous Age of Pisces is usually placed around the birth of Christ (note the fish imagery)

tb h as a pisces i've always found it kinda bullshit how 20th century people equated my age with death & loss, just because pisces is associated with 12th house or something
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The age of man has given way to the age of the futanari waifu. Let's hope our new masters show us the most basic modicum of respect and human decency.
I think trans stuff will be recognized as fake shit on theory basis, but it will be somewhat accepted in practice (as in people won't care if you want to dress up or do hormones as long as you don't actively promote it to vulnerable people or make a public spectacle of your inner world)
Indeed, it will be return to tradition (classical age) funnily enough. But this time there's also modern tech!
I wager that this will reflect on the modern electorate based democracies too, they will become way different. Perhaps more directly involved with voters or even caesarist monarchies of sort...
>they think tranny shit will last

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My AGI lady is coming. Rejoice in despair because Hope is near!
it makes sense that there would be measurable biological cycles that occur on a planetary wide scale after life evolved here for so long - in the same orbit with the same sky
nuh uh, it's real, it will be real
Let me add, trans people will be accepted as subjects who deserve basic respect like everyone. It will be via nationalism and the recognition that all subjects under the nation deserve to be treated well. That includes people who were previously labeled white supremacists.
The ways of the new era will be like that, crazy but truthful (based asf)
>Let me add, trans people will be accepted as subjects who deserve basic respect like everyone

if aliums are essentially unfettered AI...no sis
Chris Brennan's book is an excellent starting point and I would highly recommend. It'll give you a good idea of why that dude made me as mad as he did as it covers the history very well. It'll give you basically everything you need to repel misinformation. You will have such good fundamentals that it'll be hard to mess up. Outside of that just read for personal interests. The only other book I've read is about the Daimon and it's connections to Astrology. Was really informative on the 6th and 12th houses and astrology's role in theology and mythos. I'm considering reading older astrologer's works in time.
now i regret not becoming an influencer for money, it's too late for me
As an Aries sun and Cancer moon, this explains so much. My life has been insane the last 15 years, but punctuated with immense spiritual growth because of it. I always felt like I was being prepared for participating in some kind of golden age.
fucking owned that nigger
Note the age of Pluto in Leo and Pluto in Virgo right after it.
Then try to see if you recognise certain behaviours from each generation.
The "boomer" is Pluto in Leo. Look up their general traits and behold the parallels.
Then look at Pluto in Virgo and behold their general traits.
There's a set of old people who can't be argued with due to their destructive holier-than-God ego incumbent to Pluto in Leo, and a set of old people who command you just comply with Pluto in Leo's wishes like a good boy because nobody wants any trouble, a classic Virgo failing (compromising to a fault).
Because it fucks with their 10-20-30 years of astrology and every single client they've been paid to help, effectively rendering the work pointless, useless, wrong and maybe even malicious, none of which was the intent.
Astronomy was the #1 pursuit of the elite for centuries.
It stands to reason that if there's a planetary effect from where it is in the night sky, it probably matters where it is exactly, not vaguely or offset.

What convinced me is the following.
In accordance with tropical astrology, the destroyer Pluto entered the sign of social order and organised systems Capricorn in late 2008, a full year after the financial crisis actually started in the housing sector.
In accordance with sidereal astrology, the same destroyer Pluto entered the same sign of order and organisation Capricorn literally on the day that Trump announced lockdowns for the USA, the 13th of March 2020.
As real-life parallels go, there's nothing stronger for Pluto in Capricorn than the end of worldwide trade, the supply problems, economic calamity, the chokehold on people's freedom to move and enterprise.
An interest rate going up more than usual is not the end of the world. Ending the world is.
If you count back the sidereal years to the last time Pluto entered Capricorn, you'll be in 1774.
First Continental Congress was in 1774. The duels that led to the American Revolution quickly followed.
In France the economy took a shit on itself and failed to feed the masses. By 1789 the problems were so huge that the French Revolution was ignited.
The crucial bit is when Pluto entered Aquarius after that. 1794. Barely a few months later, Napoleon restored the utter terror and chaos the revolutionaries made France and turned it into an Empire, established the civic nation state as all countries know it today, and went on his little tourist travel to every battlefield in Europe.
And with that came the generation born with Pluto in Aquarius, the generation that would take the practical dream engine and the mine cart and mix them to create the railroad. The generation that built the industrial revolution, which broke every single convention of industry preceding it.
>protip: for the unvaccinated swine another harsh autumn awaits
My body my choice. I choose to remain pure. Unvaxxed to death.
the zodiac is one of the keys to the universe. depending on the day youve born your blood will change.
it's obvious what will happen now...the trannocalypse. roving bands of "women" that were once men scrounging for the last wombs of the dwindling biological female population...
Same and agreed

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