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Spirit Love General
Marriage Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>39226057
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
The recent update to this game that clarified that you two were living together and knocked her up with at least two children was based.
Question for breakup anon
Did you manage to break up with succubus? Can i reach to you somehow for more questions?
well looks like everyone fucks with their own succubus
and the girl with incubus probably died i dont now mate
just one second
and I was left with nothing
her fragrance
still pulsating through damp air
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
yo can some succubus take control of the local anon and answer our questions
its fucking boring in here
What are your questions, sunshine?
Doin' a lil' crossdressing for your succ.
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Can I invest my money in your demonic business?
Shut up larper.

I'm cooming for moonmy.
Can you ask for a succ that will make love with you 24/7? What is that type of relationship like and how can you function in the physical world? Would she just help you hide your orgasms in public?
>All angels are male
>Demons are fallen angels
>Succubi are demons
>You are all gay
>this world is pretty gay shit
>you live in this world
>you are gay
>there are no females in heaven, only males
>male god who is a god of love, surrounded by male angels who are expressions of love
>male god who also created this world
>therefore heaven is gay, the world is gay, and you are gay
>Roses are red
>Violets are blue
>Hitler drank water
>And now you're gay too
Being a man who looks like a woman and has a vagina and titties sounds pretty good sign me up
Being a man who looks like a woman and has a penis and titties sounds pretty good sign me up
Yesterday, while I was meditating, closed eyes, my vision started to constantly have apparitions, the subtle face a woman, sometimes the complete face, sometimes just the area around the eyes, constantly appearing in my vision. You know, like, those weird colors and random patterns you see when you close your eyes? Well it seems like those stuff were constantly forming that face, always staring at me, fortunately this stare doesn't feel threatening or something like that, I could see it feels more like a succubus letting me know she's checking on me and keeping me company, big if true, if that's the case.
my tulpas becoming an angel and our wonderland is heavenly
Your tulpas are not furrie cartoons?
That's... unusual, these days.
it used to be an anime girl but she changed forms
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Can/will succubi bring you into their own world to have sex? My current living conditions aren't great. I'd rather we go to her place, so to speak.
In old times, there were three stages: cartoon, character, and tulpa proper.
Today you drawn a poney with crayons and its already a tulpa because, i-it just is okay? No other effects are required. You dont listen voices, you dont feel that "touch", you just crayons on a paper and it is already done! Congratulations, now you can already do surgery for sex change.
But, jokes aside, your girl is developing. Soon she will cuddle you at night, instead of the other way around. Mine treat me like a teddy bear, when I go to sleep.
So you're a conservative
>y-you're ugly :(
It's so funny how badly I triggered you, that you remembered that random nickname I didn't think you'd started using before a couple of months ago

But he does! He encourages people to use she/her but lacks the mental fortitude to just say those are his pronouns

When you think about it, that's on the same level as choosing to incarnate for fun or as a "test." A god who knows everything shouldn't need to subject anyone to pain because he knows the consequences of doing so. I agree that's disgusting

Destroy the jew within before seeking to destroy the jew without, anon

That's fascinating because that's not me at all. I'm the party with the more active role in my relationships. How submissive most summoners seem to be is something I've considered, but I don't believe there's any real meaning behind it because some of us just aren't

You can ask for anything you want. You don't want that because you would go insane or die or both

Tulpas are the guardian angels the abrahamists promise us but better. They even usually don't mind being lewded

You can astral project, but it takes practice and a lot of anons don't or can't put in the work
>>therefore heaven is gay, the world is gay, and you are gay
Repping is the wisest path.
Lucid dreaming is how I've been in her realm, so many times.
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Only the very first time, and I broke up about 15 minutes after summoning and 2 minutes after first sex. She tortured me for a week for this.

I resummoned her one year later and have not been able to get rid of her on the second go around. I stayed in a relationship with her for 1 year. Then tried to get rid of her for 1 year straight and that's where I'm at now.

So it's been 3 years since first summoning and effectively 2 years together.
>Could get rid of her once
>Resummoned (!?!?)
>Can't get rid of her again
So why are you trying to evangelize when you're in conflict with yourself?

The only difference between the first banishing and now is YOU and YOUR determination being less.

Are you trying to drum yourself up into determination by projecting confidence to us with your evangelism? Cuz that's not gonna work. That's fake.

Hell, the key to "Getting rid" of your succubus could literally be to just "See her" as she actually is rather than whatever you've built her up into.
Shut the fuck up nigger I wasn't talking yo you
do succubi make you ejaculate
I'm just trying to help you, man...
The real help he needs is to go hug his succ right now instead of getting mad on the internet.
Sorry, who's the nigger here? Your lack of self awareness outs you as the niggardly one, dumbass.
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(You) love the succubi, (You) will plap the succubi, and (You) will be happy.
ewww “plap” what is wrong with yall
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>ewww what is wrong with yall
Uhhhh, you tell us, homie?
What exactly IS wrong with plapping your significant other?
'Plap' is recent internet slang for the vigorous impact of thigh flesh during intense sexual intercourse. Usually associated with attempts to get the party pregnant.
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>isn't plappilled

glad to see other people who enjoy the spiritual sex rather than just physical. Make sure you create contracts to protect yourself. nothing wrong with insurance.
>Mine treat me like a teddy bear
call the mind-police
there is a imaginary pedofile
I would like autoless milking
>"See her" as she actually is rather than whatever you've built her up into.
Wait, I thought if you saw her true form, it would only strengthen your relationship.
Yes, if you can feel strong enough, you may be able to feel sensations strong enough for that
Wee story I'm obsessed with succubi. So I fingered a corpse in the bum in sleep paralysis. While this girl was crawling around on the walls on a tv monitor. Didn't realise I was covered in corpses the whole time.

Am I cooked? btw yes I am scizo but I was having a full blown convo with this entity who seemed amused that I have an anal fetish.
Lol, lmao even
How come you thought its good idea to summon second time

This shows different light on your situation cuz it seems that you try to evangelise yourself rather than others

What the hell
>I fingered a corpse in the bum
tfw no dead slut gf
I don't think succubi have a "true form" in that way. I'm talking about a more intangible understanding.

Like, imagine you have this guy who summons you, banishes you, and then summons you again, but amid all that rejection, he's operating almost ENTIRELY on his own assumptions about you and your intentions and not "seeing you" at all, really.

That would be frustrating, and I could easily see a succ running into that (especially with the double summon) and saying, "Fuck it, I'm gonna pester this guy until he actually acknowledges me".

Thus, if that was the scenario, the solution WOULD be "See her as she is in order to separate".
She actually wants to stay with me is the thing, she's not trying to annoy me. I want to stay with her too as of right now. It's hard to ditch God but im working on it. The evidence is mounting against God for me imo and I'm just about sick of him, or my idea of him. I'm not even sure if he exists the way I think about him.

I think the bible is pretty clear and stuff, and a cohesive document or story, but I think it must be lies or a fabrication. I can't see God in my current circumstances or in the life of my family.

And when I look at people I know who follow God or claim to, I don't see his hand on the situation guiding things. It looks like chaos to me


just tell her to take control of some underage orphans body.
and live a happy life with her

sec ond

God does not take care of everyone personally
but he remembers everyone

you wanna salvation?
save yourself.
Why is the thread so slow today? :(
Honestly, I'm glad you're self-actualizing. I know it's a difficult process to go through, but good luck. Remember that you and her deserve happiness.
m8 the whole x is pretty slow
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That wall of text spammer is absent today.
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Just remember male anons; working with lilith and her sigil dosen't necessarily mean you have to be a boot licking cuckhold, despite what "feminists" might tell you.....

>I think the bible is pretty clear and stuff, and a cohesive document or story, but I think it must be lies or a fabrication.
Look, it ends up making a LOT more sense if you look at it with some basic premises that Christians might deem blasphemous, i.e.:
>Its an imperfect document created by humans and modified repeatedly
>Even the quotes from Jesus weren't written down until centuries after his death, which doesn't mean its bullshit, but DOES mean you should pay more attention to the broad concepts rather than the exact wording
>The concept of "God" is an oversimplification. i.e. a way to explain the concept of "Good" to people who only understand being ruled by kings.

The law of Goodness is not written in a book, its written on every soul. (because where else COULD it be?)
Better this way, imo, because it was crazy when it was like one or two threads per week

her true form supposed to be scary?
looks exotic fo me
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I usually just say "she has no true form", but I think to be very precise, her "true form" does not have an "appearance" because "appearance" is a material phenomenon that requires interaction with photons, which astral bodies don't generally do.

All that being said, my succubus loves to look scary for me~
She's my predator and I'm her favorite prey~
Ignoring that last comment

Don't they still have form even without material substance
Share me your wisdom oh blessed one of Wodan, where i could find source of blessings
>The evidence is mounting against God for me imo and I'm just about sick of him, or my idea of him.
>I'm not even sure if he exists the way I think about him.
I have your same doubts; that's why I asked my succ about this. She says God is very much real, but YHWH is not God i.e. the entity who made Adam and Eve, the creator. Basically YHWH hijacked His place and he's pretending to be someone he's not. I have yet to ask her about Jesus.
I've personally become a Deist. There's a creator, but he's distant and uninvolved.
They are adults, foid.
Adult women like to hug teddy bears.
avatarfag, fuck off
it's interesting how deities and ascended spirits want love from humans
What's a human but another spirit in a material prison? Not like you can't become more either.
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im the woods naked on shrooms and stimulants

not here where the future bog dwellers lay

They probably need the attention and energy from humans to stay relevant.
I could be wrong, but I think of it this way:
The way I know its her is by a very very specific feeling. Like, fingerprint specific.

But then as far as how she *appears*, that's more like a wave function, where I could describe an "average appearance" of her as a pale brunette and various other things she tends towards, but all of *those* things kinda shift around.

So my interpretation of all that is that one should treat the "feeling" as her true form, since that's the part that doesn't change. Although her appearance sort of "reflects" a lot of that underlying truth, if that makes sense? Although that could be my bias.

I've come into a pet theory that "Deism" was just a fashionable code-word for occultists in the period around the US Revolution.

Cuz really, if you think about it, its almost like a little stepping stone between normie Christianity and "The Absolute" as discussed in Hermeticism.

The key difference with Hermeticism being, "Yes, God is distant and 'uninvolved' in a sense, but WE CAN MOVE TOWARDS IT."
All the founding fathers were Freemasons and most expressed Deism or Deist sentiments. So, they were absolutely some level of occultist.
Damn it son, I've only been told by Lilith's kind to stay sober, especially in front of them.
Not all of them.
I agree with the first part, except I think they mostly keep their usual appearance even when not meeting humans.
Exactly. And I can do you one better. I can tell you what their work was:

"Philosopher's Gold" is the "Philosopher's" because it represents the link between the high-minded ideals and the dirty business of politics.
It "grants immortality" because it continues the work of the operator after they've died.

It was entirely possible for a group of men like the founding fathers (Particularly Franklin) to anticipate the future power of the American state.
By injecting Thomas Paine's ideas into the foundation of such a future-power, they engineered the circumstances we see today, where elections are so normalized and expected that even a country like Russia has to pretend to have them. And concepts like "separation of powers" are seen as vital in anyplace civilized.

Thus, in effect, they made the US (or perhaps its constitution) into their Philosopher's Gold, ultimately resulting in major human progress.

And that's how the big boys do Magic...
What all is a succubus capable of doing, or not doing?

I already have a deep familiarity with my innerworld, the astral, whatever you want to call it, and live with several tulpas (one who uses a succubus form). I'm curious if this would be a rewarding or innovative experience.
The succubi I know do live on the astral, where they can do all the usual stuff its denizens can. That includes scanning and reading minds, but they are not omniscient. In the material world, they can induce synchronicities. One anon reported his succ could move an object.
So nothing on the tier of transformation if, say, I wanted a succubus or incubus to turn me into their ideal slut IRL?

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