>become more ascetic>feel spiritually great after a few days>dream of cursed places where monsters start attacking me in my dreams>feels like I'm going crazy because of constant night terrors>finally stop if I indulge in anythingAnd repeat.what is this? Can you do anything about this.
>>39250252Prison planet pulled you back in
Just stop caring lol.Or....maybe consider them your friends trying to help you?
before bed>7 deeps breaths>review day bring nothing in>make sure youre cleaned and so is your room>thank for the day and your life>wrap yourself in 7 rings of light as if the nucleus of an atom>as for protection;guidance and learning from your favorite ascended maste/god/angel/higher self>go to bed happyyup, its a must nowadays also turn the fuck off all electronic devices or gtf away from your routers and phones that shit aint good
>>39250252Sure. This is a result of an incomplete enlightenment. You felt great. Why did you feel great? You felt so great, you wanted to test your own greatness, and found that disturbing things still disturb you. Which is it? Are they a threat? Can you be threatened? Those night terrors are similar in nature to those who sat between life and death. Balance is key. You have to have a reason for what you do or you'll have no ground.
>>39250334? lol
>>39250252>Disclaimer: I am an idiot, not exceptionally educated or enlightened in any way so take what I say with a grain of salt.Jung said that dreams are the unconscious mind speaking with you so if you are having night terrors after living minimally it could be an opportunity to reflect on what those dreams are trying to tell you or maybe confront your shadow. I know it is hard to be aware during dreams but practicing lucid dreaming and becoming proficient in becoming aware during dreams would go a long way towards making those dreams less scary, nothing in them can actually harm you so if you are aware that you are dreaming then you can more easily face them without fear.
>>39250252Its your demons showing themselfs to you. Try to understand their meaning so you can spot and kill them
>>39252055The outside world is the fert financier. It catalyzes your character. It tests the one who wants to be in it. You wanted it and it’s punk testing you to see how strong your love is. Yo, I just remembered the other day I dreamt of picking up a possessed, decrepit teddy bear and it looked at me with red eyes and told me “the key to frequency is being washed out and still away from evil.” That was fucked.
>>39250334based gonna try it
>>39250252You need to become stronger in your restraint from engaging with sensuality and get your mind on your side, make it understand that it can learn along with you and benefit too.As to asceticism, it's not for everyone nor for all occasions. What is us SECLUSION. And for seclusion you need groundwork done.Read MN4, Fear and Dread.