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Day November 17, 2024

I know my friend told me that their friend is a Canis Major that lives in a marine complex due to not allowed to be in America yet due to the meeting with trump and a Sorcerer at a white house.

Possibly migrants from multiple worlds especially planet nibiru.

As proven that purple skies and green skies are real and the prediction of trump winning from that TikTok lady mysticist.

I know for the fact apparently she’s 6 or 7 feet tall.

She’s into video games that have only inlvolves Violence or killing.

She has a bunch of simpish marines mostly males comparing her to loona from helluvaboss, due to her looks and attitude, hell she even had a human disguise but without human ears.

Project 2025 is gonna be wild guys, I’m not sure there will ever be the next Jim Crow laws for new migrants from different mystic worlds. (Cont)
All I’m saying fursuits are most likely banned, same with the terms :

>Fursona? (Anthro morpher tattoos could work for humans in anthro animal forms, but shouldn’t identify as “fox or coyote” etc despite having mystic powers) just call it something else than fursona even if it isn’t therian related or is irrelevant or therian consistency

>And “furfag”

And who knows our real world will end up like a fantasy wonderland

Basically the Canis Major female’s world is basically BG3

While our world is fucking boring, to snoot game to Ready player one meets helluvaboss.

Whatever you guys do if you ever see weird looking
>Alien migrants
In our public world instead of marine camp cities
That’s the sorcerers people from his world
So please don’t act all horny or act like an edgy antifurry that is excited to beat up mystical people, they are real people but are classified by public until further notice

The portal :

The prediction:

Natural/mystical sky colors:



Evidence of mystical yet REAL people like the merchant, but why is he naked? :


Possible migrant carrier:


(End of recap)
I just want an alien anthro gf
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I will have my hellhound spirit wife.
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My friend told me op was a faggot.
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Holy shit! It’s live!
little word fromm our sponser the devil.

4th dimensional world is happening because this one sucks cocks however dont go too extreme not everything is allowed. goodbye.
The hardest test now is to differentiate between schizos and malfunctioning bots

You two are possibly CIAniggers
Like this RN : >>39253397
Im actually an anti cia nigger. My mind was uploaded to the spiritual reality without my permission. see

Aight, I’ll make sure you aren’t
Don't give me false hope!
Don't canis major come from sirius? i don't trust sirius
I hate that discourse about aliens and space is always ruined by incel coomer faggots like the OP

This is almost on par with that Kiwi faggot who wouldn't stop posting his schizo sex fantasies with blue cat people from space.
That's not live, I watched that 4 days ago when it was actually live, and it was a complete nothingburger.
One guy was trying to sell his book, while another kept answering all the questions with "we'd have to discuss that behind closed doors."
You know about genetic experiments?
Ever wondered where "starseed" came from?
Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people, not from this world but from ships in orbit around the planets, engineered to perfection for a specific purpose.
Go jack off to mepios you nigger prude faggot
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What's the point of space exploration then?
Kill yourself, you misbegotten wight.
Listen I love the idea of impregnating the cosmos' alien babes, bro. But as a person of principle? I cannot support the lunatics that come onto this board to LARP about said fantasy. They write all this fluff about a very credible phenomenon and I see lots of anons lap it up like it's reality... But real life is not Star Trek or Star Wars or StarGate or Battle Star Galactica, etc.

The more I see these retards posting on this board? The more I realise how badly the male loneliness epidemic has gotten and how awful this board has become. I mean just look at the general threads up that are here for some yrs now for the entirety of any given year they have been around. These general threads are mostly malicious and intend to deceive those unaware that forage into them out of curiosity.

I don't speak as though I am saying they are threads that are 'blasphemy' as I do not come from a place of religion at all about this issue.

Rather I believe this issue is a detriment to the health of the board in the long run. The worst offender of this are rhe incels who have become coomers. They find their way into that thread about succubi and before you know it? They are inducted into the shitty cult that owns this board.

That thread in particular is connected to the boards moderator. They will ban people for making a point out of their connection to the thread or for going into it to argue against the lunacy going on inside it.

The succubus general is directly involved with threads like this one appearing on the board. No matter what time of the fuckin day I choose of any month? I can come here and find there are at least 2 other threads like this one being spammed to the board.

This thread isn't paranormal nor is it supernatural... It's the delusions of some sad lil boy in a mans body.
I have to agree with you, unfortunate as every topic these coomers touch stop being taken seriously. The coomers have destroyed some of my favorite topics to discuss on this board. Sad really, then you see all the posts asking why the board is dead and it is because threads like this one.
Kill your own mother then yourself you cocksucking dick sniffing Nirvana sepukku ass Faggot!
There is nary a thought about you in that shriveled image of self you call a man, anon.
Yea I don't come onto /x/ as often anymore due to that issue.
The sad part is you can find far more interesting dialogue about supernatural topics on Reddit than you can here nowadays. Though I only say this as a comparison since I do not browse that site at all like I do 4chan. But when looking for things about UFOs and abduction incidents? I had found a lot on there. A lot of info that is not filled with bullshit made by retards trying to project their loneliness onto the topic.
For the kinds of topics I like to research (therianthropy and shapeshifting) reddit is actually somehow worse, but not by much.
Over there it is more about gender politics and roleplaying (not to mention a front of pedophilia and beastiality) than a serious spiritual topic.
What makes it worse is that those topics are already a niche ruined by these types of retards on just about every other site. Pretty much everyone on /x/ seriously in to those topics agree with me.
>verification not required
Ah yea then your experience will be far worse than mine when it comes to looking into anything anywhere. I cannot imagine that you have any fun discussing old folklore about cynocephaly aka dog headed men for instance. I can imagine all the annoyances coming out of the woodwork to exclaim profound experiences of romance and other nonsense that is born of their projections. :^(

That is actually far worse than my experience as with aliens/UAP... Since I don't usually have to deal with hardcore zoophiles or furfags taking their lifestyle too far into my preferred topics.


The internet is great, but, it truly has let too many of humanities loneliest freaks to become too emboldened.
For a lot of people into the idea of shapeshifting it's just sexual depression finding and escape vector to plough through.
They'd sooner turn into a wolf who goes awoo~ or a hucow that goes moo~ than using shapeshifting to grow to 6 feet or a bit taller, or using shapeshifting to fix their baldness, or using it to transform 30% bodyfat into 30% pure fucking muscle plus penis size.
The way I see it, it's just escapism for them, and they probably will do the whole "let's knot" thing for a while if they could shapeshift but inevitably they'll wonder if they too can look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his Mr. Olympia prime "natty".
>For a lot of people into the idea of shapeshifting it's just sexual depression finding and escape vector to plough through.
Absolutely is, it is awful. While I am one of those in it solely for animal transformation to me it is the equivalent of someone going into a church only to find a ton of guys literally jerking off to the idea of religion in the pews.
The amount of negative spiritual energy I need to dodge in those threads is insane. Wish I could discuss these topics without others thinking "sex, sex, sex, sex".

It's just their energy. Theirs alone.
The gate is yours to open or shut.
I won't lie, the idea of the grass being greener in lactation central station refuses to leave. I know it's not. Still, the physics of it are fascinating. It's a blessing that I was denied as a baby, I'm fully aware of what it all is and where the pressure comes from, an early childhood trauma of abandonment.
Forgiving the self for having to go through that is key. Thank God the pressure's half gone already.

Still, that doesn't mean in a shapeshifting world we can't at least have a go at whatever we would like to experience.
For some that's something wholesome that doesn't turn them on. For others it's sexually perverted.
What matters is the end. When everyone's done experimenting without hurting anyone else, where do they stand and what do they choose to look like?
For me, it's just myself, however based that may be. I'll go be a 12ft tall badass, a 3ft tall old guy with zoom-in eyes, André the Giant 2.0. no tumor boogaloo, heavens maybe I'll even try flying a sub-5 minute lap of the Nordschleife as some sort of super saiyan.

It's all each soul's individual journey.

The OP literally talks about shapeshifting dogs.
The post of mine which you linked is about "starseeds" being genetic experiments who were brought/stolen here as refugees or energetic immigrants.
It couldn't be more on-topic, as far as I can see.

Did you wanna talk about gay ayy knot parties with the Navy SEALS instead?
>Cringe ass gay ayy knot parties
I just wanted to talk about that they’re possibly real, and what you guys are going to do if they’re real?
My “girlfriend”
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My interdimensional wife shrinks down to the size of like a big thumb, and I carry her around in my pocket. She tells me the secrets of the universe, and gives me special powers. One time, when we were both tipsy on space wine, I rolled her in a bottle of Vaseline and shoved her in my butt for a few minutes.
The fact that most of this shit is on tiktok proves its bullshit AI slop
I'm glad someone is saying it, I want to talk about therianthropy or animal shapeshifting badly but every past thread has been either schizo shit or furry porn.
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>space vixen shaman GF
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shut the fuck up retard, stop giving me false hope
Well, I had to say it. I've had enough.
Therianthropy is a serious topic that become a joke, I'm done letting retards ruin it especially on my home board.
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And what are you gonna do? Are you a janny?
I'm gonna call you out on your shit.
You realize that you can just be, ignored?
I do realize that your band of retards can simply ignore me, it isn't really even about you. It is about those that you drove away and will continue to drive away. It is about the topics you ruin. I will make sure that everyone knows your game, and I will pick up the pieces that your group intentionally destroys. I am going to be the light in the darkness.
Seems there are others too if I already got this reply
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kys sloppyfreddy
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>there’s no false hope, but real hope (music) :



It's really a shame because there are no places online you can actually discuss therianthropy. 4chan is just gooners and everywhere else turns it into a gender identity thing when it isn't like that at all.
Agreed, wish there was a space I could seriously discuss these things. Might have to build it myself and hope I can draw in the right crowd.
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Foids know that's over for them. They cannot compete with anthro girls. On a metaphysical level, the Hyperborean male with the furry female is the ideal pairing. Beyond all measure, they fear it's power and they purity of the blood.
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It really sucks that we ended up in the probably most boring universe there is where magic and anthropomorphic sapient talking animals don't exist
I would drop human women like a brick
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What species are you?
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Anthro GF with precious toebeans and pretty paws to play with. <3
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Move over Canis Major and lyrans, this is a draconian household!
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I remember a thread when anon was doing a group chat on Zoom and he posted that his screen briefly blipped into that same thread where this image was. XXD
Wait wut
Do tell
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Just something else for grifting white whores to fuck for attention

Before you say
>It’s TikTok therefor it’s ai!

Then why is there no ai slop blur then?
>loona from helluvaboss
you are such a stupid larping faggot it's unreal. the internet has truly ruined the lives of most autistics and they don't even know it
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>Then why is there no ai slop blur then?
>kid painted white is le evidence
access to the internet should be locked behind an IQ test
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CIA glowniggers in denial get out of my thread. You’re just butthurt of truth!

Anyways here’s more evidence.

how exactly is this based?
tfw no gf with hands so big and strong she could grab my head with one of them and do a forced kiss.
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WTF?? Now there’s flying fish?

Just imagine if there’s worse than flying piranhas or sharks…

Fuck forgot the link
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It appears my superiority has caused some frustration among the thralls.
you will die a virgin, lmao. how much estrogen you on bud?

UAPs are real.
Matrix is real.
What’s next? Intelligent Anthro animals are real?
everything you can imagine is real.
this "reality" holds its shape only because of the fragile consensus of all minds living here. if it breaks... it breaks.
Sorry, not gonna disclose that in this thread. That would be like throwing a molotov and including a business card.
Then how do you explain this?
No wait those are missles… but still!
quads wasted on nether herpes

Be prepared for an interview guys
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Bring on the anthro fox women
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Alien draconians can also be in anthro or even humanoid form too
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tiktok is nothing but pure brainrot.

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