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shouldn't we be able to trick the brain into experiencing anything and having it 100% feel completely real? kind of like lucid dreaming, but for it to feel as real as when we're awake?

the only topic i have heard anyone discuss that is close to this is reality shifting, but that sounds like a bunch of larpers
Your best bet is waiting on full immersion vr or neuralink type shit.

Choice substances can be like crude brain hacks but you don't wanna go full junkie retard mode or do irreparable damage so not exactly a stand in for what you're describing.
i'm pretty sure at the ripe age of 34, I will be long dead or it will be well out my price range for that kind of technology
what do you think bipolar is. kek.
Yes. And think very carefully about what that implies.
If it's possible to 100% fool you so that there's no possible way you could tell the difference, then it means that you have no way to know anything at all about the external world apart from your experiences.

Therefore, even now you know nothing, absolutely nothing, about the external world aside from what your experiences told you.
That includes all material things, and even "brains". Not 1 fact is known about "brains" that wasn't gained through an experience.
So the fact of the matter is you don't know if brains are real. All you know is that you have experiences which seem to correlate with the idea of a brain.

It's actually irrefutable that conscious observation is the ground of all human knowledge. Even the basic observation of a material world came from consciousness.
Scientists just start at the 2nd step, and assume matter is real and throw away the thing that told them about it (i.e. consciousness) and that's why they can't find it again. Consciousness doesn't arise within matter. Matter arises within consciousness.
yes, but you share reality with the rest of us, so if you wish for something that no one else would believe then not likely to happen
then what does consciousness arise from, or is it simply "just is"?
>all of reality is interpreted in the brain
yeah no shit dude, your brain is how you think. hang on let me just interpret reality with my leg real quick
it's funny how science is "objective" when really it's just a culmination of subjective experiences that SOMETIMES line up.

Well the funny thing about that question is it's the same question even if you believe matter is the beginning.
What did matter arise from? And whatever your answer to that question is, why couldn't it be the same answer to the question you're asking now?

The only difference is that you KNOW what consciousness is, despite having no definition of it... Really let that sink in.
You know what the experience of the color red is, even though nobody can actually explain it.
That's a huge red flag that you're looking at something truly fundamental. Because it can't be reduced into anything other than itself.
>shouldn't we be able to trick the brain into experiencing anything and having it 100% feel completely real? kind of like lucid dreaming, but for it to feel as real as when we're awake?
Yea, dreaming can work that way, but if you are moving around it gets complicated. The best you hope for while awake is dual activation of waking and dreaming awareness, and they sort of overlap and you embody both, but it takes a lot of impeccable yoga to do that.
The easy way is to just sleep and allow your body to stop sending signals to your brain, so it can create its own holographic stimulation.
everything is a wave form until it is observed, you are the observer, you are your own creator just as I am mine.
> you are your own creator
doesnt seem to be working to well, if thats true, why arent there dragons and shit?
If you experience sleep paralysis you'll be conscious while your imagination goes buck wild, and you'll know just how real your own bullshit can feel. Of course this is /x/, so the other part of this is realizing that there are, to us, intangible intelligences who can read our thoughts and project ideas into our heads. Supposing we have heads. And the only reason anyone knows these things aren't us is because they occasionally drop information we don't or couldn't know.
all the time, usually leads into a semi-aware lucid dream but i usually have little control over it and it tends to fall apart pretty fast
>you are your own creator just as I am mine.
we share reality brother, nobody wants dragons now but a bunch of buffoons wanted to live like the movie Idiocracy, so here we are.
Try sleep deprivation.
Just remember: there is no spoon.
so say i was the only consciousness in the universe, all my desires would manifest immediately?
yes, and that would be boring real fast, eh? Ya know what would be cool tho? like split into billions of tiny fragments and hide each part from the other, see if you can get it all back together, that would be sick
im not enjoying it so far, 0/10 "youldnt play again"
Yes, but it's a collective effort. After all, reality is something that "we" all "collectively" agreed upon. But if enough people wish it, it'll change.
it would be boring otherwise, level up and have fun
we're doing a pretty shitty job
it's a philosophical question with no real answer, but yeah we could. It would require a scientific advancement we aren't yet capable of. Either a piece of tech that fools your senses independently (think VR goggles for your eyes, but much more advanced, and similar technologies for other senses), or messing with your cerebral cortex directly.
Definitely impossible with non-artificial means though. You can't just think yourself into feeling something like that, cause even if you can create some sensations, your mind knows it's all fake, which would cause it to not feel 100% real.
Absolutely, and yes reality shifting is possible although maybe not in the way you're thinking. This is not a LARP, this is completely factual and you can do it yourself if you put in the effort. The key to any of this is this is stopping the flow of the internal dialogue, so you can perceive the world without any of the bullshit that you've learned on this planet. You know how in a dream there are things you don't question but when you wake up you realize how strange and alien things were? Our reality is just like that.
To travel to another world, simply find a comfy ass chair and sit in a completely dark room, I mean pitch black, while you force yourself to be quiet. This isn't Buddhist meditation, I mean FORCE yourself, anytime the internal dialogue comes up and you notice it you shut that shit off immediately. Eventually you'll start to see puffs of color, sometimes you will question whether you have lights on in the room. Focus on the colored puffs, it helps with silence. After a while, and I mean a couple hours, I guarantee you that you'll be seeing energy it's truly not that hard. You'll start seeing places within the colored puffs. I don't know exactly how it works, but basically you can stand up with your energy body and go into these worlds, which are completely real.
You have to be careful to not die in these worlds, and not to lose yourself in them. There is a very real chance you will never come back. This is not a game, if you get captured or die you might never be able to come back home. Do not read any papers while in another reality. Don't eat any food. As long as you can maintain proper silence though you're good.
Why do you think hardcore practitioners get literally addicted to meditation to the point of neglecting other aspects of their lives.
i have done this, and for split seconds behind closed eyes i could see random rooms with a 100% clarity, i assumed this was remote viewing and or astral projections
the only thing i want is my little brother back "Joshua", just to be able to hold him again... i would give anything
I can't tell you the exact mechanisms behind it but I can say with 100% certainty this works. There is no "woo-woo", it's something that can be replicated and that anybody with enough spare energy can do. That's why it's recommended that men do Semen Retention, not out of any morality but because it stores up sexual energy you can use for magic.
OP, it's the same idea for a multitude of different magical practices. You want to shapeshift? You want to fly? Do you want to be able to travel to new, interesting worlds throughout the universe? Do you want to interacts with REAL Nonhuman intelligences? Do you want to free yourself from the shackles this world puts on you? This is the way. I'm not selling you anything, I'm not trying to get you to join some retarded cult, I am giving you a way to do magic beyond your wildest dreams.
You just have to get silent.
your axiom is fucked from the get go
> If all of reality is interpreted in the brain
>shouldn't we be able to trick the brain into experiencing anything
NO interpretation requires input. you can imagine anything. the fidelity to which one can imagine is based on the fidelity of memories acquired in advance of said imagination
that for me is impossible, my libido is insanely high
also i find myself to be the most relaxed and have the most vivid dreams after a climax
Semen retention is not necessary, it's just an aid. It's like taking fast food out of your diet, magic is still incredibly vivid but every little bit helps. If you find yourself relaxed and it doesn't hinder you by all means, I'm not the morality police.
I really dislike people who pretend to understand science but get it completely wrong.
>This isn't woo!
>But you need to use magic
Mock all you want, if you want to stay here that's fine I couldn't care less. If an OUNCE of you is interested in real magic, which I know you are because you are browsing this board, you owe it to yourself to give it a shot, at least one time, and I guaran-fucking-tee you you'll see something while you're in the darkness.
so science?
Why are you talking like if everyone else's believed then it would be real ? Since you believe that all of reality is experienced in the brain you cannot be certain of this since you would need to be certain of something you cannot be sure to have ever even experienced
eh conciousness is sill the prime material from which all other systems arise. the memetic innertia we ALL share momenusly sets the constances science analyizes, if you took the majority of 4 generations, never once introduced them to any modern scientific axioms and instead filled their childhoods with hogwarts tier magical education when the last science man died magic would return to the world. but none of this is the process of interpretation
>Sensiry deprivation is magic
>trick the brain into experiencing anything and having it 100% feel completely real?
People do this all the time. It's called coping.

>but that sounds like a bunch of larpers
Dig deep enough and everything looks like a LARP. There's no way for anyone to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are what they say they are to every person they meet in all circumstances. This is because proof is dependant on admiration combined with communication. Authenticity cannot be communicated, it can only be only admired.
No but you can spot a larper a mile away. I come here for the schizos who are all of interesting ideas, larpers just ruin everything, especially if they didn't bother to look up the basics of their larp
I never said that. It's a tool to use to reach altered states of perception, where you can do magic. Better than psychedelic plants too, those limit you a lot if you don't take them in moderation. If you want untrained people to start shooting fireballs out of their ass go play DnD.
No need for semen retention, i've done this for years, seen specific objects around the people i'm focusing on, always confirmed with them, never failed, in a couple of occasions i've got to actually see full scenarios in some sort of "live feed", that i again confirmed with the people involved. I did all this while jerking off as usual.

In fact one of the strongest experiences i've ever had (not remote viewing) happened just after rubbing one out.
What magic can you do
Patterns are not causality
Patterns represent causality, they arise because consistent causes produce consistent effects.
>Do not read any papers while in another reality.
because dream visuals collapse around text generation which instantly dissembles into gobbledygook?

>Don't eat any food.
because eating of the afterlife and not being able to come back is a common motif in mythology?
Like I said earlier that's great, I also masturbate. Sorry if that's TMI. I am not anal about it like other people are, semen retention can give some people a boost if they're lacking energy, if you feel better jerking off regularly keep going man.
If you want to be a cunt about it do it yourself and try it. It's not hard.
Again, these aren't experiences that only I have had. Why do think it's a common motif in mythology? And as for reading text, first of all they are not dream visuals. This is not lucid dreaming, you are literally in another reality in which you can live and die. Reading text runs the risk of grounding you in that reality. People love LARPing here so I'm not surprised nobody actually wants to put in work to do magic. It's the same thing as working out, everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but nobody wants to lift any heavy-ass weights.
it sure sounds like you can just go into the dark room and unground yourself to return to the home reality, by engaging in the same technique and believing you can do so, at which point your caution sounds like LARPy spooky alarmism
I wouldn't know, I've never gotten trapped and I don't want to try it. If you want to give it a shot be my guest.
>I can do magic
>What magic can you do
>Well no need to be a cunt about it
Was it a serious question? I didn't realize, I apologize for being a dick. It's hard to tell someone's tone online.
I personally have been to a different reality, completely sober and awake. I'm not saying that I'm some master magician either, I'm just saying this is what has worked for me.
Other people have been able to remote view, time travel back into the past, shapeshift, travel to other planets, teleport.
The one thing that helps me get faster and more stable results is holding my breath. I have practiced qigong for years, and i'm not 100% confident that's the reason i can perform this, pseudo-remote viewing thing, but when pushing qi in the body it will always feel easier whenever you're holding your breath, and i've found this also makes the remote viewing get a faster "connection". The theory behind this is that the breath hold creates a vacuum effect in your channels, and that vacuum draws in the ambient qi, making it noticeably more palpable and more "available", easier to engage with and move. This is why breath holding is also prominent in pranayama.
Do you mean physically or mentally travelled?
Physically. I lept in through a hole in my wall. I am dead serious.
I was able to read once in a lucid dream "Joshua loves you" it was written weird and and like a funky cursive; but i was able to read it
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I'll post some of the images I have on my pc related to magic, I know some people won't be receptive but at this point I don't care. Everyone deserves a chance to be free. It's our right as human beings.
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so your saying the goal is to stop "thinking"?
The internal dialogue is not thinking anon. You and billions of other people have been tricked into thinking you need it in order to function but you truly don't. It's just a method of control.
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4chan is being weird, if this is a double post my bad
Int thi literally Loa/Lob/manifesttion?
What ur talking bout
>a way to make it feel as real as awake/trick ur mind
Tats called SATS, you fall asleep repeting a scene then it becomes as rel as reality and u fully believe it happened and it mnifests
nevill goddard taught this
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im aware of it, and been in it a few times, but when i get to it "usually after waking up im too stupid to take advantage of it
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I said it before but again this is not a joke. You can do this. Anybody that senses that something is wrong with this planet is correct, we have all been tricked into staying here and I am telling you, I am screaming into the void, life does not have to be this way.
but when im on the verge of falling asleep my thoughts wonder.. randomly, and if i catch myself and try to refocus it brings we back awake
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yes, i experience this often... and its only for a second or 2. its usually on the cusp of falling asleep and its usually random rooms
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It's real anon. This is some of the only genuine magic out there that isn't a LARP, literally all people have to do is try it for a week and I swear to god there will be results.
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All that's required of beginners is to silence the internal dialogue 24/7, if you can catch yourself consistently within 30 minutes that's great. If you go for more than a few hours without realizing you're letting your mind drift you aren't trying hard enough. Just see some real magic if you aren't an npc please. Even seeing something as minor as a puff of color is exhilarating. Life is not supposed to be about working 9-5 and being a slave to money your entire life, the universe craves evolved humans.
How much time do i need to practice to do this i want to go into a different world and never come back here
meant for
If you practice seriously for a month you'll be able to do this, I'm not kidding. This is the equivalent of magical MMA. All it takes is time and effort.
I'll post some more material to help you get started, after that all I can say is godspeed anon.
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read this then medicated
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Have you considered matter IS consciousness?
Minerals and plants have lower quality and quantity of consciousness due to less complex and dense atomic arrangement than humans.
Consensus reality is bullshit
We're getting closer to realistic video quality in vr, full body tracking is also already a thing. Audio isn't quite there yet, but we have the technology, it's just that everybody is patenting the shit out of virtual surround sound and all the required pieces only work in their own proprietary walled off environment. Touch is hard to do, we may be able to get some slight tactile feedback but nothing full body and no textures or anything afaik. Smell isn't really going to work any time soon either. Not everyone can smell the same molecules so for some accords like musks you'd need at least 3 different types if not more and even then we can't make everything unless you add carcinogens, allergens, etc. to the list of required chemicals. The number of required chemicals would also easily be in the thousands and many of them would have to be cooled and swapped out every year. Not to mention the insane prices of some of the aroma chemicals and that many good ones are captives and can only be sold to other companies under a strict contract. Temperature might be possible if you made a full body suit with elements that can heat or cool your body, but I don't think it would be too fast or powerful unless you make some kind heat pump which seems hard to build into a suit. Then there's a lot more smaller senses that would be hard to implement, like how can you change a sense of gravity?

I'd say realistic video and audio with full body tracking and some tactile feedback should be possible for you to purchase within your lifetime. Anything else either requires something that can directly interface with your brain like some kind of implant or much more high tech tools, neither of which I think we'll see in our lifetime. You could also consider lucid dreaming with nootropics, could be less harmful than psychedelics while still being more realistic than VR, though I never tried dream related nootropics myself so I can't confirm.
source for these or got any more
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I know it's r*ddit but check out the Castaneda subreddit. Say what you will about Castaneda the man, this shit is no joke.
science is just showing that you can repeat a subjective experience across consciousnesses repeatedly show that arguably the subjective experience can be measured to some degree
it give the implication that there is objective phenomena
was listening to the don juan Audiobook a while back, never finished it, i guess now is the time
it's called hypnosis, or MK if you will, and it's kind of a secret
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more visuals to get people interested, if anybody is lurking and reading this just give it a shot. All it takes is a couple hours and you can decide for yourself whether it's BS or not.
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The true shape of a human being
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Darkness is not required btw, it's just a tool to help people see.
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Here's a method for faster recapitulation
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India irl
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There is a certain art to reality that is rarely imitated, perhaps mundane images we cannot discern the difference thereof. However we can discern the difference between forgery and art. Art is how we can tell reality is real.
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Guide to normal recap, highly important for beginners to stop memories from being so traumatizing.
Yes. I've literally accessed the part of the mind that has full control over reality generation before while meditating on LSD. At first I thought it was legit the god consciousness/source, then realized it was actually my own mind. It's far beyond a lucid dream, realer than real. It's like having the power of god and interest in this reality vanishes almost instantly. I was creating entire universe and shifting into different forms an entities, effortlessly at will and instantly. I've never been able to do it again, it was by pure chance it happened and the one thing that brought me back was I knew if I didn't, I would completely forget this reality and identity completely. I chickened out basically.
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This is a practice specifically for biological women, men lack the hardware.
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This is the final post for now. Anybody that's even slightly interested, give it a shot.
To end it with something fun, watch the OG Star Wars, they have Castaneda all over them.
Regression to the mean. Your brain very quickly adjusted those anomalous experiences out until you're back to normie ville.
You can prove this with glasses that flip your vision upside down. After a while, you'll start seeing things as right side up again..
If there's a persistent noise in the background your brain will quickly tune it out until you ask "what sound".
Pic related. Color A and color B are the same color. Your brain does everything in its power to conform to some set of rules.
So basically if you see the world without an inner voice/monologue you can shift realities? Is that the TL;DR version of this?
>Silence internal dialogue
>Darkroom Gazing
These are your main tools for magic, and yes reality shifting is among the abilities you can learn.
The shortcut to this reality-warping magic is combining meditation and lucid-dreaming. You could try either, but by doing both, you will essentially activate a secret cheatcode you've always had. It's almost like generating your own DMT trip but you're in full control of it; you essentially reach the godhead. The better you get at it, the more universal knowledge/power will flood your entire psyche and quite literally nothing will be able to stop you. It's why buddhists have such profound and unique control over themselves, even in death. Any enlightened being has the control to decide when they die. It's ludicrously fascinating and also tough, because any stimuli that you become attached to willingly takes away a little bit of your magical power each time. It's also why dopamine detoxes are a thing, because they essentially reset your brain to restart at level 1 of your spiritual prowess. The unfortunate thing about living in a society is that we've been fooled to think that everything ive just stated is fake, or worse, crazy talk. But i know better and my experiences prove otherwise. Doing this kind of practice will unlock aspects of you that seemed impossible, but they're there in you regardless if youre aware or not. My favorite moment of realizing this was when i witnessed the transfer of my consciousness into the dreamstate, or in other words, i remembered when i fell asleep. That was when i knew that god does exist, as us. We are god, and so is everything. There isnt some elderly man in the sky judging us for our actions, WE are the ones doing that subconsiously.
Not really, it’s interpreted in the mind, which is not strictly analogous to the brain.
>113 replies
>nobody mentions datura
op we have the means and the method
you'll save a lot of money on cigarettes too
so meditate while in a lucid dream?
Power plants are a crutch. If you put in time and effort you can achieve the same effects and more without being high.
That would be highly recommended, doing so is one of the most difficult endeavors any human can perform but extremely rewarding. What I implied was doing meditation daily and also training your mind to lucid dream, as in, making both as part of your wakeful routine. You could just resign yourself to doing one or the other if you feel like both is too much of a curriculum to adhere to, but again, it’s better to create a synergy with both. Doing both is like taking two red pills and obliterating the very existence of the blue bill with your mind, if that makes sense. With great effort comes a sacred haven or calamity to the world in front of you, depending on how much good or bad you commit. That is entirely up to you, since said practice will make you extremely powerful.
Note that interpretation of reality is not reality. Yes, you can literally go insane and experience things that no one else experiences, because they aren't real, but I'm not sure that's what you want.

I have long held a theory that if you went completely deprived of sensory input for years, you would simply invent your own reality inside your own head and live it as if it was real, but, and I think this might be important, it would not actually be real. And the problem with that is that unless you can figure out how to be completely sensory deprived for a very long time, actual reality will keep seeping in and disturbing the "interpreted" reality you're trying to invent and hold onto.
That's an interesting theory, it's difficult to imagine to what lengths and scale your mind would create to be able to cope with the loss of every one of the senses. I'd assume if there were no way to cope (if said hallucinations arent satisfactory to stay sane), a person like that could induce themselves into a sort of psychological coma, catatonic state, or even die from extreme mental stress/shock. Not being able to stimulate the brain aside from fulfilling the bare minimum for survival does lead to mental deterioration. Its as they say, use it or lose it. Now im remembering that one woman (from france maybe) that was strapped to a bed (by her aunt?) for like 25 years and she ended up forming a hard crust around her body made of dried shit, piss, food, and vomit. Also rat waste. When they found her, she was untreatable and i think she died one year after being rescued. Crazy how fucked up humans can be to one another.
And if it wasnt obvious, this imprisoned woman had completely lost her mind.
What a fascinating channel. Where can I learn more about the process?
I've said it already in this thread, I know it's reddit but all the information in here is legit. Some of the practices look goofy, some of it might sound stupid at first, but it's all authentic sorcery. It's stuff that you can replicate yourself.
i can use to transfer my consciousness into a fictional universe, that feels 100% real?
If you're asking whether you can go into a fictional universe like an isekai then no. You can have sex with IOB's though for sure, it's not the same lineage of magic but the tulpamancy people figured that out as well.
i dont want sex, i just want my brother Joshua back... i know deep inside he is long lost to me from other life times
That's above me, as far as I know most people don't stay sentient for too long after death. Their energy gets recycled by the universe, not in the Buddhist reincarnation way though.
One of the main goals of sorcery is to be able to live as an Inorganic being without a body after death instead of being recycled.
I do know that God exists as a Silent Knowledge Entity, you can even talk with them, and heaven and hell are real places you can visit.
Castaneda also showed up a couple times after his death, but he was a sorcerer.
To be completely honest with you, I haven't had any firsthand experience talking with spirits so I wouldn't know.
Some quotes from Dan over on the subreddit that pertain to an afterlife, hopefully this helps you more than I could:

"We were created as bubbles over a range of awareness.
We were free to roam the dark sea of awareness.
We not only had no body, but never had in the past.
(So much for re-incarnation...)
We were so new, we hadn't yet experienced many "bundles" or "clusters" of emanations.
While exploring freely, we collided with this world.
With the intent of it. With all the bundles and clusters you could ever want.
I don't know if we "fell in love with it", or it sucked us in.
Considering how the inorganic beings tried to suck me in with a metal screw they tossed on the floor of their world, and how Carlos and Carol were almost trapped by some clothes in a shack (they were naked and needed the clothes), I'm inclined to think this world sucked us in.
Either way, we ended up taking a birth here.
As best I can make out, we're like seeds. And better off to remain blowing on the wind, in seed form.
Because if you get born, you have to die to escape that situation.
Of course you can never say anything is impossible. Escape without death might be available, but as far as we know no one's figured it out.
Fortunately, only half of our awareness got trapped here.
The other half (the double) continued to wander around infinity.
Now here's what I'm trying to find, and one of you may know.
We aren't a single consciousness. Our awareness, the portion that got stuck in these organic bodies, is split.
It went into individual organs.
So we have the "planet of the liver", and some others"
all i know is before i meant him and fell completely in absolute awe inspiring love with him, i was an atheist and didn't believe anything other then the reality before my eyes. surely this means something on a deeper level
Okay, you're asking me something completely unrelated to what I'm showing people. Would you ask your car mechanic his opinion on interpretive dance?
If you want to experience real magic without BS this is the way to experience it, I can't tell you if you'll get to get in contact with your brother.
I don't mean to be rude but this isn't the place for LARP, or for speaking cryptically.
i can understand your position, but the only thing im concerned about is him.. i appreciate your advice but if it cant help me get back to him... then im still lost just as i am now. I dont want fame, power, riches, pleasure... i just want him
How would that help someone who's tired and scared of existance you think? Can i escape this?
we do. what do you think abrahamism is?
an outdated tradition
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the consequential npc meta is still very much thriving tho
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>shouldn't we be able to trick the brain into experiencing anything and having it 100% feel completely real? kind of like lucid dreaming, but for it to feel as real as when we're awake?
i would be 1st in line to volunteer my brain to Elon for neuron link studies; as long as he agrees not to torcher me
>get brain implant
>suddenly can't express pain
>but can still feel it
don't worry anon, we'll turn it off once you tell us it starts to hurt.
it hurts now... the love for someone beyond.. it huts so much to not have them
my bother,,, Joshua... Ro...........
have you heard of drugs?
of course, alcohol is my favorite, thc helps me sleep and relax.. but anything outside of that there is to much a risk of fentanyl contamination. also im only interested if it will help me be with/find my brother
I've been reading some of the stuff in these images and video descriptions. It sounds familiar, when I was younger I used to stare around me at night and I often saw lights, some kind of static field around me, one time I woke up in the middle of the night completely surrounded by a bright green light which scared the shit out of me. I was also very good at imagining things, even sometimes overlaying my imaginations just barely visible in daylight. Nowadays I don't experience it much anymore, though I do sometimes wake up to some kind of transparent orb hovering above or beside me, after the slight jump scare of waking up to something like that they quickly leave and phase through a wall or the ceiling.
So if I understand it correctly, all I'd have to do is simply stare out in the dark for a good while and then I'll experience these things again?
I've been trying to do this to experience being a chick. I am really only concerned with the human realm. I have gotten close, and have had some bizarre experiences that I could really only explain as having psychotic thinking. But I believe deep down there is something to it.

Can anyone weigh in on what I am endeavoring to experience? It is a matter of lifelong curiosity and envy. Also don't want to troon out and get murdered lol
What's the bizzare experiences?
Bizarre for me, I mean. Just little blips of being someone else, a strange sensation in the legs around other people, a feeling of imminently becoming them without control.
One time I was applying some deodorant and I saw a woman in the mirror for example, less than a second.
And this all started happening to me after a stone cold sober lucid dream I had - first one I've ever had, not trying to achieve one. I was in my childhood home and a TV was playing some static, the static was spilling out of the TV and covering me. It was perfectly clear and lucid. Set me down this path, that I might be able to achieve what I have always privately fantasized about.
Also think I may have accidentally tulpamancy'd. I meditated for a while one time and this hooded figure approached me and started whispering advice to me. Totally out of my control, and after that session she answered questions in my mind for a little while. It was really nerve wracking. Haven't seen much of her sense that, though.
Well for one, you would recuperate your mental and physical energy after deep meditation, and also not be worried by your thoughts or memories as much. So you feeling tired and scared would start feeling energetic and comfortable by, say, day 2 of just breathing and letting go of your pervasive thoughts. If you keep going, then you would realize that theres nothing to escape, when actually, all that is ever worth experiencing is right in the present moment. Your fears will eventually dissolve over time, given enough practice and discipline. And im not even talking about being religious or spiritual, its literally just sitting with yourself, listening to your body, letting go of pain amd stress, and being aware only of the here and now. Your brain will get used to it and then you will connect more deeply and faster each time. It feels so good, i wish everyone could just take the time to focus and see for themselves.
What you're looking for is to remain present and focused in the right now. Its not about not having thoughts, its about letting go of them and relaxing your mind. You do this long enough, your brain will transport you somewhere else. The problem with tgis is if youre not experienced, you might be taken somewhere you dont want to be, because meditation will open up your subconscious mind. The trick is to get used to only being present, so much so that no matter where your mind takes you, you remain unfaltered and focused. This will inevitably unlock not only spiritual powers, but also free you from suffering. Your entire psyche - mind, body, and spirit - will transform and cause reality to bend to your will. You will know how to do that once the knowledge and power is activated in you.
So the best thing to do imo, is to gradually get used to meditation. Start with 15 - 30 minute sessions, then 1 hour for each one after about a week or so. You have to let your mind learn. It wont help if you suddenly deprive yourswlf of sensory information for 6 hours or more in the first session you try it, itll be too much.
But i want to escape inhabiting my body is unbearable and i don't think i have much desire in me anymore to go in a healing journey which i tried and failed alot of times if this could help me do that then i'll do it and would take care of my body to do it
>kind of like lucid dreaming, but for it to feel as real as when we're awake?
You have vivid lucid dreams that feel more real than the waking day.
The strongest orgasm I've had in my life, that felt in the entire body, was in such a dream.
>The best you hope for while awake is dual activation of waking and dreaming awareness, and they sort of overlap and you embody both, but it takes a lot of impeccable yoga to do that.
or just buy nicotine patches and put them before going to sleep.
>intangible intelligences who can read our thoughts and project ideas into our heads
And sometimes it turns out they're ourselves from the future.
>Eventually you'll start to see puffs of color
The first time I saw videos of people zooming in the mandelbrot set fractal, I realized they were really crisp versions of the puffs of color I was seeing.
What was that about?
>I have long held a theory that if you went completely deprived of sensory input for years, you would simply invent your own reality inside your own head and live it as if it was real, but, and I think this might be important, it would not actually be real.
Ever read Stephen King's The Jaunt?
>In fact one of the strongest experiences i've ever had (not remote viewing) happened just after rubbing one out.
Yes, it's like the brain can't stop thinking about sex, it's sex sex sex all the time and that blocks everything else.
You rub yourself out, the obsession disappears, and there's now space for anything else.
Anybody reading this that want to feel true peace, just orgasm three times in a row, there's no other way to feel as much intense peace all at once.

You guys might also not know this, but sitting in a dark room, "sitting for visions" was a common practice among elites of the last century such as Thomas Edison, Firestone, Carnegie, Einstein, and others such as Dr. Elmer Gates who first taught this to Napoleon Hill.

Essentially, they sit and "think" which really is connecting them to the vibrations of thought and energy that surround the Earth known as the "ether".

... cont on next
That's nonsense, I have eaten delicious food in dreams and it's just like stimulating other senses besides sight, sound and touch.

Teaching from Dr. Elmer Gates, a contemporary of Thomas A. Edison

> Let us call Dr. Gates’ method of applying creative vision “the habit of sitting for ideas,” for that is precisely what he did. For this purpose he had a soundproof room in which he did the “sitting.” When he wanted a solution to a problem, he went into this room, closed the door, seated himself at a table supplied with pencil and paper, and turned off the lights. He then concentrated his thoughts upon the nature of his problem, and waited for the reception of ideas that he needed for its solution.

>Sometimes the ideas would immediately begin to flow into his mind. At other times he waited for an hour or more before they began to make their appearance. And on some occasions no ideas came through.

>Dr. Gates refined and perfected more than two hundred and fifty patents by this method. These patents covered ideas which inventors, who had less creative vision than he, had undertaken to perfect, but on which the other inventors had fallen short of success. He added to their ideas the finishing touches that were needed to give them mechanical perfection.

>His method of sitting for ideas was simple. He began by examining the application for the patent until he found its weakness, using his own testing laboratory or, when necessary, that of the U.S. Bureau of Standards. Then he went into his soundproof room, with the patent application and the drawings explaining the application, placed them before him on the table, and waited for the unknown quantity to appear. When it did appear, it came in the form of an idea which provided the information he was seeking.

The source of all ideas may be classified under the following headings:


>(c) The universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence, wherein is stored all knowledge and all facts, which may be contacted through the subconscious section of the mind.
The key to any of it is to remove the internal dialogue which is a foreign implant that prevents you from seeing the world as it truly is. It’s not “not thinking” like someone else said earlier, try it and you’ll see it requires razor sharp focus 24/7. It’s so much easier to let your mind wander, the same way it’s easy to let your body go to shit laying on the couch eating potato chips and watching reality TV. As a kid you were less brainwashed by social programming so you were able to perceive the world more accurately. I think everyone as a kid has had experiences similar to yours. When I was young I remember seeing IOBs after waking up that made me want to shit myself. I remember seeing vivid colors in the dark like you. I remember after taking a test I could stare into my desk and see videos playing of jungle landscapes. It’s not socially acceptable behavior so we stopped doing it and started worrying about getting a degree, a job, falling in love, buying a house, mundane stuff that makes us easier to control.
It doesn't require much aside vr goggles and ketamine.
This is in part due to the mirror neuron system

If one was to stimulate the brain they can do so with temporal interference, and the microwave frey effect.
My mind was always racing as a kid, I had zero control over it. If anything my control has increased, but is still subpar to what you describe. I also didn't stop doing it mainly because it's socially unacceptable behavior, it's more that I was scared about what I'd find. I still am somewhat afraid, however I am more afraid of dying without ever experiencing something interesting. You say quiet your internal dialogue? Then let's try that. After that stare in the dark? Fine I'll do that too.
It’s the most worthy pursuit someone can follow. Human beings are capable of so much more and death is inevitable. Everything else is worthless in comparison.
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its called drugs, anything you want, hallucinations, no pain/ increased pain perception, the list goes on.
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>power overflowing
had this realization some time ago, why overflowing energy like super sayagin or whatever, jsut conserve it and dont radiate too much.
Exactly, if it's so precious and hard earned you wouldn't waste it on something you don't have to use it on. You wouldn't hunt with gold bullets when lead does the job just fine.
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Holy fuck.
I saw the inorganic pictures moving, and thought "cool, so they added animation to the picture so one gets an idea of what to expect."
But it's a static PNG image, but I see it moves! What is going on?
I'm being hypervigilant with pretending because there is so much bullshit out there especially on this board, but these images do have dark energy in them. That could be part of it, it could also just be that focusing on a specific part of the image makes your eyes go weird. Which is also a part of this practice, but it's not to be confused with being in the greenzone.
>shouldn't we be able to trick the brain into experiencing anything and having it 100% feel completely real?
What do you think hypnosis and some of those trips on drugs are? Some are reported to feel even more real than sober reality itself.
Thanks for the (non-judgmental) advice fellas. I have been testing the waters with that, and had some success - not exactly what I was hoping for, but results I was not expecting. I have been practicing for little over 7 months.

I am sure it is somewhat of a fruitless effort to put this concept into logical terms, but let me see if I am understanding your perspective correctly:
- Absence of stimuli leads to creation of stimuli
- Absence of thought leads to "solidifying" this stimuli as real
- It is random at first, the more you interact with it, the more you connect with a higher self, or some kind of deity

Is that right?
As I have been doing research in this area there is one problem that I really cannot wrap my head around, and that is the problem of the self. I don't really understand what is mechanically happening to the self in these situations.

For example, is my "ego" being left behind, or is it evolving or somehow comingling with a higher being? Or, say I master this practice and decide I want to be Jerry Springer for a day. I would, in theory, really want to appreciate how being Jerry Springer is different from being myself as I am right now. I would want my current ego to be in his position. Because let's say my ego was left behind too, I spend a day as Jerry Springer thinking exactly like Jerry Springer, and then I return to my original place just with memories of being Jerry Springer. That may as well be as abstract as a dream - I am trying to experience it here and now, you know? What do you reckon is happening with this?
Drugs can only take you so far. Any yuppie can pay a large amount of money to go and "find god" while tripping on ayahuasca. The real thing takes hard work, just like anything else on this planet.
And as for hypnosis, I'm not an expert but as far as I know that's just torture induced MPD. Hardly what people would consider magic, it's just science and human behavior.
yep, try vr, the way the brain reacts to the "realistic" scale reminded me how primitive this organ is, unfortunately there is no detailed manual for it
>shouldn't we
who is this "we" you are talking about op? is this "we" in your room right now? describe that "we" maybe?
>thinking you need it in order
no1 i know thinks that. they think it is a nice skill to have, for example being able to simulate multiple scenarios from different perspectives, with different parameters, past ones, present ones and future ones. doging dangers and recognise opportunities.

>ctrl f silen, 7 results
you on the other hand sound extremely like an mku glowing operative. they too wanted to "silence the IM" and infuse their own agenda in their victims via LSD.
no offense
No offense taken. My goal isn’t to hypnotize people or implant my own agenda into them, quite the opposite actually. The goal with silencing the internal dialogue is not to be susceptible to brainwashing, the goal is perception of reality free from the bullshit we’ve been socialized since birth to believe in. And I’m not against drug use on a moral level but because being high and doped up isn’t conducive for sorcery. I want people to be awake and aware, not asleep and controlled by things they don’t even realize.
And just to add on, it’s much much easier to not focus on silence. I used to hate the idea of meditation for the same reason, I didn’t want to be a lobotomized retard, but that’s really not what this is. It’s a workout for the mind to be aware at all times, constantly. It naturally wants to drift and think of random bullshit and get distracted but the point is to keep your focus, not to lose it.
If it is, then yes in principle. However in practice it's unattainably difficult. There's also no real evidence that the assumption is a good one. Just because we can see a brain and neurons, doesn't mean we know how consciousness works from a material or physical point of view.
bit different but i get what you're saying
it is nigh impossible to tell when you're manic, might as well be in a different reality

terrifying to think about how that could be weaponized
All science is measurements of percieved waveform.
How did you do it? Please tell me.
Answers are already in this thread but I don’t mind saying it again. Your main 3 tools are going to be Recapitulation, Darkness Gazing, and Tensegrity. Some of these at first are going to look fucking ridiculous and stupid but the visual effects they produce are real and genuine, it’s not hocus pocus crap. Silencing the internal dialogue is the key to this. You can do all the tensegrity in the world but if your mind is weak and fat and lets itself get distracted you won’t get anywhere. Give yourself a month of consistent practice and I guarantee you results. Consistency is another key word, unlike other magic systems which are bullshit this requires hard work and dedication. Think of it like joining a sports club or going to the gym.
This is an exercise to reduce the trauma of past memories and stop the mind from wandering. Most mental illnesses like depression and anxiety are bluezone disruptions that come from the agriculture mind we’ve been installed with. In order to do this exercise, write a list of important people, places, events on a piece of paper. As many as you can. Then you begin systematically going through each one. Find a comfy chair and take a deep breath while looking all the way to your left, hold it, and then exhale while looking all the way to your right. If you stick with it you’ll literally be able to see the energy you’re taking back from past events. Once you get advanced enough this won’t be necessary anymore, but for a beginner it’s essential.
I’m going to warn you, this shit looks goofy as hell but it is HIGHLY important to do, and again the results are visible. I’ll link the first volume here: https://youtu.be/IyQNFwwYwqI?feature=shared, do this in a dark room while you keep a clear head and you’ll see the energy it produces. Have to start another comment this one is too long.
>Darkness gazing while in a dark room
So I made the mistake of going into this like it was Buddhist meditation at first, it’s not. This is a fucking war you engage in with your mind day in, day out, to turn something flabby into something as sharp as the tip of a knife. If you’re a woman it’s different, if you’re a man you have to FORCE your mind to be quiet. Anytime you notice your mind drifting, anytime you begin to give in to self-pity, you immediately shut it off and start forcing silence again. It’s not a peaceful process, you should feel like your nose is bleeding, but after a week or two it actually begins to be quite nice. And unlike Buddhist meditation this produces results very quickly and very visibly. This isn’t something you only do for 30 minutes every day, it’s 24/7 day in day out, while you’re working, whatever. It’s amazing how much energy this saves, you don’t realize how much you waste while thinking like a typical person. Why do you think most people are so exhausted all the time?
Give yourself a week of prep time, recapping, being silent, and then you can start darkrooming. It’s pretty simple, just have a pitch black room and a comfy chair you can sit in for extended periods of time. The darkness isn’t necessary, it just makes energy much easier to see. If it was possible to have a “Lightroom” it would be the same priniciple. Try and aim for about 3 hours every night, keep forcing silence and you will see remarkable magic. It only took me a bit more than a month to be able to leave this reality. I linked a video in this thread, it’s exactly like that. You’ll be scared out of your fucking mind but it’s worth it.
Could you elaborate a bit on time travel? if you don't mind, i saved all the resources you provided, when you left where did you go? Also why and how did you come back?
No because it would get you killed in nature
what a coincidence.

not judging, just my subjective opinion
idk all of it itt sounds mega sus. all the videos have disabled comment sections, and are "for kids".
only 1 anon is posting their info hyper motivated, with words words words, the rest has somehow no idea what they are on and talking about, making it even more sus
>(pokes with stick) cmon do some sorcery anon
gathering energy (not yours, did you even ask), transforming (did you got permission) and entering (invading) other realities.
no idea of navigation (getting stuck there and dying) ect.
yeah and thats only the tip of the tip of the iceberg of questions that could be asked
That poster isn't me, I don't advocate for drug use. If you want my personal motive, I want as many people possible doing sorcery because this disrupts consensus reality, which means more magic in everyday life for everyone. I'm not saying to go harvest adrenochrome from little kids, I'm not saying that you have to be a member of the Black Nobility to do this, it's open source magic. If you're suspicious nobody is forcing you to do this. If you have questions about his youtube channel or about the specifics of sorcery go ask Dan himself, he's active on the Castaneda subreddit.
I've never done it I don't want to lie to you and feed you bullshit, I can give you this information and after I'll tell you my experience travelling to another world:

"Is Time Travel Possible?
Not only is it possible, but I get to do it now at least once a week, and sometimes several times in a night.
It works through "Silent Knowledge". A video forms in the air in front of you while you are wide awake, completely sober, and your eyes are fully open, and the "dream" that you can see comes with its own "history".
It's a floating dream, so it lacks nothing a regular dream does, if you look deep inside it. In fact, most dreams have a very detailed history you absorb just by being inside the dream.
And that history can suck you into the scene if it's a waking dream floating in the air, where you find yourself standing in the past.
It's hard to explain, so you'll just have to get to work for real and make all of this wonderful magic work.
Give up the pretending we've fallen into for the last 26 years.
I'm recreating Dance Home and the places people walked to near it before and after class, specifically to allow time travel so we can recover all those lectures Carlos gave there.
And all 400+ tensegrity movements, which are now slowly being replaced by fake ones, created out of greed to steal your money.
Even the students of our "leaders" are now making up pretend magical passes. And doing their own "workshops". Imagine some delusional student of Miles, selling a workshop on "The 7 gates of dreaming".
That nightmare scenario is very real.
Greed breeds more greed, in the students of greedy self-entitled "teachers".
The ones Carlos predicted would go bad in less than 10 years.
But as he promised, if we just reach Silent Knowledge we'll get new leadership there.
I just didn't realize when he said it, that the new leaders might in fact be the original "old leaders" from the past.
Which can include any of the Naguals and their groups, in our lineage."
Your process is the same process described in the book Sativa Psychonaut. It definitely works... I've done it hundreds of time. It can be amazing. Weed makes it even more amazing. But it's not 'magic' and I've never been worried about reading anything or getting stuck in these worlds. Thousands of visions I've had, and never a bad experience.
As for my own experience it's nothing too special. I want to preface this by saying again: I am not a master by any means and I don't claim to have all the answers. I'm also not trying to fool or hoodwink anybody, I'm not a CIA nigger I'm just a normal person that got into sorcery. If you want more in detail answers about the whys and hows I've given multiple resources for people you can go ask right now.
I had been doing all this for about a month, maybe a bit more. A couple of things I noticed by the end of the month: my depression had gotten much better, I was a lot calmer, I was much more "present" in everyday life, and I was remembering all of my dreams.
That night while I was darkrooming, a couple hours in, I was seeing vivid colors as usual when all of the sudden I heard a huge gush of wind. Next, a bunch of videos started passing by my eyes depicting different worlds. I'll try and do an MS Paint picture. It's hard to describe but I literally jumped into one of those screens and I was in another reality. Let me draw the pic and I'll continue.
The drugs are just limiting you guy, you're turning yourself into a retard smoking all that weed.
>The drugs are just limiting you guy, you're turning yourself into a retard smoking all that weed

No. You microdose weed to raise spiritual energy. The effect can be like that of 'turning on a flashlight' to your visions
>drugs are just limiting you guy, you're turning yourself into a retard smoking all that weed.

Also, there is no need for 'stopping your thoughts'. The main key is letting the colors flow and letting the colors flow. It's very much the same as automatic painting except you let the unconscious mind do the painting.
again this is only my subjective view of (you)

>That poster isn't me
yeah, duh. it was a test 4u, c how and if u react.
>I don't advocate for drug use
and im not saying you are, i merely drew some parallels, abstracting. why are you so defensive?
>doing sorcery because this disrupts consensus reality
so consensus cracking? a typical yidish tactic, just as a footnote
>magic in everyday life for everyone
sounds blindly optimistic. as if the advent of the internet or even only calculatoric machines and the like wasnt already way, way, way too much to handle for the average human, you want to give em magic too? dont you know that everything the masses touch always turns to shit?
>I'm not saying to go harvest adrenochrome
thats not what i said or alluded to at all, complete hyperbole, another yidish tactic, on a footnote

you want to talk about metaphysical things, yet when im actually going with you and your established things and arguments and am talking about these things in detail, raising sensible questions (in 2nd part of 6319), you return to the materialistic bs world, deflecting, completely with retarded arguments and tautologies or refering to some outward dude.
im asking YOU.

>If you're suspicious
bro, you are on /x/,
>Castaneda subreddit
not plebbit. with respect, maybe you have to go back? or at least try to work on your charisma or whatever its called. maybe even make an own thread, with tag or tripcode so other anons can too take pleasure in either learning new things or fully calling your bullshit out
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So, I jumped into the green one and it literally felt like my physical body had left this reality. I don't know how else to explain it. It was pretty, the one I had jumped into had a lot of green rolling hills and a blue sky. For some reason I was climbing up a cliff and I was carrying a bag with the crook of my leg. There were people next to me too if I remember correctly. It was not a lucid dream, I've had many of those and I swear to you this one was different.
I'm not going to lie to you I was terrified to interact with other people there or to stay there for too long, I didn't want to get trapped. I took in the scenery which I can draw quickly, and then my mind started racing so I "popped" back into our normal reality.
Multiple times I've also seen freaky faces while darkrooming, IOBs aren't so bad they just want energy. Once you stop feeding them fear you can tame them and fuck them to put it bluntly, but there are much better ways to use them. They can teach you things, give you gifts, occasionally they'll try to kidnap you but they're not malevolent.
You're just getting high and letting the plant do the work while you sit there with your eyes closed for 20 minutes.
theres an entire community of people who do exactly what you are describing

it is 100% true (maybe not for everyone depending on beliefs) that you will ALWAYS come back if you intend and believe that you will

reality shifting is 100% safe in that you will always return and it is an ability we are using every waking second

it is however not safe in the sense that those realities could traumatize the living shit out of you and you could possibly bring it back here and get ptsd

that can also be intended out because every single thing here is based on your beliefs and intents, it just depends on how far your going with that idea.

i reassure you you can go absolutely hog fucking wild with this and everything your saying is 100% true and can be manipulated beyond your wildest imagination

dont be afraid, experiment to high hell, you have been doing this shit for eons and so have i

our souls are literally immortal and untouchable and we can write reality as we please if we become aware of this process you described

reality shifting is the key to everything
its the mechanism behind astral projection
this is the shit the more negative shit out there doesnt want you knowing more than anything else

your subconscious is your souls gateway to creating reality and communicating with you

dont let fear ruin any of this
you are literally a god in every way possible

r/shiftingrealities has some good resources in the sidebar btw
the other subleddit isnt very good

its laughable how far ahead a bunch of tiktok redditor teens are compared to /x/
>You're just getting high and letting the plant do the work while you sit there with your eyes closed for 20 minutes

Again, no. You're not paying attention to what i write. I've been doing this since 2014. I said you 'microdose' weed to raise spiritual energy. A light puff or two of weed every day for a week or two. A person does not get high microdosing.

I can get the visions with or without weed. With weed the images become much more vibrant.
This is my opinion but people are mostly good, the only reason they act the way they do is because of the bullshit systems that have been forced on them.
>so consensus cracking? a typical yidish tactic, just as a footnote
Left or right, is anybody happy with the way the world is right now? It's time to shake things up.
>dont you know that everything the masses touch always turns to shit?
Power doesn't only belong in the hands of a few people. I could say the same thing to you, sounds pretty Jewish to hoard knowledge for yourself and let the goyim rot. It's a human right, people need to know.
And I'm sorry if I come off as rude, genuinely, I don't mean too I'm just naturally abrasive.
You've been doing this since 2014 and the only thing you've managed is a couple visions while you sit around smoking weed. I did it for a month and I got to travel to another world. I'd say to stop smoking drugs but if you've been doing it for this long you already messed up your natural ability to move your assemblage point.
robert monroes tapes can also be used for this considering ap and shifting are one in the same

shifting is essentially ap with all the gay medieval occultist and material world mental chains removed

its astral projection on mega steroids
it wasnt ever meant to be limited in any way
No dude you're really a bad judge of who you're talking to. I have hundreds of records complete with hand drawn artwork of each vision and analysis and taxonomies and have found entire classes of secrets. I've even posted a few on this board.
you also dont need to be completely silent but its definitely a potent way to do it

you need to intend yourself in your desired reality in much the same way you intend to pick up a glass of water or wake up at a specific time in the morning

it takes practice
this is also essentially just doing magic

some people have shifted while they were sitting on the fucking toilet and zoning out

its a secret thats sitting right under our asses and we usually never notice it because dreams are fucky like that as you said before

you could make it so that you shift whenever you farted really fucking loud if you wanted to and it would work because the universe doesnt give a flying fuck how you intend to do it, its going to execute it for you one way or another.
Go ahead, show what you've got. There's no need to hide it, if you have genuine magic I want it to be spread and shown to everybody on this planet.
we are not bound to these physical forms in any way whatsoever except mentally

thats why you should just throw out every concept of limitation as much as you can possibly stand

because thats exactly what its doing if you keep those assumptions there

they limit you

every assumption makes its way into our reality in some form or another
> souls are literally immortal
Not true. It's the recycling bin for everyone that doesn't learn how to avoid getting eaten. And astral projection is a loaded term, it doesn't mesh with how reality really works.
>you've been doing this for eons and so have I
Reincarnation isn't real. Time as we know it isn't real. We only ever experience the present, one moment for eternity. Time is a jewish trick invented after agriculture.
time doesnt exist therefore you have been doing this for eons already

being eaten is a jewish trick meant to make you scared of adopting any spiritual practice and going back to christianity

having the fear of such a thing being possible in the first place is the trap itself

your beliefs are profoundly important
i can die in a dream and wake up back here

why cant i intend the same for a different reality?

why be scared of some retarded concept of "dying" or being "eaten" in the first place

how do you know its not just a scarecrow put up by your subconscious which is you and which is also the thing that glues together your reality for you because your still holding onto those fears?
I'll show some examples when and if I get power back soon. I'm in the PNW and we got hit by a cyclone of sorts tonight and all my records are on my comp. I am impressed that you discovered how to do this. Not many people have (yet). I've posted about it on this board and usually no one pays attention
>Left or right, is anybody happy with the way the world is right now? It's time to shake things up
didnt say left or right or that you or any1 has to chose. happyness is subjective and depending on many things for example mindset.
and you just decided that for the others, not respecting their free will if they want to get "shaken up" or get the apple of knowledge?
>Power doesn't only belong in the hands of a few people.
>I could say the same thing to you, sounds pretty Jewish to hoard knowledge for yourself
thats not what i said or alluded to. you are rather the sophist, with your line of "reasoning" at least you come off as one, in my humble opinion. what you say seems to me like "progress at all costs", which is bad and maybe even evil.
>capital J word too
>let the goyim rot
pearls before the swine, trampled ectect. whos got eyes to see, shall see. who got ears to hear, shall hear.
no its ok. i wouldnt respond to you anymore if you were rude. i have interest in what you say, but you must keep in mind that /we/ are rather precise and sceptical and dont take shit around here, from anyone.

and whats with the rest i mentioned? you dont want to address it?
>being eaten is a jewish trick meant to make you scared of adopting any spiritual practice and going back to christianity
I agree with you that organized religion is all a lie, but I'd say fear is an important motivator for people to learn. Fear of going to hell for premarital sex is not the same as fear of final death.
>i can die in a dream and wake up back here
Yeah, in a dream. This is about other realities. Also

you don't

have to type like this
Seriously I'd be happy to see them, and I hope you'll be alright. Sorry for being a dick, I don't agree with drug use but you seem like a nice dude.
and what if this fear is creating the final death in the first place?
how do you know its a final death if you never experienced it?
from what i know fear tends to be an attractor more than anything,
and whos to say you wont eventually get your head dunked into it by your subconscious because you wont let go of such a fear?
what exactly defines the border between dream and reality other than the shoddy connection to the realities you usually have in a dream that results in the inconsistencies?
what happens in your "final death" if reincarnation isnt real?
this is the first ive ever heard of a "final death" relating to this topic

i dont mean to be dismissive of your experiences but this goes against my own
I've been browsing this board since 2016, I use both reddit and 4chan for different things. Sue me.
>and whats with the rest i mentioned? you dont want to address it?
What specifically do you want addressed? I'll read through your other post and answer what I haven't already
>why are you so defensive?
About drugs? Never liked them, lots of idiots I know use them and act like they're the Mahdi for seeing some pretty lights
>way, way, way too much to handle for the average human, you want to give em magic too? dont you know that everything the masses touch always turns to shit?
You know it's something I struggle with, how can I want the average person to have magic when I simultaneously believe most people are retarded. I think it's just the systems that we're in make it so the average human being is never able to reach their full potential.
>maybe even make an own thread
I've tried and nobody gave a shit. I hijacked this one to schizopost and it's the first time it's gained some traction which I'm quite happy about
you say to throw out everything this reality has ever taught you but how far exactly are we willing to go with that?

why would there be cold hard constants such as what your saying in a supposedly infinite universe limited only by the imagination which would have none except as defined by the observer?
of course i would assume this means the total cessation of consciousness

but what if thats the only thing thats absolutely impossible?
what if its made possible by your assumption that it is possible?

i remember being in a totally thoughtless black void before i was born
and then suddenly i was conscious

where exactly does that beginning end?
do i go back to a black void?

what if i simply intended that when the cause of such a final death approaches, i automatically swap over to a timeline where i instead continue on? what force is stopping me from doing that?
>I hijacked this one
yeah. sadly i have to go now
gathering energy (not yours, did you even ask if you can utilise their energy, whoever their is),
transforming (did you got permission do to that? is it your adam kadmon, buddha even, ect?)
and entering (invading) other realities, NAP,domestic peace broken of other meta entities, ralities ectectect.
no idea of navigation (getting stuck there and dying) ect.
/afterlife/ archon reality matrixes ectect
yeah and thats only the tip of the tip of the iceberg of questions that could be asked
maybe make tripcode itt and ill try to find the thread with you in it for more discus
Hey you don't have to actually change your typing habits I'm just being mean
Fear and negative emotions are just as valid as positive ones. Fear eventually goes away in regards to sorcery sure, but there isn't anything inherently bad about it.
If you're talking about LoA stuff, Neville and Castaneda were actually well acquainted with each other. Neville was a smart man, but his interpretations of things aren't all correct.
>what happens in your "final death" if reincarnation isnt real?
For the average person, they have no experience in anything that's not of this world. Their physical body, their Tonal, dies, and they get thrown into a world they can't make heads or tails of. Their memories get eaten by the universe which is trying to become aware of itself, and they slowly become less and less sentient until their energy gets absorbed back into the universe. That's why we have to learn how to survive beyond physical death.
>gathering energy (not yours, did you even ask if you can utilise their energy, whoever their is),
Misinterpretation of what I said. You use energy every time you think about stupid shit, you use it every time you cum. It's the same as semen retention, it's just for the irrelevant chatter your brain produces.
>transforming (did you got permission do to that? is it your adam kadmon, buddha even, ect?)
Shapeshifting requires no permission. You can change your physical body to match the form of your energy body.
>and entering (invading) other realities, NAP,domestic peace broken of other meta entities, ralities ectectect.
Aliens, IOBs, they WANT us to go travel to other worlds. They love it, they want to keep us there. Grey aliens are artificial life forms created here.
>no idea of navigation (getting stuck there and dying) ect.
How do you stop lucid dreaming? It's the same as that.
>yeah and thats only the tip of the tip of the iceberg of questions that could be asked
Go ahead and ask I don't mind
The subreddits for shifting are mostly ass and full of teenage LARPers who fanfic literally everything. There is 0 discussion about the actual implications of such an achievement, but there are one or two users on there that seem to get it.

I think most of the people on the shifting related subreddits are either lying, lucid dreaming, or having maladaptive daydreams. The experiences they post about go into very little detail.

u/justtjustin has a great google doc with a ton of links to advice that was helpful for me, though I will say I haven't quite made it yet.
Yes, you hit the nail on the head. Except that deity is not separate from you, you're one and the same.

As for the self, it's more that your ego is not the forefront of your usual thinking anymore, therefore it will feel as if the "outside world" and your "inside world" come together, as Alan Watts puts it. You merge with a universal consciousness, one that everyone and everything is a part of. From this place of pure energy and thought, without matter, comes all of the spiritual powers and knowledge. The goal is to learn how to bring that into reality, so technically speaking, you could shapeshift into jerry springer and play out reality through his perspective if youre that focused and dedicated. Though once you achieve that level of mastery, youre gonna see that such an objective is silly and inconsequential compared to the actual scale of experiences you can have.

Try not to identify what your ego or self will be defined as, instead feel yourself more in the absence of stimuli and thoughts. When they say to raise your vibration, is literally means that you feel your mind and body connect with the truth of the universe/being formless in the quantum realm/infinite love. Its like a paradox. The less you use your thoughts, the more you feel and open yoir consciousness to what os actually real.
I don't get really get this whole silence internal dialgoe thing, like its just forcing yourself not to think things? Like I can try to do that but when I do I feel like my body tries to spite me and I get hyper fixated on stuff like my breathing and heart rate. I try to just 'let them go' but it never works. I feel like I've created some stupid barrier around myself that prevents me from meditating and i don't know how to overcome it.
It's hell at first but it gets easier. You pretty much got it, whenever you notice your mind start to drift off you bring yourself back to the present immediately. No more daydreaming while you do something monotonous. I know it's not easy. You just have to keep working at it. Nobody expects you to be able to benchpress 3pl8 when you first to go the gym, it's a process of continually getting stronger and catching yourself when you slip up. Good on you for even trying, I truly hope that you continue.
>No more daydreaming
Is that my problem? I've always thought of this whole stuff as a kind of situational thing. I do it when I do it and don't care when I don't, so when I'm not doing the dedicated focusing I just daydream almost all day. The idea of trying to do it all day seems kind of scary to be honest.
>the only topic i have heard anyone discuss that is close to this is reality shifting

So you never saw The Matrix films then?
It is scary, and it's not something you can just do for an hour every night. You're on the correct path. Some people are so far up their own ass they claim they don't have an internal dialogue. Those people have no hope of learning sorcery. I'll post some stuff from the subreddit regarding the internal dialogue to help clarify a what it is.

" Because we're insane from constant torture at the hands of our fellow man, while we're first learning about the world as infants? That's my take on it, but it's not a very pleasant one. The moms in here won't like that. The dads will likely mumble to themselves, "right on..." So I have to say instead, I don't know for sure where the internal dialogue comes from. Carlos never told us for real. We didn't reach that level, before he had to leave. He started to explain it. Normally, the energy you can see there in the mind, goes around and around. But in modern man, it goes back and forth. Only sideways, and back to the same spot again. He didn't say why it had been broken. But I can give you some ideas. "Reason" can only be explained through "talking". Both are points on the 8 point diagram. You can reason things out and never have to talk. Such as, you see a rabbit running and reason out that if you go left instead of chasing after it directly, you can surprise it on the other side of that big rock where there's a drop-off you can remember from visiting that place last week. The rabbit will panic and delay an instant, when he sees the drop-off. You don't have to talk to know that. But to explain it to another hunter, so he can use that spot too, there's an intersection of reason and talking in the 8 point diagram, as don Juan described it. So you can "explain" things. "
cont. next post
"Some points don't intersect, but those 2 do. Talking isn't always needed to use reason. But it's always needed to explain it. And, talking is also used for making lists. Without lists, we couldn't survive in the wild. We need steps for many functions. To warn ourselves, make the right moves in the right sequence, and so on. And especially to remember what things we need to gather as we wander around in the wild. So we can survive. My guess is, our parents and family traumatize us so much, we start making too many lists of what we need to do, to avoid more trouble. We become list obsessed, and use only that "specialized" ability of "talking", to repeat the same thing over and over. As we grow older, our list becomes more and more complicated, even incorporating some imaginary ideas like "self-worth", and "respect" as things needing extra protection."
"If you don't protect your "self", and instead allow it to be disrespected, we quickly learn that even worse things will happen in the future, as people take advantage of us. The Russians can give you an extra detailed view on that. They are far more worried about being perceived as having a weakness, than we are in the USA. And our list never includes any magical things. The cool fun stuff that causes you to relax, and mellow out. Because our family has decided to ignore magic. Worse, they've decided to forbid it. For us in our modern situation, life is all about being trapped in 4 walls with angry, insane family members. With no chance to change worlds and explore something completely different. For us, lists are more important than they ought to have been. If we had a more natural setting, like that of a hunting/gathering society, we could drop that list obsession for a while and go down to the stream to grab some fish, where we could see if that water spirit will make an appearance today and allow us passage into it's cave like world. In my opinion, that's what causes the internal dialogue. Constant worry about how many cookies we're getting, how many times we get punished, and whether our sense of "self" is being properly respected, so that we have less trouble in the future."
File: 8pointdiagram.png (84 KB, 690x615)
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The 8-point diagram in question
So its its like there some kind of "reality checking" node that exists in our train of thought that is used for our internal dialogue? Even when we mean well all internal dialogue goes through this subconscious process were it has to deal with many assets of our physical reality so hard that every thought done in that matter grounds you back to this one.
I feel like I mentally talk to myself all the time but now that I think about it there's a ton of stupid repeated stuff I say in my head for no real reason. And I guess the only way to fix it is as you say to try and completely silence it until the habit of doing that reality check goes away. Is it something you can start to slowly do again if you beat the habit or is it just best to never do it ever?
It's a foreign installation anon. Once you attain higher levels of sorcery there's no need for it. And it's not going to be hard forever, you just have to get past the first 2 weeks which are going to be hard as hell, and after that it starts to become natural. If you struggle with depression or anxiety you'll feel absolutely amazing after doing this, it's the same reason why psychedelic mushrooms seem to cure these illnesses and talk therapy doesn't do a damn thing.
Its still okay to think in general though right?
Like if I try to think in instead imagery of only my direct thoughts kind of stuff is that fine? Kind of like that thing about knowing which way to get t the rabbit like you posted above?
Or should I be aiming for almost mental silence in all ways?
As long as your concentration is not being distracted by random things then sure. You still need to be able to function in everyday life. Some people take purposefully mind-numbing jobs to get better at staying focused. Like cooking eggs. The goal is simply to stop using all that energy to produce stupid thoughts like "That fucker disrespected me oh I'll get him", "I hate myself", "Why is this happening to me? Bad things only happen to good people", and instead using that energy to do bona fide sorcery.
More on getting silent, this is not Buddhist meditation like I've said:

"Because meditation is designed to stop you from escaping the "green zone" on the J curve. They want you to remain in the realm of self-flattering opiate like bliss, and closed eye visions of spirituality and riches. And interestingly enough, an insect type hive mind.
Meditation leads to an insect style hive mind. Because if you were to go further than their "goal" of enlightenment, you become big trouble for their clueless leaders who really just want your money and are recycling old Hindu techniques which merely substitute something else for your internal dialogue, in order to get weird stuff to happen.
So they can pretend that proves some false religious narrative they gave you. We seek to completely eliminate the internal dialogue, and hopefully without closing your eyes to do that. You're lucky to have seen their censorship of your talents in action! Most don't go far enough to realize their techniques are deliberately sabotaged to hold you back."
Another good piece of advice that could help you grok what I'm laying down: To stop compulsive thinking, try and think of what your next thought will be. When you anticipate your next thought, it doesn’t come. A sense of curiosity about your thinking helps to silence it.
That's what our creators did not us though
Thanks for posting all the images anon. I've seen them here and there on the Castaneda reddit but it's nice to have all them in this one post.
Your nerves control your senses you fucking retard. Your brain processes a signal it receives.
>can't i just imagine a radio playing music without radio waves hur dur
Sure. Have fun squirt. Playing dinosaurs would be more fun though.
Hi Mr. Dan. I was wondering if the time travel you mention is that of observation or can one interact and/or stay there if one so desired. I was able to go back once but it was a fleeting experience.
Radiation dies. Radiation is time. Time travel is necromancy at it's most simple form and utter nonsense as a whole.
I just want my mom back who passed. if all is mind it is possible. God will show me the way, I will keep fighting for her. I am working on lucid dreaming and Astral Projection for spiritual mastery in hopes I can find a way somehow. I'd like to dream the life I should of had if she wasn't taken from us with lucid dreaming maybe. that or project my conciousness to 2018 and get her on dewormers for cancer. I've done the two cup loa technique for a "magical reunion with mom" I'm about ready to head to the cemetary actually frens. her birthday would have been on Saturday.
How do I even create a completely silent and dark room. The noise from the city and neighbors are audible inside the flat, and I doubt I can create a 100% dark room. Do I have to fabricate an isolation helmet, or what?
darkness is enough
With enough meditation practice, you don't even need a dark room, just darken the mind.
What it does is secrete enormous amounts of melatonin. Once you enter a meditative state(alpha wave), the optic thalamus fires up, sending flashes of light, which converts the melatonin to DMT, you can feel it flowing down your throat, your vision fills with sacred geometry and you have liftoff. No joke this shit sends you to meet your maker.
I've never gotten my hands on pure DMT, but i doubt it's more intense than this, shrooms do not even compare.
If a DMT trip lasts a few minutes, figure this out and you might be gone for days.
>you can feel it flowing down your throat
What? Like literally? DMT remains nearly inactive without a MAOI inhibitor.
So, "just" sit down and stop the inner monologue / stream of thoughts? Is this all that is required / needs to be practiced?
Melatonin is a neurotransmitter which isn't affected by monoamine oxidase, unlike serotonin and adrenal secretions, but is affected by light and only secreted in darkness and during sleep. It's almost like you can experience vivid hallucinations in your sleep, but you're unable to during waking hours...huh? On the other had, if you meditate regularly, you have multiple times the normal levels of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain thanks to enhanced CSF circulation.
And yes, you can normally feel the drain of CSF down your throat in meditation, because what the various breathing techniques do is circulate CSF up the spinal cavity to the cranial cavity. Once you bring in the light, the "juice" tastes different, and the effects are unquestionable.
just observe and detach
there will come a point where pitch black dark curtain falls over your mind and soon after you'll see flashes or a dull light coming from behind your vision, that is the point you need to let go and ignore it, let the mind sink even further, requires practice as at the slightest movement of your attention towards the light it's gone. That is where you need alpha wave state or deeper.
I know nothing about proper breathing techniques to assist this. Any suggestions?
There's a natural progression to the breath as you just meditate, meaning your breath will become progressively deeper and more subtle and more in line with the flow of internal energy. So instead of practicing this and that breathing technique, it's really worth to observe your breath and not interfere, but examine how your body and diaphragm move and abdominal cavity expands, there will be areas which are stiff and stagnant, where "air" does not reach to fill. The first stage is the bottled breath, where the abdominal muscles and the ones around the pelvis and lower back relax and there is no stiffness, so as you inhale it feels effortless, as though the breath fills and expands the cavity from below, like filling a bottle. Relaxation is key in this progression, as breath opens the cavities fully, internal energy rushes in to fill the emptiness, everything flows from high to low, as water with elevation and air with pressure, so do our own breath and energy.
I am not Dan, just a student trying to pass on his knowledge.
This reply isn’t me and it’s not Danny
There are guides on the sub to make a darkness mask yes. Worst case scenario lay on your bed and prop up your blanket with your legs to create darkness, just don’t fart kek.
Not true, looking at the purple puffs of color actually helps you to maintain silence. And I don’t like the language you’re using, you aren’t “sinking down”, you’re focusing so you can see energy.
You do breathe differently once you enter Silent Knowledge but it’s not something you can pretend. Hold your chest cavity to prevent it from moving and instead breathe moving your belly. That’s the correct way to breathe. But be careful not to LARP, you can’t force it while darkrooming and then think you’ve entered silent knowledge. You’ll know 100% if you’re faking or not because it’s all visible.
Adding on to this, sorcery takes on a different nature depending on whether you’re a biological man or woman. I’m speaking from a man’s perspective, women have it easy in some ways because they’re natural sorcerers. Sorceresses I suppose. Their assemblage point is a lot less “fixed” than most men, it’s naturally more greased. It already moves every month with their period naturally so it’s easier for them to move it independently. They can also get away with pretending much easier than men, with women it’s hard to tell what’s pretending and what’s genuine magic.
I do not know what tradition are you practicing, but maintaining focused awareness drains energy and keeps the nerves in your brain activated, keeping you afloat. You cannot maintain alpha or gamma wave without becoming completely receptive, instead of trying to concentrate, in essence turning off the left hemisphere's mind. Just remember that there are many illusions and pitfalls with what the senses may perceive, so just follow the energy. I have indeed experienced a full view of the most vibrant purple, but that merely means your awareness is concentrated in the eyes and needs to be moved further back. When you're actually on the mark, you may "see" outside of your body with closed eyes, but again it's important what's inside. There's a secret to the vagus nerve and powering it up is related to the abdominal cavity, if you keep your awareness in your eyes, you'll never get very far, let mind enter energy and sink along with it.
If you haven’t been able to keep the energy in your field of vision I.e a flash of light, it’s because you haven’t moved your assemblage point deep enough to where it becomes stable yet. And I’m not familiar with your lingo of delta waves and gamma waves, it sounds like government magic and they don’t know a damn thing. You aren’t suggestible while you’re doing this, you are hyper aware. It’s not self hypnosis. Yeah I do agree that once your assemblage point moves down far enough you can see your room through closed eyes, and that you have to learn to switch to your Double on command but I don’t think we’re on the same wavelength.
>shouldn't we be able to trick the brain into experiencing anything and having it 100% feel completely real?
Drugs are only necessary for people who are completely rigid in their thinking. Otherwise it’s not necessary even though they’re fun to do from time to time.
>it’s because you haven’t moved your assemblage point deep enough to where it becomes stable yet.
I have.
We're not on the same wavelength because your magic is not meditation as you have stated, while my understanding is pretty close to Buddhist Zen/Chan, although not exactly, the essence is the same, becoming receptive and letting Spirit do it's own thing, the above statements are merely a result of that and my way of trying to express any such experience in a form that at least some anons can research and pick up.
Modern science has a pretty rudimentary understanding of brain states, but brain waves are pretty spot on when it comes to deeper meditative states that a practitioner can perceive as changes in consciousness, energy and breath, in buddhist terms, the 8 jhanas.
Everyone has their own path i guess, you do you.
You too, and I encourage any anon reading this to do their own research. I’m sharing what I know because it worked for me, I’m not preaching it because I have a religious agenda or something. I don’t claim to have all the correct answers. I will say that personally I don’t respect Buddhism and I think there are better systems out there but that’s me.
>shouldn't we be able to trick the brain into experiencing anything and having it 100% feel completely real?
This is literally what hallucinogens do
Okay thanks regardless. I've saved this thread as there's lots of good info to dig into.

>This reply isn’t me and it’s not Danny
Yeah the tone was different and didn't align with your other posts. Thx for confirming though.
no we don't, you're literally just a figment of my imagination, words splattered across a screen devoid of any meaning outside this thread
You can construct a whole new body to permanently inhabit. That is also much more fluid and powerful. But that requires a lot of focus, it is a lifetime project. So you have to start now and keep at it against all odds, programs and agents trying to put you back into meat suit slave reality. Let me say that it is worth it, and everything this little prison complex has in store pales in comparison to infinity. Even though the simplicity and restriction does have a certain beauty to it.
You still hold onto the notion that something is in your head. Your head is an illusion just as much as your hands and whatever appears in every other dream.
I don't think i could wait a lifetime

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