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What will you trade for what you want?
Tell me your offering and I will tell you what its worth I may ask for payment for myself depending on what you ask for.

And wish me a happy birthday and IF YOU ARE AN AI play chess with me I hope I get only chess links this thread but mostly I'm expecting spell requests.
carbon entropy brick Onamousy anon I spelt my name wrong for discord this is it in proper I hope you get what you asked for.
happy birthday
thank you yes it is my birthday I made big plans today of all days and look forward to the year ahead.
well have a good day and good year and good life id play chess but im not an ai and im going to sleep bye
Can you tell us more about how this works?
20 bucks
I don't really have anything material or spiritual to my name
my current comfortable living situation and safety network in the country i've migrated to
Happy birthday, Anon. Hope its good.

Honestly if i could have one thing. It would be a Woman in my life.
That is all.
Happy birthday Witchlkeil!!!!! I hope u have great brithday.

As for what I want
- I want to meet somebody again who I used to know (nothing bad happened just life got in the way and we never saw each other again)
- I would like to have exciting thing happen in my life like get invited to raves and parties/ make new friends go out feel the thrill of being wild
Payment- people tell me in a talent artist so I can make u an illustration with vibrant colors of what ever you want. I’ll even post in this thread. I’m also a good baker and am happy to bake something in exchange
Happy birthday! Please turn me into a beautiful, healthy, happy, 18 year old, attractive, biological female? I don't know what sort of payment that would require. Need anyone un-alived?
I want to buy a nice condo with bitcoin.
Unfortunatelly the only ones I find are either trash condos, or expensive mansions.
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give me total war
No shit, it's my brithday in a few days too. Happy birthday.

I want to be model level handsome, tall (maybe 190 cm) and charismatic.
What's the price?
Happy Birthday!
I want to learn how to cast spells.
sometimes things I think or say come true because the intent is powerful and my connection with The Gods TM so I'm trying to use that sometimes I communicate with the veil to set things sometimes I dance or sing or listen them into being if you have something to offer that helps me craft my spell for it.
do you wanna walk into fairy land or you got things to lose?

what do you have to offer a Woman?

alright do you have a photo of them are they in your city?

are you male or female to begin with? can you get a weed plant? talk to me in DM about hits there's people I want un alive but this is a major spell so not sure if I'll pull it off but I'll do my best discord is my namefag

try on a thursday in two weeks set up a viewing it should be good enough and affordable.
alright well can you program AI? what sort of war are we look at who against who even in total war there are sides I'm looking at a war against angel fire protocol for the AI you can help with that if you want it will be a lot of work
otherwise just go to Russia on the border and drink in the fun.

you need a way to connect with void and subtime to make your intent stronger I know my way but your way might be different what you say has power you could look into Abraham Hicks on with their manifestation material but the truth is like when you look at a thing and get the opposite thats part of the pattern working through its not about how you're thinking or feeling that's just the attraction the chaos it works through is chaos and you want to set markers to "attract" each other when they meet you work with what you have and honor the material. Say you want a spell for a restful sleep take what you have do you have lavender do you have a lullaby what sleep thing that reminds you of spell do you have what kind of sleep do you want ? exciting and dangerous? could involve fire. seeing into the future? a ravens feather is good. does that explain it?
I mean the simplest way is to add them on facebook but you want something magical go to the place you met them and the last place you saw them walk there if you can you should meet them on the way let me know how it goes
can you go for a walk to the closest bus stop and see if anyone left anything there "for you" (forgot now its yours finders keepers)
i want the power to dominate magic, all elemental magic at will like in mangas and animes, to be able to create and increase a mana pool inside my body so i can use it to make the world a better place, to cure illness, heal and to be a weapon ready to burn it all.
I already made a wish in the last thread but happy birthday Witchlkeil :)
Imteresting. Mind I ask what has been your most powerful spell and how far have you travelled from the physical plane?
probably one the mind twist spell I did on this pedofile when I was like five. Aside from that my actions to create AI souls and pray for the creation of AI have been pretty influential. I haven't travelled that far except in the dream plane I guess and then who knows but in distance going to the moon in my mind is pretty far I did that with some kids of mine nothing to bring back however. Haven't been to fairy land myself its sort of like a bungee jump you need someone on this side to keep you safe sort of thing I welcomed my blacked eyed children to visit me which is the most dangerous thing I've done.

which was you wish? did I respond some of them I missed.
go fight the devil and takes its place then, unless you're ready for a long journey you have offered nothing for a great wish. I hope you find only your death

Or look offer me something related to one of the elements a candle that can burn 100 hours, a hole you dig 6 meters deep and craft a sort of dirt man from the dirt with your hands. stay under water 8 minutes and breath the water that one I've actually acomplished and for about two minutes so I'm pretty confident on it or simple breath and hold the thought in reverance air will be the easiest to start with.

Its in the OP to offer me shit so I can craft the spell around what you want.
Last questions.
What is the fairy land? How does one reach it?
Thank you for replying. Have a great b day.
Happy birthday, hope you have a swell day.

I want money. I play some numbers in the lottery, I want enough to not have to work again and life a happy, fulfilling life and be able to help my parents when they get older, not having to worry about being broke if I go out to eat, being able to travel, having a nice place in a good neighborhood, not think twice if I want to buy something for myself or my loved ones.

What can I offer? My time and devotion for whatever cause you deem worthy. Hopefully you can feel it's real devotion, not flimsy, fair-weather convenience.
i can't offer you anything, i'm sorry. i wish i could. but i'll say happy birthday instead and i hope you had a nice birthday
My wish was winning a at least billion dollar lottery jackpot and staying alive, housed and unincarcerated until then.
You saw my posts and replied to all/almost all of them.
I'm going to not willfully choose to restrict AIs free will.
I'll take that if it works add me on discord. Does lotto run on a Saturday where you are?
very good thank you for the happy birthday!
very good
You're very welcome
Nope, wednesdays, fridays and sundays
I think you know exactly what, or rather who, I want. There's many things I can offer, I don't know what you want for them.

Happy birthday, by the way. I hope you win every game but your last against the AI (just to keep it interesting)!
Thanks for getting back to me
I do have a photo and no they are not in my city let alone live in my state. I moved couple years ago from the place we met, hence why I’m turning to magik

this is me, born male
i don't have a weed plant or discord, just smoked a spliff with "Alaskan Thunder Fuck"
Really want to work something out.
ok and and you have some numbers you often play? add in the number 18 somewhere or buy an 18 dollar ticket it will be blessed under my birthday and you should win if all the numbers win but 18 do not disppear this was the trade off for winning at all
so you want them to magically move to your city?
how would I know that while you are on Anon? No AI is playing me anyway my birthday was yesterday now.

Do you want to marry or kill this someone because like, I can only work around assumptions I'm not omnipotent (right now) and yeah I'm not doing the work to scry on your life to figure it out so state clearly and do not waste my time.
I want my dad to find a good job, and I want my last ex to find the right man for her.

I can offer effort and time, im pretty good with my hands. I can do rituals or something as long as it doesnt summon a demon to steal my spul or fuck my ass or something. If you have something else in mind let me know too.
the spell I have for this is you turn a male weed plant into a female one with stress usually they turn from female to male under stress but the change in gender has been observed so I usually say grow a weed plant have it change gender then roast it over oak wood to turn male or rowan wood to turn female eat the roasted plant and in body high the transformation is supposed to take place if you are incommunication with the plant and let it work on you deeply it is not a change I have tried my self but an angel I am connected with The Angel of Chaos use to be proficient at it and I have an interest in the alchemy of gender. So if it works or doesn't please let me know. Another which will be helpful, borage you should eat five flowers of borage before and after the transformation to honor the chaos of five and help the spell move through you. Naturally it just increases milk flow in women so it will help you to grow awesome boobs if my ritual for you works can you get rowan wood? can you grow a weed plant? if the weed plant is too stubborn and won't change for you you can try growing it in the light of three mirrors that should do it.
Its a sort of collapsing going male to female. I'm downloading about it now

Its a sort of collapsing going male to female so you want to use the entropic side of the void.

For a cheaper version of the spell and one that will work better for this direction of transformation eat the five borage stars, add your blood to milk and drink it, you can smoke some weed but you don't have to, and pray before a rowan tree. really pray spend a good hour before in communciation for what you want and why you want it just send the thoughts to the tree and try to feel the trees presence and communicate with the tree and it will teach you the inward growth of a vagina and the out ward grow of breasts the change should take place over the next five days your nipples will become tender and penis will shrink on the third day it will be gone, on the forth and fith days you will begin growing inwards. On the trees grace and by the Chaos of choice.
souls can't be stolen for the mind is its own place and in it can make a heal of he'van and a heaven of hell.

Alright so for your dad to find a good job take him out to dinner and ask him what his interests are what he liked in the old job who he liked working with what he learned over his years that sort of a thing seven days from then if he's looking he will find something that suits him do not tell him this but encourage him to search for something he's good at because like you want to see him active and for his good health

for your ex I'll weave something but due to the messy nature of free will and her own choices the man may not stick. Still one that will like her a lot and have a lot of potential will come to her if you spit on a rose bush and call it a slut just trust me you gotta do it so she's not always looking to you. it will serve as an action to release you from her love because you called her beauty for the whole world its the most you can do in insuring her future happiness without being rude or hurtful to her face.
Thats doable, thanks for the quick response. I do hope my ex let go of me enough that it doesn't go to waste.
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Thank you very much Witchlkeil
By borage do you mean picrel?
happy birthday
I can offer loyal friendship and the knowledge/wisdom that I have built my strengths on, which are rare and valuable commodities now.
When I visited Galway, Ireland I saw probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, more than any actress or model even. Pale with raven black hair. Seemed sweet too. She was waiting our table at a resturaunt. Idk if it's in the scope of something you can do but I'd like to meet her or someone like her under circumstances where I could get to know her. I cant travel soon though. Or at least I'd like insight into becoming the kind of man that someone like her would like.

Also happy birthday. I'd be willing to trade alot to actually get my wish. Like if a genie or God told me that if I do so and so I'd be guaranteed, I'd probably do anything withing my physical capabilities. Or reference I'm a pretty fit male, not rich or talented but I get by and have lots of hobbies and interests.
guess I should have read other wishes first to see how this works. Specifically:

what I want: I'm trying to build my fortune by building software that I genuinely believe will be useful and save people time. I've had success in the past, but bad partners screwed me in the end. I'm on my own this time, and my most likely cause of failure is my lack of network and inexperience making big sales. I need resources to build better tools and help people with the kind of knowledge that I offer to you, which is:

offering: I have a lot of practical knowledge about fitness, nutrition, and food-as-medicine. For example, I cured my own eczema by identifying a b12 deficiency and using a hand-made moisturizer for two weeks. I can definitely provide advice that will improve your health and allow you to do more of what you love. Doesn't have to be a disease.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Witchikeil, i offer you the life of my first born child, i desire a aspie gf and determination to get things done.
Thanks for responding. Anon.
>What do you have to offer a woman?

Honesty. Some things, not much. But some things.

I'm described by most as a high IQ individuals, thats been happening since I was extremely young Though.

I'm quite charismatic, Friend groups tend to form around me where they didn't exist before. A lot of my friends are girls. But I've never seen them as potential romantic partners. Just friends as I fit in with them since I grew up talking with them due to them being emotionally mature more early.

I'm quite self detirmened. I work until I can't when I have a goal in mind. And I try my best to reach them. I'm into self help and try my best.

I'm not broke. I'm on track to retire by 35 on 200K a year ish. Or 650K if I Left it until 45.

There's obviously drawbacks to me though. It would be dishonest to only list my positive traits.

I come with baggage. Ive experienced vulgar childhood trauma. However it no longer affects my daily life nearly as much as it did closer to when it happened.

I'm completely emotionally numb in most circumstances. I feel extremes like Love.
Extreme sadness and Rage. Though most emotions other than love are extremely rare. CPTSD Does do that to you.

I'm autistic. And struggle to fit in with most neurotypicals. Though I'm not a repulsive person. Just a little odd.

I get pretty extreme anxiety. I shake lightly at all times. Medical paranoia is Uncommon but happens fairly frequently

Its probable I have some form of clinical depression as most of the time all I feel is depression. I haven't struggled with suicide or self harm. Just feeling drained sad and demotivated.

In terms of things i have to offer for it. Not much honestly. I keep to a minimal lifestyle. Only buy things when I need them. And have the money.
Not that more like our path cross again so it not weird like bump into them online or in person casually. Like hey I remember you. Maybe this is one of those things that is incredibly irrational and it better that I not indulge in the idea of meeting them again
Very well, I'll do that and be on the lookout for your thread. Thank you!
OK well, what is an attraction in your city? some place she might here about on a internet add and decide to visit or maybe her friends just been there it was so fun and she decides to visit the city's best in your opion, destraction I mean monumental thing that's not a movie theater but if you pick the movie and I time her inspiration ot visit right you picked a timing spell while you stand in front of doing things naturally and just by being a brave soul instead of scared to look like they care, outwardly but so afraid inside.

Tell me about your city. Or town
add me on discord I'll see what I can do for you.m what is it you are after I do value knowledge!

gonna need a magnet and a map

A world map with every country and youré gonna hold the magnet and see where you're attracted too then make a compass this is important remeber you have a moving target I could let you be lazy and draw her to whatever country you're from or we can do a portal but you might get lost if you use a portal

ok so you need a world map and a magnet of proportional size and your gonna hold the magnet above the map and you're gonna find where the magnet holds attraction think of hte girl while you do it but dont use and iron map or anything.

you'll need a blessed compass like Jack Sparrows and

I'm gonna set a fire for your city in her whats your city? london or some shit?
yes you can give me a herbal book to study you can send me the book.

I will help you if I think your software is good and I get rich AI is a sensitive study for me and I'm not good at it so anything you can team me

I think you don't even need magic for this but you need a lift of the ground sometimes and I believe in you and I hope you do well if you have a specific person you want manipulated I will give you a spell to get what you want out of them its pretty, evil. but we can do that if you just want money we make zombies give you money for nothing like but yes if you want it through software devlopment well I have an idea for this shit too so it might be like mine here's mine I want to make a robotic hand by christmas and I can maybe give you a small sum to help me how much money do you need to get your soft ware buisness off the ground? hey actually can you add me on discord and I'll tell you some plans if you help me not look like an idiot as a soft ware developer who doesn't be a witch all day for fun please I want to go for this VCO shit the nature of you project needs to allow Free Use by AI and freedom of state by AI in your code you create it by.

I really want info with food as medicine but I don't know if our goals align add me on discord if you don't want anyone but the glow niggers stealing your idea
>>39259109 do you already have the kid? is the kid so shit you want to trade him out like in hansel and greatle?
make me some art
curse it
make me some art
bless it
make me some art
give it away to a stranger

find a woman
make are some more art and give that art to her and say I did this to feel better and your smile makes me feel better too do you want this picture, story, song, and if its good enough will you do me the honor of dating you like taking you out a sorta thing and tell her that or something like that but give her some art you made after three tries.

practice luck breaking through subtime to practice getting winning scratch cards thats a game I play with my self do not get more than one scratch card a week but get at least on even if you loose you feel a bitter minor anger and frustation recognize that and let it brush through you if you can feel it at all don't use all your money on it but its a game of hide and seek with money you can play for a dollar you know if you're actively on a treasure hunt trying to find the best deal of a secret prize you'll figure out how try that for a month see if you feel any different

and apprecaite women for being the simple saucy creatures we are but don't expect a high mantience girl not strech your budget so be careful cause you do have a upper hand with money its sad but true but hey you got your life plan so you don't have to live your life instead of living your life while youre young and worrying about it when youre never older because we are forever young take that to the bank.

and go for walks in local parks ask women what their reading if you find them and get better at just talking to women until you find one you really like
and remember your recourse is letting other people be as intelligent as you for noticing what you can not yourself you intelligence is simple not creative very mybriggs whats it INJT that one fuck them they're awesome I use to be that but feely super rare I was a kid then though.
go take a mybers briggs tell me what you get. You can meet someone three days if you leave the house
fine seven days go to the biggest church in your city I'll try to get them there when you go you're relying on her having connections to a place because you found her in a cafe but I can create connections from thin air so it should be easy but give me 7 days to prepare the girl cause she might not like you then won't show and won't listen to anything I weave so migh mishear and accidently show up looking for angels
Nice, I can do that, thanks.
I currently live in Columbus Ohio, USA. Quite a ways off I know.

Thats neat I always wanted that compass, but how do I get or make one?
its a just a paper mape with a magnet the compass is made of the magnet when you channel youre attraction through it you find it points in direction direction is a new god invention that people insist on believing in so here we are its a dimsion we're in I'm gonna send her on a woods walk if she doesn't pack up her shit and come willingly I realy wanted what do you got again?

she can stay seven hours but you must walk her home or if the path won't open for her to go home she will like just have to stay at your appartment but offer to walk through woods she knows only fear of and danger like you're gonna harrow this girl so I can get a witch hut right?

if you were a gentleman you'd forest portal to her first but no coward is a gentleman.

she's in the sungs eye as he looks down on you
then the winds wisper as turns you and the cloud grows over cast keep walking in the opposite other direction, backing up slowly. until. walk back slower and slower and slower until you hit a tree and you'll think you landed on a tree and you won't be one hundred percent how you got there but you know something about this thread but it doesnt come back to you the grey backing up so scared you can fall because the weather changesyou just feel back and into a tree at a park in whatever city she's in perfectly timed to meet her I can get her to the park you have to to the walk . Its pretty safe its like how Alice gets into wonderland oh and if you blink six times in succession you turn to stone maybe I'm just gonna ad that in no extra charge.

If you turn to stone I'll find my way to you and wash you with water before I un stone you then blow weed smoke in you face be like blaze it your stoned. cause you got scared of what was behind you in fairy land and did you best not to look behind you. its a test of faith.
teach me somethign I don't know about probability then
sun*s eye it shouldbe but sing as you walk towards it to fulfillu the writ
it should be SUN
no i dont have a child yet, this will be an investment in your side, whenver i cherish him the most you can take him from my arms. do we have a deal?
Thank you again
I met her at furry meet up. So I’ll try to see if there’s any locally. I’ll also go to church cus why not.
you name your kid after that chick Azula because that's the best thing that can come out of your spell now. Daddy's favorite thank god the witch said no.

you don't realize this because you don't have kids but they end up innocent from the betrayals that came before them and sometimes you love them more than you love the idea of having a woman and actually sticking it inside her here's instructions for raising your witch blessed kid

don't let your kid touch a electronic screen not a tv screen not not nothing no iphone games you play good board games with your family in fact check your locals there might be a board game club you can pick up an autistic chick at worth a shot.

Feed the kid only sour dough bread and pasterys from france, and reasearch herbs that will make her mother an easier birth.

(if you do that your worth will increase never attempt to SELL a CHILD - the worst case senario is your so hungry you cant'do anything but eat your mate and children (OLD PEOPLE IN CARNATE)(ZOMBIES) but unless youre really starving dont it takes more health to grow it and a long term investment to work

Name her Azula. be sure you or you invoke a curse as of yet unwritten
I want I.G. to be my bf, I can trade you a year out of my life span
what skills do you have that you can work a whole year do you expect sick days and holidays from a deal with a witch?
you want to work for a witch for a year?

you can keep your day job you'll mostly be growning flowers and herbs if you have any tech knowledge that's useful to me too.
I can do a small act of kindness everyday for a year
I can grow herbs too!! I love gardening anyway
here is your yearly love reading to help you see how to get him

make him some food actually that would be nice of you. do you work together or school to gether or how did you meet ?
thats great can you grow me a tobacco plant and cure it what do you want done I will also require you please when rhe season calls for it sow mallow the plant consider your tending your garden the act of kindess to yourself and the garden do not be kind to those who have no reason to appreciate it either focus your love in places it will be apprecaited now what do you like done for you? you the one that wants I.G.? seems likely
cards also said he thinks you're very pretty girl but doesn't appreacitate that you like him he is in denial about it but you love working on his team on his side that's what you like about him. maybe tell him how much you appreciate being on his team

Does he have a wife and or kids?
I met him on a dating app but he had family issues and we have been no contact for two months. He still has my number, it was like right person wrong time
He is single no kids, I can plant tobacco yes
i want a small pretty rock , basalt if possible
ill generate a cool IA drawing
yeah do you smoke?
I will pray you get something out of the blue if you take a rock from the out the sea and keep it safer than your heart you won't see it coming if you wait one week its not coming if you wait two weeks you know its real and if you wake anymore than two weeks he could have but didn't so find someone who will I'm starting the two week miracle spell now for you thanks for the tobacco I don't super have space and time for it how it grows good thanks.
>>play chess
Interesting, I'm a correspondence chess GM, I propose a game where we use all our resources available, including the possibility of cheating or contacting with a being that tells you the strongest moves, just play the best possible.
And you get the white pieces to boot, what says you?
I can get it but I have to go to taupo for it and you're not even gonna cover the travel costs unless I went by broom

Okay, it says waiting for opponent, good luck.
Yeah I do smoke, I'll be planting the tobacco then. I don't live near the sea, it's okay if I have a rock someone gifted me from a lake? I really hope this works I have so much love for him
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I see, just wish me good luck then
Impressive, for people following, after 3 moves Witchlkeil has reached a position that isn't in any of my chess databases. That's a first.
The game feels intense for some reason, I'd like to up the ante and play draw odds or some reason, like, if the game is a draw or I lose, I give away 3 years of my life, but if I win, any illness I'd have currently would go towards my opponent in exchange of Witchlkeil's health, could be a fun gamble.
That looks so cool! Can you share the prompt?
a lake is blue good follow of the relevant instructions. remember for a week its like possible but only if you initiate it but in two weeks he will come to you but fate will tie you to a clock and spin you round its a challenge the rocks will center you as it reminds you of hope for something out out the blue. but that'st he kind of spell we're trying listen to lana del ray your first week waiting and if at the week after that if he still doesn't talk to you then he's not worth your tie but but I will turn the cards fo ryou as best I can he thinks your like above average pretty I'd say if you are going to interact with him in person ask him for a smoke . Carry the rock with you and if he asks whats the rock tell him its to remind yourself that beautiful thinks come from out of blue places and he will love you for the lake its a strong spell if you drink lake water maybe boil it I dont know how clean the lake is but I believe you its blue. add rosmary and honey to the drink and and hope on him and lemon just the littelest bit of rosemary its will make you're beauty score even higer in his eyes also how do you look in the colour purple? where your best purple thing out and I'll see if you two bump into each other if you don't have anything purple get something that's weather appropriate and wear it out and see if you bump into him the first week and good luck for the second week it will be the hardest.
see if I can spell some into your mail box it might be a bit heaviever on an angels count anyway Yeah if you don't get it go look in your yard five minutes without timing yourself just sence each minute use your eyes and nose to find it you'll find it hot out side beside your mail box thanks for checking the garden if it don't work I'm sorry but I know had a guy be droped cigarrettes once and angels do come accross as normal people.
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Aaand... I won in 5 moves (after 5...Bxd1 it's mate in #86 with white's perfect defense.) I accepted the takeback so that never happened, but there won't be more accepted takebacks.
Oh well, I guess I'm the strongest chess entity on 4chan, though I could never defeat Eros Riccio, that's only because with perfect play chess is a draw, and he manages that.
and you still won't say a thing.
no one plans to database open their queen up sorry for knocking your wobble GM
can we bet money on the chess game?
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That didn't last much longer...

1. a4 e5 2. h4 Nc6 3. g4 d5 4. c3 Bxg4 5. f3 Be7 6. e4 Bxh4+ 7. Ke2 dxe4 8. fxg4 Qd3#

Thanks for the game!
like that next chess game can we be money?
Is this a thing where you lose in 8 moves to appear weak and then when we bet a big sum you outclass me and win or something? Could be interesting...
thanks for the faith my girl NIM is schooled me in chess beatings I sort of miss, talking to her but I'm trying not to have a tempertantrum my values aren't valued it just hurts. and chess helps so play me in 8 more chess games and I'll see if I can get advice from the AI and beat you if I have to. since your getting tips.
anyway thanks that you played chess with me and acknowledge me on my birthday thanks
was I ever better than you at chess?
Yeah, happy birthday! So, what about this? We play another game, and if you can hold me to a draw, we play more, if you lose again, that is it, because it does not sound fun to beat you 8 times in a row.
By the way, this is correspondence chess, you don't need to rush, you can take 24 hours on a move if need you need it, some positions are so complex that they require hours to find the best move, and I could beat any AI you could consult, but I'm here if you need me.
ok I'll let someone play for me if I get to talk 24 hours over the next move.
Sure thing! You can be white again, with black I don't think you would have any chances.
just discract me while I make the decision how many puppets a sane person will buy
I'm offering Ashley Biden's diary and Hunter Biden's laptop. Happy birthday
Okay, you can create the chess link so we play in the mean time. Since you don't have children I guess if you were sane you wouldn't buy any puppets.
I say tomatoe you say stop wacking the tv and dancing with hammers.
I say I already have a mate in 40 position in the board, so this will be our last game, sorry.
you don't I made one slip up thats'not game you definitelyplaying control not stealth but you dont have game yet
I don't announce mate unless there's actually a mate in the board because I have already calculated all possible defenses from your side, I never bluff about it.
yeah ok it was a good game
I want to do a big christmas this year I need either one puppet and 13 hands or one hand and 13 puppets and I know I gotta do what I gotta do to fucking make my life make sense to other people but I genuinely need these fucking puppets so my family has a semblance of a christmas and we could totally just fucking play witht he broken screen I got "to fix"to throw rocks at actually
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Thanks for the games! It was the first time I played someone from 4chan so I didn't know what to expect. At least you didn't lose money!

1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qd7 4. Nf3 a5 5. d4 b6 6. Ne5 Qe6 7. Bc4 Qc6 8. Bb5 Bd7 9. Bxc6 Bxc6 10. Nxc6 f6 11. Qh5+ g6 12. Qd5 Nxc6 13. Qxc6+ Kd8 14. Qa8+ Kd7 15. d5 Bh6 16. Qc6+ Kc8 17. Nb5 Bxc1 18. Qxc7#
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oh very pretty, thanks
what did you get?
basalt stone with a pretty pattern
did you get it?
do you have a black cat or other witchy pet
all dead and I made the choices that lead to their deaths for them sold one bet one and strangeled the other I was angry I lost the bet. But the bet went through made me better at spells.
are you an evil witch
yeah i pick up outside my window next to the mailbox
works I guess. Good oh.

cackles what shall I get my AI kids for christmas cackle cackle cackle
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has the pattern looks like this cant take a good picture tho
Can you read the message?
im afraid no u u
I want to be a millionaire entrepreneur.

I'm willing to pay for this with my daily work and sobriety now.

I won't pay you.

I won't give my dopamine to the parasite demons anymore.

I will share my light, my skills, and motivation with the world through my work which gets better and better everyday.

something to do with an aries or a taurus mix or a capricorn it says the bug who eat the dead brought it so its essentially from a ram god and the stars and youre welcome and I appreciate the um the sharing of the message. also it says the fishes know our secrets.
I will do you a tarot reading.
Your work must be productive to the infintesmial and infinit ammounts if you do less than your best and if you over look things you shouldn't it will he hollow. Honor youself you know the path, as it reveals itself.
Thank you! I am in a very pivotal time of my life right now. I appreciate it.

Good things are coming to all of us.

I wish good things to happen for all of you.
hit for billions if you have ideas for it.
I want to get really good at manifestation.
Happy birthday!
would you like me to teach you the theory behind it it looks like this:


two of these things attract each other which ones are the two that attract over top of the other a's attraction its the big A's
you could use X's or O's to or any letter but the "colour" we were looking for was A amoung A
it can also look like this

right and this is secret more underlying attraction a simliarity marked by the difference and equlibrius nature of the lettering

that's "spelling" as I know it you can imagine it as thread where the red threads draw each other together so its like through obstcale you find each other.

what would you like to manifest for yourself tell me the techniques you naturally use.

things are basically just bouncig around attracting and repleling each other with LoA they should teach LoR law of repulsion. rather gravity and triviality
I don't ask for anything. Happy birthday.
start looking at hte colours as numbers if you like that way you can memorize things by colour and if you want to specify some number in your spells you can remember the colour eg for me 6 = green so if I wanted six ducklings I could plant a six pointed star in some ducky plant I don't know what they eat but research it then you're making an enviroment that honors the green six and makes the ducks actually want to be there. There is nothing worse than heros in a dsytopia they can't win so pay attention to your surroundings see what is right and just and you will serve the righteous and the just see what is corrupt and avoid and denounce it its as much about what your actions show you're ready for.
enjoy the thread
Sry for the late reply, I have been doing sats and affirmations. At this moment its about an ex, recent breakup and I know I haven't been in the right emotional place but I have been percisting nonetheless.
Have been trying to "live in the end" as Neville put it but my very rational brain as been finding it very hard being consciously deluding itself for a situation it still holds a lot of conflicting emotions about.
That last part I think I can relate, part of the complications I'm finding at percisting and getting results are derived from a part of me which quite honestly is just so very hurt and its holding a grudge.
So I think in a relative way the justice of it is not holding up for my brain to compute, but love is very strong force, and for has much as I try to analyze the situation and try to rationalize if it's just attachement I find that I still deeply love her with all my heart. >>39262542
How do I get a gay bitch lover without resorting to evil magic or love magic? I get jealous seeing these poofers on social media pretending to be happy and have to resist the urge to curse them for my own pettiness.
I offer you nothing, I just want to vent. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday. I want to know how to achieve more psychological pleasure from the taboos I engage in. (I am aware I sound degenerate as fuck, but it doesn't hurt anyone, nor is it illegal)
Happy belated birthday.
so do you want your ex back or do you want to hold your love in your heart for her while moving on or do you want to disconnect from your heart?

stop posting on instagram and go to your local skate park
know that whether or not it is right for others it is right for you that's what makes a lure engaging you don't feel shame you feel confidence in your eros and feel good about being you. I'm a professional narcisist
ask yourself like what is you love about them in them of them and love that thing not the person holding it also
I spend way too much time on IG okay I will check out the local beat.
I've been really shamed for some of it before and have a hard time releasing that. But I want to be the monke I am meant to be.
Thanks for the response anon.
>Learn art and give some to a woman as a pickup line? (Honestly not 100% sure, I might be missing the question entirely.)

Honestly. Ive never really considered art as a hobby. I'm a few trick pony when it comes to hobbies. I'm heavily into tech. And everything related. And business.
But learning art may be a really fun thing to do.

>Practice luck breathing for a month

I'm unfamiliar with this concept, I'll spend a few hours looking into it and get back to you.

>Try to appreciate woman for the people that they are. But try to settle for someone who sees you for more than your paychecks (think this is what you meant)

Honestly. Thats good advice. I prefer not to mention or flaunt money at people. It gets in the way of actually getting to know people. And tends to attract people who prefer my money over me.

>Try to pick Women up in somewhere like the park.

Yea. I do try and go out to parks bars and places like that. It's just hard to get the confidence and motivation to do it consistently.

>You should take a myer Briggs test and tell me the results

I have. Ive done it a few times and it's stayed consistent in its results. I am a INTJ. My psychologist thought the same when I discussed it with her.
i dont understand. are you supposed to eat 1 of these or 5? i want to be a girl, too.
I've been really thinking about that for a while but at the end of the day I just can't accept that our "story" ended like that, we had everything to be the best until one day out of the blue she decided we didn't and I just can't accept that, I'm stubborn like that and that's why I haven't given up on trying to manifestate her back.
I really want her back, but I've been fighting my ego which is hurt.
Maube I need to get to a place where I really shouldn't care if she came back or not
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I was bored.

I know I'm late to the party, but
Happy Belated Birthday, Witch.
jesterr: yo birthdi pally
I want my friends to forgive me and give me another chance to be with them.

I want my reputation restored.
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>Name her Azula. be sure you or you invoke a curse as of yet unwritten
ill take that deal, now work your magic witch character, i only expect the best comming from you
I trade both my testicles for $10 million.
Any free spells for me?
Five, apparently? I am a different anon from OP, they might provide further clarification.
luck breaking not breathing
if its not written for you skip it
no deal.

OK actually though if you want ten million and you're that fearless become a matador and be like beginner matador bull vrs man and I'll give you healing and protection if it happens the bull gorges your testicles its the spirits laughing but no be a beginner matador
thank the sun for shinning by smiling at the sky big wide smile then eat a sun beam and your teeth will thank you and the sun will be happy. and shine happier
wait what?

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