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Don't look elsewhere if you're seeking the Real Christian Tradition — Orthodoxy is the Way!
Why Orthodoxy?
>continuity with the Early Church: Apostolic Succession preserved unbroken since the time of Christ and the Apostles
>rich Liturgical Worship: Divine services filled with reverence, chant, incense, and timeless beauty
>deep Spiritual Tradition: Teachings of the Church Fathers, hesychasm (prayerful stillness), and the Jesus Prayer
>dogmatic Stability: Faithful to the doctrines established in the Ecumenical Councils
>vibrant Community: Strong parish life, connection to local culture, and support in spiritual growth
>icons: Windows to Heaven, inspiring devotion and connecting the faithful with Christ and the saints
>accessible Teachings: Resources in English and many languages make Orthodox theology widely available

Core Resources for Exploring Orthodoxy:
>Orthodox Wiki - General info about the Orthodox Faith and History: https://orthodoxwiki.org/Main_Page (apparently dead)
Liturgical and Spiritual Life:
>Sunday Divine Liturgy: Participation in the Eucharist, the heart of Christian life
>Festal and Daily Cycles: Engage with the sanctity of time through services like Vespers and Matins
>regular fasting periods (e.g., Great Lent, Nativity Fast) as medicine for the soul
>"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner"

Historical Milestones of Orthodoxy:
>early Church: Apostolic Era, Nicaean Councils (1st-4th centuries)
>Byzantine Era: Golden Age of Theology and Worship (4th-15th centuries)
>post-schism: Endurance through East-West Schism and Ottoman Rule (11th-19th centuries)
>modern Witness: Diaspora and revival in the 20th and 21st centuries

Additional Resources:

Let Orthodoxy illuminate your path to the fullness of the Christian faith. Embrace the timeless and unchanging truth preserved for over 2,000 years.
that's cool in all but jesus is still the antichrist
so your 'religion' is just a bunch of larping clowns in dresses...
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>Christ is the antichrist
You're stealing my oxygen with your nose.
>The Greybeards are an ancient and honored order that dwell in their mountain sanctuary High Hrothgar, which is located on the highest mountain peak in Tamriel, the Throat of the World. As masters of Thu'um, or "the Voice," they live in absolute silence in order to better attune themselves to the voice of the sky. They are a peaceful order, not using their Thu'um to augment their martial skills, but to worship and honor the gods, as the "Way of the Voice" decreed.

When the Greybeards speak, storms brew above High Hrothgar, and people are forced to evacuate due to the imminent danger of avalanches. When they even so much as whisper the word "Dovahkiin," it rumbles through the world, and the mountains shake.
"An order of philosopher monks who are masters of the Way of the Voice, the Greybeards live in silent isolation atop Skyrim’s largest mountain."
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Ephraim of Arizona has had\has a huge online campaign against him: this makes me think he is, actually, very based.
what's the redpill about his monasteries and, in general also, ROCOR? Im from Chile--how do I even join the ROCOR Church?
>also is there any reason to NOT support old calendarists in both russia and, greece?
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hey, OP, I bump your thread for my answers. Im not American but ROCOR seems strong in America, I need advice
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Beautiful clothes.
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you are all jews with extra steps leave x pls
I go to an antiochian church in Tennessee. Seems alright to me. I think it’s mostly Greek and OCA that have been doing gay shit.
Low iq response
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they look the same bro
Another low iq response.
can someone explain the stuff about unleavened bread and\or communion under both species? Im catholic. Do orthodox sip wine + eat bread or is it a sort of porridge, mixing bread and wine, served with a spoon? Or is the spoon just for babies (I know some orthodox churches allow babies to commune) ?
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Just go, my dear brother!
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you both worship a semetic storm god just accept your jewish
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The Orthodox Church uses leavened bread.
The leaven symbolizes the Resurrection of Christ and the new life brought through His sacrifice. The prosphora (aka the bread) includes a stamped seal with a cross and the letters IC XC NIKA (Jesus Christ conquers)
>mixing bread and wine
The bread and wine are consecrated together, and the two are mixed in the chalice.
>served with a spoon
Yes, the lavida.
>some orthodox churches allow babies to commune
Yes. infants are communed immediately after baptism and chrismation. Babies receive the Eucharist under both species, typically with a very small amount of the consecrated wine-soaked bread given on the lavida.
What is your problem with Jews, Anon? If you hate them so much, then live without the Christian Jewish morality, stupid nigger!
If today you don't fuck your mother's ass and do not let your father milk your asshole, it is because of Jewish-Christian morality, your quadruped animal!
If you think so bad of it, then take the fuck out of my West and go to the middle of the desert to have sex with goats, along with your Sandniggers.
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There's a lot that I like about the Eastern Church and their tradition (and I would say this about many of the Christian traditions), and I would love to attend one of their churches, but there is a part of me that still struggles deeply with the idea of icons as "windows to heaven" to be kissed and bowed to, and I've heard convincing arguments/evidence that the practice is not apostolic and Nicaea 2 was rushed through as a kind of power grab.

I don't believe any modern church tradition is "perfectly preserved" and entirely apostolic in all their practices, as much as I would love to. Every sect/denom seems to have their own pitfalls.

>t. became a Christian this year and got thrown through the anxiety blender of "WE'RE THE TRUE CHURCH" (catholics) "NO WE ARE" (orthodox) "NO ACTUALLY CATHOLICS AND ORTHODOX AREN'T EVEN CHRISTIANS" (fundie baptists) claims for several months
(((Jewish-Christian))) morality.
Kikes and Glowies are seething so hard at this thread. If your interested in orthodoxy go talk to a priest. They are from my total experience very chill people
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Are they open to immigrants? I've been living in Yurop since 2012, but I'm black. I'm afraid they won't respond me because I'm not a native.
>don’t look at anything else, the dogma I’ve decided is real must be real or my life is meaningless
What does it really mean the word "real" for you, habibi?
Everything is real. Ideas, dreams, fiction, nonfiction, it’s all just information.
((who)) said he was Christ?
Bump best thread
I have known a black orthodox priest, so there is definitely something in orthodoxy for you.
The message of orthodox Christianity doesn't follow arbitrary "rules" such as race and nations
>I have known a black orthodox priest
sounds like something to avoid then
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Enter a church for the community (if you have any, in my case is my family/children who I'd like for them to grow in this environment), otherwise you follow the teachings of Christ, simple as. For me, there is warmth and quiet in the orthodox church.
As an orthodox myself, I've also never got along well with the kissing of icons and relics, but there are worse things to attend, so it's a thing I'm mostly willing to overlook. I KNOW for a fact no church is perfect and infallible, perhaps the things we find most okay are actually the worst, and the things we find the worst are actually okay.
Who the fuck even knows? In the evening prayers of the orthodox, there is a passage (mistranslated into English) that says "have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us, because we don't know/have any answers, so we bring this prayer to you".
Basically in this world, there can not be Supreme knowledge of the Truth, we can only hope to grasp at it through the will of God, if God so wills, so we hope and pray for it. But as we stand, there is no way of knowing.
did you know jesus 'is' the antichrist so you and your church are spiritually barren places...
Orthodoxy is the newest groyp for alt right cucks lmao theres a reason Greek and Syrian Orthodox churches dont take new comers seriously. Religious bandwagoners are cancerous.
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why don't orthodox churches have Stigmatized saints, Marian visions, eucharistic miracles (bleeding\ beating pulse hosts)? why doesn't it HAPPEN in their churches? it isn't that they don't like it, it just doesn't occur.
why is this? all the visions, apparitions, physical body changes (engraved symbols in the heart organ, stigmata, etc), seers, etc are catholic.
Syriacs aren’t Orthodox.
Yeah, that's where I'm at. No church is perfect, so I attend the one where I can practice most sincerely, and one to which I could confidently invite others. At the moment I attend a High Anglican church, and it's been good. Not perfect, but good.
>perhaps the things we find most okay are actually the worst, and the things we find the worst are actually okay.
It's not that I necessarily see a problem with the practice in itself (I've seen arguments for both sides, and it's something I could go either way for, like Mary's perpetual virginity or bodily assumption into heaven), but that I just couldn't feel honest in affirming it and taking part on a personal level.
>Who the fuck even knows? In the evening prayers of the orthodox, there is a passage (mistranslated into English) that says "have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us, because we don't know/have any answers, so we bring this prayer to you".
>Basically in this world, there can not be Supreme knowledge of the Truth, we can only hope to grasp at it through the will of God, if God so wills, so we hope and pray for it. But as we stand, there is no way of knowing.
That's been one of my main prayers since I became a Christian.
>That's been one of my main prayers since I became a Christian.
you believe in a universal source mother?
>x is the only way
>y is the only way
>z is the only way

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>evagrius ponticus

I'd be more sympathetic if they removed their icon veneration, which is clearly a later church development that contradicts the whole "graven image" thing. I think 90% of Orthodox laity get taken in by the spiritual aesthetic. The whole "apostolic tradition" stuff is really just lip service and they can't break a lot of it down without resorting to long and complicated mental gymnastics

I think the closest mainstream Christianity that exists to the first generation of Christians is probably a bunch of Baptists doing a Bible study in some dudes garage, but such practices just don't "feel" spiritual enough for NPC minds.
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This was meant to be a standalone post, not a reply. Sorry.
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Who's talking about politics here, faggot?
This is a thread about the Orthodox Church, if you really hate orthodoxy that much, you can always hide the thread. Just don't come here to talk shit about things you don't know.
>blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed
We don't need to "see" to believe it.
>orthodoxy (from Greek: ὀρθοδοξία, orthodoxía, 'righteous/correct opinion') is adherence to correct or accepted creeds, especially in religion
There is only ONE way.
>We don't need to "see" to believe it.
said the deluded mind controlled victim
>There is only ONE way.
abandoning ALL abrahamism.
jesus 'is' the antichrist
why are they all FAT
fucking gluttonous freaks full of pride displaying royal clothing and gold crosses
how anyone can take these seriously is baffling
>follows a kike religion
>blames kikes

huh, i see...
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>instructions for proper mental state at the time of prayer
>that means icons are bad
Christianity (orthodoxy) existed way before mass-literacy, way before the bible was written. It was at the Nicaea councils, we were there you know. You needn't be a philosopher to be a christian. Some saints were philosophers, some were illiterate. Grace made no distinction on that. Icons and visual language are how orthodoxy was spread in that era. That, and of course, the living word. We don't venerate the icons, but the saints and God which they stand for.

Iconoclasm denies the incarnation. Christ was God, yet he was a man. The image of Christ is the image of God.
look at the state of that homosexual image...
imagine believing that FAGGOTRY was spiritual.
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>demon-posed fag sees faggotry everywhere he looks
Ever look in a mirror?
'literally' nothing but males...
'supposed' spirituality...
There's no trace of icon veneration before 600 ad, other then cases like evagrius and the council of elvira condemning it.
>B-b-but that was a special case
This is cope that was only conjectured after the fact.

There is nothing about icons that can properly represent what you are venerating, namely the partaken essence of God. It is only a pretty image, and likening God's essence to an image can only diminish it.
>can't spot the females in that image
>calls others faggots
The second council of Nicaea is pretty clear on the issue:
>All those childish baubles and bacchic rantings, the false writings composed against the venerable icons, should be given in at the episcopal building in Constantinople, so that they can be put away along with other heretical books. If someone is discovered to be hiding such books, if he is a bishop, priest or deacon, let him be suspended, and if he is a lay person or a monk, let him be excommunicated.
>They [icons] are to be accorded greeting and the veneration of honour, not indeed the true worship corresponding to our faith, which pertains to the divine nature alone, but in the same way as this is accorded to the figure of the honourable and life-giving cross, to the holy gospels, and to other sacred offerings. In their honour an offering of incensation and lights is to be made, in accordance with the pious custom of the men of old. For the honour paid to the image passes over to the prototype, and whoever venerates the image venerates in it the hypostasis of the one who is represented.

The only people who are against icons are those who deny Jesus is the incarnation of God: jews or muslims. Which one are you?
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1- I'm not the person you're referring to in that first post, obviously since I'm not namefagging
2- nothing you said contradicted what I said in my post. The second council of nicea was in 700 and. Don't call me Jew or Muslim, that's poor and dishonest argumentation. But most orthos are dishonest so

Adjust your views.
Hello there fellow brothers, I am an antiochian orthodox anon who needs blessings and prayers for a friend. Matt as we'll call him is in some serious spiritual trouble and needs all the help he can get. I apologize if I have interrupted any conversations. Holy God, Holy mighty, Holy immortal, have mercy on us.
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put on your armor of God brothers, use prayer as a constant active attack against demons, praise the Lord in all you do
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My mistake about the first post. I did not meant to tag you. Tough perhaps the namefag is best left untagged. They feed on attention.

Pic. related is from the late 4th century. It's from a catacomb of Commodilla. Historically speaking, icons descend from the early Christian art in Rome. Tough the style did become more crystallized in Byzantine art. They are essentially icons:


If, for as long Christians could speak, they spread the message of Christ, then, for as long as they could paint, they depicted it. It's how Christianity was spread and taught, to literate and illiterate alike. The Nicaea councils did not innovate, they merely canonized this. It's ironic that the most iconoclast of Christians cling so tightly to their own idiosyncrasies and reject lived experience. Ie. they cling to the letter, but not the spirit of the Word. Tell me, does you having a picture of your wife mean you're cheating on her? Can you or can you not tell the difference between the lived experience you and your wife share, and a picture of her? If your house was burning, would you save her, or the picture? If you can't answer these questions, then perhaps I understand your attitude towards icons. But then the problem lies with you, not with the icons. Images, like words, act as mere signifies to a reality that lies beyond them. They are no substitute for it, yet, as guides, they serve their purpose well. Our world would be poorer without them. Christ was God, yet He was also man. He revealed Himself to us, that we may see, and hear, and listen.
pretty sure the true church is one that is not being shilled by anyone and not even considered a church, nor an institution.
And pretty sure the drug addicts dying on the streets are closer to God than us "christians"
Bump for discussion tomorrow. Finally taking my Christianity seriously in Orthodoxy, and while it just *feels* right for me (I actuallynfeel a calm and reverence in the chamber, as well as through the rituals), intellectually a lot of questions remain unanswered, as at least one other Anon has brought up for himself.
as someone who grew up not associated with any religion but drawn to the holy and the spiritual, the Orthodox Church was the only one that ever captivated my interests enough to voluntarily attend a church service. it was during a painful period of my life and I was comforted by beautiful singing and the overall aesthetic of the church and divine liturgy, as well as the strong sense of community practised there. I met my now ex at my first Sunday, who set me off on a three month deep exploration of the faith (this was back in 2022). I could never reconcile my aversions to certain practices nor "believe" in the Nicean creed or even holy communion however, and the more I learned about Christianity the further away I veered from it. I distance myself further now without regret, but still I respect Orthodox. As far as religions go, from the research I did at the time the Quakers were the ones who most closely resonated with my natural instinct, but also I hold in reverence the Orthodox approach as well. A delicate combination of the two could be quite deep.
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>and the more I learned about Christianity the further away I veered from it
This has been my experience 100%
But for me it was the Bible. The more I read the Bible, the less inclined towards Christianity I am, to the point where I am practicing for the community around me, and not for myself. I am extremely disillusioned by the religion thought and the "need for religion". Not that the Beyond is not real, but religion is definitely not real. Many religious practices have been adapted in time either added or subtracted "on a whim" so to speak. I can understand the intentions, but many things in religion I can not agree with.
Still, I respect the orthodox and what they're trying to do. I respect the small baptist communities who do Bible study in a guys basement as well. They are all meaning well and have a good inclination, that's respectable to me.
The 1 thing I don't like about Christianity is how there is no martial discipline to the doctrine. There is no vitalism and no respect for the physical body. Again, I can understand the intentions and the motive behind it, doesn't mean I accept it.

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