here are some spark notes;1. Inhuman drowing of oneself with stimulus. The demon doesnt allow them to think. Thoughts of; their past, meaning of life, or the morality of their past actions results in immediate extreme vengeance or you having to stop. Also a seriously unnatural ability to be constantly on some substance (ssri and alcohol together, monster, cocaine etc.), ALWAYS listening to music, always on social media accounts with numerous shadow accounts. Most acutely though its a feeling; its like every moment they have to emotionally kill themselves and be perfectly asleep in their emotion, its very distinct and horrid2. loosh farming. Its like every social media post, every thing they say out of their mouths is in some way to steal emotional energy off of people. They are constantly taking on identities to do so, often completely contradictory; they behave as a devout Catholic (never going to confession of course but going to mass) but have sex and get high in the night.3. Constant extreme synchronicities and animals being in inexplicable fear is the norm.4. You wont be able to remember their face5. You will feel the worst pain you have ever faced in your life, i have aged 10 years probably because of this6. It feels like you are in total confusion and demons do everything to hide; thats ALWAYS their goal, to never be found out, to not be exposed; the statement of belief "a demon is causing this" was nigh impossible for me to make. I saw full blown shadow figures in broad daylight multiple times and later said "nah, theres no paranormal stuff going on shes just a hurt person".