Can it really be this simple?
>>39254082Go outside, insult or attack someone. Get your shit pushed in. And then drop that retarded narcissist bullshit view while you bleed out and cry from pain
>>39254082It is. We're all just god nightmare
>>39254082Well tell me this. Have you ever found a part of innate yourself by finding something external that speaks to it? I hope so, because that's love, the experience of experiencing yourself.
>>39254092but different fractals of god/source are at different stages of the path ascending from low vibration to high vibration (literal vibration of god). if anything it confirms everything
Why do people commit suicide then? How can you even kill yourself if you’re the universe?
>>39254106the obvious example is a romantic relationship. two parts forming a whole. god divided itself and the reunion creates a divinely pleasurable sensation in orgasm. where does this attraction energy come from? why does time slow down and nothing else matter when in deep love? so yeah obvious as fuck male and female are both aspects of the same coming together
>>39254124>How can you even kill yourself if you’re the universe?The same way the universe eats itself.
>>39254106So life is god trying to figure out how to love herself? Seems like too much pain..
>>39254124>How can you even kill yourself if you’re the universeI don't think you can kill yourself. I've tried many times and I always magically wake back up in the ICU. Quantum immortality.
>>39254082don't fall for the cope anon. maybe we're all part of the same being maybe we aren't. doesn't invalidate your thoughts and feelings coping non-duality tards trying to free themselves from having to experience.IF everything is indeed the same being, that 'self' certainly does not convey the same 'self' we mean when we use the word as humans. it's something far beyond current human comprehension, and even then your own particular self is only you.
>>39254152God's love is endless and beyond time, it needs no figuring out. Another way to think of it is that love is a force that leads to creation through union. So, more accurately, like us God is a process that is always building itself.
>>39254082The simpler you make it the more room for misinterpretation. It can be observed with this new age wave of zoomer solipsists that are convinced that notion is referring to their egos.
You are just an intricate combination of molecules created in the universe by the universe whose sole purpose is to experience and observe itself. On a side note, it's entirely possible that there is a higher and grander form of intelligence in the universe that we (sentient organisms) are a small part of. Like neurons to a brain or transistors to a processor.
>>39254106Not that anon.Yeah.I found out how loved I was when channeling God and asking out if the blue if anyone ever masturbated to fantasies of me.I'm outspoken, extremely flammable and chronically based in my thinking, all a product of my birth stellum (6 planets Sagittarius, Sun-Mercury-Venus-Mars conjunct).All sorts of things that I've constantly been shat on about by authority figures, the type of figures who everyone else politely obeyed.Not me though. I always stood up for myself even if I said nothing, just had that energy.Traits and qualities which I consequently despised for decades as a kid, teenager and adult.Traits and qualities which whetted the trenches of many a fair maid who always seemed to ignore me and never made advances, to the point where I felt utterly alone in a crowd every single day.Had I known it at the time and respected this inner power, I'd have gotten laid in under 1 sentence.Instead I had to endure 30 years of parental abuse until I quietly no-contacted them and did a shitload of soul searching, channeling God and divining all kinds of things about everything.Now it's a maxxvaxx world and nobody can be fucked even if they begged me to fuck them.Almost makes the inner journey feel fruitless. How inner was that journey then eh...
>>39254115This.Heat-Death homogeneity collapses into the big bang.Over, and over, and over…
>>39254092>narcissist it is anything but narcissistic you silly toy
>>39254239And each new iteration has improvements. We are brute forcing reality into something better with each cycle.
>>39255198yea the universe is ever complexifying. and we are the result..
>>39254082After getting high af, yes, I can confirm the universe is just trying to experience itself.
>>39254362Come here so I will stab you. Claim nothing is real then as you bleed out like a pig.
>>39255245Delusional subhuman. Take that head out of your own ass.
>>39254082lol no, this is the most retarded shit ever. You really think if you were God you would be living a miserable life? I know I wouldn't be. In fact none of this is how I would want it to be.
>>39257380You've got a point but sometimes I wonder if this life sucks just enough for me not to question it
>>39254115>different fractals of god/source are at different stages of the path ascending from low vibration to high vibration no kiddingit's just common knowledge that all the great and selfless people who live to benefit those around him started out as child rapists
>>39254082yes, it's a simple cope for people who can't even begin to face the harshness of reality
>>39257380you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop.stupid frog poster
>>39257401Alan Watts suggests that we are all expressions of God, and if we close our eyes to imagine a better place, we'd find that the best place to be is exactly where we are.
>>39254092or you can do the opposite, like that one monk on joe rogan who got beat up, and nonviolently embrace your end while chanting the names of the One (dude survived but yeah)
Now wake from it.
>>39255238mansur al-hallaj shouted "I am the Truth!" and laughed as they as they beat him to death as they chopped off his head as they hanged him as they burned his body as they scattered his ashes as they built a cenotaph to him as they pilgrimaged to it for a thousand years as it swept away in a flood
>>39254082its simple but not in the way that you think
>>39254124"you" are the consciousness itself, the awareness of the now. The main gist here is that everything that exist is in some capacity self aware, matter is awareness in a temporary stasis, humans and other animals are the same awareness, only disconnected from its source, and so, unknowing of themselves, and also carrying a baggage of memories which gives the illusion of "you". When you die, what dies is the physical body, and your consciousness simply habits another body, or goes somewhere else entirely. In the case of reincarnating, the memories are flushed once again, giving again the illusion of a single lifetime. Therefore, suicide too is only an illusion. An incarnated entity is only an illusion held by accumulated memories.From our human perspective death is the end of a person, from the "universe experiencing itself" perspective, that is just the same consciousness wearing different bodies.
>>39254082>am I actually just super enlightened to be the most cucked kind of cuck possible?it's fucking over for you
>>39257690The jews are better than whites, keep seething.
>>39259825Faggotry is one of the worst ways going about life. Why Jews promote it so adamantly is beyond me.
>>39254092It has nothing to do with narcissism. Narcissism requires other observers because it's all about ego and looking good to other people. If you're the only one, then it's pointless. What you mean is solipsist, and even then you'd be wrong. The universe experiencing itself doesn't necessarily imply a single observer.
>>39259853In Hinduism there was the one, the only one, the one created itself to observe itself, thus knowledge was born. It’s the story of the origins of life and is sometimes referenced to the Big Bang theory, which I would say is merely a reference. Maybe there only was the one, maybe the universe doesn’t expirence itself.
The one is called Brahma.
Source? It’s taught at Hindu temples.