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What are the spiritual effects of alcohol on you, me or anyone really?
Good way to ruin your life, relationships, friendships, go broke and rape your health.
They're called spirits for a reason. Stay away, you don't need any intoxicating substances
Either of you two got any stories to share?
The effects are extremely dampening, spiritually speaking. Sure, you might get a little dionysian buzz from a little wine, but its extremely short-lived, and often useless. Getting drunk is like having a candle and a box of matches, and you choose to burn the entire box of matches instead of lighting the candle because the flame is a bit brighter for a few seconds.
My dad died in 2012 and I started day drinking. I had to make end of life decisions for him, so I signed his do not resuscitate after the doctor told me that he can imagine worse states of existence than death and my dad was headed towards those, at best.
I moved into my friend's basement and had my first adult sleep paralysis episode. I didn't tell anyone about it for two days because I was convinced I had been abducted by aliens and I was either going crazy or people would think I was.
I had been sleeping in my friend's basement. His house was built on a slope and had sliding glass doors in the basement that opened into the backyard. I was in bed flat on my back in the dark, and I could sense that someone was outside the door. The door opened and in walked three beings. They looked like two round balls, a round head on a round body, about 5 feet tall, maybe shorter. I didn't see any faces, it was dark and they seemed dark themselves, as if they were in bodysuits. They had two or three spindly, tentacle like arms which ended in three spindly, tentacle like fingers that had flared ends - like a trumpet or something. Out of the ends of their fingers light was coming out in small circles - red, orange, blue, green, or yellow. They twirled their arms and fingers around and this was the only light in the room.
They walked towards my bed around either side and I realized that I could not move. Suddenly I was about a foot above the bed and fell onto it. The beings were gone and I could move. I must have flopped off the bed in a full body jerk and came to in the middle of it, but it felt more like a cut frame in a film and suddenly I came to in midair.
I told my friend's wife two days later at breakfast and she told me that it was sleep paralysis. I looked into it and was satisfied with the answer. Until it happened again.
I drink a lot and consider myself pretty spiritual. I switched to wine from beer and liquor, and still enjoy a drink, but now I do drink wine basically everyday and never to drunkenness
I ended up getting blackout drunk on a bottle of Svedka and having some kind of episode. My friend told me that in the basement room I had stripped naked, started screaming at the top of my lungs, and was pissing in the corners of the room. I'm sure I did other things. When he drove me to the bus station he told me it was unlike anything he had ever seen in me. It was weird.
I landed at my sister's place and was sleeping on her futon, drinking hard. I drank more hard liquor than I ever had before, enough to kill I'm sure. The next day I was coming to from my second black out drunk ever and was just kind of wondering what was going on with me. Was I just going to let myself slip into alcoholism and death?
I was lying flat on my back in my sister's living room on the futon when I felt a presence. From the end of the hall a six foot tall completely dark void walked across the kitchen. It was manshaped. I knew it was happening again and I could not move. The dark shape walked towards where I lay. It knew I was afraid. It reached out it's hands down towards my face. Then it was over, it was gone and I could move again.
The next four years saw me get work at a bar/burrito joint in a college town and descending into alcoholism. A fair bit of cocaine. I was estranged from my family and going nowhere, doing nothing, no real friends just people I worked or partied with. Empty. Then I got fired for getting drunk too early in the day, going to my shift, and getting nasty with people. When I came in the next day to get fired several people hugged me and told me it was like I was a completely different person than the friendly, goofy Drew they knew. They weren't even mad, they were concerned.
The next two years was bagging groceries and working the self-checkouts at grocery store. I stole so many of those little shooter bottles of liquor they sell. I was chummy with the managers . I was dying.
People blame booze and drugs, but pissing and screaming is all you bro
>They're called spirits for a reason
why are they actually called spirits? Is it cause it opens you up to potential possession? also, not all alcohol is referred to as spirits. Just hard liquor. Beer and wine are not. So maybe some alcohol in low qualities is okay?
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If you have to ask your not a drunk
>but what about beer and wine huh what about wine spritzers and coolers huh
gottem. you debunked the shit out of that one.
besides, it's not even ionizing radiation.
No this is just shit that alcoholics who've rotted their brains spout out. Just another drug with a long list of negative side effects and it goes no deeper than that.
It's unfortunately the most spiritual drug out there.
Detrimental to liver is the common knowledge.
Hidden knowledge is the ethereal soul, one's courage and intuition, our unconscious and non-rational decision making are related to the energy of the liver. When it is suppressed, there is only anxiety, fear, anger and madness.
The liver spirit is incredibly powerful as it directly feeds the heart's energy, when shit goes south with it, everything is fucked.
Its probably the third most powerful substance after LSD and Psilocybin. People always underrate the power of alcohol because its so commonplace. But all the way from Dionysus to Jesus turning water into wine, alcohol is undeniably one of the strongest substances for liberating the mind and spirit.

As with anything you put into your body, have to respect it and be careful.
distillation captures the essence or "spirit" of the beverage. So like Brandy is the spirit of Wine.
A little bit can be good if you have the genetic makeup and the psychology to handle it. It is absolutely not necessary for poetic or spiritual insight and if you have an addictive/binge mentality or a body that can't process it as easily (if you have predominantly native american genes in other words) you should avoid it.
Ugh, if feeling like shit physically doesn't make you feel like shit mentally then I don't know what to tell you.
for me I have clairvoyant blackout episodes. my dear friend helps me use it to grow our crypto.
Alcohol makes you feel amazing physically though. Its a natural painkiller and completely destroys anxiety as well as stimulating euphora.

Whats up with all you fags only focusing on the hangover instead of the obvious positive effects of alcohol. Weak cunts
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>drink the poison like me! Even if it is literally a carcinogen! You're a pussy because you aren't a desensitized alcoholic like me!
>you don't get it I need it to DESTROY my anxiety and make me feel euphoric! Weak cunt!
compulsive alcohol intake is in realition to spirituality, as a condom is to masturbation
if you need the former, then there is not the latter
Yes, it gets you close to some gods and goddesses related to its consumption, such as Dionysus.
Feels so good to be pagan. You can drink together with Thor at any moment. Same can't be said about the retentoor/flerfer god.
seethe. I am just being objective and reasonable. You are being a zealous retard
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Seethe, you are a drunkard and defend the very poison you are ill by.

>I neeed to trade my health to feel good, you pussy! I need it to relieve pain, anxiety, and stimulate euphoria! You're weak for not imbibing this poison that I am desensitized to! I'M SMART.
We get it. Your dad was a drunk and beat the shit out of your whore mother and weak you.

Get over it. Pussy.
Alcohol is spiritually potent and should not be dismissed.
Its effects can be positive and negative, it's innately a double edged sword.
If you drink consciously with an awarness of what you are doing and what you intend to do, it can be positive.
If you drink to mindlessly indulgence, you'll be a slave to whatever impulses come your way.
Alcohol is posion to physical health but like all drugs it is good for opening closed doors. It's use is widespread throughout mystical and spiritual practice, so I'm reluctant to dismiss it.
I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to spirituality so I won't pretend I know more than I do but demonizing alcohol seems foolish if you're a spirtualist. I don't take issue alcohol, it's the people who love to drink it.
I have none of those to begin with. Might as well enjoy myself.
I relapsed a year ago and drink 2 liters of 8% beer a night. >>39254207 said it all.

I also get schizophrenic and anxious when not drunk, which leads to all sorts of mental health problems.
What the fuck are you talking about. Are you mentally ill and drinking triggers psychotic episodes? Otherwise I don't understand how one could come to this conclusion
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Armenian Sufi mystic hands typed this post:
Alcohol should only be used in strict moderation.

Drinking for a mild buzz is one thing, drunkeness will ruin your life and health.
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>The craving for these things is caused by the internal misery which their use reveals to the slave-souls. If you are really free, you can take cocaine as simply as salt-water taffy. There is no better rough test of a soul than its attitude to drugs. If a man is simple, fearless, eager, he is all right; he will not become a slave. If he is afraid, he is already a slave. Let the whole world take opium, hashish, and the rest; those who are liable to abuse them were better dead.
>For it is in the power of all so-called intoxicating drugs to reveal a man to himself. If this revelation declare a Star, then it shines brighter ever after. If it declare a Christian — a thing not man nor beast, but a muddle of mind — he craves the drug, no more for its analytical but for its numbing effect. Lytton has a great story of this in ‘Zanoni.’ Glyndon, an uninitiate, takes an Elixir, and beholds not Adonai the glorious, but the Dweller on the Threshold; cast out from the Sanctuary, he becomes a vulgar drunkard.
They lower your ego blocks including those that exercise protective discernment against negative energies. My best and worst nights in love booze, either they ignite a spark of creative insight and productivity or cause some repressed inner child wound to bubble up and cause emotional spill over. Generally good to take regular breaks since the negative aspects become more consistent the longer you run on.
The vast majority of people who drink aren't alcoholics. Alcoholism is a result of personal weakness, nothing else.
Here's a video on the spiritual implications of Alcohol:

You're a tard with the soul of a turd
>retentoor/flerfer god
The fucking what?
>It's unfortunately the most spiritual drug out there.
How so?
I'm not going to answer your question, but I'll say this: you ever seen a drunk animal before?
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great analogy
hallucination is not important
this is true. alcohol brings out what's in you. if someone is a retarded asshole drunk that's just who they are.
Drunk monkeys are fun to watch.
The anon who answered for me wasn't who originally asked the question. I've never seen a drunk animal since I don't drink myself nor give any pets any alcoholic beverages.

However, why the resistance to answering my question? Is it that you can't find a way to articulate how alcohol is "the most spiritual drug"? Whether your claim is accurate or not, I don't know, yet if it is, you should at least have empirical evidence to back up your statement.
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I'm day drinking rn (right now).
Explain then, what makes it powerful?
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happy warlock day
In the early days of trying to treat alcoholism, Jung famously talked about how the alcoholics thirst is primarily a spiritual need to be connected to god which is manifesting as drinking. And thats why to this day AAs most important step is about surrendering to a higher power. Before this, wine was described as "a taste of the other side". The freeness that one feels when drinking alcohol is the closest to heaven that most people ever really could get.

Also, in the CIA studies on hypnotism. They generally found that alcohol was one of the strongest things they had. Which shows it has some kind of ability to affect these things which we generally think of as an LSD only phenomena. Indeed, before LSD was a cult leaders favorite tool, there were countless cults which were fueld by alcohol, the cults of Dionysius most famously.
Makes sense
>happy warlock day
Thats a holidayy??
this anon is correct, dont to spirits anons
Do NOT consume ethanol. Ethanol is poison. Ethanol is toxic. Do NOT consume ethanol aka alcohol. Do NOT consume poison.
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I think it probably depends on a person's brain chemistry. I have a fairly addictive personality, so any short-term benefits or enlightenment from drinking alcohol is quickly overshadowed by just wanting to drink more. I am trying to quit, I have found an ashwagandha-infused seltzer water that is pretty cheap and tastes like beer, no complaints.
Picrelated looks yummy.
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Buddha said it's unskillful, simple as.
>You can drink together with Thor at any moment
good old uncle Thor always accepts drinking competition
Alcohol is currently getting more powerful in collective unconcious. I feel it myself, threads on /x/ and in alst week i saw 3 bumbling not homeless drunks on 3 separate occassions on my nightwalks. I can't remember any time i saw even 1 before these.
To get the true picture of what alcohol is, you just have to imagine it in pill format instead of in these aestheticized, heavily marketed, heavily nostalgized (in the cases of various drinks), good or interesting tasting beverages with stylized and artistic packaging and containers. If you view it as a fucking pill then it's basically akin to taking a benzo or something similar to a benzo like GHB. But it becomes clear it's just a random ass fucking drug. You could make a huge industry around benzos and put them in all sorts of drinks if you wanted to. The entire special thing about alcohol that makes people oblivious to what they're doing is in its unique delivery format and the culture around it.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning that's the best they're going to feel all day
If you drink enough, you can time travel into the future, but you can’t choose the location.
I was a shy kid, unsure of myself. Stuttering even when doing groceries, going out to people scared me shitless. Any interaction with humans seemed "alien" to me. I lost my virginity to a hooker, when I was 18. Due to pressure from my "friends" getting laid. I felt bad about this anyway. I was this scared little shit up to my 19. Then I started drinking heavily, and I mean heavily. My benders would last for months. I was a functioning alcoholic I think. I killed any anxiety I had, any fear I had in 2 years, I was drunk of course.

I fucked more women than I could dream of, I didn't even think it was possible. I got more assertive to the point of getting into people's face, using them and domineering others. It felt so fucking good. All thanks to the liquid jew. I was in few relationships. Did things I could only experience in porn before. Started fighting people. Stood up for myself in every situation. Unforutanely I also become very cruel, sadistic and emotionless. What was a huge plus though is that all the shit I did when drunk, all the bariers broken. Stayed with me even sober. So I can say alcohol did change my life for the better. It also took some people that I think I truly loved, but that's the two edged sword and I wouldn't even be with those people without alcohol in the first place.

Take it as you will.
You're me but I also got locked up for some time.
makes you exhausted. wastes your time. makes you feel terrible afterward.

I think that it is alright very rarely, but when it becomes a regular thing it basically is addictive. you go through withdrawal symptoms, have tiredness, brain fog, brain zaps. and this lasts days if not weeks or months after you stop.
>makes you exhausted
It gives me energy.
granted alcohol can give you a nice pleasant level buzz for like a half hour or so, but no fucking way is alcohol a path toward liberation. Even marijuana is better.
i find that alcohol usually doesn't feel that good. I'm usually disappointed and go "meh, this is a crappy buzz" only maybe a third of the time will it be a nice buzz.
true for me as well. it gives me energy when I drink it, but exhausts me the following day and week afterward.

And keep in mind I am 41. As you age your body doesn't recover like it did in your 20s. Also in your 20s you might have brain fog and not realize it is because you have been drinking, because when you're younger you haven't experienced falling into patterns. Things feel more random and spontaneous. But as you get older you see the order.

I look at alcohol as the equivalent of punching yourself in the face. Think of it that way. Let's say you buy 4 pints of 8% abv and drink them all on friday (that was literally what I would go for). That's basically like giving yourself a beat down. Then the body is hungover the entire week because you literally BEAT YOUR BODY UP. You POISONED YOURSELF. And yet we think that the next weekend it is okay to drink again. We just assume "oh, well that was a week ago" but in reality our body hasn't even fully healed. So it's like punching someone in the black eye.

I still drink weekly, but this is the conclusion I am coming to as I am realizing the physical effects, as well as the overall cumulative negative impact it has had on my life. I love the feeling of finishing a week and rewarding myself with a drink, but I almost always overdo it, because I don't want the experience to end. Then I wake up hungover the next day and my weekend is ruined.

And of course things like cancer are not good things to look forward to. Also ages you, puts black bags under your eyes. Often you can easily spot an alcoholic.

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