I deleted all of my "2017 pol alien research" photos I compiled while I was having a psychotic break, searching the /x/ archives to collect them again. I think I was on to something and saw something that made me go insane.
Animated gif, revealing the secret alien image.
Watch at 0.25x speed and press space bar quickly to view it frame by frame:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPTs4okJNG8There's an odd comment in that video about a guy talking about the "Metamorphosis", does that mean when its beak is showing? Was that a transformation after it got shot? Then he mentions throwing himself down an elevator shaft...
>>39254770Are you talking about those gifs with nine or more images in it, that keep changing fast? That's may be bad for your brain, anon.
I was in a mental hospital for 10 days as a result of researching this stuff as a warning.
>>39254794That gif with a bunch of celebrities where you stare it it long enough and then you start to see demons? No I was not referring to that. I'm referring to the /pol/ 2017 alien image that shut down 4chan.
Middle painting is from one of those "hellmouth" paintings which suggests that hellmouths were actually UFOs.
Okay im interested but very confused. Explain it like you would to a normie who didnt live throug the 2017 pol alien research. What is this a photo of? Which one is the undoctored one?
Two anons within a few minutes of each other's posts both called pic related a skinwalker.
>>392548322nd skinwalker. These are AI enhanced images of a guy who took photos of something he saw in the woods and posted it on MUFON.
>>39254829The image on the far left in this pic is the oldest image in the archives that could possibly be the /pol/ alienThe other 2 images that are undoctored by me that I did research on are these two:>>39254838>>39254809
>>39254770To explain the OP image, the mouth/nostrils on the far left are from an AI analysis of this image:>>39254785The snout/nostrils on the right are from this image:>>39254809
I also believe there may be multiple alien pictures, not just one, and that there is some way to unencrypt the images.
I really should have listened to this guy's warning. The scenario I worry the most about is this: They can detect when a human as seen their face. Once all humans have seen their face via a leaked image that reaches worldwide, they will reveal themselves from the shadows and begin to harvest us.
Found a new one I'm gonna analyze, if anyone wants to join me in this madness use https://www.aperisolve.com/
I got this toad/insect like face in this analysis layer
>>39254857One of those is real and other are recreation by memory or psyop
>>39254770So THIS is Immaculate Constellation, huh?
They're called trantaloids. Regan declassified this in his term. They are said to be the gatekeepers of tempora time travel cause they were the first or are the only species that have figured it out so far either way they're not to be trusted and these are the same things people see when they see those mantis aliens. We live on a planet PLAN ET.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/public/2021-06/40-654-209237722-045-010-2021.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjY_PGwz-aJAxVNLtAFHa50OgEQFnoECCMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3HcwB5EST8Bjp35VurwxSd
>>39255219More examples of them.They controll the Greys..
>>39255219>blue eye and brown bodyMatches>>39254846