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>Between 1978 and 2007 there were a number of legal disputes between Apple Corps (owned by The Beatles) and the computer manufacturer Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.) over competing trademark rights, specifically over the use of the name "Apple" and their respective logos which consist of a profile of an apple. Apple Inc. paid Apple Corps. over three settlements: $80,000 in 1978, $26.5 million in 1991, and $500 million in 2007, when Apple Inc. acquired all the trademarks related to "Apple."
>The disputes provided a notable example of the "A moron in a hurry" legal test. They also led to the Guy Goma incident and inspired the Sosumi alert sound.
>In the middle of setting up the new company, manager Epstein died unexpectedly in what seemed an accidental sleeping pills overdose on 27 August 1967, which pressed the Beatles to accelerate their plans to gain control of their own financial affairs. In addition to providing an umbrella to cover the Beatles' own financial and business affairs, Apple was intended to provide a means of financial support to anyone in the wider world struggling to get 'worthwhile' artistic projects off the ground.
> In January 1968, Beatles Ltd. officially changed its name to Apple Corps. Ltd. and registered the Apple trademark in forty-seven countries[18] In February the company also registered Apple Electronics, Apple Films Ltd., Apple Management, Apple Music Publishing, Apple Overseas, Apple Publicity, Apple Records, Apple Retail, and Apple Tailoring Civil and Theatrical with the intent on focusing on five divisions: records, electronics, film, publishing and retailing.
Apple electronics (division of Apple Corps) was working on portable music players in the 60’s
How does Sony play into this with the Walkman?
Was John going to expose them for stealing his patents?
That’s silly unless you have some evidence I’m not aware of. It’s more likely that mi6 helped kill him because John was going to tell the world Paul was replaced
He even copied John Lennon’s style
Jobs was a loser until he stood up to Obama and the deep state. Unironically why they killed him though
>In addition to providing an umbrella to cover the Beatles' own financial and business affairs, Apple was intended to provide a means of financial support to anyone in the wider world struggling to get 'worthwhile' artistic projects off the ground.
They couldn’t let him succeed over a greedy fuck like Jobs who wouldn’t reward the artists
What if John had a body double shot and then he became Steve Jobs?
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John Lennon IS Steve Jobs. Same person.
>Lennon married a Japanese woman
>"apple" in Japanese is "ringo"
>Ringos contain a star inside them
Retard tier take
There ages weren’t close enough to make this believable
There's a chance he possibly got some of his dna infused
Probably a clone. Most definitely related somehow for sure
Mediocre fruit, mediocre brand. Yes.
Genetic Enslavement. Yes
Generational Indoctrination. Yes
Apple is the antichrist used for gullible animals.
John Lennon is still alive. He is former MI6.
Close but no cigar for you
John Lennon became Tim Cook
Walkman was the first portable music player that became widely popular and available for the general public, the first version was released in 1979, just a year before Lennon's death.
It's fully possible that Steve managed to steal the patents for what became the Walkman, then sell them to Sony who was the highest bidder.
Lennon exposing this fraud would have been a death blow to Apple Computer in its early years
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>Steve Jobs had John Lennon whacked and stole the idea for Apple from him
Steve Jobs had John Lennon stole the idea of apples from mother nature, which stole it from god.
>starts suing apple computers
>gets whacked
>apple computers ceo tries to steal your identity and style
I’m so glad they gave Jobs turbo cancer
I've seen stranger.
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>Steve Jobs had John Lennon whacked and stole the idea for Apple from him
john lenin
But his name is allegedly Richard Starkey, Ringo Starr is a stage name.
They were both disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda
Sony is a Japanese company
>Unironically why they killed him though
Wrong, he died of butt AIDS because he was a fag
The main thing is those 2 cunts are dead.
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Sorry meant to post this Picrel for this schizo

OP is based
>Why apple users are now and have always been insufferable retards who destroyed corporate accountability: the back story
Well now my decades of despising apple and it's user base just ...well, it's the same. It's literally impossible for me to hate apple users more than I already do.
Steve Jobs was a bitch
So. That makes even more sense than if his parents named him that. Glowies probably picked his stage name
Huh, what’s that?
an example would be your brainrot.
I’ve never seen that one
jobs finally did something good by killing worst beatle
Right? Even takes his glasses after stealing his company
Whose John Lemon? lmao.
I don't know why don't other companies try to sell fashionable electronics. there is so much marketshare for that stuff.
I mean sure, they try, but barely. Apple is the only electronics company that is also a fashion company.
even their name is casual.
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Stephen King killed John Lennon
Intellectual property lawyers sue startups out of existence
This is the type of shit wealthy people do
Mark david chapman was a glowie trained Manchurian candidate
he even had catcher in the rye with him. I think the doorman was ex-cia and actually pulled the trigger on the kill shot if i remember correctly
every single time you hear a story about some guy making a company in his garage it is fake and an intelligence/military front company

some popular examples:
>Microsoft - Bill Gates
>Apple - Steve Jobs
>Anduril - Palmer Luckey
Damn you’re right anon
Amazon and Oracle too
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they really don't hide it at all
couldn't be more obvious

every major tech company is part of a massive military operation
cold war never ended it just went digital
Elon musk is a darpa baby too
I heard Andrew Basiago say Obama was connected to darpa programs from a young age too
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Alright /x/, I'll post some real history. Steve Jobs stole the idea for Apple from a company named Technical Design Laboratories. Roger Amidon was a developer for that company and developed an OS named "Zapple Monitor". Microsoft went on to steal much of that code for Debugging features in DOS.

This is not as exciting as these other stories but this is the truth. Picture Somewhat related.
it’s obvious once you think about it. Didn’t jobs steal from xerox too?

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