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I had an experience last night on mushrooms that I won't bore you with, where my faith and spiritual work was challenged.

I happened to be recommended a video by youtube today on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which I listened to while eating dinner and to my surprise, the experienced mimicked that of my trip. Wherein the person who dies is presented with a series of illusions they must see through or otherwise dispel to achieve liberation. Failure to do so results in reincarnation and rebirth.

So I have concluded that psychedelics are a way to practice dying. I remember there used to be threads on here where people discussed the idea that after you die you are presented with 'the light' but it's a trap and you're supposed to avoid the light. People were looking for a way to prepare themselves for that experience and I think this could be a great way to do that.
100% anon
I didn’t make this connection until I smoked some DMT. Now I look back at some heroic mushroom and Ibogaine trips as similar experiences.
The way NDE and Tibetan Book of the Dead explain these things and his they compare to my experiences on hallucinogenics, I think we can build up spiritual stamina through practice with high doses
I agree. I failed last night but I'm determined to keep up my practice and try again in a few months.

Initially the experience freaked me out and I was prepared to get rid of my mushrooms today, I'm glad I waited. I think they are a valuable tool.
One time I took a huge dose of mushrooms and I went into space when I laid down
I got to see the archons living off our loosh. They weren’t happy that I could see them
You’re supposed to read the book first.
Doesn’t matter, you need practice to become a pro anyway. Reading the book first only helps you know what to expect
Some people are so afraid of death that they desperately need psychedelics
To bad many of them are deathly afraid of psychedelics too
From what I can gather the concepts of reality in themselves are traps in the sense that our true essence of consciousness is being limited in the confines of whatever ruleset or creation it is existing and existing in general is kind of just fucking around

I know you said you wouldnt bore us with it, but what exactly did you experience? I think knowing what you went through could have some value.
Nothing too exciting really. Just the sensation of a a sinister force and a (non-literal) whispering that I am being mislead and that my spiritual work is a trap. That I should just abandon it and go enjoy the material pleasures of life.
>To bad many of them are deathly afraid of psychedelics to
I hear this a lot when I talk about psychedelics use. People often say stuff like "I don't like the idea of losing control" or they seem intimidated. I think what they are actually scared of is that they know unconsciously or consciously, that will have to confront uncomfortable truths or things that they have been purposefully ignoring.
Yeah and they can limit negative effects by starting small and titrating dosage up but they’ll also get less positive effects until they go up to higher doses
Right after you posted this thread. Some glowtard posted a thread on how psychedelics are bullshit
>Psychadelics are a way to practice dying
No thanks, I can do that fine by myself.
I like how psychedelics make sex feel. I know many here are virgins so it won’t matter but if you eat a gram or two of mushrooms they make sex even better, women seem to enjoy that combo a lot too. They like to get tied up when they’re tripping in my experience
They’re powerful manifestation tools too
glowies gonna glow, you know what's real and that's all that matters
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Yeah I realize that on my first trips, everyone will "trip", at least one time in their lives: and that's the moment of their deaths.
We psychonauts have the opportunity to do this while in life.
Psychedelics are a gateway to the mystic experience, the mystic experience is the Key to reunite to the universal consciousness, everybody will use this Key at least once in their lives.
>I happened to be recommended a video by youtube today on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which I listened to while eating dinner and to my surprise, the experienced mimicked that of my trip. Wherein the person who dies is presented with a series of illusions they must see through or otherwise dispel to achieve liberation. Failure to do so results in reincarnation and rebirth.
none of this is the final liberation, stick to buddhism
Woops. I just ate star cookies
Glowies, shrooms, now.
Buddhism is a limited hangout designed to keep pedos in power like every other human religion
You keep molesting children and I’ll keep eating mushrooms. Stay in your lane pedo
Dw anon, no need to train, you'll die good enough.
frfr lol
Look at these glowies
Psychedelics just keep winning desu, more news recently that they are proven to help with mental health.
Funny how I told myself...what if enlightenment is a trap? Eerily I've
Been thinking the same,ive been so busy reading i havent even been living life...im gonna be 31......but then again my cards werent really in my favor....i took dmt in 2019 and im afraid I made an irredeemable mistaken by taking it....at times i laugh at myself and say im not living life im still in the DMT trip while the real me is still in 2015 undergoing those very same 15 mins i am typing this from.....only love can us.....love and justice....goodbye >>39257760
Has anyone ever been able to find a way to attack these entities psychically? Just tear their shit up?
>after you die you are presented with 'the light' but it's a trap and you're supposed to avoid the light.
I'd like more information on this specific part
Hello, based department?
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drugs make you joyful because you are closer to death ie farther away from the demiurgic prison matrix. acid, like a poison etc, many such cases, you are intoxicated, it kills your body and sets you free thats the real redpill about drugs. people seeking that state because they hate their material existence, thats what the demiurge did to us, remember what they took from you. life is hell, we are longing for death.
The truth is that drugs and theistic cults like hinduism, mahayana, all the judaisms are all the same. What ever happens in a drug spree is a tiny version of the ''mediation'' the non druggies do, but they derive the same conclusion. This is true. And It's just he perrenialist view, ie muh all religions are the same. Perennials are right so far. What they get wrong is that whatever inside a meditation is not nirvana. IE, religious people, and all the atheist dimwits who ''love spirituality but hate religions'', say nirvana=meditation, muh connecting with the one, with pristine awareness, with god (and this sparkled a shitshow in judaisms with the chiasm of chrsitinaity and orthodoxy , muh jesus is half human half god), but buddhists say it's not.
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one might say
>yeah but its only poor people craving such states because they arent successfull in this world
nuh-uh, the rich are addicted to all sorts of drugs and distractions, cocain for instance, or many are hooked on antidepressants since money doesnt buy them fulfillment.
Got you
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I think the important part is to practice meditation so that you can remain centered and aware in various altered states of consciousness/existence and not be carried away by feelings (subconsciousness) like fear or get lost in illusion. Like being lucid while dreaming
They literally cure depression
Thank god for DMT
Based shaman
I once killed myself three times in a dream to get back to my correct body (here).
Kinda screwed with my whole "perception of death" thing.
> >>39259662 #
>Buddhism is a limited hangout designed to keep pedos in power like every other human religion
>You keep molesting children and I’ll keep eating mushrooms. Stay in your lane pedo
Only if you are borderline retarded, i.e. rich stemfag or inheritance-cel. Money can buy you into all sorts of hobbies which allows you to do whatever fulfills you, and through this lets you connect to the exact type of people you want. Also buys you the time to fully embrace these hobbies.
Sure, it cant buy you the ethereal transcendental eternal type of happiness that most people chase like a moth chases a light, but sure as hell 99% of the other types of happiness.
If the afterlife is eternal then death is actually like rebirth or waking up
They knew this in the 70’s but they buried the studies
Or a way for druggies and junkies to tell their junky way is normal. Like alcoholics saying a bottle of vodka is normal since they see shit then, calm down, etc. ^^
I did about 5 grams of psilocybe, and basically experienced a time loop for eternity. Within it, I had to reconstruct linear experience so as to continue. But I know my soul is still looping now, just that the loop is bigger.
I couldn't quite let go, and the thing I needed to learn was agonisingly on the tip of my tongue the entire time.
I read the Book of Bardo, and watched Jacob's ladder, and yeah. Now I agree with you.
I think I would do things a touch differently next time I experience that. Like maybe I'm meant to let go all attachments to 'me' whilst somehow still remaining me? I dunno. That's the impression I got. Like, it's not about ego death so much as it is ego balancing with all the other shit you are. Not relying on something outside the system to save you, and not trying to build a ladder to escape from within the system.
Just realising that the system is you and is illusory perhaps.
Where the fuck does one even get DMT if you are a regular person who doesn’t hang out at Grateful Dead concerts? Is there some new silk road-esque site that won’t get me thrown in jail?
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Make it lol.
Its easy as piss
Dark web is where I got mine
Is empire market still around?
I never really lost control on psychedelics though.
It was more like a change of perception.
It's not like alcohol

That's was my experience tho
>the thing I needed to learn was agonisingly on the tip of my tongue the entire time
I've had this experience so many times
thats for dmt not shrooms
youre making shit up here
>ive concluded
yeah you and every other hippy dippy spiritualist
Everyone loves DMT
psychedelics are a way for jews to fuck your brain so you're absolutely useless in your rebellion against the jewish control system
Kinda does that opposite buddy
I think you meant opiates
Psychedelics heal even fast food addiction
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>Psychedelics heal even fast food addiction
this is the fattest thing I've ever read on /x/
you fat fucking nigger

>captcha: GAS4M
I’m not fat retard. Psychedelics have healed many types of addictions you dimwit
Make it like this anon shows
You can get all that on Amazon except the bark
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>take drugs to practice the most effortless task imaginable
Druggies will find any excuse to feed their habit.
You’ll love DMT anon
It’s like a video game near death experience
>the plants are jewish

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