So what happened?
>>39258380Hide and seek gone wrong
Brandon Rodgers did it.
>>39258395Buy an ad. No one knows who TF that is.
>>39258380She's dead
>>39258680Newfag. She ended up in the water supply. People in the hotel were brushing their teeth with her fluids.
>>39258380there was a movie set in this hotel before her death. story was pretty 1:1 iirc, but it's been a while. google it if you care
List of the crazy syncs around Elisa Lam:The last place she was supposedly seen at was fittingly called The Last Bookstore.The Last Bookstore's domain has a postal code in its registration: "V5G 4S2". When plugged into Google Maps, it leads straight to Elisa's burial site in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Canada.Elisa stated on the 4th floor of Cecil. 4 is regarded as number related to death in East Asian countries due to it sounding similar to their word for it.Elisa sent a tweet on January 13th about a Canadian company that is getting support from the Pentagon to create a cloaking material in order to make soldiers invisible.Interestingly enough, when you used to zoom into Cecil on Google Maps, you would find a company registered there called The Invisible Light Agency.A few days after her body was found, there was an outbreak of tuberculosis in homeless in downtown L.A.The test to find suspected tuberculosis is called LAM-ELISA, The reverse of Elisa Lam.Many netizens seem to agree that while on the elevator, she pressed the 14, 10, 7, 4, B, and block/hold buttons. Some of these buttons are supposedly linked to the Bible; chiefly the book of John, chapter 4, verses 7, 10, & 14. All these verses relate to water.She has also been linked to Jesus and being the 4th Seal/4th Horseman, given that Elisa is a biblical name meaning God’s promised/dedicated, Lam sounds like lamb, and Elisa Lam is a rough anagram of ‘I AM SEAL’ and she was on the 4th floor of Cecil.Lam also means to hit hard, to flee/escape from something, and to have a passionate expression of sorrow; weeping. These can all be linked to murder/getting sick via bludgeoning/”hit” with a bad sickness”, running from an assailant or group of them, and sadness from losing a loved one from a sickness + a water reference given that weeping/tears=water.There was also an unrelated Cecil hotel in London that was made from 1890-1896. It was mostly demolished in the fall of 1930.1/2
2/2Infamous occultist Aleister Crowley, while staying at London’s Cecil Hotel, wrote a poem called "Jephthah." It was about the burning and sacrifice of Seila by her father who also was a judge of Israel named Jephthah, a Bible ‘character’. It is said to foreshadow Elisa Lam’s death. It should be noted that the Bible does not call Jephthah's daughter Selia, but the Psuedo-Philo does.Selia means ‘asked for’ and is also an anagram of Elisa.Aleister allegedly contacted a grayesque(gray alien) named Lam via an interdimentional portal during a ritual.
>>39259698“Lam” is a Chinese origin surname that means “blue/indigo” in Cantonese. In mandarin it’s “forest”.
You had all the time to tell all the people what its about. Instead ad you did nothing. So you are just one of the staff (stuffer) to feed the daily shit. No, thanks nigger. That's the difference between paid and amateur. The one works for money, the other with passion.