It's happened twice, 5/7 knocks as if it was someone knocking on our doors or windows. My fiancee first noticed it but I heard it tonight. No one outside, and my dog wasn't alerted. Any ideas?
>>39258779If you're dog wasn't alerted its possible someone who is stalking you or probing your home is getting the dog used to their presence. Are you and your fiancee away from the house for extended periods?
>>39258784I am at home 24/7, it sounded from one of the windows but I know both of the neighbors on either side and checked as soon as I heard it.
>>39258779happened to me. It was a demon.
>>39258779It's me. Let me in.
>>39258866pls. I'm hungry.
>>39258833Dog would be alerted
>>39258880he looked but didn't bumrush and bark which he usually does.
First check your carbon monoxide detectors Second install a camera Third post your fiancé's titsFourth it's probably a demon burn white sage and open all the windows and proclaim the demon banished. If all else fails call a priest to bless the house
under no circumstances should you invite it in, or even think about letting it in
invest in a 12 gauge, i diagnose you with tweakers