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>Thomas Campbell has an astral environment called “Tom’s Park.” This place has been created, mapped, and reinforced by Tom and his astral travel trainees.

>The Monroe Institute’s Gateway Experience program is actually all about afterlife preparation. In the later training tapes, trainees literally design and create a resting place to go to after death for a break until proceeding to the afterlife center. The Afterlife center contains a healing center, library (akashic records), and next life planning center.
>I’ve completed the Gateway Experience program a couple times. The afterlife center is a robust landscape with many entities one can go and interact with.
>Monroe explains in his books that these afterlife astral plans exist within layers of the Earth’s magnetic field. This includes the differing religious heavens and such. But once the novelty of these afterlife belief system made locations wear off, we all go to the afterlife center for learning, healing, and planning.
>Unless however, you are, like Monroe, planning to eject from the earth reincarnation cycle. I love Robert because he breaks down the explanation of what some spiritual traditions like Buddhism are teaching and makes it secularly accessible.

>This was also part of my revelation. What we call self is an unison of other consciousness, good and evil, inspiring us all the time. In the same way how the Greeks believed that spirits like the muses were inspiring artists, what we call fiction are retelling of stories that have already happened somewhere else in the universe at some point. Yes, even lord of the rings is not an actually fictional story, believe it or not.

Do you wish to know more?
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Detailed instructions on how to die and not come back.
Monroe did a 180 on what he believed in the last days of his life before he died. He believed in the light and what not someone probably got to him.
Also his death was caused by a big white dragon.
I'll explain indepthly: Christ Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Lead into Gold Spiritual transmutation, Kundalini Chakras coincide with Kabbala, Lucifer is Sophia & good, truth is inverted by Yaldaboth. and most importantly: WHITE PATH HERMETIC GNOTICISM is the only way (which incorporates Kabbalah, but the non-evil path of ascension) NWO/illuminati they speak of? They take DARK PATH Kabbalistic Talmudic Satanic approach which is the opposite of Gnosticism. In truth? They are indeed adepts & sages but have hijacked sacred Gnosis & utilize Enochian majik of King David, Solomon, John Dee, etc. to FEED their Satanic Yaldaboth energy (via sacrificing MILLIONS via war, famine, Bioengineered diseases). This NWO sect (Jews and Jesuits) masquerade as worshipping Lucifer/Sophia "To free humanity from the Matrix" but they worship Yaldaboth. All inversion of truth with that crew.
>Also his death was caused by a big white dragon.
Its well known he was devouted by sysetryx
All religions on this planet, are false, and so are its spiritual teachings.
OP: Im doing the Gateway tapes but still on focus 12 as of yet. Quick questions:
>which God\ religion got it right? all of them, somehow? NONE Of them? Vedanta? catholicism?
>is evil (murder, etc) punished and good (charity, voluntary celibacy) rewarded? can you do free-will Evil and Good actions once you're dead, or is your soul "stuck in the Mode" it has at death?
>thoughts on reality shifting from the POV of Monroe\Campbell and not from shit-tok zoomers?
Heaven isn't the Astral realm, and the Astral realm isn't Heaven.
>what we call fiction are retelling of stories that have already happened somewhere else in the universe at some point.

this is correct.
Well I just wrote fiction describing me fucking both you and OP in the ass, so bend over sweet checks.
your fan fic would probably happen in a different multiverse, one where you, OP and I meet IRL. looks like I'm safe.
>next life planning center
Why don't they let us opt out of this? I don't want to reincarnate.
>planning center
dont you mean processing center?
>ctrl deluc, archons, vamp, soulnet ect, 0 results
link related, only read on your own risk, im not liable for any damages you may experience
link is also
related, any anons have info? not saying these things are real or whatever
Is that godlike productions? Lmao
If this was true, Santa would exist.
Tell me more please, especially about how wse are a collection of souls and fictions already happened.
Also, link of your picrel ?
And any book you'd recommend besides the Monroe ones ? Thanks.
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This is a very important thread.
He does
>What we call self is an unison of other consciousness, good and evil, inspiring us all the time
As stated by Swedenborg.
>really long post
K, but what happens when you kill yourself in the "afterlife"
mindstar from michael aquino addresses this very subject
ive done some gateway stuff
i tried to read thomas campbell (my big toe) but his incessant boomerhumor approach to his writing is a tad insufferable, i get what he's trying to do but his writing lacks heart and humanity, but i was at a hard time in my life while reading so i might think differently now, but i dont know what i need 3 books to explain the essence of my existence, it should be just one sentence
are you telling me the YuGiOh universe exists out there somewhere?
>the Santa deniers are at it again
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Is it possible for the consciousness, to lock itself in to the next reincarnation? I may have made a bargain I shouldn't have, but I am prepared to do what must be done.

Robert Monroe was a modern day saint. You can really skip reading thousands and thousands of pages of dense occult works (which generally are written so as to be DELIBERATELY hard to understand) and get all the real nuts and bolts of all the great esoteric and religious traditions just from reading Monroe’s books without any filler. Everytime I slog through another miserable esoteric book I get to the end of it and think, “damn this whole thing was really summarized much better in one chapter of ultimate journey.” I personally have not had the kind of really incredible experiences many people have with the gateway tapes but I have enjoyed working with them for many years. I’m also just not a very super spiritual person so that may be why they don’t affect me in that way.

Tom Campbell is obviously a great genius as well, but his book is so hard to read. Maybe one of the most miserable reads I have ever endured. I wish it was about 1/3 as long and even then it would be a nightmare to wade through. Maybe it appeals to very technical engineers or similar personalities. Obviously the work of a great genius, but just an absolutely brutal slog for readers.
what's the deal with Tom's Park? is it a sort of "geographical tulpa" Tom has made?
>can you get banned from it if you mistreat NPCs\other guests?
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Tom's Park? You mean The Park on focus level 27?
no, (or yes, maybe). I meant simply tom campbell's "imagination game", described in the appropriately named book "Tom's Park" .
it's like an astral VR theme park with holodeck-type chambers, talking animals, a sort of infinite milkshake bar with any possible flavour ,etc
hm, ok thanks
yeah, I find truth in his experiences/books.
what are ur afterlife plans, OP?
yes? if the info is congruent with other info anons gained, or even adding sth why not. as said, you dont have to read it, stay ignorant
Thomas Campbell believes that animals that are suffering and dying can just check out of their bodies early so they don't suffer anymore (this was in response to a question about wildfires, I think.) This to me is obviously a malicious and condescending lie.

Also his book was some real fuckin bullshit. He just starts throwing shit out there and expecting you to swallow it, and well I didn't. I'm not usually the type of person who dismisses people for seeming elitist, but I did with him. He's full of crap.

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