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What does this mean for humanity?
pluto wasnt considered a part of astrology until the 20th century, and its not even considered a planet now. probably means nothing. there are other trans neptunian objects out there but we don't care about their position in the constellations.
A massive return to tradition/roots.
>pluto wasnt considered a part of astrology until the 20th century
Why can't systems of astrology evolve as human technology does? Pluto wasn't included in the original system because humans couldn't detect it. You don't think celestial bodies that are currently unknown to us could be having any impact?
lol no, that was pluto in capricorn, pluto in aquarius is all about forward thinking, the future, humanitarianism, technology

the trad shit was a thing during pluto in capricorn, i expect it to die soon
You’re wrong.
Pluto in Aquarius means the pendulum swings again. The last time it happened was the French Revolution, the overthrowing of the monarch, the rejection of the established system.
“Forward” is a myth, for there is nothing new under the sun.
The tides of fate are flowing. Where you stand depends whether yours is headed in, or out.
yeah whatever, just wait and see retard, trad shit is on its death bed, revolutions are about the future, rejection of the past
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>The last time it happened was the French Revolution
Gentlemen, we are about to witness some extreme history kino
It’s not rejection of the past. It’s rejection of the established.
You’re in for a rude awakening.
The Ubermensch rejects and destroys tradition and the establishment, and creates something novel that is his own in it's place
all that gay pol tier trad shit is on its way out, you want to know what other revolution happen in the last pluto in aquarius? the Haitian revolution were they killed all the white people

pluto in capricorn was about the past, nostalgia, trad shit, cottage core shit, hipsters idolizing the past.

pluto in aquarius will be about the future, technology.

go have fun larping as a hobbit in da woodz then you retard
Good for them. The stars govern what happens on earth and they dictate it is time for the pendulum to yet again swing.
It’s disgusting how permanently online you come across. The world will return to monarchies and abandon fiat currencies, treaties will be broken and wars will be fought. All the groundwork has already been laid.
>kill all the white people
>future, technology

shiiiiet das rite flying pyramidz muthafucka
You are so delusional lmfao, we are accelerating into higher levels of consciousness, if you are seriously unaware of it and think we are returning to old models because of duh pendulum, then you're going to be in for a big big shock.
>he doesn't know

why are you here?
>no response
Being purposefully vague while repeating milquetoast boring "its happening bro" /pol/faggot takes makes you the retard and the outcast here.

You will spend your entire life as you are now; a seething reactionary, waiting for something that's never coming. Enjoy, you have your role to play
Higher levels of consciousness?
Lmfao. You’re going to not survive the coming “revolution” especially because your arrogance screams shirking suffering Dunning Kruger. Not a good time to be you.
you are just another no nothing with delusions of grandeur
Further acceleration of the current social revolution, with some readjustment will occur. Primitive tribal ways of thinking falls, as borders fall, illusions destroyed as the reality that the world is so interdependent becomes clear. Technological revolution will be massive too, divine providence will gift us more and more stuff, extension of life will further happen.

Not all good, as Aquarius is ruled by Saturn which is malefic.
Keep up shitskin you are talking to two different people now.
>The world will return to monarchies
Aquarius is not about going backwards you retarded groyper
Yep, higher levels of consciousness, you are a lower lifeform, trapped in primal tribalistic ways. You are essentially food for higher beings to consume and shit, that is all you exist for, your seethe is being extracted by monstrous forces already, and you'll be reduced to nothing.
You’d love believe you are important enough to be food to higher beings lmao. You are nothing but a means to an end in a petty revenge plot. Insignificant as an individual, another tally on the belt proving a point.
This is REALLY going to suck for you.
More impotent screeching, you cant even begin to fathom what im saying because you're spiritually cattle-like and lack the ability to read symbols.
There is no such thing as “backwards” you small minded subhuman.
I bet you think the age of enlightenment was a bad thing
pluto in crapicorn was about the past, nostalgia, being backwards looking, the patriarchy, top down power, corporations, the evils of the right wing, as you can see the rise of the alt right and trump during this period, as well as obama bailing out the banks

pluto in Aquarius is about the future, scifi, technology, during this period we will explore the evils of the left wing, i expect there to be a pendulum shift......away from right wing politics towards the left
The left right paradigm is completely fake. What's coming is something completely new.. these sorts of conversations are completely wasted on you, I feel
it's directionally useful. But yes once the money system falls the paradigm itself will change into something else altogether.
>What's coming is something completely new

nothing is new
Fuck yes it was that was the whole centralized bank movement.
you already said you think a monarchy is coming, so i can take from that im dealing with a moron.
From our perspective it will be.
not for us as a race, no
>you already said you think a monarchy is coming

I did not, you're talking to several people
Do you mean human race or huwhite race? Nationalism is an especially stupid hill to die on
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I am not surprised at all by this lukewarm, midwit groyper take. The church losing influence was a good thing
you do not belong here if you believe in conventional history
What makes you think I do?
the insistence on the left/right paradigm. might as well go on calling everyone chuds. if this whole thing is real there won't really be a left/right among mankind, it will be the mindset of a doomed generation
Who said anything about the church? Centralized banks and The Rothschild family are bad, stupid subhuman shitskin.
Its actually crazy to me that I was given the privilege of being the guy who has the key to getting us out of the hellworld israelite circus
The Jews have got you Chuds on checkmate, a long long time ago. I suggest you get with the program because, well, you never know
who's going to tell this guy that trump just got (re)elected president?
Harris ran on a right wing platform. What's your point here exactly? If you seriously think Trump is an anti establishment martyr then you're delusional
If Pluto's shifting to Aquarius now, what's it been in before?
this is x/ not lgbt/
>Verification not required.
the one sign before it , capricorn
OK, ty. What happens when it goes into Gemini later?
it won't go in gemini for another 100 and some years
you guys hear about Pluto? that's messed up.
all this cultural war shit will end
trad-rightwing-larper are as cringe and mainstream as wokies rn

only lower beings will stay in this cultural-war-left-right-shit
yes, and the election happened when pluto was still in capricorn
I’m not talking about larping trade, I’m talking about real tradition coming back.
I guarantee you’ll see it with the next Pope first. It’ll be like real life The Young Pope.
yes but i think it will be more like rediscovering old traditions and technologies and really grade them up, not a real going back

some examples i see becoming more popular (western europe): less social media, more smaller stores (no chains), going back to handcraft (food fermentation, bakery-related stuff)

lower beings will stay with their slop
Yes! This is what I meant by return to tradition.
Ugh. That's what.
lmfao even the dubai chocolate trend is a sign for handcraft, u cant produce proper ones industrial + it has no sloppy ingredients
nothing, it's pagan garbage
>forward thinking, the future, humanitarianism, technology

Exactly what the tradition/roots were doing.
You have been brainwashed into rejecting.
im so glad u are here
i really feel enlightened by you

tradition = upgrade useful technologies so they become better and make everyones life better

this got shifted by our current modernism = current technolgies are maxxed out and block the old ones + got worse + are we are forced to use them (patents/state rules), so they stay profitable

holy fuck
we go back but in a good way
A god literally woke the earth right now, so probably nothing you’ve ever experienced.
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The french revolution didn't achieve anything. It was a massive fuckup that killed millions of people through the initial slayings and napoleonic wars.

If your gonna do a revolution can you do it correctly this time plox

Kinda naive not to think the elite are obviously already preparing for it too so we might see a robespierre type character thinking he's a god but of some transhumanism bullshit...

If theyre full of shit hopefully they get there heads cut off too like what happened to him.
>dark quints
NTA. Yeah it's gonna be bad. This time around the technology available for people to play with is terrifying.
Not an awful lot until 2040.
nothing is new

>This has happened and will happen again, said Euphorbus. You are not lighting a pyre, you are lighting a labyrinth of flames. If all the fires I have been were gathered together here, they would not fit on earth and the angels would be blinded
Pluto will never be a real planet.
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>Kinda naive not to think the elite are obviously already preparing for it too so we might see a robespierre type character thinking he's a god but of some transhumanism bullshit...
What do Plutonians look like?
How do you figure we had anything approaching "right wing" politics for the past ten years though?
>but Trump!
What about Trump? He did fuck all, and served as a convenient bogeyman for the left to rally against, while they took all of our free speech away, and heaped piles upon piles of political correctness on our plates.
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ChatGTP said that Pluto was in Aquarius during the American/French Revolutions
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Celestial bodies have no impact on human decisions or mood and thinking otherwise is retarded
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Astrology is the most reddit horseshit available. Practiced by childless wine drinking vacuous women and trannies to add "spirituality" to their meaningless voids of an existence.
Пap ec кye нo мe вa a pecпoндep
Those people only like the aesthetics of Astrology and are too braindead to go beyond that.

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