I see a weird face whenever I'm high and start to realize a ton of super deep shit. It's like I recognize it from some past life. But it barely even looks like a face, it's just a few shapes. It's like a person or monkey or something and it's the exact same picture every time even if I've forgotten it exists at allpicnotrel because I'm not so sure I want to post it
The human ego is basically a mechanism that 'projects' faces externally. Faces are a useful tool for pro sociality and communication. A lot of the brain is dedicated to faces and when you abuse drugs you are abusing your brains mechanisms.
>>39262495Wow, that said a lot of nothing!
>>39262462Yeah this happens to me too. I’ve been mining my subconscious for old patterns and emotions to let go of. It also helps me talk to my guides and they have been super helpful. I’ve been getting all kinds of signs and synchronicities since then.