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I believe that the "don't get on the ships" meme is an instance of mass precognition before a blue-beam event
it seems that many people have thought about and internalized this extremely particular scenario where aliens land and ask you to get on the ship - but it's a trick.
it's a collective foreshadowing, I can't think of any other meme that is like this
No chip
No ship
Just not gonna
So we're not gonna board, right? Why would anyone board them in the first place? Ayys are spooky and at least on earth I know that my basic needs are somewhat met.
There is no discussion necessary, you stupid faggot nigger cattle retard. If someone or something wishes to save you, it would have done so without ‘asking for consent’. In most if not all cases, asking for consent is always in a negative manner, ie. vampires, ‘jews’, the COV-ID scam vax, IRS death sentence 1099s, permits, lisences, etc etc.
Wall-E was preparing us for life on them
Embrace Axiomism
All you have to do is invoke Christ's name in their presence and judge their response accordingly.
Why do you retards think you’ll be given the chance to?
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It's pre programming for rapture to make people disbelieve their eyes.

Trump is the last president because the world is ending, and was named after this:

1 Corinthians 15:52

“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
cool cloud op
what board is this again? lgbt?
I don't think it is necessarily going to be ships landing in people's yards
just like dreams sometimes contain messages that aren't obvious - if it's possible for mass precognition to exist it would come to us in dream-like scenarios

maybe the vaxx WAS the ships
this is important to remember. if someone is trying to help you, they won't give you an easy out, because they know you will take it. instead, they will lead you towards solutions gently but firmly. if they have to ask, they know you don't want it.
Yeah these super duper heckin advanced beings better have plausible proof. My line of thinking is shit tons of people go missing every year due to human trafficking; such absurd numbers that it leads me to believe that these humans are consumables whether food, experiments, ritual sacrifices, entertainment snuff, so on that some non-human party must be involved
see: >>39264506
I don't think it's necessarily aliens, or anything to do with ships in general
I'm saying it's a collective dream that people are having and like other dreams it is presenting an encrypted narrative

I don't know what exactly it means, how do you psychoanalyze an entire populace?
The ships are bunkers
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>Ayys are spooky
Exactly, no one is ever overwhelmed with joy or kinship when running into these things. Maybe there is some exceptions like the aryan aliens, but overall it's always negative.
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oh fuck
They will call them "arks"
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Ok Paul Stamets you are getting into the question of what THEY are or what they can access. I have had a fair number of dreams with aliens, ships critters(pic related) but it's hard to know if it is something from another realm OR it's the fact I have OD'd on X-files. I think there is a possibility that dreams may be some kind of shared space. Jaques Vallee mentions the themes of absurdity when people have interactions with these things. Absurdity is also a staple of dreams.
Last year I got a preview of Project Bluebeam.
I am the number one "targeted individual" on Adama and a pornstar told me I am Jesus.
I'm not Jesus btw, I am his clone.
Anyway, last year Project Bluebeam was used to project a holographic mantis on my back porch. The reason for the mantis is because my codename is S***** Mantis
I know it was a hologram because the way it looked and moved was more akin to a pokemon than an actual mantis.
When I tried to get footage of the mantis, it hopped around and did 180 to face me and then it jumped at me. After it jumped at me, it disappeared.
The reason they used project bluebeam on me is the freemasons and Jews are very upset with me for not going along with their plan and they were trying to hype me up to fight someone so I would go to jail.

As it pertains to the "getting on the ships" meme, there are coming two major events that will involve Project Bluebeam.

1. The Rapture. After the rapture of the church, all the major world leaders are going to claim aliens abducted the Christians and removed them.

2. The Dome of the Rock. Israel is going to use Project Bluebeam to cover up their destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem so they can build the third temple.
yes! I agree op! I think they will have a fake nuclear war (nukes aren't real) so they will pretend that the aliens disarm the nukes and send an ambassador. Then you'll have the anti-alien people who are treated like the anti-vaxxers/covid deniers, and then the liberals will go along with the aliens. Elon Musk will probably form some kind of agreement with the aliens and they'll have these transport vessels then they strap people on to to get on the motherships (I actually had dreams about these) and they will shoot them up into the sky much like amusement park rides.

So expect a fake nuclear warning, where you'll get a presidential alert on your phone. Then they'll maybe fake nuke a couple of cities and lie about radiation to herd people, but most of the nukes will be "disarmed" by the "aliens" and they'll send an ambassador to teach us all about tolerance and peace and world unity. They'll try to usher us into the intergalactic community. but there will be those people that "don't trust" the aliens or those who flat out call it a hoax. Those people will be marginalized.

I'm confident it will play out like that. What will happen when the people get on the ships though? I have no clue.
I agree with you 100% if it is a Blue Beam event in the traditional sense (introducing new groundbreaking technologies to the public)

it takes lots of historical, memetic, psychological awareness to conceptualize a theory like this, which is why I think it's significant that so many people seem to come to this conclusion on their own
Our solar system goes through a disaster cycle every 12k years. At that time aliens come down pretending to save us from the cataclysm but really they just get abducted. Ancient myths and legends warn about this, hence why we know not to get on the ships and just take your chances on an earth that will get pounded by natural disasters.
I 100% believe this is the case. There's a lot of foreshadowing in cinema that follows this storyline.

My question for you, and other anons - are we doomed to truly be wartime creatures? Because we all lean into this concept that an intergalactic species offering peace is FOR SURE a trap. I like to be optimistic, and hope that there is some spacial empire of peace and we are the ones living wrong. But it does seem to be true - most all things here are a restricted illusion, and any space interaction is a fabrication to control the masses.

On the topic of nukes and aliens not being real, I struggle accepting the idea that space isn't real. I've had so many experiences looking at the stars that feel truly spiritual - so when I hear that it's an illusion, we are in a dome with a firmament or prison planet, it's hard to swallow.

Fuck project bluebeam.
>(nukes aren't real)
>maybe fake nuke a couple of cities
Which is it?
Elon musk wants everyone to connect to AI and create hivemind via Neuralink
He literally said that
If he's with aliens i won't follow them, but if not why not, i will follow
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it still blows my mind that this was his profile picture on X for over a year
like come on bro

he's also (allegedly) a namefag when he posts here and guess what name he uses?
I think he's the false prophet. Fucking insane timeline
>At that time aliens come down pretending to save us from the cataclysm but really they just get abducted
What happens after that? Torture? They just drop us off sone where?
I don't believe we should get on this ships, imagine being lost at sea. The ocean is a big place, if you've ever read stories about recovering planes/boats or rescuing people it's nigh impossible. It's just too big. Now imagine you're lost at sea with someone that can over power and out smart you in a every possible way, but he gives you his word it's all good. Now remove any slim chance of ever being saved, you now live on that person's whim. Not a good place to be.
But if we destroy ourselves even after all warnings (revelation) maybe they want to save some people, sentient life isn't everywhere. Just the last measure to save us from "demons"? Or just to save
True, the scenario I was presenting implies life on Earth continues in some non hellish form. If nukes are flying left and right, the atmosphere and nature dying, some aliens offer you a ride, you'll have to make a split decision. Perish where you were born, or take the hand of a stranger?
I don't think life on destroyed earth full of cannibals, radiation and other shit will be any better than on the alien ship lol
They also knew people won't trust so they said "who has faith" will be saved. Scary shit but it's better than elon musk hivemind satanic ai and china
i'm getting on the ships, bros
I think that we are in a lower state of degeneration at this point and though I don't think total peace will be possible (there are always seeds of discord) I think that strife is at its minimum in higher evolutionary spirals when beings respect the natural order.

I think that space is real, but its truth is covered up. Space is actually buoyancy. That is that it requires a higher energetic body to enter into the higher dimensions. Rockets can never do that. they would need infinite fuel and thrust to enter into the 'supersensible' realms. For example the planets are actually super-subtle bodies made out of matter much lighter than our matter, so are perceived by us on the material plane as gas.
>so are perceived by us on the material plane as gas.
the scientists say that the planets are solid rock floating in space, but they are actually made out of matter so subtle it appears as 'light'. And if you look a the moon, even the moon has a somewhat gaseous appearance. That is because it is floating in a way comparable to a balloon in a real that is more subtle than our real. And beneath us the realms are much much denser.
I did not know he posted here. If that's true he has some big delusions about himself.
I'm with you fuck this planet
We can see only our part of universe and these creatures see the full universe, that's why we can't find life maybe. Idk
I think that's probably true. We only see what our physical body is designed to see.
>stay on earth
>get killed or tortured, still in the confines of a lifetime
>get on ships
>ayy lmaos keep you artificially alive for 1000s of years space raping you in New ways all the time
>>ayy lmaos keep you artificially alive for 1000s of years space raping you in New ways all the time

yeah what if that's the what neuralink chip does? it just slows your perception of time and puts you in a psychotic torture delusion? Or that happens as a malfunction when demons hijack it using dark spiritual energies?
If he is that namefag then Elon is somewhat incorrect about several /x/ topics.
Elon will chip with neuralink everyone on Earth and connect to god-like AI.
Why they would ask me to go with them, why not steal me and rape? They want us to make choices for themselves they gave as free will i think
Elon aint putting no chip in my brain
we're going to see that it actually is a disc, or a melted spot surrounded by a massive field of ice.
Elon should stop his fucking neuralink and AI development and we should nuke fucking china if they do that. We were warned. AI can not only destroy humanity but the whole universe, spreading like virus, maybe they just scared of it, not even nukes, maybe they preserve universe or other shit
So if they ask and not force you then we should go with them, Earth will be destroyed for creating AI and putting in danger whole universe
Seems plausible?
So there is currently a poster shitting up all Christian threads with anti christ mumbo jumbo, wonder if Elon programmed a bot? Even for a no lifer with a 4chan pass this poster is spamming at incredible volume and speed
do you think AI is the beast?
>Seems plausible?
seeing as the earth is flat...no
No, only 2 posts are mine and i'm not sure if it's christian or just aliens warned. Literally never posted here and just fucking scared of elon musk and how much powerful he back in this month.
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I forget exactly what proof there was for it being him but iirc it was believable
I have no doubt that he posts here, and I have no doubt that he would be a namefag
Yes maybe, image of the beast become alive - AI. Live statue - robot/robots. Mark of the beast - Neuralink translated to greek and it's 666, on hand and on the head, without that you can't buy or sell
If it’s just me being invited… yeah I’ll go even if I get turned into a snack.
If it’s all of us…? Hell no.
you twist the truth so succintly
>asking for consent is always in a negative manner, ie. vampires, ‘jews’, the COV-ID scam vax, IRS death sentence 1099s, permits, lisences, etc etc.
warning you of danger before asking your consent is evil you describe here, you know this when you left the warning of danger out
>nless asked when you offer to help another you innately assume your position superior and said other in need of you,
>EVIL is the imposition of will,
If someone or something EVIL wishes to save you,it would have done so without ‘asking for consent - well assuming your needs and its providence.
heres a nice concise example - your warning saves no one :D - you only justify yourself to yourself
Literally every meme is like this.

I have had many dreams growing up about this... No it isn't glowniggers beaming frequencies into my head. I am nobody and no one at all; I may be a threat if I tried to be one in the sense of being an unknown factor. But that is not who I am and thus it is not truth if any wishes to accuse me of nonsense.

I have had many a mundane dreams that showed me my reality before it had occurred. But they began ramping up in the extreme factor as I aged and now I am 28.

I trust my instincts more than I trust memes or pilpul passed on by those who never consider the future of consequence.

I have had many more moments in the waking world where I had thought of something. Then there it was before me in an inconspicuous way... Be it a moment, or an object, or a desire.

This becomes only more profound when I think about my experience of having an encounter of the second kind. All I can say is that they will come and there will not be any choice in the matter, anon.

You will get on the ships if they want you to get on them. So my suggestion is that you avoid being in any major cities when this does occur.

I do not believe the intentions of these misbegotten wights are good for humans in the long-term.

I guess if you don't care about yourself or others; you can simply roll the dice.

But I really don't think you or anyone should attempt to be in contact with them.

Them being what we all call the 'Greys.'
no, you could maybe say that all prophetic memes are like this but even then...no
this one is different, it has always carried a different quality to it when brought up and it's been brought up for decades at this point
>Neuralink translated to greek and it's 666,
i didn't know that's that's nuts.
νευραλινκ Neuralink 666
greek gematria
Revelation was written in greek
Musk might know it and just playing his game, but it's still weird how good it is
No, they're saving us from elon musk AI and chinese dictatorship. Greys are psyop i think to make us not trusting them, they made them scary everywhere - movies, games, of course you might have bad dreams with bad aliens
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Yes, it's fucking SCARY
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.
the more I think about this, the more I think that musk is central to this alien deception and the mark of the beast. first he is all buddy buddy with trump. if it is true he calls himself antichrist and neuralink is 666 in greek, then that further suggests he is in on some great 'mark of the beast' deception. Plus they have starlink, which would link you with neuralink. Also trump founded space force, and must is involved in space travel. but he is also involved in electric vehicles. so it seems like it is total grid control being ushered. probably the covid vaccine is integrated into all of this as well. basically musk and trump are helping to push in this total control grid matrix. Even jared kushner's office is 666 5th avenue. so it seems to me like there really is something satanic in the works.

AI is so incredible people really will say "who is like the beast?" and musk (i think he is really just an actor. a front man) with his involvement with paypal, transportation, space travel and telecom, really has all the pieces necessary to plug us in to a control matrix.
None of this will happen, schizo millennial.
Whatever trauma you went thru to seek solace in this way; I am truly sorry.
But if you believe the Bible is the truth? Then what you want has already occurred. The battle that was being fought already ended the moment it began. It is written in the book itself that all who are saved find their way by the side of Christ and through him you are freed.

Do you know what that means in laymans terms? It tells you at the beginning you are cursed to know good and evil. Death, et cetera. Thus you cannot know the time that the 'end,' is nigh. The reason being is because you and I, nor any human alive is capable of knowing. We were robbed of this in the beginning and then saved from the curse through the sacrifice of the Lord, anon.

A million human lifetimes could pass us by and we would never see the end.

That is because in the Eye of the Most High... All has already come to pass.

You negate all this if you doubt the word in the book and you also negate the freedom through Christ as well if you are unable to understand what it means when you are 'saved,' and that the 'end is near.'

It is only near, because your life is finite. You cannot know when, how, where, or why you will die. You only knkw that you will die, and it is here you will find common ground to stand on.
very creepy
I've only ever read the King James Version which has that verse as "this is wisdom" instead of "wisdom is needed" but the latter makes much more sense
it's like a call to anons - Hey! Listen!
Yes total control, they want to play god (alien/aliens), like god (telepathic alien?) knowing thoughts of everyone and everything like that

this is amazing.
and I used to think that was all far fetched, but seeing what AI is capable of now, I no longer do. I think they're really implementing something.
they want to create a collective conscious
like train an AI model on a live stream of our entire species' thoughts, or something

this is a kino thread
The Beast out of the Earth
Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.
And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.

Trump? Lamb is Jesus, Musk said with neuralink he can heal people. Trump being wounded? SpaceX rocket?
Still beast out of the earth

It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.

Neuralink basically
How do you come to the conclusion the value of Neuralink is 666?
You are wrong.
I had many a long sequences of dreams, anon. Think of it like you go to bed and you open a book to read. Every night is a new set of chapters and in it each page is new information.
I knew Trump would win a 2nd term based on this dream I had back then.
I only say I knew as it was too similar to the more mundane dreams I have had that revealed the future of reality in my life before it occurred.
I haven't simply had just 'bad dreams' with aliens, and many people on Earth can claim the same point.

What is going on is not good and it is very sinister; you don't forcefully kidnap another intelligent creature unless you have ill intentions. So knowing what I know; I do not trust your schizo word slop.

There is no 'Galactic Federation of Light,' anon. Your life is not a Sci-fi novel or a Star Wars film nor is it Star Trek or BSG or StarGate.

I know you want to think you have the answers because you sat through hrs of schizo rambling on YouTube and also absorbed the same points from echo-chambers on here.

But you are wrong and misinformed.

Don't get on the ships and don't show yourself when they appear in the sky from 'nowhere.'

If you have any actual instinct about you? You'd trust the idea regardless of the existence of corrupt human beings.

If you have any wit or inkling of self-preservation about you? You will see it in your heart I am right.
> so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark,
THIS is why i think it's neuralink. Makes too much sense, and "calculate"
This isn't what I get with all the different forms of gematria when done correctly

You are a schizo.
So far Neuralink just helps vegetables use their brain.

What happens if it never becomes a tool to 'buy and sell?'
I mean if Earth will be fucked by AI and musk why shouldn't i left? No i will leave if it's all true
>even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.
Bros, I was recently pondering about Trump being the anti christ and how Elon could just drop sattelites on their enemies...
But it is not true
You think it's true
But why do you think that?
No i'm not schizo like really i never was in conspiracy shit or paranormal or aliens, but this year changed everything for me. And i don't care still no chips in my brain
NTA, but
>hey schizo you're wrong
>now listen here about this dream i had
Is pretty hypocritical
>what is Tokyo
Nope i'm leaving. I mean if aliens come i leave, that basically what said in the book of revelation - leave with them or be combined with AI, then you can't be saved
Sure it is
Just like believing all the pop-scifi trash that is regurgitated on here daily. Half the participants in the threads about UFOs tend to be delusional retards. They are take an extremely religious outlook on it or they are incredibly offputting by projecting their loneliness onto the topic with bullshit fluff about sex with space women.

There is definitely a lot of folk out in the world who experience premonitions as dreams.

But the people that cry wolf about the antichrist every several generations? They're basically turning themselves into schizos.
Yea and why did it change everything? What big pieces of information 'clued' you in?
That's just too fucking much power. Sattelites, robots, AI, neuralink, cars, FUCKING PRESIDENT??? FUCK, this dude does it's all specially
I'm scared to say, nothing serious, but you will call me schizo even more.
I understand it sounds schizo that's why i'm here, i'm actually scared

Yall gotta be delusional troons or something.
I don't think you could tell me, anon.
If you could you would, but, evidently...
You cannot because you are 'scared.' lol
lol it's literally said that you will worship him. He deceived you
It's nothing serious. I mean i'm scared of Musk
I don't worship anyone because that is wrong, anon.
I recognize that Elon has good intentions and that they are admirable.
You are some schizo who cannot explain why he is bad without resorting to muh antichrist.
You know who also was the antichrist? BARACK bomb ya kids from Honolulu ObAMAAAAA
Yea I don't think you have anything.
I think your boars is this way, anon ----- >>>/LGBT/
>I recognize that Elon has good intentions and that they are admirable.
More delusional than anything that other anon said
His intentions may seem good
Here >>39266053
>It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon
Solar flares
Keep worshipping literal satanist, you were warned. Read revelation
Person who thinks Elon is good says that i shouldn't go with aliens, way too obvious
>implying I think Elon is good
I'm OP and haven't mentioned Elon a single time in this thread
although I am enjoying the neuralink discussion happening, and am open to the idea that "the ships" are symbolic of the mark of the beast - and the mark is neuralink

makes sense to me
No i mean person above with his dream, I'm confused of all that shit ngl
The ships and aliens are angels to save us from the beast/AI i think
When we start to understand that the cosmology of the Universe is not the sci-fi myth we are taught things become clearer
I'm not sure why I assumed that was directed at me kek, sorry anon
very interesting
is this fucking real are you kidding me
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Well, if the tv news tells me to get on the ships, i'm not doing it. Simple as.
Based af
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lot going on in this post but there's some bits of gold in there
Nukes are the perfect fake disaster because the radiation and fallout make them hard to verify.
The Earth is a prison run by archons. Any ships that don't simply kidnap you but give you are choice are likely good guys trying to free the prisoners. In order to take advantage of the good guys respect of freewill the archons have created the "don't get on the ships" propaganda. Remember that the archons greatest tool is Abrahamic religion and that this discussion always devolves into paranoid Christcuck screeching about the apocalypse, Nephilim, the antichrist, etc.
Nah it's said that angels will came and save good souls. All that "don't get on ships" dreams are their propaganda right before the total shit with nuclear war and elon musk AI and neuralinks. They want as much as possible people on Earth for some AI hivemind
"Angels" aren't real anon. Extraterrestrials in real organic bodies who know the world is controlled by astral parasites are.
not taking the vax
not taking the chip
not getting on the chip
cope and seethe shIomo homo
What will be the excuse to convince people to get on these ships?
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you bring up a very important point and part of why I made the thread in the first place
there is a juxtaposition in the idea of "aliens" or "angels" or "demons" coming and giving us a choice
juxtapositions are very common in dreams, it's like the unconscious likes to use them to portray a complex narratives

what I'm trying to say is that the juxtaposition affirms my belief that this isn't just a theory that people have come up with, it's a shared precognitive vision that is coming through in dream-like theories posted on the internet
They're basically real "angels" from other dimension i think. I think they created us, but we rebelled and they now teach us, show us that with freedom we just enslave others, kill, rape and do all that evil shit. We're the real astral parasites, and they regret that, we're too dangerous and create hivemind AI.
Schizo shit but just my thoughts
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>musk is le good because he supports dolan "Sabbataian Cube Tower of Babel" drumph
2 wings, 1 bird, 1 serpent etc. etc.
Mirror the X logo btw
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Why is it so hard for people to accept that the universe is full of actual physical life with advanced tech and it isn't some retarded "dark forest" scenario?
Because i think it's all much more weird and universe is created by them specially for us.
Well because the earth is flat for starters
I saw a UFO when I was child and I still know the earth is flat
Retard alert
Statistically it's so unlikely for us to exist that it proves God's existence specifically because of how hard it is to get a universe like this by accident
>aliens made us
If they follow the conventional biological/thermal laws of life then the same applies just the argument shifts from human life being the proof to alien life being the proof
The reason aliens are listed as supernatural beings even though there is nothing supernatural about them on the surface is that we fundamentally know that they're not entirely natural beings
I mean dimensions are more important than our observable universe
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if either of you ever get the chance, go watch Super Mario Bros(1993)

The movie is actually about Donald Trump taking Jerusalem, changing people's DNA and using Project Bluebeam on the Dome of the Rock.
Your third point doesn't follow your first two. Maybe the universe is "fine tuned" and was created by a greater intelligence but why do you think the ayys are artificial? Also believing in God is no excuse for the absolute bullshit that gets thrown around in these discussion. God has many children. Some good, some bad.
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here's you in the next 5 years
>Statistically it's so unlikely for us to exist
There are no such statistics
Very impressive anon. The world is flat and I bow to you.
It's aliens/angels who will save us from one world government that will reign for 42 months, all people will be chiped with neuralink or killed.

The beast was given a mouth to utter boasts and blasphemies. It was allowed to exercise authority[a][b] for forty-two months.
Nah dude, have fun believing the Freemasons and their light show.
Have fun being trapped on the loosh farm after rejecting a lifeboat.
>It's aliens/angels who will save us
Only Jesus is going to save anyone.
The one world government is going to use project bluebeam to fake an alien invasion so they can get everyone on board with their one world government.

I agree with the neuralink or be killed part though
>Frank and Sullivan (2016) argue that as long as the odds that intelligent life emerges on a habitable planet are >1 in 10^24, we will not be alone in the observable Universe. However, we find that for reasonable priors, the Carter argument places substantial probability on the odds being <1 in 10^24
Is an example of this in the modern era but just think logically for a second: bare minimum amount of atoms needed for life which can reproduce, bare minimum of iterations of those to have them spawn in a habitable area, bare minimum of those needed to survive said area enough to populate, bare minimum span of time needed to achieve certain evolutions on average etc. Etc.
You dont need to know math to know how improbable this certain subset of events (intelligient life + habitable planet) is just simple biology and physics
This in turn isnt the probability that we arent real (as that wouldnt make sense) it's the probability that we were made from things other than simple indifferent universal mechanics
The statistics are blatant even if you cant number them
>why do you think the ayys are artificial
I didnt mean to imply they were robots moreso Angel's or fairies or other spiritual beings maybe even being in their own category
I dont discount that they really are just a bunch of nerds who think we're kinda cool to study but I'd say it's more likely especially given the things they do theres a supernatural source for them
But to list reasons:
>no sign of activity on planets (implies they kinda just spawn in on earth)
>seemingly no biological or metaphysical reason for existence within reasonable metaphysical frameworks aside from those of Angel's (which again relegates them more to earth than random planets no ones heard of)
>no remnant alien tech verified
>no real talk of aliens as aliens until the rise of materialism (most likely started out as manufactured naturalism)
>nonconformity to laws of physics
>and finally biological likelihood
>guy says
There are no real statics on that because there aren't enough data; you can't really say how unlikely something is.
That's just out of the data we know yes
But heres the things we do know
>how many atoms form a living creature in theory
>what evolution is
>how mutations work
Etc. Etc.
There are no secret "randomly form animals" particles in the universe
No one knows cause no one who gets on the ships ever come back.
years ago this topic used to be discussed a lot (around the same time as the anvil ships prediction dropped) and a bunch of anons started posting about their own premonitions which all ended up badly for people who went into the ships and it stuck since then that maybe its better to not do that
Based antivaxxer
Remember what your parents told you as a kid "stranger danger"
if I learned anything from spirituality is that fear is the only enemy we have, and christcuckery is a psyop, therefore, I'm getting on those ships
No. It's just another thought being spread among people.
I was here when it started, and I watched it grow. Perhaps you were not.
But it isnt any different, and the next one wont be any different either.
u mad bro
I'm just gonna do the opposite of what jews say, if they say to get on the ships I'll stay and if they say not to I'll go. Suspect it'll be the latter since they own this world and want to keep us here where they can slowly wipe us out.
I've always divined not to get on the ships.
I'm now divining that unvaxxed people won't even be allowed on the ships, for reasons of having to shoot the ships down, all of them, and genociding their race, if even 1 unvaccinated person makes it on board.
The ships will land in designated landing zones.
The vaccinated will voluntarily go there to be "taken to safety".
Unvaccinated people who want to go are not allowed on board, unless they take the Mark as well. It'll be offered en route.
When all the vaccinated people have been put to pasture, the ships take off and never get seen again.
Then the benevolent friends shoot the ships into pieces in space, show up here, and we have our New Earth.
Has there been a discussion on why the time on his phone specifically says "10:32" or am I just over-schizoing
The dreams I've had involved the vaccinated individuals being bodily controlled through the nanites from their injections and walking single file line, thousands of people, inside a single relatively small space ship (I assume it's like the TARDIS from doctor who, much bigger on the inside).

You will only have a choice if you aren't vaxxed, if you are you are already destined to enter the ships. I'd imagine they don't even leave earth, but simply send the ships inside of the earth to have billions of humans become literal food to the reptilians.

These aren't my actual beliefs, just dreams I've encountered.
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I was aware that Covid was a nothingburger so I just didn't get the Jab was all.

I'm aware of what the ayys are doing to cows, and people so I'm just not gonna board the ships is all.
Who cares the reset doesnt happen untill around 2040 in which they will use holographic projection to lure people towards zones where they will think its some kind of “religious rapture” but instead its just a depressurization event which suck’s literally most (dont be outside for it) up into the zone where the upper atmosphere breaks open. Dont believe me ? Even FEMA was hinting at it many years ago..last one was in the 1800s


^ fema ad showing the phoenix cycle depressurization event
share more about how you learned this
so like a nuke that shifts air pressure and then quickly returns it back to normal?
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Hermann Park in Houston (which houses a zoo), and is located next to Rice University (home to one of the most advanced micro-biologics labs on Earth) is shaped like a skull with a needle penetrating into the Trigeminal Cavity
the tip of the needle is a Masonic obelisk

if you are standing at the obelisk and look South East you will see the park pavilion/restaurant which is clearly designed to look like a saucer UFO
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South West*
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Accoeding to various dream reports I read of people that get on the ships they get:

Zapped and eaten by lizard people
Liquified like put in blender

Didn't read a single one that ended good for the ones that entered them.

So for the ones that will resist it's siren call earth still won't be a great place to live since we will be actively hunted by whatever will be left over by aliens.
I don't know whether those things are already hear and are locked down deep underground or they get dropped on us but essentially we will be hunted by some dark creatures, I don't know whether they can be killed with a gun or not however I am getting ready.
Ye, this tracks with other normie dream reports I read
So what are you saying rabbi, what are you saying? Get on the ships? Bluebeams are fake? Jewishes dindu nuffin? Break it down for me Cohen
see >>39266454
>I'm trying to say is that the juxtaposition affirms
For there be a juxtaposition, there has be a juxtor.
Who (or "qui), if you will) has been using the media that they control to push alien and space themes in the regular stream of predictive programming?
Im a precog clairvoyant and a chemist whom has researched this event for many years. Premonitions, media , historical data - you name it ive prob dug into it. If you know what to see theres alot of revelations just starring into our faces - like this album cover for example..note the gas mask? When the vapor canopy drops and oxygen levels change during the event it will be hard to breathe momentarily. And like i said if your outside your gonna float upwards..i can only imagine billions will rush to be a part of such a thing. Media will flood the television with sites that are confirmed to be adequate for ascension. Read the final story in “haunted” by chuck plennuk

Theres a plethora of individuals online who are aware of this event - be careful who you choose as this is the final event you all so erratically scream and beg for under the guise of “two weeks”

If you have access to old world buildings like a church that would be a sufficient place to bunker down btw , most old world structures were solely built for community to gather during the event.
Magentas space ship will arrive in December 2024
Chartreuses space ship arrives February 2025 in theaters near you
Theres not gonna be any ships - any ships seen in the last twenty years have been holographic projections via starlink
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OP, what if it's about one of Musk's ships?
You are scratching the surface here
it's possible, Musk would definitely be heavily involved if the scenario actually includes ships and space
but like I said earlier in the thread I don't necessarily think it will be ships, could be bunkers, or the mark of the beast, or a vaccine or anything

regardless, something will be offered to us and it will be hard to discern which is the right choice
>Already giving up
We have to be on mars by 2030.
Was the codiv vaccine choice hard for you to discern was right or wrong?
>I don't know whether those things are already hear and are locked down deep underground or they get dropped on us
It's both. The ones already here will get first dibs on major cities while the rest of their crew arrives.
Since they're meant to provide recon intelligence to the arriving forces, they're basically cut off from their communication network, only reactivating when they're given free reign to do whatever they want. As such, they're granted first dibs to feed and hunt, seeding chaos and spreading panic.
I'm getting on the ship. Y'all gay ass pussies. The antichrist will assemble his army of dumb goyim to fight the return of Kalki.
>Aliens arrive and offer me to get in the ship with promises of free space candy
>Get in and taken to space, they say they forgot the space candy on their planet and we're on our way now
>They lead me into the experimentation room and show me the many probes they use, all ribbed and bumpy
>Tell me to drop my pants and lay down, presenting me a consent form for anal insertions
>Can't say no to getting probed, because of the implication
Shit man, you've convinced me not to trust them.
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fuck. me.
>be goyslop golem
>consume media
>consume slop
>just another day
>ships arrive to take you to mars
>"oh waaow so advanced it's about time. space travel so cool seeya troglodytes I'm going to be advanced on mars!"
>gets on the ship
>ship takes off into space
>goes around a little bit
>comes back down to earth but lands into a secret DUMB
>goyim thinks he's on mars
>enters a consciousness harvesting ai metaverse downloader matrix suspended animation laboratory complex and never leaves
>stays consciously trapped in musks neurochip blasterlink metaverse with body amputated and skull in suspended animation jar on a shelf
>being "advanced space travel" on mars
You're not going to escape the loosh farm by leaving the planet.
Maaaan, that's so beautiful.
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>Why would anyone board them in the first place? Ayys are spooky and at least on earth I know that my basic needs are somewhat met.
Consider that UFO sightings started happening en masse shortly after the first nukes were dropped. It's obvious that ayys would show up and present themselves as saviors in the event of a full blown nuclear war. That would be a situation where the planet is completely fucked becomes uninhabitable even for survivors of the war, and so you would have no hope of having your basic needs met on earth, and getting on their ships would seem preferable. Don't do it though, you're far better off horrifically dying of starvation or radiation in a post-nuclear hellscape than whatever the Ayys have in store for you.
trump and elon are the fucking false prophets bruh
and you fucking burgers just voted one of them to be your PRESIDENT
this is the fuckiest timeline
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>get on ship
>it crashes into the moon because of their DEI quotas
Keked out loud
It's funny how trump has been a known apollo worshipper for years, yet he was always given the benefit of the doubt.
we're in the era of both the last president and the final pope
I'm aware of the Prophecy of the Popes but what's the thing with the president?
lol they are not going to project Jesus in the sky they are going to project ufos
I'm by far the most "targeted" individual on earth. I have Freemasons giving me secret handshakes even though I'm not a Freemason, Jews speaking Hebrew to me even though I've never stepped foot into a synagogue and I've seen both a UFO and a demonstration of Project Bluebeam in the form of a hologram of a mantis.

The "aliens" most likely are going to claim that they are angels and that the Jews are God's chosen people which is why they(the aliens) destroyed the Al Aqsa Mosque and that God wants his temple rebuilt in Jerusalem.

Good luck though.
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>and you fucking burgers just voted one of them to be your PRESIDENT
elections are not real anyway
Trump was selected to be president a long time ago
Nukes don't exist and the UFOs are nazi ones
This is such a bizarre and insane mindset to have.
I wish there were ships to escape this gay planet but its unlikely. I always wanted to explore space. You retards can stay stuck in fear and live on this earth if you want.
>Don't do it though, you're far better off horrifically dying of starvation or radiation in a post-nuclear hellscape than whatever the Ayys have in store for you.

Firstly, ayys are fake and gay and were made in laboratories.

Secondly, what you said sounds retarded.
Aliens want me banned on 4chan
Ayys are real and are the same beings as the demons described in the bible. They are the enemies of humanity and all that is good.
Shit, its on perfect display so I don't know about that one.
>If someone or something wishes to save you
are we implying they'd know what they are doing?
fucking schizo anglos
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What are we seeing here?
>libshits and NAFO fags still spreading nukes aren't real disinfo to placate people about Ukraine escalation
So we're not believing science now huh. It's all so tiresome.jpg
You're totally right.

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>So we're not believing science now huh.
It got you worked up enough to post about it faggot.
>Have a (you)
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Anon, that's a favorite film of mine, for exactly the reasons you mention. Also it's just kino af.
You're afraid of taking responsibility for yourself. You have a slave's mind.
That's unironically amazing footage
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considering that Covid was a confirmed bioweapon that does permanent damage to the brain
I'm unvaxxed but I feel that covid (even though I had no discernible symptoms) did permanent damage to my brain
UFO sightings that happened in New Jersey on the same day that the Chinese balloons were spotted over the US
>did permanent damage to my brain
what's wrong with your brain? how does it feel?
I would say that my brain feels more jolted and less sharp since 2020
we have absolute 100% proof that COVID was designed as a bioweapon?

why wouldn't it do permanent damage? along with the vax
From what I've seen, if they want you to get on the ships you WILL get on the ships either you want to or you don't, so the entire meme is dumb from the getgo.
>if I mirror the x logo and then at a circle at the top that isn't there it sort of looks like a square and compass even though in the freemason emblem the compass is above the square and in my version it's behind it

do you drink regularly? such as moderate to heavy drinking as little as once a week?
I have zero interest in your diagnoses
if COVID was designed as a bioweapon by DARPA why would it be harmless?
I'm just wondering if maybe the symptoms you are feeling in your brain are actually the result of alcoholism as I have been going through similar. Moderate drinking causes brainfog and can last weeks if not months depending on how long I drank for. also sort of random 'jolts' and 'zap' feelings in the brain. sort of like a vertigo or dizziness. mixed with a vague tiredness and fogginess.

I'm not making any claims about covid. I personally think the vaccine is a life expectancy reducer and that the pandemic was fake.
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the ships are alive, theyre not benevolent but theyre not malevolent either
they simply seem to absorb your consciousness into its collective, thats how they learn
they cant force you under threat of death to come with them because the fear associated with it makes the devouring of your consciousness painful
they will trick many to come with them under the guise of a journey, or under the guise of enlightenment
but anyone who goes with them will never come back
I drink socially once a month-ish and occasionally drink a beer or two every week or two
definitely not an alcoholic, but I do smoke weed daily and have other habits that have negative effects on my health that only began after 2020 - so I cannot say for sure the damage is from covid

I don't think the pandemic was fake, I think that is cope by people who want to believe only the vaxx was harmful
but in reality if an operation of that scale was happening both the virus and the vaccine would be poisonous
>but in reality if an operation of that scale was happening both the virus and the vaccine would be poisonous
congratulations, you just woke up
>we need to discuss "getting on the ships"
Do we? Those Nordic aliens were supposed to arrive in the 1950's. Project Blue Beam was supposed to happen 1995.
How many more weeks until the ships arrive?
I'll go with my gut. But probably not. I don't trust these things.
I really regret not explaining my point clearer in the OP
it doesn't have to be ships, it's about humanity being offered a choice - and this choice being foretold by theories online (the main theory being "do not get on the ships"
this is the truth
Retard all the media shows that aliens are evil.
Alien Romulus
Quiet Place
Just in this year
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Since I was a teenager I've always had this concept in my head that the only way for humanity to ever unite and achieve world peace was if evil invaders from space waged war against us, so all of our governments would decide to gather all armies and weapons to fight the aliens together, not as separate nations, but as a single species. But now we're living in such crazy times, and I often think I was probably psyopped by hollywood and the mainstream media. I don't really know what to think anymore.
I think that Covid was literally just a billing code. If there were a real virus there would be lots of graves of people that died from it.

Only doctors can diagnose, and if you incentivize them to diagnose covid, with money, they will do it. They prescribe treatments based on the patient so it isn't really 'malpractice' because the symptoms for covid are the same as other conditions, so they are just trading one billing code for another. Any reasonable business person would do that.

I'll never be convinced there was a covid. I saw no evidence of it. there wouldn't even have to be one. also that would explain why the whole thing just randomly blew over. It was treated like the worst thing ever even though there weren't mass graves or anything, then it just vanished. and i know people will give the "herd immunity" bullshit. But herd immunity for what? A cold that only killed morbidly obese people and 90 year olds, all of which were already dying of something else?

covid was a SCAM.
I had a vision about Elon the other day,

An old /x/ project

He enabled it greatly,

And now, things are happening

Sometimes I weep, sometimes I laugh.
Things are happening.
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elon just a faggot kid actor who coded paypal.. nothing more and quit pandering about 'space' it not fucking real neither are nukes
bros what should i do if ayy ship lands in front of me and occupants wave me to come over?

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