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honestly i cant really explain it without making all of this a complete mess. Shortly, theres a relation between pic related and the "The Titanic never wreck"

>pic related was publushed +10 years before the Titanic incident
>Enought time for ((someone)) to read it and get some "ideas" from it once the moment comes
Both world wars would have been avoided if just a few guys decided not to take part in the maiden voyage of the Titanic after the guy who invited them (JP Morgan) dropped out.
America wouldn’t have passed a law requiring a central bank either
It was an insurance scam like all the great fires and 9/11
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That was the implication, yes. There's a reason why all the biggest "villains" of the past quarter millennium from Andrew Jackson to Hitler to Putin all opposed central banking. Also all wars that started over finance and anglosphere overreach ultimately were TOTALLY about defending ethnic minorities (Civil War, WW2, middle east bullshit). Mammon is the god of the west, Fiat currency his Manna, blood of fighting age boys our tithe. All to serve the golden bull market.
>villains" of the past quarter millennium from Andrew Jackson to Hitler to Putin all opposed central banking
It must be nice to be so fucking blind and stupid. They were all masons sponsored by kike banks.

Sorry brownie, but you prophet Adolf Shitler was also NYC kike controlled.
It wasn’t even the titanic, they switched the name on it with the sister ship
>took out $5 million insurance policy 2 weeks before iceberg dumper boat
rich people are so lucky
>Morgan Robertson
JP Morgan’s pen name
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Then what ship was this?
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The old titanic
That edition was, the original book "futility" was published in the late 1800s the titanic related plot points got added in 1912 as a response to the titanic sinking, it was to help the public cope
t. my dads a titanic nerd

Hard to hide with all that smoke! That's what the paint job is for.
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So they kept the old, inferior one and used it for decades and had it conscripted into war?
What sense does that make?
You want a pic without the dazzle?
It makes no sense to switch the names of ships one year apart only to have the "older" ship last longer than any of the newer ones.

We know what happened to the Olympic and Brittanic. It doesn't affect anything if they were actually a year younger and started with a different name.
>Hitler to Putin
These two have a central bank. Just nationalized to various degrees.
The original titanic was newer then the Olympic you retard
Lmao damn your fucking stupid
Do you even know what a boat is?
How are people this dumb?
You two should be shot in the head to keep your stupidity from spreading
based eugenicist
Yeah it’s crazy how chuds try to act like Hitler and Putin were against central banking but they supported central banks
Hitler kept the reichsbank that had been around since the 1870’s
James Cameron fucked it up again
JP Morgan looks like someone wearing prosthetic makeup.
>J.P. Morgan
He was just the alter ego of a Rothschild shape shifter
Who told you that bulkshit? Your dumbass dad?
They doesn’t fit in with the lie that these guys are anti Jews
>The original titanic was newer then the Olympic you retard
By one year, and built to the same specs. They were both brand new in terms of boats. Please explain what the point of switching the names would be. Because there is very little difference in the amounts the boats were insured for.
Oh - and the fact that the company was self-insured. Meaning they would be paying themselves for any loss, not making money.
The idea of switching the names of the boats is completely retarded and does nothing.
The titanic conspiracy has come a longs way the last few years
JP Morgan’s trick don’t work like they used to before the internet
Him and Spielberg love whitewashing conspiracy theories like Nazi finding inner earth artifacts, aliens, and titanic
Spielberg is a head of the propaganda arm of the Khazarian Mafia. He deified Grey aliens (part of the Anti-Christ transhumanist agenda) in close encounters and Indy 4, made the Aryan goddess Kali into a child sacrifice demon (nice projection), and had multiple movies from Indiana Jones to Schindler's List painting the third Reich as cartoonishly evil and incompetent while never mustering any similar distant for Bolsheviks. Weak, manipulative men like him are the dwarf Shiva must never lift his foot from lest we get bad times.
the khazarian pechenegs cannot be trusted do not surrender your organs to this group
there was a mud flood during the 1800`s napoleon and his jesuit group did some bombing of old buildings and we do not know the extent of it we only see ruins of it and retrofitted buildings
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Everything is planned far in advance.
For example, the WTC were built with the intention of demolishing them on 911.
Empty skeletons of buildings with no office furniture.
The producers of media are in on the plan, so they put in predictive programming like this.
Is James Cameron Jewish?
That one wasn't real, but the Simpsons one is real and Spider Man had a comic where DocOc wanted to bomb the towers that had to be pulled from reprint. I chock synchronicities like these up more to echos in the collective unconscious more than anything, high amounts of trauma travels in all dimensions of the quantum web including to other timelines.
I believe this
What caused the mud flood?
Me eating spicy doners with full fat milk when hungover teehee :))

sorry guys
But why is there so much trauma involved with 911?
It's only because it was pushed so much, even their fake simulated victims are of a low number.
>glowie well poisoning
>Sorry brownie, but you prophet Adolf Shitler was also NYC kike controlled.
>oy vey NO ONE who has ever done ANYTHING against us has been genuine goyim
>now get back to trusting the plan, only 2 more millennia
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Someone needs to been the titanic movie from the conspiracy perspective
Even if it’s not true
The kike was also buddy of fidel castro
And just as a curiosity, castro was heavy into them nigger religions of osha and malongo, or santeria and palo mayombe
Spielberg and Fidel?
Wonder how many kids they sacrificed
>white star line
Sounds occult
Cope harder. Nazis didn't fight world jewry, they helped them to get where they are now.
That’s true. Do you think Hitler ever fucked Ava Braun? Why didn’t he ever have kids?
>predictive programming
Just like the Simpsons
Adolf didn’t like vagina
a few families vested interests led to banker enslavement
Andrew Jackson was the greatest hero in American History. Get his name out of cum-drenched mouth.
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I mean space is fake and gay so, if that was a shitty lie, then why not also this, I'm not even sure if the calendars are also fake and gay or not
yeah hitler worked for them, not talking about the normal jewish humans, but the masons, jesuits and all the sionist people in power. They have in common that they are all satanists tho
Definitely true but Hitler was also 1/4 rothschild, pretty much Jewish in my book
Consciousness is a bitch
The Titanic was a hoax.
>insurance scams
Always is

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