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Lilith has been speaking to me
You forgot your meds
Lilith thread
please do not unalive
she is a point between 3d and 5d
yeye sure bro... lilith... mhmmm...
she tell you she is the Queen of Heaven yet?
please do not the cat
I'm grateful I don't have an annoying voice in my head like you, lilithtard.
Lillith is faggy jew fan fiction.
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The Goddess Venus comes in two forms: Venus Ourania and Venus Pandemos. The first was a primordial Goddess born from the sea foam of the churned members of the castrated sky God - Uranos was and is “The Sky” in the same way Gaia is “The Earth”. She is the instinctual, natural, generative force that exists in all chthonic beings. The love that bonds man with woman, mother with child, and all comrades, brothers, commoners and Kings.

The other Venus, pan-demos, all-people’s, is the goddess of a fiery love, of passion and romance, jealousy, rage, sorrow, joy, and lust. She is a daughter of Zeus and a Titaness, a sister to Cronos and Oracle to his sacred oak grove of Dodona. She is the mother of Aeneas, Goddess of Victory, lover of Warlord Ares. She is καλλίστῃ.
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See the thing is. We scizos experienced paranormal shit. This is related cus I also met a goddess type figure. and sen shit you wouldnt believe.

When I was in the 4d realm or whatever you wanna call it (it's kinda like a waking dream reality) I was speaking to A goddess of sorts. But I freaked out cus these astral travelling rappers were bullying me beforehand before she intervened.

I wouldn't call her Lilith as that is a goetic and kabbalistic demon. She didn't give me a name but she was very kind to me and returned me to reality.

My fractured mind meant I was seeing red and screaming like a demon. For a moment being a demon felt like ecstasy. I suppose it's kinda similar to how masons rape people so they can enter the matrix or whatever.

Now my genie just levitates me and torments me in sleep paralysis but i'm not allowed back so im left bitterly disappointed.

The crown chakra awakening n shiet dood


hard to believe if you've never smoked weed or done magic before I guess
Thank you. Probably the first anon I've seen on /x/ outside of the /succ/ threads who actually appreciates her. I don't understand why she causes so much seethe.
tell her I enjoyed her daughter's hug
but losing my breath wasn't great
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your soul is gonna get gobbled up nom nom nom :3
What are your plans for the department of Health and Human Services?
A redpill about Lillith;

Lillith was the 3rd daughter of Adam & Eve, and the first wife of Caine. Caine raped her and captured her when Enosh was still the youngest child of Adam & Eve's male line. Lillith was at first a good person and a victim, but Caine transitioned her to a rife evil of debauchery and magick. Caine would teach her to commit rituals with Satan with him, and Satan had even taught her his own spells due to his impression of her evils through her ritual practice.

She would lay with slain and unslain animals alike in the forest for her magick (she birthed a wendigo-esque monster from her after having shoved an entire dead rodent up her snatch). She would kill and eat humans with Caine. She was like a raving rabid animal human, rife with murder and chaos in everything she does.

As an adult she became very powerful, and was the headmistress of Caine's harem. She would abuse and torture the other harlots of Caine, and she was well known for her brutal executions of the women who would remain righteous and fear God and not Caine.

She deserves nothing from anyone. She deserves, as an evil spirit from before the flood, nothing but pain and dismemberment, the curses that she afflicted upon others.

Only satanist shills would disagree. Vampire hunters and demon hunters who actually are in the know understand these things as facts and don't consort with demons because of them.

Everyone in /succ/ is a fucking fool for practicing shit with demons, and they'll each pay the price through their asses and their morals for it. Thankfully, God has no other punishment in mind for them than the demons they've signed contracts with, outside of what they do normally.
That's a good take. But keep in mind that there are literally mentally ill people around.
I believe that what the ancients described as Lilith is in fact synonymous with what people today call mothman.
>another anon falls for the 30 day lilith cum ritual
How does it male you feel that Lilith spread her voluptuous booty cheeks for me and I plap plap plapped her pussy until I was shooting loads into it. Enjoy your used up whore kek
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holy shit i have an insatiable urge to decapitate iannaposters and lilithposters cartel style enough of this faggotry
oh look
*bites bottom lip*

This is not your diary
Soul dispelled
Everything Jews wrote is fanfiction.
I want to rape them as long as theyre actually female.
So is Jesus
Lilith isn't real faggot
talk to a real demon, like Labolas or something
your own conscious mind has been speaking to you and you're lying to yourself acting like it's a higher power speaking to you
let's be real OP
that's a pretty baller lilith figure
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Rape them anyway.
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Cry about it what are you going to do, i'll be fucking my succ
Anything you can share?

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