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I want to atone for my sins of racism, hatred, misogyny, antisemitism before I die.

How can I do that?
Heavy dose of psychedelics teach empathy well
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Jesus Christ was against the Jews. His entire ministry was determined in overthrowing the Jews. I am surprised you do not understand this.
he was a jew
how did that work out exactly?
seems a VERY jewish world we live in atm...
What sins?
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The Jews were overthrown for thousands of years according to the prophecy of Christ stated in Matthew 23, and Revelation. It was not until 1948 when the United States decided to create the nation of Israel. We do live in a very dominant Jewish world today. I would invite you to read the gospel of John to understand Christ's overthrow of the Jews.
bunch of Jewish bullshit
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My apologies, i meant Matthew 24.
jesus is the antichrist and worked directly for the pharisees
the bible is a godless tome
it's worth-less than toilet paper because at least toilet paper isn't trying to indoctrinate me into LIES.
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raise 12 children of the race you were most vitriolic towards. or you could transfer your sins to an innocent and kill it, perhaps a chicken? or a local single mother with a fetus nearing abortion age?
It happens from within.

True confession does not occur in church. True confession is when the Soul knows what it has done, and can admit to itself.
True repentance is when the soul has decided to change its root.

I cannot say, but it's possible you've already done it before you made this thread. But only you can know for sure.
Through change.
Receiving self punishment or the conducting of some "reparations" act to cancel out what you have previously done is non practical and unneeded, especially if that reparations act is seen to be something rather non-mondane.
Although, through gradual change and the total abandonment of past values and rhetoric, all of that can be forgiven
1. stop being a fag and find better sons to atone for
2. Every sin is against God as well as man and man cannot make atonement for God so repent and be changed by him
3. If you want to in some way make it better work on racial and relations and relations between man and woman
4. Dont lie about women being whores, jews being greedy and blacks being more violent on average as its undeniable. Real love is loving people despite their flaws not pretending they dont have them
5. If you know enough about anti semitism to know that it's different to racism then you should know that it's not always sinful
It's ok to disagree with pro semitic ideology
6. Racism also isnt always a sin and infact in an obfuscation word coined by communist leon trotsky in order to further stoke division between people. It's good and normal to treat different races differently. No one offers an indian beef for example. Just as long as you dont hate them it's ok
7. Remember being negetively discriminatory against your own group is just as bad if not worse (killing your mum unmotivated is worse than killing another woman unmotivated) so avoid that too
Those aren't sins. If you are concerned about it seek out and impregnate a black woman, an oriental, an Indian and a Jewess. You will be helping them and yourself.
However much you are those things, you are not as much as you need to be.
In your religion racism might be missing the mark. But how come blacks always 5v1 whites tho. It's out of hatred.

If we're gonna study the bible it doesnt talk about racism it talks about hatred.

So yet again burn in hell weirdo

Recognizing group differences is fine. However, Humans should bear in mind that as a whole they are one of the shortest-lived and... "unrefined" species of sapient in the galaxy. It is like quarantined ghetto blacks quarreling over who's lighter-skinned. If you were picking which ones to let out, it would be the ones who have learned to get along with their neighbors, unpleasant as they may be.
What happens to the ones you *don't* let out? Well, they did it to themselves...
Semites are some of the biggest racists you'll ever meet. How do you feel about that OP?

You must off yourself - it will heal the world.
The three cardinal virtues.
You rectify your soul. You ask the Maker/Creator to pardon you, and He will surely pardon and forgive. He might change all those sins to wealth and status. But if you have oppressed and wronged someone/somebody. Then you will have to give them your apology and compensate them with goodness and generosity. Goodness and success are only from the Creator of the heavens and earth.

2:160 Except for those who repent and correct themselves and make evident [what they concealed]. Those - I will accept their repentance, and I am the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.

The exception is those who repent to Allah, asking for forgiveness, and regretting having hidden these clear signs, correcting what they do outwardly and inwardly, and making clear the truth and guidance which they had hidden.
Allah accepts their repentance to Him.
He turns to those who turn to Him, asking for forgiveness and regretting what they have done, and He forgives and is compassionate with them.
it starts with yourself
Why would these be a sin?
>I want to atone for my sins
There is no way to atone for sins. We are born, sometimes we do good and other times we do bad, then we die.

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