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I think Earth is a globe and outer space and other planets and stars are real.
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so true and here is a highly qualified scientist to rub it in further
>I think
i agree & also the light from stars not only very far away but also very old.
I used to not believe in gravity, but then I fell in line.
Sun is closer then people think. Or two suns seen in sky when you think about it. It may be projection off the firmament. Neil sucks dick.
Yep, I know it to be true.
that's the common opinion, why does this need a thread
Doesnt matter.
Sight anything you want.
The surface you stand on is curved.
take your meds you crazy schizo
I think the earth is flat, at least the part I'm standing on, but i also think that it is also a globe.
God damn x is retarded
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You and 85% of the others on this board, the flat earth tards are a loud minority even here.
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I haven't been to space, so I can't confirm whether it exists or not. Have you ever taken the bus and been to space? No? Me neither. So there's no way of actually knowing. I don't trust NASA, I don't trust the American government, and I don't trust Russians and their cosmonauts either, because they're communists. I would need to have known someone for over 10 years and trust them, have them be sent to space and come back, and then tell me if it actually happened, otherwise I won't believe it. It's either that, or send me to space, until then, I can't say.
find a new picture
>noooo the Demiurge would never cause a mass extinction event and then try to cover it under layers of dirt and sediment, this world is perfect, I love the Demiurge and all he has created
>I haven't been to space
You are literally in space right now.
Everyone is.
Some space also has breathable atmosphere in it.
If space was fake it would require many thousands of people to be in on a conspiracy none of them actually benefit from, and somehow none of them ever have one too many drinks and let it slip.
There are more people that haven't been in space than there are people that have, the fact of the matter is that we are trusting a handful of people in comparison to billions that say that they have been somewhere nobody else has. In any other context it would have been completely unreliable and a conspiracy theory at best, but since we trust the ones who claim to actually have been there and returned, along with the people responsible for putting them there, it is considered fact. And anyone who claims otherwise are insane. I'm not saying space doesn't exist, but I am saying that it is a claim only a handful of people can make and we believe them completely. There are literally no skeptics when it comes to this subject, when there should have been.
>it is a claim only a handful of people can make and we believe them completely
People understood that the atmosphere thinned to the point of near-vacuum LONG before anyone went up there.
The sun is huge, of course. When you see it from afar, it's small. You zoom in, it seems so close to earth like it's inside.
also money is not demonic adoration and masons are good people, and lord rothschild was not a scammer
is not that just the great deluge but from a pagan point of view?, the mud can just be soil underwater covering the giant's buildings for a couple of years/decades/generations, it can even be a asociated to the ice age stuff, of course without the sciencetard inflated timescales of millions of years
Try to read. That experiment does not use the sun.
I saw Santa on television and Megyn Kelly told me he is white! He must be real!
Welcome to sanity!
Globalists don't sound right. So it seems like a dominion thing.
Well, good for you.
I think Earth is flat because when you're really really close to it (like lying on the ground looking across the surface) it looks flat, and when you're really far away from it basically just looks like a disc. Therefore 2/3 of the time it's basically flat and that is a comfortable enough majority for me to call it flat
Properly a reliable grayscale photo found on twitter confirms that.
how do you personally differentiate thinking and believing?
where dose this idea come from? it only takes a very small number of people to construct and propagate functional false axioms. this is achieved by the private self appointing gate bodies in modern educational that are simultaneously responsible for selecting cannon material, graduating the educated, and allocating post educational research funding.
>billions of stars and galaxies
>so far away himans will never visit anything outside the solar system
What did the demiurge mean by this?
Eglin glowniggers do NOT want you to believe this
Faster than light travel/teleportation/magic. Outer space is real but so is the occult world
I hope you are right; it would be interesting if ftl travel (besides astral projection) is achivable through magic
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Those things just take your soul and replace it with a copy
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Again, you're still thinking of "teleportation" in the le science, star trek style definition of it. Stargate is an allusion to something that really existed/exists, dressed up in sciency jargon to make it palatable to normalfags
I was just referring to the constructs known as "stargates", they aren't safe to use; maybe it's not the same process you are talking about
Well for starters, your soul cannot ever be "taken" from you, because you are your soul. When you astrally project you literally leave your body.
Souls can be trapped; that the point "you" isn't what comes out of those things
Where did you find this information on the functioning of real life stargates?
no, you are incorrect.
lmfao neil disgrace tyson?? u cant be serious

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