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Saying the CIA did it was an ass pull. I've never doubted that Bugliosi covered for a lot of people during his prosecution but theres nothing that has changed my mind that the Tate murders were revenge for Manson. He probably wanted money from Melcher and this sent a message. He did the same thing to Dennis Wilson.
Yeah. The CIA just kept him out of jail because they’re nice guys
Tom O’Neill is a limited hangout to take attention from Dave McGowan books like strange scenes and programmed to kill.
I bet you think Osama did 9/11 too
You’re so naive. I remember my first conspiracy theory too
>Tom O’Neill is a limited hangout
clicked on this thread to say this
it's amazing how hard they pushed this book, I walked into Barnes and Noble one day and it was front and center on a showcase table
>limited hangout to take attention from Dave McGowan books like strange scenes and programmed to kill.

those books are about 20 years old
Yep and they book his ass in JRE and Jimmy Dore etc
They taught Oniell at first but they know it’s better to present the way Tom does because he doesn’t openly blame the CIA, just presents the evidence against them
Everyone here with a brain know McGowan and O’Neill barley scratched the surface of how the CIA is programming people to kill
>cia would never do that
oh poor dumb child
if there was any blowback against O'Neill, it must have died down when people involved died. as far as I can tell, this isn't a blanket organization thing, everything in these agencies is heavily compartmentalized and very few have a bird's eye view of things. people die, people forget, pertinent information is left out, fifty years have passed and all the people that knew everything have croaked, and even some of the newbies begin to feel it's not in their interest to dispute something they don't know much about themselves.
> as far as I can tell, this isn't a blanket organization thing, everything in these agencies is heavily compartmentalized and very few have a bird's eye view of things. people die, people forget, pertinent information is left out, fifty years have passed and all the people that knew everything have croaked, and even some of the newbies begin to feel it's not in their interest to dispute something they don't know much about themselves.
Very wise words anon and a perspective that gets missed
The CIA isn’t an organization with one idea or goal but people holding some conflicting ideas and at the end of the day just doing their job for the big nosed bankers
Glowies use MK ultra parolees to fuck with celebs when they step out of line
And they’ve never been more popular than now
nothing in chaos disputes mcgowan's work, unless you're misinformed enough to believe corroborating research is a bad thing. or, as usual, some lazy glowy
Never said that
I’m saying Tom’s work is the lesser of two evils because he always avoids saying the obvious like McGowan did. The intelligence agencies are responsible for training serial killers, weaponizing prisoners, soldiers and immigrants
I get that they’re afraid of blowback but chaos just isn’t as good as strange scenes from the canyon and chaos is a longer book
>because he always avoids saying the obvious like McGowan did

because he's smart enough to allow the readers to decide on their own (one can argue that's a better way to present potentially alarming research), and mcgowan died before his time. nothing here is strange or irrational on tom's part.

Lets say they were monitoring him. That doesn't legitimise that the CIA pushed him to murder. There is no hard evidence for that conclusion and much more evidence that Manson had his own agenda. Maybe this helped with their agenda but that doesnt mean they organised it.
You sound like you work in Langley. You’ve never heard of Sidney Gottlieb? The thing even this book admits is that we only know about bits a pieces of this program.
They probably have the fbi van beaming mind control DEW at these test subjects
Do you have any understanding of what’s going on here?
Bro you’re on x acting like the cia didn’t create Manson and enable him to kill, at the very least
>durr the cia was just incompetent not evil
Nah dummy

The cia was involved in evil acts but also incompetent. What I am tired of is these books with flimsy evidence which make inconclusive jumps in logic. A dummy is someone who speaks of something he doesnt know which assurity which you are. I am just being a little skeptical of some of the conclusions drawn. There are compelling what ifs but not enough evidence for me to make that jump that you want to make. The intelligence operatives were involved in some evil acts but you cant make them into Henry Lee Lucas because the profile fits even though the facts arent all there.
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>you think it goes too far
It doesn’t go far enough
You’ll never learn from history and always be surprised when the new info comes out while some of us laugh at your dumb ass
If someone would’ve made these claims before your ignorant ass read this, you would’ve shouted them down
Even the parts the cia psychologists admit to should be enough to end intelligence agencies tomorrow
They’re poison and if there’s a god, those people will die painful deaths
>surprised when the new info

The documents were shredded and the people involved dead. Do you think someones going to drop a videotape any time soon? Ill be glad when this stuff is brought to light if it is indeed out there but you are a fool to bank yourself on it.
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More info comes out all the time retard
The info we have on his parole violations, Sidney Gottleib experiments and all these serial killer training at Langley is only becoming more known as time passes
Fuck you glownigs
Even if the cia didn’t tell him to do it, they kept him on the streets and experimented on his mind while in jail.
Why fuck with prisoners minds and then refuse to put them back in jail for probation violations? Especially so many of them, wasn’t there like 10 instances according to Tom?
you think Lee Harvey killed jfk too?
I think... we also have to remember polanski did rosemarys baby, what was it, the year before or after? And, yeah, ive no proof or whatever, but i just know in my heart that sneaky jew sold his pregnant(maybe it wasnt his baby but jay sebrings like some believe) wife out to his own kind to advance in their ranks and manson was there to carry out the, or maybe it was that manson really was supplying polanski and the hollyweirds with girls and meth for their parties and when they refused to pay he went for revenge or, who knows, hollywood is a cesspool of satanism and it must be purged out
Manson also said something that, the beatles, not them but their handlers, sent him messages in their songs and record art about killing people. There was that post with the cover of abbey road talking bout this
Is O'Neil the guy who wrote amusing ourselves to death? May be mixing names up.
>Saying the CIA did it was an ass pull
Why? You had a ton of John Birch society faggots more than willing to experiment on leftist commies all drunk from power and the red scare? Why wouldn't they dump drugs onto a population of people that were ostensibly their enemies in an attempt to subvert college campus liberals and black communities? In typical CIA fashion, they fucked it up and instead created a movement that would eventually supplant them in society and result in a generation of libshits, but fucking up is basically what the CIA specializes in.
>we also have to remember polanski did rosemarys baby
People typically dismiss the LaBianca murders as not connected to the Tate murders, but I don't think that's the case. "Rosemary" LaBianca was a golddigging bisexual and known witch who married Leno LaBianca for his money. Just odd that Polanski would give his movie the title "Rosemary's Baby" and another known occult practitioner (named Rosemary) who lived close by was murdered by the same people who killed Tate. Also, Leno's children and mother had to abandon all their possessions at the house after his death out of fear of a 1% motorcycle gang called the "Satan's Servants" known to be associated with Rosemary's daughter.... who were also associates of the Manson Family. Here's the twist no one is considering. 'Rosemary's Baby' is a biography of Roman and Tate written by Ira Levin. Tate is Rosemary. Her husband Guy is Polanski. Leno and Rosemary are the creepy couple in the movie that help Guy/Polanski's career behind the scenes and help impregnate Rosemary/Tate wirh Satan's child. This would mean Manson was literally the good guy by taking out the spawn of Satan. A lot of parallels to that movie, the people surrounding the Manson Murders, and witchcraft in Hollywood.
At the same time the CIA was sending heroin into American cities
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>cia wouldn’t do that
wait until you read this one
Exactly. O'Neill mentions that Manson was asked to run drugs for the CIA. And the presumed FBI agents and people in the LA County Sherrif's office who busted the Ranch worked with the CIA during the Cambodian bombing campaign ... all right-wingers. That's why people can't wrap their heads around this. The 1960's represented a shift, not just in the American Left, but the Right as well. The CIA and FBI had no qualms providing drugs to degenerates, precisely because these degenerates were their enemies in society. Everything changed in the 70's when Vietnam failed, but California in the 1960's had Nixon as Governor and then President, and right after him they had Reagan. Why wouldn't they funnel drugs to blacks and people that supported racial equality and liberal/socialist ideology. Manson was the perfect man to do this.
Kris Milligan’s dad was in the CIA and was one of the guys who quit when they started bringing heroin back in dead soldier caskets
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>wait until you read the most lukewarm shit you've ever read in your life
fuck off
read Programmed to Kill
Again, Ollie North ... Reagan appointee. Running drugs to black communities to support a war against Commies in Central America and Afghanistan. Just an extension of what was going on in the 1960's. Same cast of characters.
if mcgowan was around he'd thank o'neill for bringing the topic into the mainstream
People who just try to one-up other people and name drop books annoy the fuck out of me. Just knowing about a book doesn't mean fuck all. Can you explain what it means to the Manson murders? What did McGowan bring to the table from an evidence standpoint compared to what O'Neill brought. O'Neill's book is well-researched, backed up by solid evidence maintained by University archives and police records. Can you say the same of McGowan? Why is his book better?
You probably wouldn't be surprised to know that they also did this with Afghanistan and their poppy fields
Shit like this is the reason people think the rest of us are fucking retarded.
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I’m the anon who mentioned that book first, I was only bumping the thread retard

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