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Time has to be speeding up. In 2016, if we talked about eight years prior which was 2008, that was a very long time prior. 2016 feels like it was five years ago at most.
How do we account for extreme time anti-dilation like this?
just the news cycles have been quicker and quicker ever since ww2, also after occupy wall street with the subhuman obama authorizing the brainwashing with wokism and the portable video recorders that every whore has now
time always feels like it's passing faster when you get older
You're right but redditors have been trained to dismiss it with "it's just your perception as you're getting older". I don't know why they're even on this board but they're already doing it.
Is this the Bozrah(?) Meme? Where the elect of Jesus christ are teleported to a replica of Earth while the Anti-Christ is in control of actual earth, Jesus collects his followers on Bozrah and invades Earth to battle the Anti-Christ. Time being only 16 hours a day, the sun on Bozrah is white while the sun on Earth is yellow. It's an /x/ topic that gets brought up every few weeks.
a lot more changed from 2008 to 2016 than from 2016 to now
I'd also like to mention the fact that you lost 2020 and 2021 to being inside all day, and 2022 was the first year since 2019 that shit was even slightly normal. I'm 19, going on 20, and even then looking back to *this February* it seems like a fucking eternity has passed since then; maybe it has to do with lifestyle, not doing anything unique can make time go by quicker.
We know this. That doesn't mean time has been normal.
The retard right above you is doing it already lmao
This is antibiblical heresy gtfo
Exactly. Despite acceleration of technology too. It couldn't have been 8 years since 2016 but it was 8 years between 08 and 16
Lol I live in a real place that only did lockdown from March to May 2020 so that is not it. 2021 was when AI arrived in web content so that year felt huge and slow compared to 2022 and beyond
All the bots will tell you its just getting older, its not. Something is wwrong with time ive been told that peoples kids think time is going faster.
>it's just your perception as you're getting older
>The retard right above you is doing it already lmao

sonofbitch i always knew that redditos is a fucking jewish glowies
Yeah wtf I'm glad we are acknowledging the gaslight
lol little zoom zoom is scared of getting old. i was born in 91, to me the late 90s and early 2000s was like 5 years ago
It's not uniform though. Some years feel way slower. Time SLOWED down during COVID.
They have released Time Devourer.
Yes there's sound hadiths about time speed up in the end time. İt is known.
Lol, this. Zoomies are so brainbroken they can't even analyze their own internal experience of time.
I'm so glad other people feel like this I thought I had something wrong with my brain. 2015 is when the new Star Wars came out, it's when my business opened. I still see these things as recent. I don't understand how 10 years have gone by like this. I can remember things from 2015 like yesterday. I am 36. "Getting older" doesn't explain how fast this shit is happening.
Your perception of time quickens as you get older. When you’re 4 years old a year is a quarter of your entire life. When your 40 a year is 1/40th of your life. This is a common phenomenon everyone experiences, not a supernatural one only you’re noticing.
Were you busy during Covid? Time slows when you're bored or doing unstimulating activities. I was busy as fuck during Coivd, and time flew for me.
This is definitely true, time is literally flying by and it's just so weird to me.
2016 was like 50 years ago bro
Born in 1982 I swear to God the last 20 years fucking flew by. I graduated high school 24 years ago and it doesn't feel like it was THAT long ago.
Time going faster is a sign of end times, prophesied by Jesus.
The days have been shortened.

Matthew 24:22

“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”

Matthew 24:21

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”
There's bad forces that abuse the perception of time, if you aren't mentally combating the time that's passed with thoughts that leverage how you feel, you'll feel like you were robbed of the years, this post is just a rough draft of what I actually meant to say, I can't exactly put all of it into words right now
honestly it feels about the same to me in terms of time. but not as much feels like it is happening in my life right now. things feel more boring and monotonous. I'd say that for me personally things have blurred together for me since about 2018. prior to that it felt like life had more variety.
>honestly it feels about the same to me in terms of time. but not as much feels like it is happening in my life right now. things feel more boring and monotonous. I'd say that for me personally things have blurred together for me since about 2018. prior to that it felt like life had more variety.

however, it DOES feel like it goes by quicker. but if i look back at it it does feel like that long has passed. it's just that nothing has really happened. it's stagnant.
No, those are all excuses to disguise how time really is moving faster.
People cannot do as much today and at the level of quality they could in the past because the time is not there.
I feel it too, it's definitely not the muh age bullshit argument that Redditors use otherwise you wouldn't see 16 year olds and 34 year olds say the same about it

Yes time is speeding up and has been ever since 2012 or so - everything operates at a 33% increase. It's just not you.

How the actually hell has it been a decade since "Watchdogs" came out? If you would have asked me off the top of my head I would have said 6-7 years. We have lost like 4 years of time by now.
the length of the day proportional to the life of a man has been decreasing since sun rise
>How do we account for extreme time anti-dilation like this
the evolution of concentrated charge density in the valence shells of all galvinzed containers missaxonimied as dark energy based space expansion and temporal contraction is in fact the scalar modulational nature of all luminous, ie galvanized containers. tldr every radiant system in the universe is shrinking presently to maintain energy per unit body in the face of radial entropy, its working as interned
>the length of the day proportional to the life of a man has been decreasing since sun rise
since the first sun rise*
dem first drafts, sucks2suck mah niggahs
Go and read Schopenhauer. The older we are, the faster the time seems to flow. When we are 10, one year is 10% of our life, when we are 50, it's just 2%. It's a simple and logical explanation - our brain fools us into thinking just that.
go sit in a dark room with no stimulation, for for 4 minutes and 30 seconds do not, think no thoughts, strive for mindless awreness, and most importantly play no rythem games based on preestablished metrics, then, after the the time has pased, accuratly count out 30 seconds ending exactly 5 mins after you began the exerciser, you wont, because this is impossible for a human, the 6 minute capacity for short term memory has no mechinism for temporal cognition outside using external metrics. the long term memory is no better then the short, and your pretending the long term memory has the greatest temporal cognition, lol, lewl even.
>dat will is the ineffible essence of the world that is will
get fucked. the reason this shit is comming up more and more now is in the digital age there are masters with 10,000 of accumulated experience in a large multitude of interpyhlometric endevours , before the decaye of their bodies and minds beings as their geriatric predecessors, the sub20 masters of the digital age know time is slowing per unit day as a function of efficacious output without the deterioration of middleage, old man.
You're older and so it's a smaller fraction of the time you experienced as compared to being 5 and 1 year was 20% of your entire life.
you cant demonstrate temporal cognition in short term memory despite arguing for the maximum of temporal cognition in long term memory, your just repeating what youve heard others say. robot
anyone know what watch this is?
What do you think the word temporal means?
show your continuance
>you wont, because a human cant
Yes, your brain interprets it in percentages. So one year is 1/20 of time lived at 20, but half of it at 40, so time pass 2x faster.
Spare me of your jewish chosen slop nonsense.
I just mean temporal is a strictly defined scientific word but how you're using it make me think you've just heard other say it but don't actually grasp what it means, could you use a word you do know instead? because your current post doesn't make sense
I'm older than you and so when you think "time didn't go fast until 2019" I was already turning 30 and time was fast as fuck. Time has been fast since 2008. Grow up and take your meds. There are real supernatural things too discuss.
You got older. You were probably a child or a teenager in 2008-2016.
You're just getting older, faggut >>39267881
Time IS speeding up. The important thing to note here is that linear time (definite past and future, in a straight line) isn't real. That's just the way we tend to perceive time because our mind likes to compare things to each other.
The reality is that only the present moment exists.
So where does this get into time speeding up?
If only the present moment is an actual reality, we can deduce further from there that people don't actually experience "the past" anymore than they do"the future". This is a way of perceiving the present moment and comparing it to an experience that already has happened, or imagining one that may happen (but doesn't exist yet).
From there we make a statement: we have different ways of perceiving the present moment.
This is where I make my claim; we are supposed to be, as a species, experiencing a constant "flow" state. Where the sensation of time feels much slower. "Flow states" are a state of consciousness that are achieved when someone is fully engaged in the present moment.
However, the majority of people cannot do this anymore.
Our lives are being constantly fucked around with by various political and economic interests. We don't really experience "the present moment" anymore, were constantly being moved around and overstimulated to the point of burn out.
This means that instead of our perception of time being slow....it is speeding up increasingly.
Time is infact going faster.
your wrong and your stupid for stating such blatantly wrong assumptions
>time didn't go fast until 2019
your paraphrasisation is as poor as your demonstrated temporal cognition
>the length of the day proportional to the life of a man has been decreasing since sun rise
this is my post too, dare you to rationalize your dissonance.
People are coping when they say"you're getting older", because it's not just older people saying this. Many teenagers and preteens are increasingly complaining about feeling like they have no time at all.
This is why there's a huge and increasing movement of young people who are trying to throw out all the smart tech in their lives. Because they are very much aware their time is slipping right out of their hands. Being on social media is becoming very uncool with kids more and more.
>Inb4 it's cus of (external factors)
No shit. Reread the first part of what I said on time being perceptual.
These things are happening faster because it's explicitly making the sensation of time go by faster. Time doesn't exist outside of your perception, and if the world is being designed to cause you to experience the sensation of it at a much faster rate- then time is infact speeding up.
Days now go by in *minutes*, If not *seconds*. A year goes by in only a few days now. There's no stability to people's experience of the world anymore, because they have become effectively disconnected from their whole environment.
nigger i havent said temoral in this thread thats your lofi straw man to avoid dealing with the very real and undemonstratobale reality of TEMPORAL COGNITION - the minds ability to rationalize the passing of time - that dose not exist with out external metrics
context matters you reductionist anus
Fuck off redditor nobody cares
> The important thing to note here is that linear time
yU h8 relativity and deny gravitational cosmology unsubstantially?
any expansion of space must correspond to a contraction of time if space time is one. in your own words what is the piratical cause of what has been missaxonimized as 'dark energy' ? ie the expansion of space - that causes the functional contraction of time?
Things that make time speed up:
>Bad architecture choices.
>Bad space design choices.
>Mechanical time keeping methods.
>Disconnection from environment
Ultimately these all go under the major thing that makes time go faster
>Disconnection from "being".
hehe just because this is x. i came up with a theory that the dominant energy of a location manifests and you can manipulate it. i had a very slow and boring job so i pured a ton of energy into the store that made the perception of time faster. then time flew by, and my coworkers knew i did it somehow lol. so yes you can speed up time, ive done it.
Powerful autism vibes here.
You're implying that time is an ontological reality, and not a way that we perceive our environment around us. Space and time are linked together in older physics yes- that doesn't make this GOOD science. It just makes it the common assumption.
Time fundamentally is a way of measuring change, this is according still to standard physics. Modern physics puts in the fact that ultimately time is not an actual reality, but is only a psychological one. There isn't a fluid or building block in existence called "time" that the universe is made up of like Lego pieces.
I'm right because time has been going faster for me longer than you thought. You're just some faggot that just became an adult with busy days and so time slips away from you more quickly. Hi meditate all day every day for a year and tell me if the years don't suddenly become long again.
Cry about it, child. You're getting older and one day you'll die. Boohoo.
you assume poorly, im comparing a billion heart beats per unit animal to solar revolutions and calling the notable variation in this function per unit animal generation temporal contraction. your the reductionist anus that like to make huge statements over your misunderstanding of single previously defined terms.
but this argument is reductionist to the to the point of redundancy, just demonstrate yourself pausing without thought or stimulation for 4 minutes and 30 seconds then with out additional rythem games based on memories of external metrics count 30 seconds as exactly 5 minutes pass
you cant because temporal cognition dose not even exist in the short term memory and your redundantly arguing long term memory posses the maxim of temporal cognition,
Watch this, anon.

Imo it's aliens fucking with the space time continuum on their own planet. They don't even know about us.They're speeding, slowing, stopping and restarting time, traveling into the past and future, and they don't even realize that their time distortions aren't localized to them or their planet. It's affecting every one, every where, and every time. They'll be the ones to end the unverse and reality as we know it. They are hyper advanced and brilliant, and yet so dumb in other ways. There's not much we can do about it.
Source: saw it in a dream
we do not naturally perceive the passage of time as our innate nature is timeless
we perceive time as events and people, using them as vector markers to simulate a timeline in our memories and unconscious mind, where bigger or global events are encoded into the collective
During Covid, the collective was manipulated by fear and doubt, so time was distorted. Even if you try to tap it, it's hazy as shit, our unconscious was exploited, we were truly sheep.
>Comparing a billion heart beats per unit animal
What the fuck are you saying? You are being too verbose and using too much purple-prose for someone who is autistic in the way that you are.
Regarding the rest of your argument, I'm sorry, but that's retarded. You've completely missed the point I've said in order to favor mechanized time slop and ignoring modern physicists interpretations on what time is. You've also managed to completely misunderstand the point I was making on time being perceptual and the sensation of it speeding up or slowing down.
>company discovers they can steal the online mods and communities from their old games to create a "online" version and milk the players selling them cheaply made digital "items" and "money" with no effort, not having to make a new story, new characters or a new game at all.
>"Guuuys! There is less "Slop Theft Auto" games in a time period! This is a proof of time going faster!"
Seem like you forgot big game companies make games for money.
I think the worst part about this, to me, is the utterly nonsensical way you go about this because you're having a melt down over time not being a Lego piece.
We ALL know about the effect mass has on the process of change. We all know that someone at a significantly denser and heavier/larger object can be observed going at a different rate of time than someone who is not there. We know about relativity.
That doesn't change shit, it's baffling to me that your argument sums up to.
My God, it's like having Chris chan ape out about the colour of sonics arms or something.
It doesn't MATTER what the numbers say little buddy, because mechanized time is a retarded way of measuring reality. It's an invention that was made literally to compartmentalize your life for people to profit off of to YOUR detriment. It bares little to no actual resemblance to what's actually going on in either a physics or subjective level.
>reddit gaslighting
Nice try, but this was observed here first before reddit talked about it.
As for the zoomers sensing time passing faster, they are getting older fast.
>You've also managed to completely misunderstand the point I was making on time being perceptual and the sensation of it speeding up or slowing down.
now your getting circuitously redundant
>yU h8 relativity and deny gravitational cosmology unsubstantially?
>any expansion of space must correspond to a contraction of time if space time is one. in your own words what is the piratical cause of what has been missaxonimized as 'dark energy' ? ie the expansion of space - that causes the functional contraction of time?
im saying every day is slightly shorter then the one that came before because time is contracting functionally to the expansion of space. this dose not register on the clock, but its not the geiatrac musing of perception.
i did get the point you were making, thats why im asking you to demeonstrat the accuracy of ones temporal perception. because i disagree with you, each day is shorter then the one that came before, not because of the geriatric failings of unsubstansitated perception, but because of the functional contraction of time and expansion of space.
im done with you unless you demonstrate your continance, prove temporal cognition exsists in the short term memory
>demonstrate yourself pausing without thought or stimulation for 4 minutes and 30 seconds then with out additional rythem games based on memories of external metrics count 30 seconds as exactly 5 minutes pass
YOU CANT, the rest of your semantic bullshit is meaningless
>How do we account for extreme time anti-dilation like this?
Familiarity. If you spend your day doing the same stuff you do every day it will go much faster than if you try a new thing or two. That said, as you age more things become familiar and so time moves faster in general.
With the rise of the internet, familiarity grows much faster, which is why time is running faster for zoomers than it was of boomers when they were the same age.
your immensly eggrandizing the potential of temporal cognition when no such demonstratable qualities exsist outside external metrics. and denying general relitivity!
because your an old ass man who cant accept that a whole crop of 10,000 hour masters are emerging in the digital era and knotcing a rampant loss in productivity before the decay of their bodies or minds assossiated with middle age.
every day IS shorter then the last, prove temporal cognition exsists sans external metrics and disprove general and special relitivity if you disagree
you wont faggot, your just repeating what you heard someone else say !
its been slowing down for me and increasingly so used to be 2-5x like year and a half or 2 ago now its 3-7x with more common occurances of "nigger what dident that happen a month or two ago ? (it happend 2-11 days ago)" though its plateauing atleast i think
the whole time speeding up thing i think is just people getting dumber dumber as in what if you dident have breakfast this morning ? dumb not completely sure though when i think about what i see and hear from normies and then that is objectively true but account in the fact i dident give as much thought to niggercattle before and ehh i might be wrong and it might actually be something else rereading this i feel like this would be a comment made by a bot to pull away from the issue and seem genuine but i honestly dont know as >>39271453 mentions there is many accounts of this saying that the time will be shortened in the end days and while i presonally dont expirience that many other things are very true like in the bible the thing about the sun becoming brighter (confirmed to me by my mother and i will check with my grandmother too) so again idk

if i am to daydream and blabble on another thing i might say is that time speeding up in the end days is true but relative as in everyone is sharded into their own reality and when its time for yours to end thats what you experience my 2 main reasons behind this theory would be 1. with the 2 inputs of how optimistic am i about the future ? and how well is the future panning out for me so far ? it is roughly correlated to how much time slows down for me and 2. i had a moment where i felt like a message was transmitted to me that this was about to happen this was years ago 2016-2018 i think though it has repeated several times in varying intensity that was the first time though
>more common occurances
Boredom and routine makes times go slower though, I think kids and adults percieve time the exact same way it's just that the brain can't properly archive it and just throws every memory in a nebulous yesterday which makes older people think it passed faster than it actually did
Are there bots that are programmed to make "it's just you getting older" posts every time we have a thread like this? You'd think if they were actual people they'd at least check first to see if the same thing hadn't already been said a bunch of other times already.
the hylics understanding is the product of bulk repetition alone.
>Boredom and routine makes times go slower though
Routine makes time go faster.
Boredom makes time feel slower.

Now tell me, who gets bored faster, a child or an old man? I say this is exactly why time is experienced differently at different ages, and why there are exceptions.
The more people who say it independently the more credence it has, and so people share regardless of other posts.
A lot of people bleating out the same cope doesn't give them more credence, it just shows that they're afraid.
>it just shows that they're afraid.
Sure, if you assume motive. Most people just want to share their experience though, because they recognize ignorance is why others are afraid.
We all know that time is speeding up, even normies are remarking on it now, but people who fear the unknown are clinging to the reddit explanation because they don't want to think about it.
Time is not on your side it seems.
That said, why do you think someone who finds this topic and enters the discussion "doesn't want to think about it"?
Because they're all posting the thought-terminating cliche that allows them not to?
>they have a different opinion from me based on their own experience, confirmed by countless others, so they must just not be thinking
Pointing out known and experienced phenomenon isn't thought terminating anything. It's a foundation to build on, if you think there is more going on. By assuming they are afraid sheep you are the one terminating thought.
Blame social media, and chemicals on the water. When they get on our ages, it will be even crazier for them.
>chemicals in the water
I think our increasing access to sugar has a bigger influence desu
i agree with you
someone itt probably gave the reddit explanation of your experience of time passing being relative to your age, but that's bullshit and we all know
time is just faster
I read that the earth was spinning faster after an earthquake in chile in 2015-16? Could it be that
Speed slows time, but our perception of it is unchanged.
>someone itt probably gave the reddit explanation of your experience of time passing being relative to your age
There's a bunch of them, they're really desperate to shut down this discussion whenever it comes up.
You’re just getting older
You'll understand when you're older.
Days don’t feel like 24 hours anymore, I jokingly was wondering if I was from another planet with longer days, but there clearly should be like 6-8 more hours in a day than there are now. I don’t know how people fall asleep or wake up, night is like 7 hours long now and the day is like 14 hours, it’s like we lost 3 hours.
There is less daylight, but that was to do with the earth's wobble / seasons, and use of daylight savings time which amplifies the effect.
abrahamic psyop to cover up the sagittarius arm earth / orion spur earth mandela effect. nice cope that we're gonna get to go back, sucks that we have to kill all the goy once we arrive...
in revelation it talks about the blood of the goyim flowing to the depth of jesus' horse's bridle. yet christians fantasize about this shit.
but no by quantum immortality it's obvious that planet with the yellow sun was rendered uninhabitable already, that's why we're here
>yet christians fantasize about this shit.
Remembering the horror is not fantasizing.
nah everyone of them wants to show up with him when that sword shoots out of his mouth as they all ride out of the clouds, are you kidding?
they think this is gonna happen any day now, 2 more weeks, yes it's a memory of pseudo-john's vision written down but they all expect it to play out irl, revelation isn't about "remembering" for them
It already happened irl though, take it from me, I'm a Christian. I'm also not dumb enough to believe in this week's end of days prophesy.
I think the top comment makes a lot of sense
Everyone I talk to, regardless of their age, also feels the past years have gone by unusually quickly. 2023 and 2024 have come and went in a disorientingly fast way, it feels like new year's was last month. Total normies affirm feeling this way too, young and old, and Im a little spooked. It feels sometimes like I will blink my eyes and another year will have just disappeared. I am only 23
How long is your commute?
A few empirical things I've noticed that can't be chalked up to 'your perception of time changes when you get older'.

>My mom and grandma have always taught me a sof boiled egg needs to be boiled for 3 minutes. This worked for my entire childhood and teenage years. Now to have a mostly set white and a runny yolk you need to boil it for at least 5 minutes. The weight standard for what constitutes a large egg hasn't changed. It's the same weight as it has been 20 years ago

>We've all been taught in biology class that as you get older you need less sleep and naturally wake up after a shorter period of time. Most of the people I've discussed this with admit they were very well rested after 8-9 hours of sleep and woke up naturally years ago but now if they want to wake up after 8 hours they need to set multiple alarm and wake up exhausted. This is the case for me as well. You could chalk it up to overworking but realistically I do much less now than 8 years ago.

>Something my old relatives constantly point out is back in the day people had no washing machines, thermomixes, vacuums and all the appliances that make housework much less time consuming and they were still able to go to work, do housework, make a good meal, rest and spend time with friends and family at the end of the day. Now doing all this in one day is virtually impossible. Sure we have much less distractions now like social media. Mindless scrolling takes a lot of time. But as a person who doesn't use social media except occasionally browsing 4chan for like 30 minutes at a time and listening to podcasts while doing housework I can definitely tell you that I could not work out, make dinner, clean, do laundry, check emails, rest and get even 4 hours of sleep
Twenty years ago, only a small portion of laying hens could produce eggs that weighed between 53 and 67 grams.

>Most of the people I've discussed this
Biased data set. My sleep changes have been in alignment with the general consensus.

>Now doing all this in one day is virtually impossible.
There are much busier people in the world than that, and most of them are rich (for where they live). Have you ever looked at Bill Gates' schedule? It's by the minute.
>My sleep changes have been in alignment with the general consensus.
how objectively unbiased ><

I love baking and have been baking for several years at least two times a week

I have a few favorite cooks from whose sites I get recipes. If I bake a recently developed recipe it comes out perfectly baked after the time stated in the recipe. If I pull up a recipe from several years ago (that I have baked years before and that came out perfectly after the stated time) it comes out underbaked
A biased counter example to a biased example only serves to work against bias.
>your sample size of several is too small to avoid bias, heres my sample of one!
claiming ones sample useless due to bias then offering a more biased sample is not how ones works against bias. its just more bias, this time egocentric instead. waffle harder.

Why would it matter what eggs hens could lay back in the day? From the year 2000 the standard hasn't changed
Sure extra large and jumbo eggs are far more accessible now but a large egg weighs the same as it did 20 years ago

I also love how my data set of 'I've asked quite a few people' is biased while 'It's not like that for me personally' is totally legit

What is actually biased in my opinion is comparing an average person's schedule with a schedule of a billionaire. Ultra rich people don't cook and clean themselves and if they say they do it's just for the 'we're just like you peasants' PR. If you ever watch any rich person's daily routine you'll see something like I get up at 5 am, meditate for an hour, work out, take a shower, drive around in my lambo, respond to some emails, delegate work to several people who manage my finances and go out with friends. They throw the tiniest most mundate and quick tasks in there to make you think they do a lot of work to fit the grindset trend.
time is accelerating every day, these geriatric hylics deny relativity and gravitational cosmology and then invent conclusions unfounded in regards to cognitive temporarily just so they can tell you your wrong
>It already happened irl though
when? what event is revelation recording
>too small
No, the bias I was addressing was that they were all people you knew.
The rise of the catholic church

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