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This is a magic potion. I feel like a human again
How so?
he's saying the ivermectin killed all his internal parasites.
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Is it possible to acquire parasites either physical or spiritual through plapjaking fat women?
But it's for horses
It's given to niggers too but one could argue that is still a veterinary use.
OMG.../x/ is much ruder than /mu/
Actually they even prescribe it to humans for parasitic infections
lurk moar and stop being a faggot
yes, YES, build up a tolerance to anti parstics by taking mild doses of weak ones YES GOYIM YES
Worms mad
There is a theory that many skin and scalp issues such as eczema, psoriasis, even dandruff and baldness, may be caused by overgrowth of demodex mites on the skin. And this is best treated with Ivermectin.
Wouldn't it be crazy if Ivermectin was the cure for cancer AND baldness?
What else can this miracle drug heal?
Will it cure my schizophrenia?
Somebody escaped the gas chamber it would seem
Just suck a dick already jesus fucking christ
I wonder if everything is just placebo effect bs.
We already know what causes baldness are you actually retarded?
Worms mad
>everything i don't like is worms/jews/glowies/masons/et al
The right wing will become the new woke.
>Noooo you're not allowed to be trans and have an art scene.
Anyone? Please help
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I'm actually quite clever and infinitely curious. Here's what the heckin science says.
>Inflammatory activators such as Demodex infestation may play a role in the pathogenesis of some cases of androgenetic alopecia that do not respond to common treatments such as minoxidil and finasteride.
I'm more interested in why traditional Ayurvedic treatments for hair loss, which usually involve rubbing essential oils into the scalp, seem to be so extremely effective.
Indians are extraordinarily hairy anon, if you haven't noticed. They rub themselves all over with these oils.
And the oils kill parasites.
Look at these ingredients. I see at least five antiparasitic ingredients in this oil.
And this promotes hair growth?
What if baldness is caused or made worse by parasites?
They seem to cause a lot of comnon problems and diseases actually.
I'm keeping an open mind!
Yeah especially the ass, but even the vagina can have worms.
Yes all fat people have parasites.
At the very least, you now have a yeast infection. Better take some probiotics, and wash your dick with witch hazel. Good luck!
Man I wish I had no morals so I can scramble together a bunch of herbs that smell good and make a product for profit, while pretending I'm trying to help.
That’s the main way people get them
Did you lick their butthole or pussy? Because that pretty much guarantees you have them
Jannies treat /x/ like /b/ and /bant/
Pretty much anything goes here
>go down on Asian lady pretty regularly
>develop schizophrenia not much later
I've already ordered two tubes of paste.
it's top 3 most prescribed medicines for humans on the entire planet
you dumb vaxxed niggergoyim
Rosemary oil is one of the best known and most powerful natural DHT blockers. Ya know, DHT? The hormone responsible for androgenic hair loss?? Do you know what else blocks DHT? Licorice root, coconut oil, almond oil, and i would guess some others on this ingredient list that i don't know off the top of my head.
You're not "keeping an open mind", you're starting with a conclusion you would like to be true and cobbling together whatever shoddy logic and "evidence" you can to try to suit your narrative. Grow up
Lol who told you that, joe rogan? It doesn't even crack the top 10 LMAO anon I'm ded
God i wish i could spew complete and easily disprovable nonsense with the unshakeable confidence of an idiot online
it is the most widely used/prescribed anti-parasitic
how many boosters did you get?
>It's the top 3 most prescribed medicines i-i mean most prescribed anti parasitics!!
>now i will deflect with a vax comment
>heh, got em
Nice goal post shift you fucking moron
Witch hazel? Can I eat that
>what is google
you know exactly what I meant
it is one of the most used drugs in the world, you are a reddit pleb faggot who has damaged kidneys from exposure to spike proteins
>liver and kidney problems
I better not. I’m 350 pounds and my kidneys aren’t in the best shape. I’ve been doing pretty good and only drink 3 Diet Coke cans a day
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>noooOOoooOOOoooo not the heckin Joe Rogan horse paste
What kind of parasites would people have and from where?
I am immune to spike proteins, unlike you monkey blooded mong
I pray that they can someday inject ivermectin into your brain to kill the worms that ate holes in it
>350 pounds
>only drink 3 Diet Coke cans
I hope you are joking anon
Cabbages. Literally.
I can drink a whole 2 liter with a Big Mac dinner
Yes yessss stay lost in the dark searching for answers your whole life like a good little slave, surely the next round of shitting your brains out will bring you to the Truth
What is this psyop, bros? What is it trying to achieve?
how many boosters did you get?
just answer the question
>glownigger is this mad
We must be onto something boys

refer to the video in this post >>39272261
tldr: parasites are mind controlling you to feed them that garbage
You rock anon
>We must be onto something boys
I am actually shitting bricks about it, not dissimilar to anons in this thread after their 3rd ivermectin regimen!

Anyway I'm bored and this is honestly just kinda sad so I'll leave you guys to it. I truly hope you can wake up someday but I'm probably wasting my breath
The seething about ivermectin in here is hilarious

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