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It really seems to me like the endgame of a lot of your beliefs is to essentially castrate yourselves and others. You make it seem like life is a curse instead of a gift. Kiiiiiiiiinda cringe bro
>caring if druggies are mentally ill people procreate.
>the theology of /x/
please share your concoction.
When the majority of them are White, of course I do.
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women are irrelevant spiritually. The holy life is only thru celibacy

Only whores and their shitty coomers are desperate to incorporate women in the spiritual path.
There is a non-zero chance that I will be forced to reincarnate into my children.

If I have zero kids, that chance reduces to 0.
lot of trannies and druggies here projecting their suicidal depression into world belief
Manichean filth
There is no proof of an afterlife. If we come from nothingness and return to nothingness, why bring a child into the world and have them have to despair over becoming pure nothingness again? Better to keep nothingness as nothingness so nobody has to suffer.
Ive just never wanted children or a wife.
>You make it seem like life is a curse instead of a gift.
It's both. The system teaches you how to do life backwards, even spirituality is replaced by beliefs. You're thrown into a puzzle You're lucky to figure out. Most don't. Basically your ego terrorizes you your whole life, and makes sure you are in a state of pain.

Until you break free.
>no proof of afterlife
>endless literature on the afterlife from almost every single culture in the world
>shamanic traditions are as old as human writing
>consciousness is the unknown variable science cannot explain, explicitly wrapped up with the afterlife/spiritual experience

the greatest trick satan ever pulled was tricking smart people into thinking the afterlife doesn't exist
Life is the greatest gift, and an amazing journey. We were born sinless and blameless, with the sacred fire of the Gods burning in our hearts.
Then why attempt to impose your defect onto others?
If I knew for sure there was an afterlife, I'd have kids for sure. Drug trips are just drug trips. Even NDEs are not good proof of an afterlife because those people do not fully die. Those who fully die cannot come back to tell us what they see, which is why I don't believe any writings of humans or any traditions' beliefs about the afterlife.
Imagine if you parents werent such fuckups though. Probably would have had a much less painful and confusing and more productive life
Because we tricked Jews this place downstream of /pol/ so they push their gay shit here
It’s pretty funny really
You have it backwards. The goal is to get others to castrate themselves. We don't believe any of these things ourselves.
Who's to say you are not the defective one?
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Speak for yourself, loser.
I have kids. If I were to do it all over I don't think I would want to inflict existence on anyone.
bad time to have kids. terrible. don't.
Shalom rabbi
What is this "/x/ theology" you're talking about? Only abrahamoids here are whining about le ebil life and le demons everywhere, but I can guarantee you that they can be safely ignored.
>lot of trannies and druggies here projecting their suicidal depression into world belief
Becoming a parent is literally one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever experienced. It changes you at a root level. People who aren't parents don't get it
this thread smells of lacotti horseshit...
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Nta, just because I don't do it doesn't mean I don't get it. Either way, there are a whole lot of people who don't change at all when they become parents. That's why Child Protective Services exist.
I don't think it's my place to decide whether a person deserves to exist or not, but you do you.

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