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During the pandemic (2020-2022)
did you ever notice anything off? or people behaving differently then the "then normal"? no i dont mean how people were anxious and desperately being 6 ft apart.
I am talking about something else.
or.....did you see anything....weird.

if you know what i am talking about, it will involve something to do with strong smells.
if it just me i am willing to accept that, and it was a very stressful time. not only for me but pretty much the rest of the world.

i have quite a few stories. if you want i can tell more but ill start with this one
>be me
>finally get some security work after a long time
>coming home
>take ages to find but i do eventaully find a train station.
>almost like it was in the middle of the woods
>i dont know if it was because it was the countryside or because it was dark or cold but i felt like i was being watched
>go to train station
>wait about 5 minutes
>station is complete empty
>hear rustling in bushes
>what sounds like rabbits and foxes
>"Hello >:D"
>this guy comes out no where and made me jump, with that facial expression
>i say hello? in a sorta what do you want sorta vibe
>the guy looks and smells homeless BUT immaculate clothing and very well spoken. not a crackhead
>he keeps this facial expression throughout the whole time.
>we strike up a conversation.
>he is a good conversationalist
>very smart guy
>seems to know what i am thinking and where the conversation is going next
>we talk about many things.
>who i am, what i am doing, what work i do
>god, religion, the occult, markets, politics
>he ended up teaching quite alot of stuff
>he looked like he was in early 20s but spoke and used mannerisms of someone much much older.
>when the train comes
>he leaves and told me he would "see me again soon"
>never seen him since.
>spend the all night thinking "wtf was that"
nothing like this has ever happend to me before or since.
han nothing unusual except that the whole world has become a shitshow circus
man i miss that time alittle bit

oh it was one of my brothers probably or that dude from the family that rules the world
Go and read about the Dancing Plague. Humans are just foolish, and it shows up sometimes when everyone except you is on the same page.
What smells?
Had a dream in 2019 that me Elon Musk and Kanye west who i barely know exist hop in a space ship with lady Gaga and
>land in space time
>get out
>everyone is a green moldy zombie
>zombies can smell you but cant see you and wander around
>try to get out of town
>land in a a park on a bench with my dead grandma
>talk with her telling her i miss her
>she warns me about the roaming gargoyles patrolling
>sneakily get back to our landing point
>dream ends
Pandemic starts in a few months.
I have other vivid fucked up dreams from some years ago but that one kicked it all off.
I saw unfamiliar people in my tiny rural town. At Walmart for example, looking at me weird for having no mask or whatever. They glowed. Small town of less than a few thousand. We would have met.
I closed on my house and moved in like two days before the lock down started. The whole process was such a shitshow but I think the universe needed me here doing what I have been doing since then and made it happen.

But on a material level I absolutely would have completely sank if that didnt happen. If the pandemic happened and I didnt close I probably would have not been able to buy a house ever. I got my house for 90k but some of the houses in my neighborhood now go for $180-300k, and rent is easily double what my mortgage is. I would have heroed in that rental house for sure.
Yes, I went on daily walks and people's demeanor was drastically different depending on the news cycle. When they did the final wave to get people jabbed for delta it got more strange. Some whom started out as skeptical and then when I talked to them again they had caved. It felt like they were pumping suggestions through wifi and 5g.
>if you know what i am talking about, it will involve something to do with strong smells.
OP is baiting for (you)s, vagueposters don't actually know anything or they would just tell us.
>ai sloppus
I hear that in 2020 there was a significant uptick of logposting on /b/, like really sick andy stuff
I noticed a lot more weird noises at night.
That’s just the wind.
>be me
>go to gas station
>girlfriend waits in car
>2 other people in gas station, both off
>go outside, we all start taking
>lady and me bought the same beer
>guy and me bought the same cigs
>they both bought the same snack
>we we each bought 2 thingns and all had overlap with the other
>we talk, they are unvaxxed
>seem to know more about things I’ve never talked about
>girlfriend comes to join conversation from the car
>we keep taking deeply about things
>she tells me after that she couldn’t understand anything of what we were saying and that those two people were different version of me or something
>she didn’t know about the snacks and beer and cigs
>walking home at night
>two police officers outside walking around.
>looking like they are looking for something
>there is building site near my place
>one stands width ways of the building site
>the other stands on the length
>huge animal noises
>stuff from the building site flying up into the sky.
>bits of wood
>i look at them
>they look at me fucking terrified.
>considering what had been happening, i had no mercy for them and quietly went into the alterative entrance to my building.
>woke up late the next day but heard shouting in my building early in the morning.
>police tape cordoned off the entire site.
>6 coppers there.
>they are there for the day and most of the night
>no explanation.
>naughbour told me they wouldnt let anyone out of the building until 10:30am ish.
>building site has been there since 2019
>the year is 2022 when this happened.
>whatever they were building was scrapped and it was all turned into a public footpath
>with about 12 street lights.
>each street light has it own CCTV camera.
>12 cctv cameras
>looking in all directions
>looking at a 20 foot path.
>this wasnt a very rough area.
I was homeless and these guys all woke me up on a hill with headlights blaring into my eyes. I thought it was police but realized they were probably drug dealers or something. Big, big meetup. They were going further up the slope and transferring drugs or people or both. Mind you think is Covid so they didn't expect anyone like me up there. I highly tailed it outta there and blared my horn or like two minutes straight and reported it all anonymously to the police.
Coincidence you’re here old friend, i mentioned you just a few days ago.

How goes the war?
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>you were replying to me
Even worse

Speak of the devil, and he shall brappear.
Anon that's called meeting an autistic person.

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