Im doing the Gateway tapes but still on focus 12 as of yet. Quick questions:>which God\ religion got it right? all of them, somehow? NONE Of them? Vedanta? catholicism?>is evil (murder, etc) punished and good (charity, voluntary celibacy) rewarded? can you do free-will Evil and Good actions once you're dead, or is your soul "stuck in the Mode" it has at death?>thoughts on reality shifting from the POV of Monroe\Campbell and not from s*-tok zoomers?>will I not only get punished for using shifting\ap for evil, but get punished for NOT actively using superpowers to do good and fight (evil)?>does s*x in the astral\Other Reality\ Tom's Park rooms count as "real s*x"? I hope it DOESNT--less evil karma for me
>>39268785There’s no evil, it’s selfish vs selfless
>>39268785Is that an asian Elon Musk?
>>39268785I'll give you a huge clue OP. All the questions you're asking imply a context that you aren't questioning.The hidden context is the reality that allows good/evil in the first place, and it's the context that taught you about reward/punishment.If reality were different it might be possible to have no such thing as good/evil in it, or the concept of reward/punishment might be total nonsense in another reality.So why do you cling to that context? Why don't you let your dreams go beyond it? Because that context IS the matrix that is enslaving souls, and it's not physical. It's your souls inability to see beyond it, to question it, that keeps you stuck in a world of good/evil and reward/punishment.
>>39269645And just to be clear, when I say a reality without good/evil, I don't mean that you're just looking at evil shit and calling it not evil.I mean a reality where that stuff simply doesn't exist in the first place.
>>39269645>>39269664honestly Im surprised how good your answer a catholic, I would call it a "pre Fall reality"- before, temporally before,Sin\Evil even existed within the human creation. and yes, it's different from the false dualism of "evil denialists" who would deny Epstein, Diddy,Saville, Aquino, are evil
>>39270012>as a CatholicKnock it off and become a Christian
>>39270012Exactly. People have to learn to listen to their souls. When "evil" is seen the soul knows that it is something born of ignorance, corruption, contradiction.That's also what pain is. Pain is the souls knowledge of a contradiction.It's not wisdom to say that you can "overcome pain" or you can feel joy in the presence of evil.It may seem like wisdom to the mind, but to the soul it is extreme ignorance. It means to ignore what the soul knows because your mind tells you that's your only option. The world creates conditions where you thrive by ignoring how you feel, because the world is training souls here to be ignorant of themselves.The soul knows this world is abnormal, and when you don't lie to yourself just to feel better, you then allow your soul to see clearly. And when your soul sees clearly it will be able to find the way out. The mind can't do it, only the soul can.
>>39268785>>39268835Kek. What a coincidence
>>39269624I believe this is black Elon, too.