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is the bhagavad gita a good path to god?
Huh no, you have to let go of this Semitic view of God. The Bhagavad’s Gita is the novel equivalent of the Upanishads.
The purpose of the Bhagavad’s Gita is how the hindus cope with being ravaged by sramanas in the east. The whole story is about whether the hindu should kill his cousin, ie follow his duty, ie follow the Vedas or instead embrace non-violence, ie rejecting the Vedas, ie following the jains or buddhists or whatever the fuck results from the hindus merging their dogmatic crap in the vedas with the rebirth and karma theory of the sramanas.

Guess what the hindus chose? They made their made-up krishna said that ''even through there is no rebirth taught in the vedas, there was always rebirth (i guess i just forgot about it lol), it's totally real, so you can kill your cousin he will be born again, just trust me lmao''

2000 years later the poos still take this crap seriously lol
what's a good path to god, then?
To the street shitter shit eating god yes
It's a pretty good book that has timeless wisdom in it that one can benefit from just like Psalms and Proverbs, the Tao Te Ching or 42 laws of Ma'at.

As far as making it a "path", the Hare Krishna cult vis a vie IKSCON has a mixed reputation and is packaged for the west. IDK how a non-pajeet would be accepted into the Hindu religion that actual pajeets practice or if that even desirable unless maybe you marry a pajeet.

If you want a path that includes fellowship, start with what kind of people you want to fellowship with. I would say that it may be prudent to go with the one of your ancestors unless you find it deeply wrong for some reason.
the receptive one
let God show you what you are, instead of trying to figure out God
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"To you who yet wander in the Court of the Profane we cannot yet reveal all; but you will easily understand that the religions of the world are but symbols and veils of the Absolute Truth. So also are the philosophies. To the adept, seeing all these things from above, there seems nothing to choose between Buddha and Mohammed, between Atheism and Theism." Liber X v.19
how the fuck would anyone here know
Receptivity means not having ideas on how it should or should not be. No contrived action.

>he whole story is about whether the hindu should kill his cousin, ie follow his duty, ie follow the Vedas or instead embrace non-violence, ie rejecting the Vedas, ie following the jains or buddhists or whatever the fuck results from the hindus merging their dogmatic crap in the vedas with the rebirth and karma theory of the sramanas.
This is untrue, the Gita teaches that Arjuna should fulfill his dharma since he belongs to the kshatriya caste. There is no "debate" about which is right. Rebirth and Karma are already found in the Upanishads which are a part of the Vedas. Non-violence isn't incompatible with people following their dharma. You don't have to be a total cuck to practice non-violence, but violence can be carried out by soldiers obeying their ruler at the proper time while observing non-violence in their personal lives.
meant for >>39268847
Only if you're a street shitter

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