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Remember that time the Cabal of Witches that ran the South Korean Government sacrificed three hundred civilians in a ritual for a dark ritual in service of the agenda of thee 영생교 하나님의 성
i do! the biggest protests in the world happened then that shit was memory holed faster then most scripted events.
More like Choi Soon Kill
south korea is a testing ground for what they wanted to do in the west, like ban porn and video games. But trump defeated clinton and kamala, they really wanted a girl boss to culturally and spitually castrate men
It’s more than that
China’s one child policy has created more boys than girls
China psyops the South Korean girls against their men as a dividing wedge
I wonder if theyre related to the freemasons
Only (((Frankist))) subverted Mason lodges do this shit, pretty much located in Germania, France, and the anglosphere. This is probably some eastern dragon bloodline shit where they think all is one and thus they're justified in drinking murdered infant blood because really it's just their blood. They do sociopathic narcissism a bit more Wu Wei than Jews and anglos do.
that word makes me nostalgic.

also, theres a screen cap floating around of a korean anon explaining the gist of this happening quite well. sounded absolutely fucking wild, but i never looked into it.
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Based, mighty Huaxia surely is resourceful and insidious when it wants to reach its noble goals.
The Han and Barbarian distinction becomes clearer to me every day.
>no mention of specific ferry boat incident
>high schoolers going on yearly on ferry boat
>boat said to have traveled in a the shape of a hexagon before it sunk and killed all the kids as a sacrifice
>happened same day as the lady president's adoptive shaman father's 20th anniversary of his death
>lady president nowhere to be seen for seven hours or so after the incident
her parents were military people who were assassinated and a shaman took her in as his daughter and groomed and trained her to become president. after he died, his duties were left to his daughter, choi sun-shil who wrote all the lady president's speeches and the lady president did whatever she said
Nice deflection you pederast rat. All of you scum are alike and keep passing the ball when asked. You exhibit no virtue whatsoever, you are just a lesser and insignificant jewlike judas.
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>no mention of specific ferry boat incident
It's in the fucking OP sir, I added red circles for your convenience
not enough info
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This has nothing to do with witchcraft or cabals, this is korean shamanism, which is pretty popular amongst rich people over there.
You are a demonic influenced rat and i would relish the chance to beat some sense into your fuckhead skull. Maybe you should consider its time to stop aiding and abetting pederast jews.
Jews aren't evil, dumbass bot
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It all revolves about the fortune telling in korean shamanism, the real rich people there rely a lot on it. One can imagine how much of a weakness this is when a shaman or the shaman's family can effectively manipulate the richest people in the country with their fortune telling.

This isn't anything like western cabals or masonic shit.
agreed. superstition is a bitch.
Rothschilds and Rockefellers do the same shit
Bernard Baruch and FDR were sacrificing children too
They can fucking try, Koreans aren’t armed plus Asian
It's not the same thing at all. Shamans are a cultural thing in Korea, it's a folk religion called musok. The families in charge of the biggest companies in the country all use shamans, politicians use shamans. They believe their generational wealth and standing is tied to the whims of ancestral or mythological spirits that watch over the family or the person. Shamans act as an intermediary with these spirits, they rely their messages as a form of fortune telling and they perform rituals as a form of communication. Shamans in Korea are extremely rich and powerful due to this, it's not just one random sect or some western cabal infiltrated. It's a cultural religious practice that has twisted into a control framework in the korean upper echelon.

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