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I remember hearing from somewhere that The Beatles supposedly has this song that somehow would bring upon the world the Endtimes/Apocalypse. I think it was through subliminal messages, but idk what it would make listeners do, I guess either act out mass murder(and rape and cannibalism) or just bow down to the Antichrist.

This is both scary and interesting. I mean what if all the music, films, shows, and other such stuff has turned us into essentially sleeper agents, waiting for whatever signal to go psycho or something.

Do you anon have any info about this particular song or similar pieces of music or other media that could cause this? Is it even possible? Is ALL the media we watch and listen to this type of sensory weapon?

Thanks in advance as always!
Or you could just do the right thing…
Yes, literally every piece of mainstream media is symbolic and coded with messages. I've worked this out purely by noticing. It baffles me that others can't see it. Haven't really listened to the Beatles though and don't care to, so work it out yourself.
I remember hearing about a Beatles song that was sort of a Bernstein Bears theory, existed in some people's memories and not others. I can't remember the title.
Are you sure you're not having a Charlie Manson episode ? If so the song is Helter Skelter. Credited by some with the title of first heavy metal song to be written. Some rockstar used to say that McCartney could only wrote faggot song, this was his response.
Media is designed to implant confusion, misconceptions, & lies in people, so that when things get REAL, they will be hopelessly lost and be destroyed.
To counter this, read the KJV Bible especially the New Testament, it is full of truth.
And make the Truth the most important thing to you.

Carnival of Light.

Some people insist it was the signature track on the album Revolver - others say it was the closing track on the album Let It Be. Others claim it was released as an EP when the Beatles briefly reunited in 1979 (which never happened - at least not in our timeline)

The official story is that they only performed it a couple of times at live shows and that it was more of an experimental noise show than a song - one that sounded different each time they performed it. All in all it's a fascinating tale and one of the first things that informed me of the many worlds theory.
Can you tell me about The Beatles 1979 reunion? That never occured in any of the timelines I've been in as far as I am aware.

>Haven't really listened to the Beatles though and don't care to, so work it out yourself.


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