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Trying this once and expecting it to go badly, but what the hell

I've seen people in other threads mention they are therians but hate that all conversations devolve into erping or furry roleplay, so I'm creating this thread to hopefully have some serious conversations about this.

To start off the thread, what species are you and how long have you known you aren't human?

I am a wolverine and I have known for the vast majority of my life.
My story is a bit of a long journey and I am skipping over most of it for brevity, but when I was about 12 years old I watched a nature documentary, at a movie theater. What I watched gave me a feeling that I had never felt before.
It felt like I belonged with what was being shown on the screen. It brought on a pain in my heart, like looking at a picture of a long lost loved one.
It took a long time for me to understand what that truly meant, it was a lot to take in.
When I finally did understand, it took an even longer time to share that secret with anyone. Keeping this secret made the longing grow even more, weighing down my chest and hurting my heart.
This feeling made it impossible to look at pictures and videos of my species because doing such an action made it hurt even more. It felt like thousands of pounds weighing on my shoulders. It wasn't until I was helped to accept myself a few years ago that the weight was lifted and I could really feel like myself.
I am a snow leopard.
Lol furfags
Wtf that thing looks nothing like Hugh Jackman
Very devoted method actor, Mr. Jackman is.
Bumping so I can respond later
whats it like, accepting you decline so much so that you already know the destination you will fall too?
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Try living in a world without animals, then tell me how superior you are compared to us.
i want to pet that pupper
>then tell me how superior you are compared to us.
i cant, i dont know what miss comprehension led you to this conclusion, i was saying animals are us, further along. perhaps you can shead some light on this missunderstanding, what did you think i meant by taking the animal you associate yourself with and calling it your destination that lead you to conclude i was referring to a world with out animals or any juxtaposition of supirority?
was it my mention of declination?
>the angular distance of a point north or south of the celestial equator.
we are all in declination
perhaps it was fall? in this i was referencing the process of fracturing one perfect body at the beginning of this system into the many imperfect bodies in various states of equatorial declination found on earth today colloquially misinterpreted as linear evolution.

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