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What are the implications of worshiping God and the devil?
You offend both and go to hell anyway
Not so good.
>evil desert demon trapped in chains to serve the race of desert sorcerors that enslaved it
>an egregore formed by the uninitiated attributing all the evil due to cognitive dissonance of "wholly powerful wholly good"
You're a fucking retard
The Final Solution was the Tower of Babel.
>You're a fucking retard
You're an ironic fucking retard
Can such an act yield worldly reward?
It was revealed to me in a dream by the not evil version of God (still enslaved)
"So...so...so evil"
You are not as intelligent as you assume
No, it's the worst of both worlds. They will both despise you and conspire to bring you to ruin. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Neither of them particularly like humanity as it is. Saying that you're pushing your luck by trying to play both sides is an understatement. They will both despise you and bring you to ruin, working together to do so. You will collectively draw the ire of everything above and below you.

Matthew 6:24

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
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>You will collectively draw the ire of everything above and below you.
>What are the implications of worshiping God and the devil?

A broken faith. For if you understood that the 'One' God is both good and evil, you'd stop making a distinction between the two. If God is both good and evil.. and mankind can be good can evil.. well what does that mean?

It means the GOOD in us wants us to be good and that comes from God.

For example, the person who aims to improve themselves regardless of their circumstances, is someone who follows the good. Whereas someone who hates improvement and prefers to be stagnant, is evil.

Why would you choose not to self improve?
Stupid pretentious faggot
Example A
>Matthew 6:24
No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Of you being a stupid pretentious faggot who's smugness is entirely unwarranted. Pothead spirituality. Moron.
You don't even know where you are, do you? You'll never leave this place
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Tell me anon.. about your spirituality, considering that you're so wise. Noobies come in here trying to dictate the reality of the situation when they can't even pinpoint the reality of their meaningless lives.

What do you know about spirituality, anon?
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Praise out patron deity, Lord Kek, whilst you browse this board less his curse of darkness fall upon ye
You should come to your own conclusion of your own free will, that's the truth. You'll make the choice one day, I chose God even if I fuck up along the way and enjoy tap dancing on the line. If I'm meant for damnation from my free, it doesn't negate Gods divinity and the beauty of his creation in all its chaos and mystique. We are flawed beings, with impulses towards self destruction. If we were perfect, free will would be irrelevant.
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>Kek is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness in the ancient Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony of Hermopolis.

Incase you thought this was a big joke and just memes for the hell of it
That you talk like this is evidence enough that you don't understand. You've likely syncretized a bunch of superficially similar shit together to make a patchwork philosophy, of which the most complicated concept therein is muh 'as above so below.' Stupid cattle nigger saw a picture of abraxas online and does drugs.
I'm not giving evidence. I'm giving a 'dont say I didn't tell you so'

>Stupid cattle
The irony
If you had anything important to say you would have already said it. If you wanted to conceal it, you wouldn't have engaged in this conversation at all. How wise you are, claiming you have access to great esoteric truths while not elaborating on them. Almost as if you're a mildly autistic manchild who does drugs and wants others to think of him as enlightened, and not actually someone with a single valuable thought in your empty little head.
Pretty much all Grimoires invoke God's names in a utilitarian manner to control spirits, but you cannot deal with spirits in that manner and be under God's grace, nor should you go down that path because the spirits will rope you in and have your soul.
God's grace is always available as far as I know [spoiler](which you shouldn't trust a random anon like me on matters this grave)[/spoiler], but the spirits are highly seductive, coercive, and deceptive, and they will outplay most who interact with them.
God is wholly good. Dualism is a deception.
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Why U mad tho?
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Irrelevant reply
The implication is understanding that both are necessary. No opportunity for gain if there is not a risk of loss. Winning something is meaningless if you cannot lose. I worship god for I aspire to contribute to his creation in a beautiful way. I worship the devil for I admire his role in the big play and I can only imagine how big his sacrifice must be.
I accept your key.

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