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Is the idea of humanity existing under a single system/government inherently dangerous and not worth the possible pros it might have?
I consider the same thing once in awhile. I think eventually we’ll have one but it should be mostly ceremonial without much power and no way to get money from us. Right now I don’t trust our politicians but maybe in the future we can get better as a civilization to where we reach galactic adulthood
It'll happen eventually, whether we like it or not. I'm not saying that as some conspiracy nut or anything either. I think it'll be a very loose federation of autonomous states, mostly republics, but I think Earth will probably unite by the ~2300s-2500s. Earth is very diverse but I think in the far future trade and diplomacy will always be more worthwhile while war and conflict will be far too costly, especially with futuristic weapons. The real question is whether or not off-world colonies would want to be under Earth's banner or their own autonomous states.


I think this video is pretty realistic and a fun watch if this kind of question is interesting to you.
World government is here today, the only conflict is petty squabbles and theater.
Modern war is fake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_fOYW-GXdc
I'd say a cerimonial government isn't really a problem, it would just be a cool larp. I do see advantages an actual one would have but it would also make it extremely easy to abuse power with nowhere to escape
But is it worth it?
>It'll happen eventually, whether we like it or not
But do you consider it good? The main idea of the question is to considered humanity united under one banner; would it be better than a scattered humanity throughout the galaxy with no overarching entity?
>what if we had the state that gets corrupted and starts hunting its own citizens for exploitation and experimentation but instead of being localized into countries we would have it globally
>b-but what of the pros??
the idea of a government itself is a retarded pipe dream that trusts people to be paragons of virtue and incorruptible inside a economic system that rewards monopoly mindset
how fucking stupid can people be to think that it works, just look at any single government on the earth and see which ones are a net positive to the people and that couldn't be replaced by a automated impartial system that would do their job better and without corruption
>then why not just have that
if you want benevolent dictatorship under "AI" go for it
So you think any government is inherently bad? What then? Creating systems in which to fit is a human tendecy
It's not because of the idea of a single government per se, but because of the kind of people who mainly constitute the governments, the masters of governments and law enforcement structures. If all these people would be killed and eradicated from the world, I wouldn't mind to live in the worldwide system.
>What then?
That is even worse
Irrelevant question. It cannot be any other way. Lucifer holds the Keys to all the Kingdoms of the Earth, until the day inevitably comes that he doesn't.
Depends entirely on whether they give the population informed consent (disclosure) on all the fucked up and blatantly evil stuff they have gotten up to in their attempts to achieve this goal

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