Remember when everyone was stockpiling toilet paper? What the fuck was that all about? It had to have been some kind of psyop just to see if people were stupid enough to mass purchase an easily replaceable household item, right?
>>39342755Just wash your fucking ass lmao. Wiping with toilet paper is literally smearing shit all over your ass. It's disgusting. It's one of the very few things that mudshits do right.
>>39342768I have a fountain bidet and haven't used toilet paper in years. Toilet paper is barbaric. >>39342755The Npcs received some sort of psychic signal. I still don't know how the fuck they knew to buy that shit.
>>39342755Saw people raid an orchard porta-potty for toilet paper. City scum were driving in from hours away to raid the local stores. It was definitely a jewish comedy skit. The hylics do not realize “reality” tv is actors whereas the slave masters watch and mock us as stupid reality tv.
Imagine pooping every day. Gluttony not even once.
>>39342768>>39342777I have a bidet and always wipe my ass. You guys keep your butthole wet after spraying. The water should always be combined with paper because you need both to get clean
>>39343230>don’t poop everydaythat’s how parasites thrive
its happening again with the tarriffs. its covid 2.0
This is a good point. Obviously toilet paper is preferable to most people over showering and washing their stank ass after shidding, but why the fuck was it so urgent and fervent. If this was such a big ass fucking national emergency for them and they were willing to socially enforce all kinds of crazy shit AND they were home all day anyway, why was the idea of not having toilet paper but just showering causing such hysterics? Absolutely zozzled.
>>39343699It was designed this way, tariffs wouldn’t hurt us if we had more manufacturing and small businesses Covid knocked those out tho and fuck both political parties
>>39342768>Wiping with toilet paper is literally smearing shit all over your ass. It's disgusting.PAJEET DETECTED
>> should shit twice a day.
>>39344633I think pajeets use their non eating hand to wipe
Toilet paper never really goes bad so it makes sense to keep a good stock of it. I also keep a lot of dried beans and rice around. I could survive a lot of shit
>>39342768I tried that once when I ran out, like, ten times in a row in the shower, when I did get some paper, there was still shit on my ass.
>>39342768You should fix your diet. I take fat shits and rarely do I need to wipe, but you gotta do one to check either way.
It will happen again very soon
>>39344633>>39345950civilized people only poop at home and clean their ass in the shower immediately after
>>39342755I was in SE Asia at the start of the coof. They mostly don't use toilet paper so that wasn't an issue. Instead they all hoarded instant ramen and canned tuna. I couldn't get tuna for months, only canned mackerel (yuck)
>>39342755Right on! People were psyoped big time! I clean my butt with a jet of water so toilet paper was never a problem for me and I only take a shit in my house. I don't take a shit anywhere else normally. Even South Park predicted this psyop some decades ago when they did an episode talking about it. I think it was predictive programing, something like that.
>>39342755Probably a side effect of whatever magic made the hylics panic over a cold in the first place.
>>39342777>I still don't know how the fuck they knew to buy that shit.Same. First I saw of it were Facebook posts. Next time I went to the store people were loading up on it. I remember one woman saying she isn't doing it because of the virus but because she wants to get some before everyone else buys it up.
>>39342755It was just a bizarre example of psychological behaviour in humans, or mass psychosis.Another example would be a run on the banks, which those in power are terrified of (because our money literally doesn't exist).They could cause such a thing any time, it doesn't take much. In this case, they told people via the media that toilet paper was running out. So everybody rushed to buy it. And then it was sold out.There was no shortage. It was just that large numbers of people bought it when they didn't need it so the normal supply chains were exhausted.The toilet paper existed, it just needed to be delivered to stores. This could happen any time they make you afraid, because people are stupid. Our supply chains operate on "just in time" inventory, which means if for some reason there is a panic and people buy more than they need, the shelves empty. It can happen with anything - eggs, pasta, bread, money. If someone tells you it's running out, and everyone around you was told the same, then it runs out (temporarily) until they can re-stock.
>>39346313Just buy a bidet dumbass
To this day I don't understand it. I know people are staggeringly stupid, but why they chose toilet paper instead of food, or batteries, or medicine is beyond my comprehension. It just goes to show how totally fucked the average person is going to be when society falls apart. They won't even know what to loot from the Walmart.
It was an experiment to see how we'd react and the elite were laughing at us because we're more stupid and gullible than they could have ever imagine. They've done all the tweaking for the next PSYOP and it'll probably be rolled out soon.
>>39342755it shows how people are dependent on it because they use indoor plumbing and are accustomed to the other comforts that come with it. it shows what their priorities are.
>>39343699that and deporting millions of people with no country to accept soon as trump is in office it will be a disaster. probably will declare a state of emergency.
Sorry I thought I had to poopy more than usual
>>39343231I use cloths to pat down my wet ass and balls.
>>39342755Monkey see, Monkey do.
>>39348492You wipe shit residue on your ass, that’s nasty Just take a shower instead
I know what I feel...When faced with... No Loo ticket...Mild panic...And sacrificed socks...
>>39342755It's a matter of dignity, most people don't have bidets they civilized way to clean your ass is with toilet paper, running out of toilet paper turns you into less, basically an animal. People fear not having access to toilet paper.
>>39342755They forget to stockpile food. No food =no eating =no pooping =no asswiping.
>>39342755Protip: Nobody hoarded napkins, which are essentially toilet paper.
My mom gave a few rolls when this happened. I remember telling her I had toilet paper but she was afraid I would run out because of the shortage. My toilet paper lasted fine and I waited months to buy it again
>>39342755It was hilarious, actually
>>39349774Most Americans have apparently never taken a whore's bath
>>39342755It is bulky so people felt they were getting a lot. They needed to buy something to feel like they were doing something when they had no real power. It was inexpensive enough that they could buy a lot. It was a way for the morons to feel like they had power over a situation when they were too dumb to actually do something like refusing the lockdowns and masking and all the other nonsense.
>>39343707Because the mass media is MKULTRA. COVID was a shit test. How much bullshit would people put up with, essentially. Plus fleecing the goy into shitting where he eats.
>>39346666With enough spread out people, on normie social media, you could meme a bank run into existence.
This bidet shit isn't organic. I've seen them marketed lately. My girlfriend's mom is really dumb and impulsive, works for USPS doing literally nothing, buys every little fad and has been psychotically demanding we get one. Glowies are advertisers too it seems. Hit them with your car.
>>39351090They did catch on after a while, over here at least.
>>39353200Agreed. It is the only logical conclusion. I guess it worked too because the only logical conclusion is slightly uncomfortable (gov really did lie) and so normies will literally never acknowledge it in their modern life of>every possible discomfort is just evil society oppressing your inherently perfect selfFreudian psychology and its effects are potentially worse than the industrial revolution. Not even shitting you.
>>39353260My house was newly renovated before I moved in and had a new bidet upgrade. It’s fucking amazing, especially on the parasite cleanse when I’m shitting so fast the stomach acid burns my poop hole
>>39342755i shit outside in the backyard & wash my butt in the shower w/ a rag, never use TP
>>39342755psyop. they told everyone its short so they feel SHAME to by ALOT of OTHER IMPORTANT stuff like cigarettes or coffee,
>>39354516Based I think I’m your neighbor
>>39353227It’s happened before
>>39342755this was really annoying because i had just run out of toilet paper at the fucking time and couldn't get it for a day
>>39342755So many boomers and fatties running to buy all the TP
Something is seriously wrong with my anus bros, no matter how much I wipe it's never enough and then afterwards it keeps oozing out a mix of shit and sometimes blood and I think stomach acid because it itches and burns.