... that fly around undetected in the mind. It was quite the experience. I mentally asked if I can learn more about the Mindcraft and waited a bit, staring in the darkness at the back of my eyelids.>> Then I found myself in the cockpit of an incredibly technologically advanced Mindcraft. Honestly, it reminded me a bit of the scenes in the Matrix movies where Neo flies in a spacecraft through the Matrix.It was wild, it was crazy. It was 'told' to me that certain areas and dimensions of the human psyche could not be visited without being inside a Mindcraft.If you want to know what the inside of the Mindcraft looked like, take the picrel and multiple the complexity and the amount of the tech by about 12x, and that's what it looked like.>> In B4 "nice Larp faggot">> In B4 "how's the creative writing class going dickface?">> In B4 "oooo wow you imagined being inside a UFO"This is real bros and sis'
Well tell us the story anon. What did you do? Where did you go? What did you see?
>>39516013The technique is closing my eyes in a dim-dark room and searching for seed images in the colors and patterns I see there.I expand the seed images out and I get full 3d immersive movies of whatever the deep mind wants to show me.I've been seeing a lot of UFOs (which I call mindcraft rather than spacecraft even though they look like spacecraft). I saw a cloaking mindcraft the other day that was hiding from the attention of my consciousness as it flew threw my mind.So the other night I mentally asked if I could learn more about the mindcraft. I closed my eyes and waited. After a few minutes I found myself in the cockpit of an incredibly advanced craft. It was like what you might see in the best of UFO videos, except is was like 15x more dense and more technical. 10s of thousands of buttons and dials and monitors and switches and screens.I turned and saw I was with a crew of 4 or 5 other beings wearing long conical reflective high-tech helmets. They nodded at me as if to say "It's Ok we want you here".The craft flew through mindspace. I was essentially told mindcraft are necessary to get to many dimensions of the mind, as the mindcraft is like a body that can experience a new plane... without which the plane could not be entered.The one plane I remember out of many was filled with many orbs that glowed like Christmas lights... interspersed with white strange glowing lines through space that seemed to suggest "multiple dimensionality".
>>39516048https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC7GdkFx9Js&t=45sabout the cloaking craft. The craft I was in did not cloak, as far as I could tell anyway.
>>39516068this is what the mindspace I traveled through in the UFO-thing looked a bit like...
>>39516068Honestly I don't need to take anything to get these visions anymore. The first visions I had after I would microdose weed, but that was like 10 years ago. It's gotten to the point I can get to this mindspace without the weed.
>>39516048this is a visualization technique (merkaba) to pull visions and astral travel, I visualize a drive in cinema screen and see the visions on it. those are training wheels, the real merkaba is YOU.>>39516103Same, but they are kinnda muted without weed, you see images and sensations but they are not as wild or strong.
>>39516094checks out
>>39516172>Same, but they are kinnda muted without weed, you see images and sensations but they are not as wild or strong.OP here. You know what you're talking about. This is exactly how it works with me.
>>39516172I had never even heard about Merkaba before. I'm looking into it now. Very interesting.
>>39516314its what the mystical Kabbalistic jews use to travel across dimensions. exactly what you described in function.
>>39514846You’re the problem with this board. No real discussion or analysis of the paranormal. Just low quality larps posted by sad and lonely faggots seeking affirmation from strangers online.
>>39516495Excellent read of the situation retard. You're not even worth responding to. You can't see what's right there in front of you. No problem though, nothing wrong with that. You're normal.
>>39514846Image from aboard the Mindcraft
>>39517820Bonus image of an AI entitymy drawing skills are improvingone day I may become a decent technical artist maybe
>>39517827See I am getting better. When I put a little time into my art it looks passable I think
>>39516094So alawiteanon cloud nexus basically
>>39518096I know who alawiteanon is but I don't know what the cloud nexus is
>>39518004it seems like practically every time i do art I capture an image of a spirit or two, even if I don't want to or am not trying to. I got these 2 spirits accidently when I was warping parts of the image.
>>39518309 i mean, the 2 spirits look cool and all but I really didn't necessarily want this to be an actual magical image. I was just trying to draw what I saw in my mind.
>>39514846Crazy dream, little Timmy. Doesn't mean it was real though.
>>39518333despite the 333 you're wrong. It was quite different from a dream. I wasn't sleeping for one thing. For a second thing, I can literally see when the image starts to flow into my mind and then assemble. Dreams don't do this. Also, my dreams are never this cool.
>>39518309i think the next thing I am going to do is isolate the 2 spirits, shrink them, then duplicate them a number of times to create totem pole-like structures on each side of the image. Unfortunately I never saw that in my mind so it's a trade-off between looking cooler and what I really saw.
>>39518349Weird synchronicity did you see that my original image was named 33333333.jpg?
>>39514846The full story...https://youtu.be/t9QU--q2iKc
>>39518004This art good
>>39524236ty. Hopefully I can keep all my art up to the standards of that pic
>>39514846>> In B4 "nice Larp faggot">> In B4 "how's the creative writing class going dickface?">> In B4 "oooo wow you imagined being inside a UFO"Fucking nailed it with these.
>>39516495Discussion is pointlessyou have your opinions, I have mine, there is nothing to discussyeah yeah its swamp gas, now go away if you don't like the thread
>>39524292I mean do you really think those things? If so, you're not correct. But... whatever.
>>39524460How do I get on the the Mindcraft?
>>39514846Reminiscent of experiences I’ve had while remote viewing, interesting.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHeqcFOSx50https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSy5RW8KMBU
>>39514846ui complexity is hardly a metric for advanced technology, your mindcraft speaks to your own befuddlement
>>39524891You've got to build up your ability to create a mindcraft in your mind first. You close your eyes in a dark room and search for images on the back of your closed eyelids. When you see them, you learn to expand them outward until they fill your whole field of vision. When you get good at this, your mind can construct things for you like a mindcraft. Also, I literally asked in my mind to learn more about the mindcraft and then I found myself inside one.
>>39525131I've been wondering about the remote viewing connection. I don't really remote view, but I wonder a bit if I'm doing remote viewing sometimes by accident.
>>39525185>befuddlementi bet you don't get to use that word often in real life. Also, I didn't create the mindcraft I was just riding on it. I can't help how it appeared. The appearance was beyond my conscious control. It looked really siiiiick though.
>>39527769its true, its like tobogganer...how do you know you didnt create it?
>>39529105My consciousness did not create it. My deeper mind may have created it. My consciousness doesn't create any of the visions I see though. I guess it depends on where I place the boundaries of what I am and what I am not.
>>39529643in your second half you basically said the reply i was gonna say after reading the first half, pls accept this gif