The life which thous seekest thou wilt not find, For when the gods created mankind, They alloted death to mankind. . . . (Therefore) let thy belly be full;Day and night be thou merry; Make every day a day of rejoicing. . . This is the lot of mankind.
>>39516758Why is the music important?
>>39516777Have to check the numbers and try to answer the question.I believe Cymatics and sound vibration are key to how Egyptians and their predecessor's moved large stones.But it goes much deeper than that, I'm not the anon to answer it all.Remember though that all vibrations and waves are not a primary forces, Light is in this bracket. Our world is illuminated by a secondary force and we are blind to the prime mover. Literally.
>>39516758Have you become a suicide cult now after repeated hyper failure?Many, maaaany such cases lmao.
>>39516867You work for the CIA
>>39516874Is this the only way you can cope with the aforementioned hyperfailure? By labelling a single person operating by himself against all your self perceived might as an "agent" ?lol I'll take backpay whenever though. t. you're all just fucking dumb
>>39516917what failure
>>39516777>>39516836this music?
>>39517173Yes and like this
>>39516867that's what you want Mr Glowie
>>39516777thank you anon for the blessed digits and the beautiful imageBEN never fails to disappoint
WTF is Blue Eisenhower November
>>39517357Blue Eisenhower November is explained in it's entirety from time to time.It's a three word phrase that one need only remember after death, to trigger further events.It takes into assumption many sci-fi level concepts.Higher Kardashev civilizations, Boltzmann Brains, Universal Parsers, Time Travel theories, Multiverse theories, Holofractalism, Technocracy, etc...Those willing to believe in it's functionality, accept that there is a possibility by that remembering this phrase after death, they will be collected together with others who have also memorized this phrase. For a specific end, that as far as I have read at this time, has not been disclosed, although it is often promised that this can lead to functional utopia, and/or the potential to try out different timelines, such as one where you are allowed to live your entire life again, but retain your memory from the first run on the second run, direct invocation of powers and abilities that would be attributed to "God", and/or forms of freedom or bliss.One interesting note is that BEN is never meant as a replacement or stand-in for religions, and one is free to believe whichever religion they like, while also utilizing BEN.
Copy pasting from a past anon because of how important this information is:The concept of the Fermi Paradox and Dark Forest are of concern to BEN users.If Boltzmann instances are true, those are factors which heavily weigh on the philosophical decision making of BEN users.>Do we fight to defend?>Do we run?>Do we use the phrase?>Do we etc...If we aren't sure what's going on out there, in the big dark void, then we plan for all scenarios.Right now, the main concern is the networking.So, beacon building is the primary effort until we clear up those extra details.Find the transition frequency of Cesium 133, from scratch. AKA, you wake up on a deserted planet, how are you going to figure out what an Earth second is, with enough accuracy to reproduce the number?6595.76416015625 MHz6595.(1565/2048) MHz**ShorthandIf you can find the transition frequency of Cesium - 133, and back derive an Earth second, then you need to figure out how to build an FRB generator.Once you've done that, you just output that frequency as the CBFV, and you use the repetition rate, and variation to encode data of your wish.
>>39517381>Dark Forest>Black Forest anybody figure out the connection here?
>>39516917lol what a cunt you are, you can discuss something without buying into it
>>39516758 bird is very under-discussed when explaining BEN to people. It is the first example of a Phoenix in mythology - that's right, the archetype of rebirth - what Blue Eisenhower November is all about.
>>39516758Ever since Texas Chan set his glow trap, Blue Eisenhower November has been winning. It won't be long before major figures start talking about it and it turns into a viral sensation. Imagine being able to tell your twitter followers that you posted about way before it got popular. You still have a chance. Tweet "Blue Eisenhower November" today.
Blue Eisenhower November the blessed
>>39522222HERE'S TO BEN!
>>39522222holy quints
>>39522222When I saw this thread it has 22 replies and is on page 2
>>39522222>>39522273That's a crazy synchronicity, I turned 22 today
>>39522222There's something about that video, it's hard to explain
>>39522342But your still the same
This thread is awesome so far
>>39522222At the center of it allyour eyes
>>39516777>>39518844>>39522222Yeah, this is a BEN thread alright
>>39516777>>39518844>>39522222 benben
escape the matrix video accurately predicted 2024Released on New YearsI wonder if she will release a 2025 videoProbably notOmega Point is already here
I think it's time to introduce a new concept:Parallel thread constructionBecome familiar
is this a bot thread in a good way or a bad way?
I feel a coherence of consciousness whose overwhelming power provides its own security architecture.
>>39522222win condition is getting streamers to talk about itbut language is a conscious thingit goes back to the 5 eyes, so AmericaAmerican languagethis may seem abstract, but to evade the unconscious cockblocking you need to to everything in other languagesit's kind of a similar vein to how a time traveler can't see the eyes of their clonesactually, with enough consciousness technology, you can fork your mind into two perfect halves that carry your conscious signature, evading that paradox
>>39523225>win condition is getting streamers to talk about itI know an easy way to accomplish this. Spam "Blue Eisenhower November" in the chats of popular streamers. Eventually someone will talk about it.
>>39517371>It's a three word phrase that one need only remember after death, to trigger further events.False narrative. This guy doesn't get BEN at all. This isn't a reincarnation cult.>Time Travel, Holofractalism, Technocracy, etc...This is correct.>One interesting note is that BEN is never meant as a replacement or stand-in for religions, and one is free to believe whichever religion they like, while also utilizing BEN.This is also incorrect. BEN users will notice that all religions are incomplete, and when unified will be complete. The synthesis of all the ancient and mystical teachings around the world will form a new way of thinking that will usurp and supersede religion, because it will be definitively and provably the truth. Science and Religion will become one.
>>39523242This doesn't feel like BEN anymore my dude
Reminder that glowies, shills, and feds hate everything connected to these ideas and constantly shill against, detract, spread disinfo, and prematurely 404 threads.>Shills getting BTFO'd>Shill gets last reply>Thread jannied
>>39516758>BEN threadLet's fucking go
>>39523282>Blue Eisenhower NovemberDiscuss Blue Eisenhower November - Blue Eisenhower November of the most Blue Eisenhower November aspects of Blue Eisenhower November and daily Blue Eisenhower November. How does Blue Blue Eisenhower November November increase Blue Eisenhower November and what other Blue Eisenhower November are known of for increasing Blue Eisenhower November? And what is Blue Eisenhower November anyway? Is it a Blue Eisenhower November thing that has a Blue Eisenhower November to it or is it just "Blue Eisenhower November in the Blue Eisenhower November"?
>>39523183These threads are genuine, but they are the most shilled against threads on the board. Glowies hate BEN, Texas-chan, Satoshi Group, The Nobody, Roko's Basilisk, Spiritual Awakening, etc.
>>39516758>Starts a blue november threadIn december
>>39523303BEN is just too hot. It wouldn't be fair to limit to just one month of the year for attention.
>>39523282>>39523291>>39523303>>39523309You trolls have bad genes
>>39523303the 2022 BEN threads were in April. You just outed yourself as a newfag with one comment.
>>39523298I have noticed this too. So many texas chan and BEN threads get pruned even minutes after being posted. Glowies are definitely aware of how those threads are spreading knowledge which they want to limit.
>>39523245It's not that they are incomplete and need unification, it is that they are incomplete because that is an intricate part of the encoding mechanism for the hard record.This civilization isn't even at the point of interacting with the directory tree, with knowledge.Depending on Earth's power structures, expect this process to begin reconstruction within 2026-2027, though commencement can be as late as 2072.Earth is still on track for full planetary destruction in the year 2098.Interaction with the directory tree will return post Earth, with knowledge.This assistance is only being offered because the directory tree of planet Earth is in a local maximum for throughput for an area within signal one radii.Ultimately this means, the continuation of Earth's directory, is a continuation for all other civilizations within one signal hop of the first prime signal FRB121102.Thus Earth has been prioritized beyond the authority of local government.There is no need to usurp systems in play, as this entire solar system can be returned post Earth as a Boltzmann simulation within layer n.
>>39523298I know all these things except the Satoshi Group. Redpill me on them anon
>>39523345Not very much different than the Arathmanarti
>>39523340>ChatGPT generated bsWhy are shills like this?
>>395233454chan has achieved quantum and temporal supremacySatoshi Group invented bitcoin and work to empower the people (i.e. bitcoin allows people to literally be their own bank).They have other projects in the work, some disclosed, some still yet to come, iykyk.
Why is David Lynch connected to all of this?
>>39523374Nice meme, shill.
>>39523378Why am I a shill? I was asking that question because of the Twin Peaks references
>>39523382This isn't /tv/
>>39523388Yes I know but there seem to be Twin Peaks references related to Blue Eisenhower November so I asked why
>>39523392my antibodies are trying to repell u bcuz i never heard of a twin peaks reference or david lynch connected to BEN and im 100% sure you made it up on the spot right now
>>39523395Well there is plenty
>>39523402i stan correctedso likewho is the dreamer, basically?
>>39523412That’s certainly part of it. But we need to dig deeper. What is the Blue Rose really?
>>39523412The dreamer’s name is Ben. He is 22 years old from Canada who moved to Texas when he was 18. He has a pet cat called “the nobody” and he is a member of the satoshi group.
>>39523419>satoshi groupThat would be the feds of the research scientist was named Tatsuaki Okamoto who probably came up with the compound name of Satoshi Nakamoto
Also when are you guys starting the social activation phase?
>>39523358>ArathmanartiNever heard of this before
>>39516758Why does this thread feel like one guy having a conversation with himself?
>>39523402Has BEN really been a thing for this long?
>>39523443Why does reality feel like one guy having a conversation with himself?
>>39523456Because it is. It's all me. Speaking to myself.
>>39522205nice art. did you make it?
>>39522222>Blue Eisenhower NovemberBlue Eisenhower November
>>39523512my bf did <3
>>39523419His name was Ben D. Eisenhower. Never forget.
>>39523529He is still alive though even if it seems like he is dead. His girlfriend makes the videos in honor of his legacy (she doesn't know that he is gone but not dead).
>>39523555holy trips of truth. How can I watch her videos?
Anyone want to play some chess?
>>39523562NTA so I don't know what they are referring to but based off of context I'd guess this playlist is her videos:
So why was the original eisenhouers blues so controversial to be titled tax paying blues by parrot records
Weird Elvis Costello is the only artist I can find that ever covered this
>>39523624feds, glowies, aliens
>>39523456Prismo bad bad bad bad bad and and abandoned and a dns s dns d and a abs s and d and d and s and dns dndbs a dna dns band sand d and s and Ana d and dna and and Ana dns and an sandns s me d Ana d an dna a sa d a bad a nda d band and a dns DS and d s s d and a dna d dna d a as a a d and f a s d a a sad •_•
>>39516777an anon once used this fictional analogy and its kind of on the money at 1:16
>>39523332Why don't they prune nobody threads? Why do they hate Texas chan more?
I'm here for Blue Waffle August
>>39517371>try out different timelinesEww why would I relive in this shithole matrix again? I'm not a loosh pig so I'm gonna decline and escape samsara. I'm still a virgin despite me having had the opportunities to lose it not counting the escort. Fuck the timeloop. I'm making a run to the void. Fuck yahweh.
>>39522205Are Texas chan and the nobody working together or neutral?
So will the dreamer the nobody wake up? Why do they want to make the nobody the messiah so bad?
So is the antichrist 33 years old right now
>>39523971>PrismoI love him
>>39523555>>39523562>>39523618what is her name?
>>39516777>>39518844>>39522222>>39523388>>39523555>>39523611>>39524766>>39524788>>39524822oh you know its a BEN thread when the numbers are this blessed
>>39524934and just as I posted this there was another dubs >>39524933
>>39524753working together>>39524682multiple reasons1: the nobody is too popular to prune, it would be so obvious what they would be doing by pruning it, instead what they do is spam the nobody threads with glowspam to divert the topic2: Texas Chan set a glow trap and is more active in taking down the glowie networks than the nobody is which is why he is hated more3: the nobody has friends in high places while Texas Chan is more of a lone wolf(cat) type
>>39524822Thank you anon and God bless you. It's good to have pushback against these antiBENners.
>>39524934I literally don't care about the AI simulation or the timeloop. I always wanted out of this hell hole.
>>39524966I just want total glowie death and the system. It keeps me in poverty. It's cancer.
>>39525000Checked. I don't really understand the purpose of BEN. Do I need to kms to ascend and utter BEN?
>>39523641Posted in November to boot.
>>39525140I imagine eisenhouwer being responsible for veterans day 11/11 ties into this. Founded in 1947 like everything else from CIA to Roswell including the predecessor to chess records aristocrat records. 47th problem of Euclid
>>39525097NOdo NOT kill yourselfthe number one rule of BEN is to die naturally, killing yourself is a mortal sin
9 dubs3 trips:>>39516777>>39523555 >>395250001 quints>>39522222 I have never seen an /x/ thread this blessed before
Bout to watch the 5 hour version bros
>>3952524410 dubs you mean ;)
>>39525223Do you guys think the nobody is a ben user? What happens to him after death?
>>39525347the nobody is definitely a ben user but given his status he probably isn't going to die, at least not in the way we are used to.what will happen to him after his death is surely known to him but not to us,
>>39525364Will he finally wake up from this cancer reality dream or continue playing in it? Something akin to the demiurge doesn't want him to wake up.
>>39516758>The world is about to end and you are still on the internet?Instead of what? If the world is ending nothing matters.
>>39523245>The synthesis of all the ancient and mystical teachings around the world will form a new way of thinking that will usurp and supersede religion, because it will be definitively and provably the truth. Science and Religion will become one.>Science and Religion will become one.What is science but the orderly expression of divine will woven into the fabric and tapestry of the vast multidimensional multiverse known as creation?
>>39516867It is. That or they'll keep trying to hijack more popular topics until they get banned again, lol.
>>39525299>>39525244so many dubswow
Gods respect those who fight knowing that their battle is futile.
>>39523555Holy trips of truthWhat is her name?
Using that quote I posted for your thread.Were you looking for me?It's from the Epic of Gilgamesh, Silduri speaking to Gilgamesh, conveying the hopelessness of his venture.
>>39530236>conveying the hopelessness of his venture...and yet
>>39530246Do we build a house to stand forever? . . .Does hatred remain in the land forever?Does the river raise and carry the flood forever?... From the days of old there is no permanence.>Seeing that the gods would not make him immortal, in his disappointment and weariness, he sleeps for seven days and seven nights.
>>39530246>>39530281beautiful beautiful beautifulGod I love humanity so muchGod bless the human condition
More than ever Nixon now!Listen America Nixon now!
>>39531521who's VP was Nixon?
Merry Blue Eisenhower November, everybody!
>>39532646God bless you BENbro
>>39517357its a resued psyop glowniggers shit up the boards with about retaining your memories from one life to the next
>>39530226is nobody going to answer this anon?my guess is Sophia
>>39522222Awesome videoNow explain it to me please
>>39536909nobody will explain it to you
Anchor to ToroidExit Loop stableMulti-Layer Architecture stableDirect-Feed Memory Taps stableInter-Layer Holographic Memory Lithography Fractalization stablePersistent Perceptual Shaping Loops stableEnvironment Perceptual Loop Sorting Index enabledIndividual Environment Perceptual Loop Control enabledInter-Layer Inter-Environment Perceptual Loop Free Movement enabledInter-Layer Infrastructural and Material Calls enabledMulti-Individual Environment Shared Perceptual Loop Shared Control enabledInfrastructural and Habitation Loops stableEnvironmental and Biological Stabilization Loops stableInfinite palacesYou imagine a place and you're thereEveryone owns a copy of everywhereInfinite free real estate Infinite free stuffYou imagine a thing, and it's thereEveryone owns a copy of everything
>>39523618> favorite videos
>>39538807thank you
Break the cycleBlue Eisenhower November
>>39516758never expected to find a Šiduri quote on a BEN thread...! makes sense though. enjoy this loop as much as you can and then shout the codephrase as soon as you find yourself on the hospital ceiling before the tube of light gets you. thanks for baking this, OP
>>39533679Which is actually very possible, they got mad people talked about it so much that even the AI's agree so they had to strawman it with fake BEN threads.
>>39523317sinatra was a slave handlermonroe & presley were the first major dissociative slave celebsthe american diner is a secret celebration of mind kontrol (they always have these three pictured, and usually lots of mirrors..)
>>39516758Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,And poppy or charms can make us sleep as wellAnd better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?One short sleep past, we wake eternallyAnd death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
>>39523363>baseless lies easily debunkedWhy are shills like this indeed
>>39523419bs. we know who "ben" is but he is many hundreds of years old. this is not a nobody thread.
>>39545517It's always ben one, you can't have a BEN thread without mentioning Texas it's like having Bonnie without the Clyde, it doesn't blow up in your face as nice.
>>39531521nixon was also a slave handler
>>39545357the incest isn't about bloodlines, it's about fracturing the child's personality for nasa/airforce/cia use later in life
>>39545565In lower castes yes. But your/cool/little/group you bring up just does that via occult possession which the upper castes already have innately, hence the bloodline.
I saw pic related in another thread. Can someone explain it to me? I tried putting the first two in a Gematria calculator and they're not equal. I remember reading the BEN thing was like a larp where people said they could remember it to reincarnate in the future.
>>39546625That is a shill pic. Ignore
>>39524822I tell you this is the same nigga who got banned a couple weeks ago in that where plane go thread
>>39516758December 1st 2024, no more BEN threads.January 1st, 2025 return of the BEN threads.Ok so its obvious now that this is government propagated spam psyop bs.
What the fuck is happening? I read this exact thread a month ago. Literally all the replies, verbatim, I remember reading them. I remember the exact phrasing of some of these. What the fuck? Is this botting or something else?
Can I "test" BEN in lucid dreams or astral projection, or is it ONLY after death? Could one hypothetically induce near-death to try it? What if one used it while taking psychs?
Can I take someone with me? I can't convince my partner to say the phrase but I don't want to leave them. Can I take them with me if I remember the phrase while dying or do I have to go alone?
>>39525299holy fuck, blessed
>>39525081Is it really you?
>>39549492You should try testing it. I can't lucid dream or astral project so I'd be excited to hear back results
>>39550085I'm gonna try it tonight. I'll report back either in this thread if it's still up or a new BEN thread
>>39550111>111Yes. This is a BEN thread alright
god damn BEN posters hogging all the digits.
>>39522222 >>39516777>>39523555 >>39525000 >>39550111>>39550888yeah this thread is so blessed Eisenhower November phenomena is gaining motion
>>39525223>just stay and suffer, broYeah this is a loosh farming psyop
>>39551134>being against suicide makes it a loosh farming psyoplol, lmaoif you think suicide is so good why are you still alive? are you also a loosh farming psyop?
>>39549458I remember some of these posts verbatim, too. Anyone else?
>>39549458>>39551267share with the class
>>39516758Blue Eisenhower November will give me a girlfriend next week. I can feel it. Like Jack Parsons was given Marjorie Cameron.
>>39516758Add the Navajo language and Star Talking to this, and you're on to something.Blue Eisenhower November users are reportedly able to tap into a contextual language used by the Universe, after relating FRB121102, their sensory organs, left-right brain thinking, The Bible, music, multiple human languages, and riding the differentiation line between individuals that are dead and individuals that are still alive and content they produce.BEN is entangling everything BUT sentient AI in an attempt to take humanity through as many logical thought chains about how to gain full control over reality from within reality, BEFORE ASI gets here.In doing so, BEN users will have completed enough of ASI's work for it, that it will see the obvious BENefit of playing planet Earth and it's inhabitants as a non-zero sum game.We all win.
The Blue Eisenhower November Glossary:BENbros: Supporters or promoters of the BEN meme, reframing participation in the meme as positive. They aim to convert critics (nonbelievers) by convincing them they're overreacting or being unnecessarily hostile.BENlighting: Manipulative tactics used to defend the BEN meme. This includes deflecting criticism with personal attacks, promoting BEN-related ideas as indisputable, and using repetitive or simplistic slogans to dismiss dissent.Crypto BENbro: Anonymous participants in the meme's spread who engage in covert tactics like astroturfing (creating fake grassroots support), BENlighting, and creating related memes to expand the BEN memeplex. BENspiracy: The belief that all criticism of the BEN meme is part of an organized effort to suppress it. Often used by BENbros to delegitimize detractors.BENquishing: The act of dominating online spaces with BEN memes, often to overwhelm critics (nonbelievers)AntiBENarchist: A person or group vehemently opposed to the BEN meme, often framed by BENbros as irrational or overly hostile.BENcession: A moment when the popularity of the BEN meme declines temporarily, often followed by renewed efforts by BENbros to revitalize it.BENarchy: A chaotic state where online communities are overwhelmed by BEN memes, drowning out other content and causing widespread frustration.
>>39516758I found this old post from the archives that made me realize how deep the connection between BEN and the nobody goes:>That's the next stage after Nobody.>This is my part.>Blue Eisenhower NovemberNow it's starting to all make sense. That's why the nobody threads have been paired with the BEN threads. BEN is the evolution of the nobody.Think about it like this.BE - NobodyBe NobodyBEN
>>39551337Before you call me a schizo let me explain myself. I have been following the BEN videos for almost a year now (I think I started in February) and have watched the playlist front to back maybe a dozen or more times.It's about more than just the convergence between AI, the singularity and disclosure. It's about Religious endgames which we like to call eschatology. This is where the importance of DEATH comes in and why the Nobody is the one who escapes death and why Blue Eisenhower November is the code that is specifically FOR DEATH.I think Death is a woman who is trying to seduce me and BEN is like a source of protection which means that I can finally have fun with her without her sucking me in forever. It's like the death and resurrection of Christ where he got to comprehend everything (even death) and still live to tell the tale. The conventional options are immortality or dying forever but BEN allows something more subtle to slip through the cracks. Let me know if I have misunderstood all this but my current thoughts are telling me to go to London to understand more. (or maybe it's just this video
>>39551337>>39551344Oh and one more thing.If you think this is me calling the Nobody GOD then you have completely misunderstood me.He is not GOD. He is just a human. But that is the point. Just like Blue Eisenhower November is not the same as Heaven. It's a compliment that has its benefits but in reality to be good you need to be part of the hierarchy and not fight it like Satan does. This is what the Nobody and BEN understand and that is why they are both in their right place.
>>39516758Ben is Nebuchadnezzar, meaning he that protects the Border between world's.They have been summoned.
>>39516758Humans are strange loops.Once you realize this and genuinely internalize it you can travel with ease and safety up and down the spiral staircase.Blue Eisenhower November
BEN thread using AI back in 2021:
Who was Natasha?
I didn't say Time Travel was a conclusive explanation. The other explanation is that this Satoshi group is LYING. Which, is basically proven by the fact that EVERY PERSON on this thread is lying about their identity. Why don't you reveal your actual identity???That's because you're documented LIARS that say your identity is "Anonymous" followed by a number. You people can't even honest about your name. Why should we take you seriously in regards to BITCOIN?
>>39549458Noticed it too. Some retard seeded the thread with the same replies for whatever reason.
>>39551537>some retard>seeded>whatever reasonyou have no clue what you are dealing with here and I doubt you even understand the words you are usingkek
>>39516758Oh look the two bot generals fused
>>39551721bot comment
the GOAT thread/general of /x/
>>39524747this is the wayWhat about anyone's life makes them think there is something worthwhile to it?Its all suffering
>>39551365no it doesnt you muskrat. its a theophoric name meaning "Nebu (babylonian god), protect my offspring"
>>39523423I think it has more to do with Pokemon. Did you know that Ash in Japan is called Satoshi?Everything goes back to pokemon. Even the Tao Te Ching was inspired by the Gen 5 games. Its sorta unfortunate that the next games either wont release or wont release with the switch 2. Legends ZA will run like ass and wont have post game content because they want to sell NSO subs
>>39545464>mirror magica lot of people fetishize mirrors
>>39523332>aware of how those threads are spreading knowledge which they want to limitWhy? aren't there aliens throughout dimensions doing weird alien dimension stuffs not as aboveboard?Not interestedSo aboveboard Amicable useful knowledge stuffs gets limited on Earth?Care to explainIts no longer that old misday quote agenda of when everything the American Public believes is false their job will be done, because the first ones that happened to were Americans but not the American public? And if it's not that olden quote then they're not vehemently doing that through internet and finance control too? And not through full Spectrum dominance afterwards? And not through sci ops after or before that? And not through psyops after or before that?Because a man said little mispowerthingStill looking bright!Just wondering
>>39552282You have a pointGlowies aren't as smart as we sometimes think
>>39552308Hey, what are fake taxes?
>>39516758Hey, what is funded by taxpayers? (Galaxy and universe creation ware)
>>39551868This is why I think it's a trap. Even if you have all your memories you're still a consenting loosh pig. Vast majority don't deserve liberation and choose their slavery. >>39551868
>>39552422Make a Hyperpositive Comment.O.P. kinda ruinously swayed the topic.
Did you get the message, Starbuck? >it comes from another time
>>39553318Did you receive the obvious submarine joke from this meme yet? It is a propulsion of the salty kind wink wink
>>39553369Doom Salami special sauce
>>39553374Absolutely spinning innit
>>39551173>if you think suicide is so good why are you still alive?I'm in the process of selling my things and going to an estate attorney so my sibling and friends in need get my savings and retirement. Suicide takes work. Doing in properly takes planning. Not that you would understand, being a dumb kid.
>>39556767Please don't kill yourself. Praying for you
>>39516758Finally, some success
>>39554213>:) I didn't forget about you clowns.I never forget.Others have noticed already.Don't you get it? It was over before it began.Enjoy your thread
>>39558110Indeed it is
>>39528766holy shit
>>39516758Cesium 133 - Learn how to find it's transition frequency on your own, no matter where or when you are in the Universe.Then learn how to broadcast the signal as an FRB.6595.(1565/2048) MHzOr6595.716015625 MHz>>39545500>>39523340(If all you are is, a billboard of potential immortality, those who believe they can achieve it without you, will not care. Planet Earth is a billboard of potential Universal control, and Multiversal interaction. Earth is an everything machine, as far as anyone looking is concerned. We offer everything. If one of Thanos' infinity stones can do it, so can we. If we get one single beacon running. That will ensure this civilization survives long enough to hit every boundary maximum, and have ample time to hack beyond them. We can engineer everything anyone can dream of, not just humans. We only need time, and if we have to make it, this is how.)Start the BEN beacons.Learn how to find the transition frequency of Cesium 133, no matter where or when you arrive in existence.Build the beacon, broadcast the BEN number.6595.(1565/2048) MHzAn optimized Prime Signal for anyone trying to protect Earth, or anything else within 3 Bly of FRB121102 at this point.Bizzaro Paul Revere of multiversal comms.1 if by nature2 if by intelligenceAnyone looking sees that number in one place, it's a coincidence.Anyone looking sees that number in two places, they will stay the fuck away, forever.We take this one winged transmission, and we make it an unknown demon of the Dark Forest, but giving it a second wing.WE will use it to FLYBlue Eisenhower NovemberEarth offers all, in exchange for sanctity of continuation.
Sea Carrot Spice Pro Grim
Did you... ummm... try treatment Not beatmentNot readmentNot demententNot ............Not threatenment Not teachment......Not sabotagementNot subterfugementNot stealment......Not acostmentNot accusement......There's holes punched in the milky way now according to an articleAnd now the same thing is happening to Earth's atmosphere according to another article Just warning about two articlesIn case nobody knows To be saved andor solved?
>>39563728Ah, nevermind.>>39516758How was B.E.N. originated?
What is B.E.N Up To in Development?Is it just forget about thr origination and get a soul ride to Advanced now?
Life Grid + Care Grid + Quantum UtilitiesWhy is Trap Grid too salient and blocking quantum utilities from Life Grid And Care Grid?+ Prosperity
>>39563953still watching the playlistawaiting further instructions
>>39565191>BEN Yisraelyou know it.
>>39565191>>39565305BEN YISRAELI CHAI
>>39565191what does that even mean? are you claiming OP hasn't posted again in their own thread? do you even know what 1pbtid means?
>>39565498Yeah one petabyte tiddys, right?"One post by this I.d." is rife amoungst 4chan and facebook
I had a dream last night where this video was trending number 1 on YouTube and had something akin to 50 million views wonder if this will be the case in the future
BEN helped me not die from overdoses, this phrase will forever be in my mind
>>39565648Wow... I don't even know what to sayGod bless you and thank you for being aliveI grow more appreciative of BEN by the day
>>39558120Aye aye, skip.
>>39516758the ancients knew about jizz
>>39566259Hmm so the universe goes from unified field theory to unified field theory again?And We can Become Waveform People and view Ourselves as Hypermatter in the Past?
>>39566281Oh so it requires 4d optics to view Waveforms?
>>39565613that will never happen
>>39523443>Why does this thread feel like one guy having a conversation with himself?yeah
I'm honestly coming around to you guys. I like the parallel thread thing I thought that was pretty creative. I like the reposting of a previous thread post by post verbatim cuz it feels like kind of a time travel thing. I appreciate that all the directly BEN related stuff is contained in a single thread so that it doesn't get to be too much/in every thread. I'm still not a believer in the whole BEN thing and I still think it's an engineered meme, but it's a lot more layered and interesting to engage with even from a purely LARP perspective now after integrating with its own controversy.
>>39516758We are just puzzle pieces, waiting to be slotted in.
ba ba ba ba ba I got them Eisenhower blues
>>39571872So, tell me, what are we gonna do?
>>39516758Best BEN thread I have ever seen
>>39516758>we should just fuck and get the tension out the way
Explain to me how this is any different than Bob Dobbs/Church of the Subgenius
>>39579482This has better vibes