Older than Sumerians, Minoans or Egyptians. Something like Atlanteans or Hyperboreans. Like who built the pyramids (not just in Egypt) ? Why haven't we found any evidence of such older civilizations? Who were they? Extraterrestrials? Or maybe advanced humans, but somehow completely wiped out?
>>39521458very likely. antartica has got to have their remains
>>39521458Yes. A few of them.
>>39521458Yes and none of them were white or black.
>>39521458Yes, before Noah's flood.
>>39521458No because there were still plenty of resources in the ground when we got here and not the ancient civilization's plastic crap.
>>39521458Yes, absolutely. I think it ties in with "Annunaki," Atlantis, Lemuria, maybe a touch of Hollow Earth, and all the legends and old stories. Big Theory time:It's not so hard to believe that a civilization that exists at any point in time would want to find ways to make sure it never truly disappears. We see the same things now on the individual level with the so-called Prepper movement. On a larger scale, it's widely known that there are Continuity of Government plans, complete with stockpiles of resources, manpower, gear, weapons, even underground bunkers/bases to hold it all, complete with generators, garages, fuel and food supplies, machine shops, backups, and backups for the backups. Is it then much of a stretch to assume that previous civilizations would have similar contingencies? Even ones as old as Atlantis, Lemuria, and whatever would have come before would have had the foresight and the resources to see to it that they never truly vanished.Sumeria is widely held to be the kick-off of "modern" civilization with lots of firsts. Writing. Law. City-states. Kingship. Mercantilism. A religion with an entire pantheon and a lot of vivid visuals. They themselves tell us that the gods came down from heaven and taught them all they know about how to build and maintain a society. But what if they didn't "come down from heaven"? What if they came up from the Earth?Something's coming, and we're long overdue. Nuclear war. Flood. Meteor. Solar flare. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Say the surface is left uninhabitable, or at least very unpleasant for a long time, anywhere from decades to centuries, or maybe longer. The bureaucrats, presidents, and kings, their sycophants, and all the soldiers to protect them, along with a select few who keep the knowledge of civilization head for the bunkers. Say they're down there for a hundred years. Or 500, or 1,000. (1/3?)
>>39525766After just a few decades, or maybe even a couple hundred years, there would still be relics of the old world. Certainly some machines, even if mostly mechanical things. Roads. Plenty of buildings, probably, depending on the nature of the previous cataclysm. Maybe a library here and there if the survivors are lucky and get to it before it's destroyed. There might be some who, if they survived the initial calamity, could rebuild some aspects of the previous civilization. Maybe even teach the first generation how it works and how to maintain it. That knowledge might even make to to the second or even third generations.But even after so short a time as 5-6 generations, most stories of the old world, as well as most of its knowledge, and certainly 90% of all the technology would be all but gone. What would be the state of humanity on the surface, assuming it still existed, after all that time? There might be some poeple who remember their grandfather telling them about how their own grandfather told them stories about the old world, but that would be it. Maybe some far-fetched tales about a tribe in the North who had a magic, glowing brick whose surface changed appearance with touch and which held the lost knowledge of ten thousand books. I doubt anyone would believe it.What if those fuckers in the bunkers decided to come up about then? Or even after a solid 10 generations? Call it 200-300 years. Soldiers (or, at least, those belonging to the martial class) would likely be the first. Exploratory/expeditionary/scavenging parties, no doubt. With their guns. And their night vision. And their vehicles, helicopters, tanks, jets, missiles, and whatever else fit in the bunkers.(2/3?)
>>39525771What would the surface dwellers think of such people? People who look and talk different than anyone they'd so much as heard of before. Maybe they're bigger. Stronger. Lived longer than anyone they've ever heard of, even in stories. Two eyes instead of three. Ten fingers instead of eight. People who could fly with the birds. Who had "magical" chariots that moved without horses to pull them. Who could deal out death at a distance, with fire and thunder coming from their "bows". Who can see in the dark. Who can communicate instantly over great distances. Who can produce fire with a tiny gadget they keep in their pocket. With medicine that can cure the sick.They might just call them gods. Or maybe not. Maybe they don't even want to be known as that, but that's what it turns into over time.What if the Sumerian pantheon (and thus Egyptian, Greek, and eventually Roman pantheons) weren't gods or even aliens? What if they were just remnants of the previous civilization, come up from their bunkers, surprised to see anyone left, and who were kind enough to point them in a direction to keep humanity going? They taught them when to sow and when to reap. How to read the stars. How to work metal. Laws. Trade and commerce. Building and earthworks. Civilization in a pill, so to speak. How long would it take them to mold and shape societies of hunter-gatherers and agrarians into recognizable, functional city-states? A few generations? Five or six? Maybe ten?Would the descendants of those they tutored remember them? Tell stories about them? Create artwork of them? Venerate them? Maybe deify them? I could see>your grandfather's grandfather once said a god told him that when the wind blows out of the east there is sure to be rainslowly becoming>the rain god lives in the east and gives us water for our cropsover time, and eventually into people praying to the rain god during times of drought. The Sumerians had a God of Making Beer, after all.(3/4)
>>39525784(4/4)What if even that older civilization was the product of another such intervention, instructed by remants of a previous people whose tale of destruction is so remote it can only be found at the bottom of the ocean or in rock and ice so deep that it takes a thousand years of scientific progress just to see the shadows of it?Why would they do it? Benevolence? Just to see what we'd become? The continuation of the species? Maybe. Quite probably, actually, assuming they were even Human. They might have been something like us, but not quite. Or a different iteration altogether. Maybe just to make sure that what Mother Earth makes never truly dies out. It would take an awful long time for nature to start over at this point. And with what? Ants? Bees? Cats? Octopi?I just throw all this out there as a thought experiment. You're, of course, free to believe in ayyys or god/gods or whatever strikes your fancy.
>>39524733Found the american
>>39525766>>39525771>>39525784>>39525792Well put! Have you extrapolated similar ideas on this board before? Just curious
>>39521458the civilizations we keep witnessing in mystery digs are the remnants of The Watchers and they were imprisoned within the realm of Agartha long ago.
>>39525246what if the plastic wrap degraded into radioactive materials?
>>39521458I dreamt of one on Mars. I went there last night and they said a lot of stuff to me. I saw people living in an underground city, metal roof above. There were giant cats and what looked like giant rats, these were about 7-10 feet long with their tails. They were in a war against Draco. I saw a Draco attack break through the dome, and it looked like a giant pill bug type creature. I guess they were bioengineering life forms to attack with. The Martians were fighting alongside these giant cats and rodents to fight. These creatures were fully sentient and could speak, and they had equipment like space suits and weapons. I asked them how many they were, and how far in the past I was, I saw they were 40 billion, and this civilization was roughly half a billion years to about 30 million years ago, the numbers depicting the expanse of time were quite large. To my surprise, I recognized one of the beings there as Nobunaga. He was basically a full cyborg human warrior. I noticed some of the clothing people wore, and saw materials very much like denim. Nobunaga asked me if I played Diablo 2, and that I should try playing it on the most extreme difficulty level. This makes me think Nobunaga is currently alive on earth.I told them I never thought I would be able to interact with the Martian civilization, and they said they were happy to see their children either (thats us?). After we communicating for a while, it started skipping time around, and I saw beings there as complete cyborgs, and then I heard a voice say they were shutting off the neural matrix, and I saw basically all the beings there evaporate as if they were holographic records run on a computer system, and right where they had been standing I saw corpses on the floor. Then a Draco sleeper agent right next to me took that chance to attack me, but I quickly woke myself up right before he struck. I went right back to sleep and was back into the Martian civilization again, but very briefly.
No, there's not enough traces for it, high industrialization leave a lot of marks.I believe it had existed a lot of unknown ones but not that evolved, recently it was discovered huge cities in the amazon forest with milions of habitants.
>>39525792Ant agriculture is older than hominids.The answer to the silurian hypothesis nobody wants to hear is that there was and is an unfathomably advanced sophisticated, precursor culture capable of enormous acts of terraforming and genetic manipulation: it’s the entire biosphere, and our so-called “civilization” is predicated on its exploitation and eradication.
>>39521458I think a lot of the new "mudflood" and "Hyperborea" stories are works of fiction meant to obfuscate actual truth, similar to the flerf glow. There's definitely and ancient history to mankind and the Earth we are unaware of, but it's not this.I hope I know the truth one day.
>>39526047industrialization is not progress, it’s mass extinction. If you’re looking for industry as a marker of intellectual sophistication, no wonder you can’t find it: industry is self-destruction, the loss of millions of years of accumulated knowledge, the consumption of its own basis for existence. Any pre-modern industrial culture killed itself before it could leave large-scale evidence of harm.
>>39526091The problem is not industrialization, it's capitalism and consumerism.High part of our industry is to produce useless trash. I don't believe it's possible to have things like space travel without industry.
>>39521458>Do you guys think a primordial, but advanced civilization existed?More likely than not. Humans are only a few hundred thousand years old. A dominant species likely existed prior to that.
>>39526152>I don't believe it's possible to have things like space travel without industry.Lichen, cryptoendolithic bacteria, some biofilm microbes and even tardigrades can all accomplish space travel without technology and likely already do.
>>39521458I think it's possible that before our recorded history that multiple large civilizations could have existed, but something tells me that none of them were much more technologically advanced than what we know of life in the 15th century.
>>39525903oh idk anon. sometimes i feel like babbling, sometimes i don't. i've posted here before, yes, plenty of times. but nothing immediately comes to mind.>>39526076yeah, if they're that far ahead of us (and if they're dinosaurs, they are), then there's no real chance for us if it comes to blows.
>>39525246Why the hell would a more advanced, wiser civilization develop toxic waste as a consumer product? Were they ruled by greedy immoral jews too?
>>39521458>advanced civilization existed?at least 3 major ones did>Why haven't we found any evidence of such older civilizations?2 of them are under the ocean one in the atlantic the other in the pacific ocean, the 1st one got wiped out by the annunaki>Who were they?the real humans not the abominations we are today but the pure beings we were meant to be>completely wiped out?not fully yet but its getting close
>>39527213how did the ancient civilization fix the pollution problem?
>>39525766>It's not so hard to believe that a civilization that exists at any point in time would want to find ways to make sure it never truly disappears.Göbekli Tepe and the Terracotta Army come to mind. Both having been intentionally buried.
Its fun to imagine...And comforting to crunch the numbers...But imagination is a tool...And so easy to become slave to it...Fountain head...
>>39527954It seems pretty apparent that the Egyptians (as we know them) didn't build the pyramids or much of anything in/around the Giza complex, that they just inherited it or came across it. The Incas/Mayans told the Spanish that they didn't build their pyramid complexes, that it was done long ago by gods or giants or whatever. They (archaeologists) keep finding more and more cities and pyramid complexes every time they lidar a new stretch of jungle. As things stand, there's dozens of cities that would have accommodated tens of millions of inhabitants with complex roads, waterways, and irrigation systems all over the Amazon.They say the South/Central American civilizations came much later than Egypt, but current dating can't be trusted as many of those cities were still being inhabited as late as the middle of the 2nd millenium when the Spaniards showed up. The similarities found in the megalithic, polygonal masonry construction between the Americas, the middle east, and even sites in the far east can't be coincidence. In any event, it stands to reason that these Mysterious Helpers were still hanging out as late as the middle or even the end of the 1st millenium. I'm not so sure they would have been pleased with all the human sacrifice.>>39527972>...>...>...>...>...
A lot of significant changes in the human genome were made recently (last 10,000 years) and in response to human civilization. Even the past 1000 years have seen significant changes on a population-wide scale. If there were an ancient civilizations I think it would show up in the human genetics data.Gold and silver coins and artifacts also have the potential to last tens of thousands of years if not longer, and the oldest ones we know of are not even 3,000 years old. If the civilization doesn't have currency, can it be called an advanced civilization?
we're not looking in the right placesruins are either submerged or buried in deserts or jungles.Construction workers make most of the discoveries... archeologists arent digging/diving/jungling that much on their own. So we know the lands we build on. A map of Earth from 11000bc is a good start along with a good grasp on climate history of the last 50k minimum. Ultimately the last 2-3 ice age cycles are good to know so 250-400k back. We're became sentient in the previous ice age cycle 250-300k ago and became dominant in this cycle as the others became extinct.
>>39521458>why haven't we found evidence of such older civilisations?We found the Giza plateau.The pyramids are aligned with Orion's belt.Various ancient manuscripts describe a people from the stars who built the world, and a flood that wiped them out.The biblical version calls them Nephilim. In Aramaic, the language of Jesus and most people in the region when the Bible was written, Nephile specifically refers to Orion's belt.Perhaps the Orion built the world.It's a dangerous suggestion. Most people even on /x/ seem convinced that all Orions are evil reptilian rapists who drink gentile blood for breakfast.There's the suggestion that Mintaka was wiped out by the reptilians. I doubt that people ever considered the possibility that it wasn't inhabited by reptilians before they destroyed it.And perhaps those people made it all the way here, and the reptilians found them and flooded their world.
>>39521458Yeah. The Lemurians were real. The Atlanteans want back up to the surface. They can’t reach us but are pissed off.
>>39531235>The pyramids are aligned with Orion's belt.No they aren’t>Nephile refers to Orion in AramaicNo it doesn’t
>>39528551Obviously “civilization” (useless word) predates currency
>>39521458Go research what the asteroid belt actually isMarduk vs MarsEarth is a refugee camp from the great nuclear warAtlantis was one of the first refugee colonies after everyone was dumped in Antartica
>>39531400Indeed it doesn't in any way at all
>>39531410How advanced could the civilization be without a way to store value and a medium of exchange?
>>39531574their age ended 12000 years ago after 1000 years of a surprise mini ice age. Most mega fauna died at the start of the Younger Dryas. Sea level rose, lands sank and rose too. 2-3 miles ice sheets are excellent grinders and later catastrophic serial flooders. The whole climate changed everywhere and the few nice places remaining were heavily contested. This last age was populated by the previous high tech doom survivors from Atlantis and their enemies. They were already going down from the real doom. It just took them a whole age for their civs to died out properly. Then we showed up and they started to manage us until then end of the bronze age.the age before high tech atlantis ended around the Toba eruption time.you should be able to get the picture us11600bc 30000bc dooom survivors30000bc 70000bc high tech atlantis70000bc 12500bc golden age / migration out of the garden aka atlantis125000 250000 quarantine age / garden time / dominant people put us there
>>39528551>If the civilization doesn't have currency, can it be called an advanced civilization?I figure that until a civilization can function without currency, only then can it become truly advanced
>>39533090That doesn't make any sense because the pricing mechanism is the most efficient way to determine how to allocate resources. If you have no pricing mechanism then resource distribution occurs by fiat or by barter and both are less efficient than markets.>>39532985So if a golden age of humanity existed from 125,000 BC to 30,000 BC where is the evidence of it? We have bodies of Neanderthals which have larger brains than humans but there's not much evidence those people belonged to what you could call an advanced civilization.
>>39528551>Gold and silver coins and artifacts also have the potential to last tens of thousands of years if not longer,Correct> and the oldest ones we know of are not even 3,000 years old.They are RATED 3K by "modern historians". Which we all know how well then can rate that, and also they are heavily biased by the Vatican jesuits to make their cult based on bible stories the oldest. Obviously we already found many gold coins older than 3K old. >>If the civilization doesn't have currency, can it be called an advanced civilization?IMHO If a civilization reaches Free Energy only one can call it an advanced civilization.
>>39525766>>39525771>>39525784>>39525792Anon, as I posted above, >>39533463 A civilization that reaches Free Energy only can be called an advanced civilization.So, an advanced civilization of the past: 1) reached Free Energy status, where no war for energy is necessary. And their energy sources are so abundant (such as atmospheric or planetary produced electricity, or they figured to extract and use Hydrogen etc.) where you don't need to slave away for energy. >like a slavery system for oil and electricity we have now where you have to work 1/5 of your time for energy. >>Nuclear war. Flood. Meteor. Solar flare. Whatever.>>But even after so short a time as 5-6 generations, most stories of the old world, as well as most of its knowledge, and certainly 90% of all the technology would be all but gone. >>What would be the state of humanity on the surface, assuming it still existed, after all that time?You are correct in your assumptions. >The problem is that this isn't overdue,> the psychopaths wanted power and killed everybody on purpose. And then they burned all the libraries and killed all people who had any knowledge (they burned the "witches"). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_destroyed_libraries>>What if the Sumerian pantheon (and thus Egyptian, Greek, and eventually Roman pantheons) weren't gods or even aliens? >>What if they were just remnants of the previous civilization, it is us, our previous civs. There are a number of ancient energy technologies that you can identify now, clearly. We can easily identify at least 4 different networks of ancient power plants that are similar or identical , more or less, across the world.
>>39533519>And then they burned all the libraries and killed all people who had any knowledge (they burned the "witches").I'd have to agree there, as well. As in the above posts, I think it's possible that religion's progression is just a degradation of our understanding (or our lack of ability to effectively communicate from generation to generation) the instructions given to us by the precursor civ, as in my "rain god" example. It seems that there were many precursors that were fairly well known int their respective spheres of influence. Some overlapped. Others seem to have had alter egos in different parts of current human civs, as the Sumerian/Egyptian/Greek/Roman pantheons have no shortage of almost direct "substitutions" in their pre-Spanish central/south American beliefs.The first hints of monotheism in the middle east ~2000BC among the Babylonians, Akkadians, Assyrians (Marduk) and the jews (Yahweh) was just another step. Of course, while the Marduk worship, even if it lasted a couple thousand years, eventually died out along with their host nations, jewish monotheism saw the advent of christianity, culminating in the Catholic church, who spent many, many hundreds of years scouring the globe for religious relics and texts, and slaughtering anyone who wouldn't accept them as the middlemen between the unlucky potential convert and their new god.Religious fervor? A holy, righteous attempt to purge the world of heretics and their blasphemies? Maybe.Or were they operating on direct instructions from "god" to purge the world of relics and knowledge of a previous age? (Which they've accomplished quite handily, intentional or not.) Seems just as plausible.
>>39533519There's no such thing as free energy, all energy requires energy and resources to extract. We are leeching off of the Sun's energy but that energy isn't infinite, it will burn out in a few billion years.