Saturn is a feminine and androgynous planet. As its influence grows in Aquarius and the solar forces disappear, humanity will become more infertile, feminine and collectivist until it becomes a hive mind.
>>39524206resistance is futile
>>39524206not even you believe such faggotry , troon
>>39524206We are in the age of Aquarius right now. These energies are clearly dominant in society.Science is the dominant religion of society. The impersonal interactions of internet and social media are very Aquarian.Saturn and Mercury are dignified in this Age - there has never been a better time to seek out information that was hidden away in previous Ages. Saturn is said to quickly bring the results of karma in this Age. Sun is afflicted in Aquarius, meaning that men, fathers and careers don't receive the respect they deserve.Proponents of medieval astrology suggest that the Pisces world where religion is the opiate of the masses will be replaced in the Aquarian Age by a world ruled by secretive, power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others; that knowledge in the Aquarian Age will only be valued for its ability to win wars; that knowledge and science will be abused, not industry and trade; and that the Aquarian Age will be a Dark Age in which religion is considered offensive.In short, it means Aquarius drowns everything in the waters of information. Expect unlimited psyops, techno-hell, and the rise of transhumanism in public possibly. Basically, their thousand year plan is coming to fruition and it's over, nobody is coming to save you. Goodnight.
>>39524206Yet its the air and fire signs which are considered masculine. Over the next couple years we are experiencing a huge vibe shift from outer planets moving from feminine signs to masculine ones. Capricorn is feminine, not Aquarius.
you will take hrt, you will join the polycule
>>39524206Aquarius has always been male.At best you could say it's always been the sign of the eunuch or sodomite *because* of Saturn's feminine nature which just becomes a tranny or femboy in Aquarius. It's true the emasculative rites follow close behind, like the coy sodomy of Ganymede or the ritual fury of Kronos' or Cybele's castrations, but that is the very depiction of Saturn's perversion and receptive/feminine nature channeled through a primarily masculine force.
Additionally, all the (inner) planets rule both a masculine and feminine sign. Except for the Sun and Moon of course, which are undeniably gendered. So ascribing androgyny uniquely to Saturn seems silly.
>>39524206Are you saying that Saturn is a tranny?
>>39524720Mars and venus are masculine and feminine
>>39524416heh...same, there's a reason why in the bible it says for you to run into the woods.
>>39524739And yet they have domicile over both genders by sign as well. Libra, the Sword of Justice would be an odd ascription to femininity. And yet, it is Venusian. Scorpio, an emotional broodpot, undeniably feminine. But it belongs to Mars. Perhaps these governing forces contain both genders and it is human projection that has painted them into little characters that look like us.
>>39524729always was... there's even a hexagon on it.humans made the mistake of never getting rid of that world, we used to have enough technology to destroy any planet or celestial body that threatened us in the way saturn does right now.
>>39524206Is there anything good about Saturn?
>>39524729>>39524798Saturnic panic is understandable because of its influence, but you schizos have taken the lore to insane places.
>>39524853Of course. It is the planet of maturity, discipline, achievement, recognition. But its lessons are often learned through perilous trials and suffering. Saturn is in no way a "nice" planet but we need him. Known as the boundary keeper for the interior "personal" planets, he is the one who says the word "no." And he is relentless, as his motion is slow. If you do not learn Saturn's lessons, your pain will be long and extended. As opposed to Mars' injury, which is swift. Mars is a Volcano. Saturn is a glacier eroding the continent.
>>39524885Is there a way to know what does Saturn want from (You)?
>>39524868do you really think nothing happened in the younger dryas?
>>39525372Use a planetarium software and find the time of your exact Saturn return (when it falls in the same position as it was at your birth, around 27-29 years old.) Compare the positions of the planets around it during return to where they were at natal and you will see what direction your life is meant to take. Then you can analyze and realize what is standing in the way between then and where you started. You can do this for your second Saturn return as well.
Aquarius Pluto and Aquarius Saturn.a New Order(change, a Plutonian theme) but which will not bring liberation(strong Saturn-structure and restrictions)
>>39525372This anon gets it >>39525411. Your Saturn return(s) will reveal the fruits of his curriculum and this is a period when one must mature, or face suffering. Many dread Saturn return years. Yet, there really is nothing to fear. This fear (and the insane neurosis about Saturn, in general) is the result of living in an extremely infantilized culture. Do not resist what comes naturally to you. Do not withhold your light from the world. When we ignore Saturn (especially during his important transits) our worlds are often turned upside down. Great gifts are bestowed when we grow up. Woe to all who ignore Saturn.
>>39525411>>39525522Should I just look for when natal Saturn makes 0 degrees conjunction with transiting Saturn?
saturn is not feminine at all dumb fuck. it’s literally the most masculine planet. saturn is the wise strict teacher. the father who is seen as abusive by outsiders because of how disciplining his parenting is. the drill sergeant. fuck you tranny
>>39525706uranus is the guilty one here.