Why are the Japanese more in tune with western esotericism then westerns Japan is more of a Masonic country then America the country founded by and for Masons
They think it's cool while western normies think it's cringe.
japs love larping
>>39528225Literally this.
>>39528225The thing though is Western Masonry fell to Larping while Japan held true to the deeper truths Which is why they are still potrayed in Japanese media while western occult media died with Walt Disney for the most part
>>39528567So japan's intensity and serious-taking they have with larping saved masonry from degenerating?Or accelerated it? Idk what you are saying.
>heckin secret occult larp :|>heckin secret occult larp: japan :o
>>39527835I'd imagine they're UGLE-aligned "Regular" Freemasons.If that's the case, they aren't involved in western esotericism. A couple hundred years ago, there was a split in Freemasonry. It was over removing the requirement for God and allowing women.Grand Orient AKA Continental Freemasonry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continental_Freemasonry) is the continuation of the original stream. "Regular" Freemasonry, on the other hand, stuck with the trappings and became a fraternal club of sorts. "Regular" Freemasonry forbids talk of politics and religion in its lodges, while Continental Freemasonry readily meddles in both.Point being, Continental Freemasonry is the esoteric stuff and these guys most likely ain't practicing that.
spirituality in the us got ruined by christianity and new age crap and it has never recovered
>>39528580Maybe there intense passion for zero nonsense outside of nonsense designated zones and perfectionism is why Eastern Masonry didn’t fall into pure vanity and larping like the West has I can say only 1 out of 1000 people in the West that have an interest in the occult actually know anything but larp The East has yet to fall into these psychotic trappings like the West has with our twisted egos or whatever is going on
In the 90s there was an esoteric craze that ended after some cults, as in high control groups arose, in that period they were interested in western esotericism.Further, there is a history of esoteric Buddhism in Japan, Tendai and Shingon, so the idea of things being esoteric and requiring teachers is not unheard of to them. Actual practiced religion and belief is very private in Japan as well.
>>39528629If christianity ruined US spirituality, what spirituality are you actually talking about? Because christianity on the continent predates the founding of the USA.
>>39528675More tally marks for most basado country
>>39528694US christianity, even Protestantism is really different from those found in the continent and elsewhere. Things like literalism and focuses on politics aren't quite like that elsewhere except where the us exported it's types. US protestantism is also really connected to the US legal system in the sense of splitting churches. That is not quite the case in Europe.
>>39528710Oh you mean recent times.I thought you were making some anthropological argument for the existence of christian settlers and spanish missions for annihilating some ancient native american magic culture.
Asians are extremely malleable and easily influenced. They are mathematically intelligent but creatively devoid. That's why all of their countries and cultures are sprawling and homogenous, but ruled over with an iron fist. They have experienced no great revolutions, and have no great revolutionaries, because they are an ant-like people who follow whatever they consider to be the highest authority. That's why they so easily adopted western dress and customs when the west conquered them. Freemasonry is the epitome of that. I have no doubt in my mind that Asian governments, particularly in Japan and Korea, are overwhelmed by masonic influence in a way that even the US cannot fathom. Anime and weeb culture are the product of masonic Asian groups being led by Jews.
>>39528710I will agree that literalism is the bane of all wisdom and true understanding of scriptural text, regardless of culture or religion in question. But i think the often remarked on similarity on some protestant churches to american courthouses is putting the cart before the horse and assuming the opposite of what actually happened. We based courthouses in america on protestant churches, not the other way around.
>>39528694>Around the time of the Revolutionary War, most American Christians belonged to Anglican, Congregationalist, or Presbyterian groups. In 1776, there were also around 2,000 Jews (mostly Sephardic) and five synagogues in the colonies. The average size of a church congregation was around seventy-five members, and religious adherence amounted to only 17 percent of the total populationhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_who_were_Freemasonswe need to retvrn
>>39528735>They have experienced no great revolutions, and have no great revolutionaries, Tell me how you know nothing about history without telling me you know nothing about history
>>39528720I am a different anon. I would even go far enough to argue that US christianity has a history of being connected to views of magic and occult stuff. A lot of US restorationist movements were less Christian aligned and dealt with folk magic. They always tended to be literalists though. Pic is a related book. However, there was always and still is a lot less structure in US religion, to this day. in Europe or Japan the assumption is you have been trained to be a priest.In some countries you can be a priest without training but no one would really trust you. In Japan, it is assumed a Buddhist cleric should be academically trained to be a cleric in their tradition, not necessarily even to be a scholar cleric or ascetic either. Shin. Hence, why there are degrees in Shin Buddhist studies. Shinto priests have to different Jinja and Shinto studies, albeit more focused on rituals.
>>39528743But its the end times anon, be joyful.
>>39528770>in japan its assumed you've been trained as a priest. That makes the reality of zen even more hilarious.
>>39527895Unironically a thing in Japan yes.
>>39528763Stay mad, ricepeen.
>>39528792bro the history of china alone is a revolt every 300 years killing 30 million people. you are just wrong
>>39528808>brooo you're just like.... wrongMeanwhile every asian on earth eats dirt noodles, draws funny scribbles from a catalog of 10,000 characters needed to define "tree" and "poop", and derives every ounce of influence from western cultures comprised of far less people. You lost the culture war. Your k-pop is not going to save you, Kenji. You worshipped the Judeo-Christian cock from day 1 and now you suffer the consequences.
>>39528735They have a very deep intellectual and debate tradition besides history of aesthetics. I will focus on Japan.In Japan, there is a history of the development of formalized debate structure just like the West. Originally associated with the Tendai and Shingon Buddhist traditions. Buddhist traditions developed formal debate practices. However, ideas of things like free speech and debate culture arose with the Shin Buddhist philosopher Rennyo in the 15th CE. He basically argued for a role of public reason and private reasoning. Basically, that everyone should investigate for themselves what they believed. This lecture describes his views in relation to Shin Buddhism but this part is captured around the 46:00 minute mark.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBuy0u3Cwhw&t=4349s
>>39527895>>39528787Japan is based off post ww2 America America just degenerated while Japan held true to the ideal with there super Asian autism that blocks all Jewish black magic :p only kinda joking
>>39528820Japan in terms of aesthetics, is actually kinda of unique because everything there is pretty much designed around a bunch of principles collected over time. This includes everything from their land rights and Georgist property and tax laws to views of expectations of how close nature is to where they live or shinzen. They have a huge focus on negative space or ma. Basically, unutilized space itself serves a utility. This is often mistaken for simple minimalism but it explains why they avoid for example designing cities with sprawl.
>>39527835Modern Japan was founded by Masons too, anon... Remember who lost the war.
>>39528629You make it sound like Jews only has problem with whites, and allows other ethnicities/races to remain in their slave status, but whites need to be annihilated for whatever reason.What went wrong? Did Napoleon and Hitler go too rogue for their liking? Is that why whites are punished now?
>>39528735>They have experienced no great revolutions, and have no great revolutionarieswhat revolutions are you talking about? most of revolutions in west has been done by jews and masons, no? Westerners have had their rightful rulers usurped/overthrown multiple times by external forces
>>39528864i didnt say anything about white people
>>39528820>bing bong, ching chongPowerful stuff. The Asian predilection towards rejecting God and embracing the self is a soft, hippie attitude that was always destined for failure. I think what you said is quite funny, actually:>They have a very deep intellectual and debate tradition>In Japan, there is a history of the development of formalized debate structure just like the West>just like the WestYou can't help but compare yourselves to the conquerors. This is why all of the Koreans dye their hair red and blonde, and why Japs make video games about epic blonde man saving the world. Asians cannot create, they can only attempt to imitate what they're shown.A people without the ability to innovate are not a people at all; they are animals, slaves. I'm sure that many particularly buttpained, slant-eyed men would contrive arguments about, "b-but do you see what has become of America? The west is le lost!!", meanwhile eastern countries continue to live in the shadow of the west, and the vast majority of white and jewish westerners live lavish lives, allowing the ethnics to do their dirty work. Slavery never ended, it has only be reconstrued and expanded. I believe the end goal of Freemasonry is to create a society in which a ruling class of elites, comprised of equal parts Jews and Anglos, live in giant villas set amidst sprawling, empty valleys, while a horde of Afro-Asian mutts other continents putter away in factories, presided over by robots, sending resources and supplies back to the home country so the ruling class can can continue to live lavishly. The fact of the matter here, is thus: God, whether good or evil (or both), was the key to success. The Jew and the Anglo realized this long ago, and formed a unified culture in which God is glorified, and thus these people received God's blessing. Their ultimate goal, then, is to receive the blessing of God, while depriving others of it, in pursuit of their own glory. In short, you lost.
>>39528951I don't think they care about the west all that much actually. Just like we ingest their culture without thinking about their values they don't care either unless they are prompted to by us. General Far East Asian countries especially Japan focus on being selfless. The Shin Buddhist idea of Shinjin, is actually the main way they think about it even they don't believe in the religion. This is the idea underlying every shonen protagonist for example. Even if you are dumb you trust people do the right thing and you do the right even if you fail. The idea is that spontaneously others will do the right thing and you will do the right thing. This underlies why for example Japanese people don't really worry about people stealing things or expect people t o clean up afterthemeslves. It is also why they get very very shocked if you don't do those things. This also connected to 'ganbare' culture, the idea that you have to have determination or initiative and no one will do things for you.
>>39528999>I don't think they care about the west all that much actuallyYeah bro, that's why their young girls where English schoolgirl clothing, why they pump out shit like OoT, FF7 and Trigun, why they're all obsessed with Elvis, why they mix English phrases into every Kanji-laden storefront, and why they allow white men to dropship into their country to fuck asian women, eat dumplings and take the fast track back home. They don't care at all, bro.
>>39528910Yeah but that's probably the root problem. For whatever reason, whatever alien species white represent, the jews represent some other species, and that other species seems to have problem with whatever species white represent. It's quite simple as that. It's called "spirit war" for a reason
>>39529041You are selecting the outskirts of their culture and things that would get you excluded from their society. It would be like identifying US culture via pornhub or ganster rap from inner-city Detroit. It is not very representative.
>>39529041>Yeah bro, that's why their young girls wear trad japanese clothing, why they pump out shit like Avatar, Arcane and Nu-Castlevania, why they're all obsessed with BTS, Jujutsu Kaisen and Gibli movies, why they give themselves retarded japanese aliases, and why they allow chink men to dropship into their country to steal research from academia, eat borger and take the fast track back home. They don't care at all, bro.Cant just be the allure of an exotic culture huh?
>>39527835They aren't, america is just obsessed with obscuring what's going on.
>>39529060what the fuck are you talking about
>>39528567What deeper truths? Like ancestor worship and such?
>>39529560Take as much lsd as you can stand and watch your favorite anime
>>39528833Japan has the same amount of degeneracy the USA would have if not for...
>>39529655cringe. get out
Japan's dominant elitists don't have nukes to sit on and wave around.
>>39529695Your loss
>>39527835Sad if true
Sad, as in disappointed in Japan, not that any one country is more or less masonic than the other. For the record.
>>39529746There’s actually a ranking system within the club for influence over a country and Japan ranks higher
>>39529753I thought they were better than that, but really should n't be surprised
>>39529770Well after the hyper Korean wars things have really changed.
>>39529655LSD told me I should do it next time with either a lover or fully surrounded by natureAlso dunno if Berserk is such a good idea there
>>39529989Then listen to your inner voice not some retard online lol I feel like watching berserk could go two ways you either see all the negativity as a funny joke or you start to think you’re one of the sacrifices and that this is indeed beserk
>>39527835Those bombs really did a number on tem.
>>39531881The rabbit whole goes very deep
>>39527835because americans are retarded, spiritually and emotionally dead
>>39528818He's done you, badly.
>>39528770I also recommend that book, very eye opening when it comes to Mormonism.
Japanese media loves symbolism and metaphor.Western media hates symbolism and metaphor to the point it shames it all as pretentious.That's literally all it takes to completely destroy the people. We still think largely in hieroglyphics. If you kill that mode of thinking your people become stupid.
>>39528567How is Walt Disney occult? Not disputing what you said I'm curious to know more.
>>39532417Lol bro just look at how many Disney films have to do with magic and spells and shit. Almost every single one of them. Disney was a literal wizard
>>39532417Heavily involved in masonry and hid the messages of the great work through his cartoons https://youtu.be/hl6JDv4ZG7UI don’t care for Jordan Peterson but when he talks of the fall of creativity and morality within media he’s talking about this
>>39532442America was actually founded to escape religious persecution among many other things
>>39529478jews' root race is reptiliansreptilians might have beef with root race of whitesit's not that hard to figure out, most of universe hates reptilians