Post images with written context and explanations that represent you achieving your highest potential or what you seek for your ideal self to be as you achieve greatness.For example! Ichigo Final Mugetsu Tenshou is Magnum Opus ideal self where I seek to master both Light and Darkness and Life and Death to the point I went beyond Both Celestial and Infernal, having a beautiful dark demonic form but an angelic soul and intentions to become the Transcended Hero. So post your images of what your occult, magickal, spiritual, or religious potential you like to achieve with explanation written text! Please post written text don't forget!
>>39529614I will transcend this mortal existence and become immortal spaghetti.
>>39529745Rooting for you Eldritch spaghetti God!
>>39529861Please post written text explaining what this means to you?
>>39529614Ascending to the Godhead and being reincarnated as an avatara to bring wisdom and light to the Earth is my highest potential. Plus I'd be blue
>>39529885Bro go for it! All of us including the Devas are rooting and aak the heavens for you to succeed to you'll be the reincarnated hero to us all! The Gods
I just want my pants back
Honestly I have spent so long in the journey that I don't even know anymore. I just want to reach the top of that mountain.
>>39529745Italians live in fear since you posted this
>>39529614This world is too much fun to completely transcend for now.I want to become such a mighty creator, a flame that will light the entire world (or set it on fire).The word "doom-driven hero" just came into my mind.
>>39529614>no explanation required