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Welcome here we will be cross referencing viseral experiance with the um tarot and dreams

- so we can easier interpret our dreams

for example I was thinking you can can start here
cups - water/ emotion (think rivers for time, lakes for patience prehaps the four of cups, uh sea for doubt and vengence so like 8 of cups and boats for crossing ocean six of swords)
swords air/mental ( think wind hurricance soft summer breeze, think sky clouds the weather accross barren lands and cold days think ice for frozen water is swords also maybe a nice like hmmm two of swords could invoke swords of ice. the refining of emotion to decision but the disaccosition from its flow)
wands fire/art/creation/action/sex/danger! (GEE this ones hard. so for this maybe naked people and literally different clours of flames as light is conntative of like you know like fire and light cross and we could do a cold flame for the like what would you do that for for the star.
pentacles coins/earth/money/flowers, grass, trees, the weather from an inside perspective, / health (was thinking eight of swords could be represented by an hour glass but like maybe a tree in wind that grows fast? idk how to do coins its hard help me lol nautre and time. buildings. gold. theift.

soul cards should be something too not sure what any ideas?

the goal of this thread is to create a codification of 78 cards with exceptional symbolgy easily used in dreams and understood by readers.
alright so ace of cups
a cup in your hand over flowing - symbolizes a love of the present moment hand connects to present cup connects to heart and feminine water to emotions love it is new or reborn love it is the beginning and base of love easy one.

two of cups. a drink with the member of the opposite sex or otherwise desired sex and sexuality for romance for you if youre a sexual would imply curiosity into romance. talking doesn't matter about what what matters if you drink the drink and if it tastes good even if its just water if it taste good you know she honest if it taste bad you know shes not ect whatever gender

three of cups idk I need some help I'm thinking a triangle and water how do I do that and I know its friendship but it can be alterior influence and like emotional cheating and shit
general reading please
three of cups
its like rain but you're sheltered. if youre walking down the street with your partner and he offers YOUR umberralla to another GIRL then he cheating he cheating bad thats a dream he cheats fuck him anyway we'll handle the vengence side of that on 3 of of swords also will indicate if youre insecure or something how it feels to be in the rain maybe you like being int he rain? that means go fishing girl go fishing hard that umbrella should be just you two.
if you get an umbrella dream that doesnt end in him giving it to another you got a loyal man that's good and he's loyaly ok triangel umbrella done. for firendship its you and youre too mates all squeezing hard lol three is the best friends
no not reading here
what does four evoke in you its a square? ice cubes?? lets just say ice cubes

five is like drowinging or someone you love dies at sea and theres nothing you can do to stop it lol but if internal trouble youre the one drowning also spilling water is a minor of this card just a disappointment drowning is literal life and death from illness and complications very important emotions can kill

six is a vase of flowers

seven hmmmm misty morning lets say has to be break of morning like pride and prejudice and it means youre starting on a good path

then eight leaving how do you leave a water?
we clocking this shit! lets keep going! easier with you har sorry if it all makes sense or none just confusion
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The Hermit - IX

He is facing West which nods to both Hermeticism/(Hermit)ism as the western esoteric tradition, but he is also facing the past nodding to the Old Tradition.

Lantern in his right hand, in the lantern is a six-pointed star, the Star of David. The conjunction of two Triangles/Triads.

Staff/Stave in his left hand it is made of a metal, using context it is either gold or bronze, the Staff of Aaron. Oswald Wirth's Hermit has a snake curling around its end.

I - The Magician
X - Wheel of Fortune

He is a Time Mage.

This is all for now.
ok directions are very importnat to me to me west is a tiring journy but you keep walking until you die and you are rewarded.

Now I like your description and if wer're going to use complex symblogoly I think we can fairly call the Major Arcana like in term of spirit guides and how those around you are teaching you like if your mom is where a flower crown she's in an empress nuturuing roles can also help spirits define their purpose in dreams

there are two angel cards and two demon cards
temperance judgement three actually the angel from the lovers bless that

then we have the devil and death for demons to hone as
also they are life turning points so if the POV is I'm got a latern in my hand and a staff climbing a mountain then what I'm about to learn a thruth right

say I climb the mountain an the staff comes off and I find my home and tools magicain. and Iuse them to build a wheel then if the wheel is a matter of time thing its saying your essentially creating time
is the IT movie cursed??? i felt sooo awful vibes emiting whilst watching i had to clense after
not that sort of a thread
ok and west is like left to right its backwards its returning inward seek because the direction I follow letters would be the opposite in hebrew
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I agree with the Major Arcana corresponding to Spirit Guides, but I also believe they are always working for our good. The Angel/Demon or Light/Dark alignments of each card can be tricky as in XIII he may often be seen as an Adversary however this Adversary is also a Herald to warn of change, the Major before Death is the 12 - Hanged Man which symbolizes enlightenment, and then after Enlightenment comes 13 or a spiritual death, like Baptism. Death in appearances is seen as an Adversary or a Satan to us but in the end it transforms us and leads us to XIV - Temperance which brings us peace and balance. This peace and balance is disrupted by XV - The Devil which causes us Destruction (XVI - The Tower), but after that destruction comes hope (XVII - The Star) which leads us to search inward (XVIII The Moon) and this introspection brings us to XIX - The Sun which is where we find Joy. Although some of the Majors are seemingly be working against us, they are the ones that ultimately build us and bring us closer to XX - The World or Completion. So in a sense they are all our allies even the ones that cause us temporal harm.

Yes, I agree it is through the Hermit we find our Tools (Magician) but it takes us Time (Wheel of Fortune) to find them. The I and X numerals help reveal the truth behind the Hermit. It is also through those Tools that we manifest Time/Fortune in that sense.
roman numerals could be our friend I agree
*XXI - The World
I'm also considering flower correspondances; lavender for sleep and the underlaying and time and willing denial
rose for love that draws blood pain challenges you
sun flower joy and pride youth and living in the moment without forcing it i dunno what a daisy does but yeah
This can also be helpful for the Minors. Like when you brought up 3 of Cups this leads us to III - Empress, and when paired there are four women, three in the cups and one in the Major which creates 4 and the 4th Major is IV - Emperor which nods to its meaning of Relationships. Like the relationship of the Empress and the Emperor as King and Queen of the Majors.

I agree Flower Symbolism is very important, like the White Rose in the Fool's hand and the Harvest Flower on Death's banner.
right ok liking this train of thought

so like they could be sisters too and also have ties to the fates through nyx.
ok so should we introduce the element of a red string and how would we use that? also obviously a gold string of immortality is implied in like the sun a bit and ........ nine of pent but only in certain situations idk I'm feeling way out classed by my skill is simplicity. ok so heres my socks my association

fool - cliff
magician - hammer (simplifies the four elements for easyer translation y/N)
highpreistess - veils
empress - flower crown
emperor - eagle?
hierophant - keys
lovers - red string
chariot - horses literal chariot, um simpler though then a car, driving a car is the modern translation
strength - lions in friend ship or attack, the open of a mouth through gentle touch
hermit - a mountain?
wheel of fotune - literal wheel easy
Hanged man hard one - um the sensation of being dragged
death - wow idk here has to be like transfomative maybe just a black flag? with or without flower to denote harvest aspect
ok temperance - water taken from a river, early morning light
devil - chains, blood lust
ok then next one tower I think so that's like lighting
then star, pour water into a river
moon crawling from the water
sun gee just the sun itself
jusgement - trumpets and light breaking from heaven
the world - circels, globe
what if we give each thing three associative paths

1 object past assocation
2 animal present association
3 feeling future assocaition
is that too ambitious and catorgoirical or a good idea?
Simplification may be difficult as the result of simplifying Tarot we will lose a lot of meaning found in each card, despite that here is what I think of your simplification of each

0 - Cliff works but I would suggest using a White Rose and a Feather
I - Hammer works but you can also use a Wand and Infinite symbol
II - Veil is good, you can also add Pomegranates
III - Flower Crown is good, you also can add the Venus symbol
IV - I would use a Ram and a Scepter
V - Keys is perfect
VI - Red Ribbon works
VII - You can simplify it further and use a Top Spinner as found on the crest
VIII - You can also use a Lion's mouth and a pair of hands
IX - I would use a Lantern
X - Wheel is perfect
XI - Scales and a Sword
XII - I would use the letter Tau
XIII - You can also use a Scythe
XIV - A cup pouring into another
XV - Chains is perfect
XVI - That works
XVII - You can also use a Star
XVIII - A moon works
XIX - Yes the sun
XX - Perfect
XXI - Good

That is my two cents, hope it helps.
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If you want to use a simplified system you can try Lenormand.
ok do you want to work the minors
I'll think on the XII cause it has to be an object object might even have to go with a rope like eh idk a noose or something like
apart from that I agree with most of these

Infinitity goes to strength too
white roseis in both death and fool can't be chaingd to one and feathers all over the place
for pomergranants then I would say maybe but Ihave very specific greek roots in my theory and yeah pomergranants would be the effective taking in of a mans seed you understand that right that its the seduction and gratification of a man? we can put it in but the symbols link might need explaining so the meaning isn't lost.

want something simpler for 8
not sure what a top spinner is
venus symbol its hard to process in a dream for most people since its a straight symbol but its easy to remmeber after the fact so yeah I back it.
I really like hammer for magician because it brings like these special connatations of skilled work where wands are more like inspired like truely magical yes but inaccessbile they hold a glamour of like you will never have the right wand to do magic cause your not magic for me though I have had some great wands so maybe just list both with different conntation

hammer might be better for a 8 of wands actually but a wand is still only a wand what if we use a table instead for magician?
thank you if you've read it could share some links?
can you do me a favor and think a couple sceen and setting wether land socks assocoations for the majors? dont need it for the lowers but if raining at night under the stars = the star or sunny day is the sun or like a water fall for example for temperance? can you do that I have to get a smoke I'll come and collabe but give me inital readings and leave a ? if you can't thikn and I'll brute force my mind to socks it

Fool - cliff - donkey
Magician - sky with fire works - green match box
High Preistess - black sky over ocean - pompergrants for reciprocal pregnancy, veil for mystery
Empress - meadow - flower crown
Emperor - rocky ground - ram
Hierophant - thunder - keys
Lovers - sharing fruit with a partner beneath an open sky- red string
Chariot - wind at your back - spinning top
Strength - sun appears from behind clouds - a candle because a candel is light in the dark and a patience waiter that steadily burns
Hermit - steep path - latnern
Wheel of Fortune - sandy beach that tretches on - hourglass

Justice - boulder rolling down a hill - scales
Hanged Man - rain that turns to hail that turns to snow - yoyo
Death - fire in the sky over a harvest feild - sythe
Temperance - drinking or taking river water - cups that pass water between
Devil - a red sky with black ground - chains
Tower - lightning esp hitting a grand building - falling, then rubble
Star - pouring water into a river - a well
Moon - moony night obvi - opal
Sun - sunny day obvi - sunflowers
Judgement - light breaking from heaven - trumpets
World - globe viewed from space - circle implied as a completion, in feeling or verbatim

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