Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.The Main Concepts:> Imagination creates Reality> Assumptions harden into fact> Consciousness is the only Reality> Feeling is the Secret> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)> You are the Operant Power> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)> Can I manifest ___?Yes! Creation is finished.> Curious? Do the Ladder Experimentpastebin.com/yXqanLu6> The Simple Techniquehttps://pastebin.com/LNwqkDms> Who is Neville Goddard?Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.Recommendations for beginners:> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)mega.nz/folder/V8ESkKzC#bHIFV4BxgHk7ksf6Pwq_-Q> Neville's Feeling is the Secretfiles.catbox.moe/rrsh2g.pdffiles.catbox.moe/wwq24r.epub>> Audiobookhttp://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM>> Audiobookhttp://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds—/ Extra resources /—>Master Indexpastebin.com/Ne1Tms8S> Universal Linedrive.google.com/drive/folders/1X9dB7eDI5RcHOBvixGjAhZ_lgJjJIhGqhttps://files.catbox.moe/fxv61u.pdf> Librarymega.nz/folder/Ns9mhDSC#iKKxSnq5EoG_GxYLeylrSg>Previous Thread>>39530788
>>39556955my attempts to manifest human women (specific, general, just anything really) have only resulted in other men (particularly men worse off than me but also those better off) getting human women. i used to be so afraid of losing them but can i truly lose them? maybe it is time for me to understand that i never really had them, except the one who loved me always: my beloved mother. with her i want to be and i cannot serve two masters at once, thus i will let go of human women and be with my mother.
>>39556955Hello lads,OP, thanks for banking as always. You’re doing God work.I would like to have your opinion on the following.I read some Neville and some UL, however I currently firmly believe that the mind is the creator of all things, but our physical beings must be driven by one crucial factor that can turn your 4d into 3d: action.You see, hermetic laws come in handy at this point. It’s a fact that everything is mental, but it’s also a fact that in order to have an effect, you need to produce a cause. The cause, here, is the key.For me, feeling in a certain way means that you’re becoming a certain person that ACTS in a precise manner.Acting, however, is the solution. Feeling, being, having. In this exact order.For example, you can manifest being the next Mr. Olympia all you want. You won’t be the next bodybuilding champion if you don’t pick up the weights in the gym, no matter how much you meditate and think about it. Thinking and doing, are two faces of the same medal that leads to possessing/having. I would not suggest to get caught in the process of thinking that you can obtain everything you want by just being and not doing.I leave you a very interesting video about the movie Scarface, where it’s pointed out that the main character got to its material success by FEELING a boss even when managing to clean dishes in the restaurant. When he meets Sosa, he acts like one even if he’s a clerk. https://youtu.be/aKz6O98n7M0?si=Y7EIidqRKz8h8RuTAny insight is more than welcome. Of course, feel free to refute my comment here above.I wish you all a great day.
>>39557045Cope. Doing nothing to accomplish everything is the core of manifestation and reality. Nothing is in the process of being done, everything is already finished. Your post was already finished, you just decided to materialize it by typing on the phone. You could have also made an intention and it would've already appear as posted.
>>39557089Exactly. You said yourself, I took control and materialized it. And no, things don’t materialize themselves. Intention is important as much as materializing is.
>>39557101They do. The same way you are materializing right but can't see yourself appearing and disappering since it's too high of a vibration
>>39557114As a matter of fact, you’re typing on your keyboard as well. So your argumentation is not quite valid, my friend.Impacts on the world are made through actions, impacts on yourself by LoA and meditation. Someone mentioned Jim Carrey as a successful example of manifestation.In no way he could’ve become a famous actor by merely wishing, he put in the sweat and got his ass off from the chair. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Also, you’re being astroturfed about your statements, please feel free to elaborate as I’m akin to gain more knowledge even if we may disagree on certain topics.
>>39557045>>39557101>>39557114>>39557130Isn't this sort of covered by the concept of polarity between thinking and doing, being the feminine and masculine flavors respectively? I assume assumption's meta is just squeezing the shit outta the range of the swing so cause and effect approach a point-like structure.What I'd like to be able to figure out is the mechanics for performing that squeeze.
>>39557130So according to you, it would be impossible to manifest anything other than what would normally be done with action? That would mean everything is bound by space and time which would render whole /loa/ and manifesting useless, so why would you be even doing any of the techniques then
what tests should i do to practice LOA? particularly letting go
>>39557144Exactly, but I see many here missing out on how crucial it is to be balanced between actions and thoughts. Again, I saw a dude manifesting losing weight. I assure you, it won’t happen by magic or anything else. He’s currently doing step 1 of 2, also called wishing. Wishes must be fulfilled through actions. Everything is mental, aka everything is first made up in the mind and then brought to life by actions. If someone says the opposite is a con artist.>>39557162Because it puts you in the right frequency to achieve, where achieving requires unshakable faith and will power that is to be gained from own mind.
>need money>Start manifesting money>3d isn't agreeing>Ignore 3d>Go back to manifestingHow do I get to letting go if the pressure I'm feeling is quite high? It feels like its set during sats and visualisation
>>39557213Because manifesting puts you in the right frequency to grab the opportunities to make money. Wishing alone has never been a reliable source for getting what you want.Guys, I know it’s a harsh truth but it’s the way the reality itself it’s structured.
>>39557210>>39557225By Polarity, wishing and doing are the same thing though; just in different degrees. In the same way that temperature is a construct of kinetic energy, wishing and doing could both be seen as constructs of will; there is that tangible thing that takes place in creating an idea, and there is a similar sense in acting on that idea.I lean more towards the Hermetic model than the /LoA/ one but ultimately I think that's more about accepting algebraic axioms to better process the sorts of mathematics that exist without them treated as hard.The pressure that comes from influences of one's model of reality would be sufficient to move against that subtle will-attribution, which is why I think they lean towards the idea of brazen impudence.
>>39557266I have interpreted the wishing and doing in a slight different way; it’s true that they’re the same thing, but it’s also true that one is the consequence of the other, hence cause and consequence, thought and action. The consequence of action is achieving.
>>39557285Practically, I agree that motivated/inspired action is an important thing for the sake of achieving goals within a timeframe that is satisfying.There's a story that my grandparents told me when I was younger about a guy that was trapped on the top of his house during a flood. Someone comes along in a ski boat, says "hop on, I'll get you out of here" he shakes his head and says god will save him. Someone else comes along on a raft with a few other people, says the same thing and he replies the same way. Finally, someone in a helicopter comes, and he still says no. He dies and is up in heaven and asks God what the heck, why didn't anyone get me, and God says he sent a ski boat, a raft, and a helicopter.Mundane solutions were presented towards the one manifesting, and ultimately his death fulfilled the request without his direct physical action, as he was no longer stuck on his roof in heaven or whatever. I think that it's productive to encourage people to act on opportunities when presented, even if it isn't explicitly necessary as most people like things sooner rather than later, and even if time is illusory, there is a causal chain that can create narratives.I believe that you're attributing a greater weight to individual action rather than general action. The self is an illusory construct of sets of perception/sense data we're particularly attached to; The All is One. Despite this, the rituals present in performing tasks as the self help ease the relative motion of reality towards the desired goal.I've had success with Sigils, and can't source a direct cause-effect under physical laws to wacking my gack to a cool picture I drew, and the results occured without any direct intervention on the segment of reality I define as myself.
>>39557315without any conscious effort to see the goal manifest* the segment of existence I Identify with did perform tasks related to the achieving of the goal, but it was not done with the intent of completing the task.
I've a question, if you can help me. I used Joseph Murphy's teachings to decent effect last winter, then stopped all summer (seasonal worker, don't have time to invest in proper meditation most of the year). I made a little affimration/prayer, but this time it doesn't "stick" so well. Every day I seem to deviate a little, add/remove little details here and there, and while the general intention doesn't change, my words do. Also, I'm using language I wouldn't normally use for the sake of brevity and clarification. As such, it feels devoid of emotion and purely robotic.Would you have any experience or advise on this? Is it better to stick to the same statement day after day? Is emotion really that important?
>>39557315I knew that story too.What I do not agree with is the fact that ultimately his wish was fulfilled, since, de facto, he was no longer on the roof but died in the process. So we can safely say that wish wasn’t fulfilled in the physical world. It’s an important lesson tho.What I do not also agree with the UL is that all is one. Individualism is perhaps the most important attribute of mankind, without that we would be no more important than a pack of animals living under the same instinctive behavior.You’re correct on the fact that I’m attributing a great importance on individual actions, since it’s basically the key to turn thoughts into actions and into results.Ultimately, reaching a certain achievement is the goal. Merely wishing won’t do it in my humble opinion, even if it’s fundamentally important as much as taking action is.
Listening to a height subliminal by BN rn, starting height 5’7, I’ll update once a week. Also starting nofap.
how does one have financial wealth/get along good financially, when one has EXTREME aversion to allmost all things MONO EYE (money), materialistics and worldy things related?maybe i should manifest a noble and wealthy woman to take care of that? hows that plan?i know and feel i can do it, but will there be any love if shes gon b materialistic AFwhat are the metaphysical factors i have to consider, if any?
>>39557162I think you shouldn't even bother with people like that. They don't get it but think they do, they will learn with time
>>39557315What an incredibly stupid story.
> You attract what you areExplain why shitty men attract nice women (and make their life a nightmare), explain why evil people are ruling the world and attract wealth for themselves, explain why great people always have shitty lives, etc etc.Hey Lilanon I know you will jump in and surely explain why all of this occur (you have an explanation for everything). I appreciate your help but I was wondering why you don't spend your time living your best life surrounded by delicious women and exquisite meals, for you and your loved ones? I am not being sarcastic here, I really want to understand why someone who could have everything he wants thanks to LOA still comes here everyday. Are you a real altruistic person. Thanks
>>39557691the men aren't as shitty as you imagine them to be or the women aren't as nice as you imagine them to be. in the end you only see what you want to see, if you want to be the 25 year old sufferer and feel like the world is trampling upon you unjustly then do it but don't go complaining about it.
Why do memories feel different now?
>>39557536Money is an Earthly tool. Plenty of good people have money, and a lot of good is done with money. Charity and philanthropy exist. You seem to be caught up in the idea that money IS evil which I have just proven to you is not the case.
>>39557390>since it’s basically the key to turn thoughts into actionsThat's your half baked opinion. You think the physical is more real than your thoughts when it's the other way around, you got it all backwards
>>39557536You need to reprogram your beliefs because money is literally just general abundance. There is nothing wrong with it by itself. What you do with it makes it bad or good from a moral point of view.
How can I utilize rituals and sigils to reinforce the assumptions I wish to manifest?
>>39557691Because those women often are as superficial and ill behaved as the men.But the real reason is those men attract those women because they believe they should. They don't see a reality where they shouldn't attract pussy because they're a douchebag. Same goes for nice people.
>>39557719Repeat this mantra.>I'm a big dopey oaf who needs magi-wagic to do my bidding>Even though with conviction, I could anything by just believing in my own power and words.
>>39557536>how does one blah blah yadda yaddaone doesn’t
>>39557536Finding a woman as a means to money is like ice cream and pizza for breakfast as a means to losing weight. You need to change your attitude towards money. It's not something bad. It's just a tool, like a butcher knife, a harpoon, or an alligator. I recommend chapter 10 of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. You shouldn't feel guilty about wanting or having wealth.>>39557691These men have an inflated sense of self esteem, which is reflected in the views of others. Also women just like confidence.
>>39557697says the 27 year old sufferer who feels like the world is trampling upon him unjustly
>>39557691>why someone who could have everything he wants thanks to LOA still comes here everyday.maybe because he's full of shit and likes the attention?
>>39557691>You attract what you areIs sort of an oversimplification. You attract your beliefs, emotions, mentality, assumptions, thoughts, etc. Narcissists think they deserve everything, so they get it. Good people are often humble and think they deserve nothing, so they get it.
So, what did you manifest?
what if when i do stupid things (mostly all my life), like i lose control and do things i know i sholdnt been doing, or just how i ended as a loser is just that it was needed to accomplish the manifestation of other man, like i dont directly affect him but the universe made me part of the plan to manifest what that man wanted and im just collateral damage needed for the manifestation
>>39557801Literally everything, including >(You) (and me).
>>39557691Just because lilanon talks a lot doesn't mean he's a master at loa lmao. Look at all those redditors on the neville subreddit. They post word salads everyday about understanding the law, yet their lives hardly reflect that. Lilanon is no different. Don't be mistaken anon, don't listen to frauds and Schizos in this case.
>>39557130>In no way he could’ve become a famous actor by merely wishingThat is, in fact, what he did. He went the the end (Check for $10 million) and the rest was what his mind believed he needed to get there.He had a lot of mental baggage due to his lack of formal education and the failure of his father. Had he not had that, he probably could have had a smoother rise. Your beliefs and expectations make the story- "I won against all odds" vs. "I won easily."
>>39557193What do you mean by "test"? Manifesting things you want should be sufficient for "testing" unless you want to figure out something specific.
>>39557213>How do I get to letting go if the pressure I'm feeling is quite high?You probably haven't set your manifest- have you felt a change, or still feel like you need to manifest more?
>>39557711Yes, in fact first you do then you think. First you shit then you eat. Flawless Logic. Stop bamboolizing yourself and other anons.>>39557847Here comes the schizo
>>39557710>>39557715>>39557771i see thank you guys for your input. as you said,>Money is an Earthly tool>What you do with it>It's just a toolunfortunately i (still) see it as a necessary "evil". (in my imagination, there exists a place without money, people trade/barter what they need.) and with every tool, comes responsibility, liabilities, chance of corruption, ect. on the other hand i see it as a huge waste of time, to spend time accounting and controlling as they say, their financials. id rather learn and consolidate deep occult esoteric wisdoms and practise them.choices upon choices....but i guess financial independency, logically, has to come first b4 i do what truly interests me, sad.other things i pondered the last days is regarding the Holy Spirit, or the Father who provides with everything we desire, as they say. Is that God? God of this 3d realm, aka demiurge/yald. or overall God of all and All and ALL, infinite Creator? How is LOA reconcilable with Christian gnosticism or overall Christianity? (Story of Christ on mountain where the enemy tried to tempt him comes to mind as example)what is the relatedness or connection between LOA and Karma, people with fast karmic processing?and how does one make firm changes to ones mindset and self-concept aka changes that are durable but yet CAN change if one desires so? constant (emotional) prayer/affirmations?thank you for your time anons
>>39557691>Explain why shitty men attract nice women (and make their life a nightmare)Because they believe they can have those women. They believe they are they are irresistible to women. Now pair that with women who believe they are shit and deserve to be treated that way.> explain why evil people are ruling the world and attract wealth for themselves>explain why great people always have shitty lives, etc etcAgain, because they believe they deserve it.When I was inches from ascension over a decade ago, I looked around and saw this- everyone gets what they believe they deserve, there is no one to save but yourself. Change what you believe about yourself and your world will change.>Hey Lilanon I know you will jump in and surely explain why all of this occur (you have an explanation for everything)I try to understand things, I don't always have the whole picture but working on it.>I appreciate your help but I was wondering why you don't spend your time living your best life surrounded by delicious women and exquisite mealsI do, surprisingly enough. I used to cook professionally so I get gourmet meals all the time. I have 2 SPs at the moment but one of them is a handful.>I really want to understand why someone who could have everything he wants thanks to LOA still comes here everydayI'm still working on things and I learn things from talking with Anons here and the resources in the library. I also enjoy hanging out here, especially while I am working. It's a nice break when I am working deeply on things.> Are you a real altruistic personI enjoy giving back to the community but I did that specifically for over a year and now I am just here for entertainment/learning.>ThanksThank you :)
>>39557045>>39557089>>39557130you need to read Brother ADA ; his stuff about Sphere of Influence (meaning taking daily ,active, intense and hard-working, steps towards your goal\desired wish)
>>39558031I get your point, to a certain extent.You’re saying that he manifested first in his mind his raise, that’s a fact. Then he worked to materialize it.But you’re also saying that if he manifested becoming famous without doing nothing he could’ve done it anyway? Without acting in any way?
>>39558216>>39558184So it’s basically believing, which ultimately leads to acting in some kind of way. Do you think you can obtain by just believing hard enough? Sounds like a big stretch to me.
>>39558082>Yes, in fact first you do then you thinkngmi
>>39557697Holy shit that pic is literally me. Anyone had luck getting over that?I have some weird Martyr complex that wants to suffer for others and feels like I deserve pain but at the same time kind of wish everyone else felt that pain too.
>>39558216>You’re saying that he manifested first in his mind his raise, that’s a factIt's also possible the check manifestation was based on a previous manifestation when he was younger- "I will be a successful performer">Then he worked to materialize it.Yes, and in fact he did additional manifestations to support it. He talks about how he wanted to understand what the audience wanted: "What do they want? What do they want? What do they want?" He used it almost like a mantra. He says he woke out of a sound sleep one night(probably after he let it go) and knew that they wanted to be "free from concern." He said he was able to nail his comedy after he had that insight and was able to play to that desire in the audience.He also "did the work" but he also didn't have to- it was already done. He needed to prove himself to all of us, now that he has he doesn't really give a shit.>But you’re also saying that if he manifested becoming famous without doing nothing he could’ve done it anyway?Yep. He could have just been himself and it all could have happened for him the same way. I suspect he knows this now, he talks about how he had to play a role to become successful but had to give that up or lose himself. He gave up on "Jim Carrey" the role but he still gets to do what he wants.>Without acting in any way?Yes, had he allowed it some talent scout could have "found" him and he could have just gone for the ride. There are plenty of actors or entertainers that play themselves and make bank doing it.
>>39558231>So it’s basically believing, which ultimately leads to acting in some kind of wayIt leads you to whatever you are expecting on a deep level. This is a hard concept until you see it- I've seen/done instant manifests with no input. Nothing is required other than your decision to have it happen.You are playing a role for yourself. You can decide what that role will be.>Do you think you can obtain by just believing hard enough?Think back to some of your great successes in your life. Where did it start? With you lifting a finger or thinking about it and deciding you could be able to do it and committing to it?
>>39558260i wish i knew, although being aware about it is the first step. i always felt like it was my part in life to suffer, it has been a major limitation in my life and i always keep relapsing into it. i know that one way or the other things will get easier for me, but some part in me still keeps telling me to take on that burden, to be better than everyone else.
>>39558252Toxic behavior in a very polite thread, you should be ashamed of yourself.>>39558323>>39558349Thanks for the hefty amount of explanations, anon. The fact alone you’re willing to take the time to transfer this kind of knowledge means you’re a good and generous person.So, it all comes down to feeling (believing), being, and then having. The difference here is what you’re believing to be true or not true about yourself. Now, the great question; how do shift faith and believe what you actually want to be true? Do you have any recommendations?
>>39557377Bump I guess.
>>39557513Based Anon, give us someone to look up to.
>>39558216>In order to be successful, I need to be smart, handsome, and charismatic>I am not smart, handsome, or charismatic>I will never be smart handsome, or charismatic,>I will never be successfulCan't you see what you're doing to yourself?
>>39558479You need to put in the work as well to be smart, handsome or charismatic!Take care of yourself, be clean, be in good shape, learn to talk properly and to social engineer people. If you believe you can’t perform any of these tasks, you’re in trouble, I agree. But this is not usually the case unless you’re depressed or a Doomer
>>39558418>Now, the great question; how do shift faith and believe what you actually want to be true? Do you have any recommendations?This is the intermediate work.LoA easy work is forcing a change through a technique. "I have $10,000" "I am dating X" "I am good looking" The reward here is the thing you are manifesting and the faith gain you get from the success.Intermediate involves changing your thinking patterns and deep beliefs. "I AM wealthy." "I AM a chick magnet" "I AM successful at everything I do." We're all taught negatives of these states and assume those states because people we trusted told us we are not those things and we need to work hard/pay dues to achieve that. If you can question those negative assumptions and replace them with positive ones, you get lasting rewards.Advanced is when you start working from what we were talking about- you realize none of the 3d "requirements" are actually required. Your beliefs create your world, nothing else. This is scary because the 3d used to be your "solid ground" but you realize it never was. Even "You" is a collection of beliefs.
>>39558472>>>39557377>Bump I guess.I skipped over this since I have not read Murphy, but I will give you some general suggestions>I made a little affimration/prayer, but this time it doesn't "stick" so wellWhat's not sticking? The words, the feeling or the actual goal?>and while the general intention doesn't change, my words doAs long as the words are helping you focus on the goal, the actual wording is meaningless. Neville uses "Isn't it wonderful?">Also, I'm using language I wouldn't normally use for the sake of brevity and clarification. As such, it feels devoid of emotion and purely roboticIf it's not "speaking" to you, I would go back to the drawing board. You want something you can focus on that brings you a feeling of certainty, it doesn't hurt if you get a positive vibe off it too, like excitement.>Is it better to stick to the same statement day after day?This is up to you. I tend to change it up but I also have a few standbys I like- "I AM getting better every day, in every way" "I AM 10x better at X than before"
So whats the consensus on "letting go". Im in the camp of "keep doing preferred method/s until it appears in 3D". Some people say you should do it and then just stop. So what do you guys think? So many conflicting information on it.
>>39542753>>Leave your worries behind.>Currently am telling myself to do it, I find it ridiculous I really put too much thought into everythingIf you haven't, I would maybe tackle this from a different angle. The fact that you are thinking is not the problem, or even overthinking- it's the lack of confidence in yourself and your world that is killing you, right?"Everything is OK. I'm OK. I always AM.">I NEED to just develop the habit of commanding my own mind to stop.Have you tried letting it run without playing into it yet? Just observing without judgement?>What is second hand to me is delving into random things and my own fearsThis is a good thing to delve on. Identify your fears, find the root and decide if they serve you or not. For a time I was fearless, I used to get injured a lot and get into trouble because...why be concerned? I saw the value of being fearless though so I taught myself to be cautious instead. Aware of trouble. Avoid it where possible. Don't worry about it otherwise. "Cross that bridge when we get there" is my common quote to people when they what-if too hard.> Oddly enough I was scolded since I wasn't affiliated with the church anymore and that being the reason why I have "bad energies" and lack of God's "permission" I found their talks really off putting, very second cause-y and reminds me of my own patterns. REALLY fucking sucks.Ah. Interesting. I think you can turn this one on its head though. You have communed with I AM. You've spoken to "The Guy." You know the secrets of creation now. You are Holy. Believe it, because you are. You deserve every blessing imaginable.>I gave up on closureDid you give up on it or do you no longer need it? Big difference. You can have it if you want.>Its all me today thats the reason im stuckGood take, you know you can change now because you ARE now.>I need more time to think the last partThink > Believe > Become
>>39558648It's about "allowing." Can you allow while still manifesting until it comes, or are you holding on to your old self to do it.One interesting way to manifest is to let go at the start. Let go of the thing you don't want and manifest the replacement. I suspect a fair number of Anons do this without realizing it. "I'm done being an X, I will become what I dream of!"
>>39558729Interesting thanks
Law of attraction VS Law of awareness. i was chronically aware of something for a year and nothing realted to it happened but now its annoying me because it got to my subconcious and it manifested. Now i realized manifestation exist and i want to chnage what i manifested.What i need to do? How do i chnage (transmutate) that idea from my subconsicous?
>>39558623Thank you very much. By not sticking I it just doesn't gel with me. I suppose you described the same feeling as "not speaking" to me.desu I didn't feel a lot of emotion those months ago when I had my successful manifestations. I'll probably rewrite the prayer until it gets with me better.
>>39559246>your vileage may varyymmv even.
>>39554737>Tried subliminals, affirmations>People comment on my looks a lot now, and that was NEVER the case before. Now I am in late 30s and total strangers comment on my eyes, how attractive I am like it's just an obvious thingI don't find myself attractive, I'm even ashamed sometimes not to have a better physique and it makes my life weird socially, but from time to time there is someone (female) who tells my sister "oh your brother is handsome ". It happens regularly, I never affirmed or did sats, it just happens randomly.How can you explain that? I don't see myself as handsome at all and still I get complimented. According to LoA i should live in a world where everyone sends me back my thoughts as a reflexion, meaning they should find me unattractive too.That's why i have a hard time believing in LoA. That's not the only example i have, to demonstrate loa is not really a thing (or there is something else at play that is not shared publicly)
>>39557697I don't know if its similar but i kinda pity myselfand rage at people having better life than meand i dont seem to wanna manifest somethings because that would turn me into a normie
>>39558184Thanks Lilanon, and all the anons who replied to my post, all you said makes sense to me and can totally explain my interrogation. Thanks
>>39559332Could be many things, only you can answer that. I share an experience with you, where I'd think I'm unattractive, but I always wanted to be attractive. I've had people comment on my looks, but here's the thing, it was never people I liked, it was always old or unattractive women (or men). Not only did that not make me feel attractive, it made me feel even more unattractive because logically, if the only people finding me attractive are old and fat, it means I'm in that "league", ie also very unattractive. At least that's how it was in my mind. It's also possible you believe that looks don't matter, and women are more attracted to your personality. Only you know. That being said I agree that LoA isn't the entire picture (the reality crearion articles in Montalk line up more with what i believe), but all I can say is that in my experience, the world really does reflect your beliefs and internal mental state, but the problem is were usually not aware of 90% of the shit going on in the depths of our psyche.
I don't know if its similar but i kinda pity myselfand rage at people having better life than meand i dont seem to wanna manifest somethings because that would turn me into a normie
Hi when you talk about murphy is it joseph murphy?I think his work is all about affirmations, no?
>>39559484>affirmationsI bought a clicker it's a little device which all purpose is to count anything, you just have to click on it with your thumb. So I used it to count how many times I repeat an affirmation.I made a test with something and repeated the affirmations 21000 times (yeah it's a lot).That was some kind of challenge, as per Sammy Ingram advice, she usually tell to affirm around 10k times but to be sure I doubled this amount.Well nothing showed up in my life related to this affirmation. So (for me) robotically affirming is useless.At least I can ditch this method now and proceed with the next one lol
>>39555403I like journaling. I keep spiral notebooks and write a page almost every day, usually in the morning. I write a short recap of current events if needed, then go into a bullet point list of what are essentially affirmations.Something that might help is to affirm things that are already true and mix in your desires with it. You may have an easier time believing if they are surrounded by things you know are real. Kind if like on a lie detector test when they ask for their name and age and stuff to establish a baseline. Related- in late December I made a list of the things that are going to happen in 2025. Career, personal, etc. Wrote it on loose leaf paper, affirmed that I was making this list of intentions and then passing it off to my higher self to set into motion. I folded it up and put it in my bookshelf. I read it every so often and again affirm that my higher self is working on these things, and put it away again.
>>39559449>it was never people I likedHey anon, now you say this I realize it's the same for me. When women compliment me via my sister it's always women I don't find attractive.But still, I shouldn't get any compliment at all, according to loa, since I consider myself unattractive.Well I am exagerating a bit, let's say I find myself as not very attractive, but still a little bit lol. I think I have some self concept issue more than attractiveness one.Thanks anon for sharing your thoughts.
>>39559446>>39559524now that you are aware of the problem you can begin to work on letting go of it. i am in the process of letting go of my old limitations, you also don't need to spam me with the reply. i can hear you just fine.
>>39559572I think its reality fucking with you. Frustration begets more frustration. So close and yet so far is worse than just being far and out of reach sometimes. Like being hungry, and reality says "look at this piece of hot dog I'm the garbage, don't you want to eat it? You said you're hungry". Of course reality is just projected like that based on a series of complexes and frustrations that are common to us, so it can be changed, but that's my perspective on why it happens.
>>39559332I don't care. I shared my experience. People think I'm very attractive. I literally just got a text a few minutes ago from a lover asking to come over. If things don't work for you that's your problem. I'm getting really tired of complainers coming on to these threads for the sole purpose of demanding proof and doubting. I'm not here to explain your life to you. >I don't find myself attractive>I'm even ashamed>I don't see myself as handsome at all So one person tells you're handsome so that proves it, huh? Maybe she just likes horribly ugly men. Maybe you remind her of someone she loves. Or maybe (most likely) she's just being polite.>I never affirmed or did satsWell gee maybe if you tried, you'd have a little bit more self esteem.Fix your shit
>>39559514>So (for me) robotically affirming is useless.>At least I can ditch this method now and proceed with the next one lolRobotic is tricky- people do it because they don't want to invest belief into their affirmation, but then it becomes a crapshoot as to whether you gain faith by repetition or just get lucky on one of those when your conscious mind is not paying attention.Overall I don't recommend it because look how much time/effort you are putting in for uncertain gains. Building a faith base and doing a technique you find fun/fulfilling is a better use of time IMO.
>>39559988NTA, but I don't really see how your story is impressive. It sounds a lot like you were already attractive and the loa part was that you started getting complimented by people. Well thats what it sounds like if you say nothing changed. Post your face otherwise there's nothing impressive about your story lmao.There's no proof that loa has ever made someone a giga chad who didn't already have a good base to be attractive.Example, I've yet to see an Indian incel become giga chad. All these people who manifest better looks are just already good looking. Like a pretty women, manifesting good looks, she was already great looking, people just start complimenting what's already there. They all just have self esteem issues and think they're ugly.
>>39560127Keep coping, I know a 4/10 guy who morphed
>>39560272>No proof, no argument
>>39560305Don't give a shit
>>39560127>>39560305Youre right bro, this is probably just a huge cope and doesn't work. No point being in this thread then, you should go and spend some time doing something productive
>>39559549Hey thank you for responding. You motivated me, I started my journal for this year too.>Something that might help is to affirm things that are already true and mix in your desires with it. Reminds me of "shoaling" with sigils where some of them are already true things or things with a high probability, along with the more specific manifests
>>39559988You don't sound successful at all. I can feel lots of frustration coming from you.Larping here, probably?Good luck anon everything will be alright don't worry
>>39560016yeah I just wanted to test this method as it looked so simple. And lots of chicks swear by it on Sammy Ingram's group. But I realized their group was heavily censored. No negative experience allowed.Robotic affirming is a waste of time (but a good way to become schizo)
>>39560016NTA but isn't affirming always robotic? At least at the begining. When you repeat something constantly without believing in it, it's called robotic to me.Maybe later, believing comes into play, but you have to repeat a lot to achieve this state I think. So affirming is implicitly robotic. What you think?
>>39560364>Can't readI never once said I don't believe in loa, I said it's very unlikely you can manifest good looks through loa without already looking somewhat attractive.Acting like that's a big achievement isn't significant, as again. It's no different to a girl saying she manifested a boyfriend. Wasn't that hard anyway.
>>39560667Thats a pointless argument, you can either take others at their word, or prove for yourself whether something is attainable or not. Saying that anything minor isn't impressive and anything major would've happened anyway because x y z is a waste of everyone's time
>>39557225There is no wishing. If you wish you assume the state of not having. If you let go, you assume the state of having, and reality fills in the gap.
>>39560667All successful manifestations from girls are irrelevant. They live life with a cheatcode from the begining.Even ugly ones can just use some makeup and become miss universe in 10 minutes, and claim their robotic affirmations worked.Those who should be the most ashamed are all those men running after these insignificant girls, guys if you do this you are just mops. That's because of you girls act like princesses.When I read women posts in LOA groups they all say "I am the queen, my bf does all I want".Cmon guys, dont act like this, you're hurting the entire male community
>>39560874You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Stop living in lala land and stop spewing incel shit here.
>>39561001incel talk is all-pervasive, it reaches the ends of the galaxytheir shit is so unoriginal, they've been complaining for 2 decades, and now they're here lmao
>>39560625>Robotic affirming is a waste of time (but a good way to become schizo)I agree with this in general, though it can work and I have made it work in less than 100 repetitions. I still prefer 5 or less.>>39560643>NTA but isn't affirming always robotic?No? I think I get what you are trying to say here, if you had it at the start, wouldn't it work immediately? The answer is yes- I have had an affirmation work on the first try because I was mentally ready for it. You can affirm and add belief to it, or believe that as you do it more it builds on itself.
>>39558039just small things that'd be easy for me to manifest, like the ladder experiment with the added condition of letting go.
>>39558042>Do you feel the changeI don't know anymore, I figured the change was kind of like improved mood where none of what was wrong bothers you anymore but the 3d is being very slow recently so I inevitably end up going back to manifest if I feel even slight doubt or I get bored. Is this right or am I cucking myself?
>>39561001>>39561021I mean incel shit is only getting worse anyway so ofcourse it will be here. I don't think these men don't get to complain though, because if you have to turn to some mystical tool just to get a gf, really shows the state of the dating market.
>>39561397lmao, like if getting a gf is hard. maybe hard if you're socially retarded and uncharismatic, then nothing will help you unless you fix your mouthpiece and stop being a fucking mute
>>39561001Ok, mop.
>>39561434You get shitty girls because you act like a slave in front of them. Man up. Better be single than obeying to all her desires. Stop being a mop, mop. Manifest a spine.
>>39561434Nigga stfu, it's obvious that's a hard achievement for most men nowadays due to all sorts of reasons. Stop making stuff up to le heckin own the incels.
>>39561285you are defnitely cucking urself. take deeper breaths between manifestions.
>>39561465You shut up, lol. I know what i'm talking about because I have male friends, I have tall friends who are taller than me, they are 6'3 according to your bs incel ideology they should have no prob going through girls but they can't talk to women and they havent had a gf or had sex in yearsevery guy i know that struggles with women cannot talk to them, cannot tease them, doesnt have take it or leave it attitude
>>39561397To be fair, I can imagine for most of history men would just pray for a good wife. But yeah its getting worse. I don't agree with the "getting a gf is ez just b urself lol" retard, but, from an LoA perspective, we're doing this to ourselves, at least partially.
>>39561530i never said just be yourself, you illiterate sperg. being yourself is what got you here complaining lol, you'd have 3000x more results if you behaved like an asshole around women
Gentlemen, I'm... surprised, unnerved, and a little pleased to report I have done an unwanted "dimensional shift" or whatever it's called.While visiting my parents for the holidays, on New Year's Eve, I was made aware that there's a tradition to play a particular church hymn just before the clock strikes 12 for the new year. This is being done every year, and every relative we spoke to with greetings and the like referenced this hymn by name. Only problem is, I'd never heard of it before. When I said as much, I got the weirdest stares.I'm an average Joe in my late 20s, and not particularly autistic outside of dabbling in this schizo shit. My memory is particularly strong—I remember various minutiae of my visits to my parents' in previous years, for example—so there's absolutely no way I wouldn't remember something like this. Nah, every single time up to now it's been champagne, the fireworks, the "for many years" wishes, and maybe the presidential address, but certainly no musical traditions.I have a good friend who I talk schizo shit with, so I ring him up and ask him if he's heard of this hymn. "Of course, it's a hell of a big hit, we play it every year", went his response. He then welcomed me into this reality and apologised for it being "a bit shit". It's okay, my previous one was a bit shit too.I checked my bank account and found no noticeable differences. I guess I'll just assume this reality is one where the intentions will manifest more easily or whatever. Either that, or I've developed selective amnesia or something.
>>39561535Honestly I don't care what you said, my point stands that you're retarded. And there's not a piece of advice regarding women you can give that I haven't already tried and failed at, while also seeing the exact opposite work for some other guy. Whether its the usual "b urself and b nice" shit or the redpill manosphere shit. I've seen shy, unattractive guys date pretty college age girls, I've seen several effeminate faggot dweeb get attractive girls, I've seen druggie abusive dickheads get smart beautiful girls, and ive seen one of the most beautiful women ive ever met date a guy who would get rated a 3 on Lookism, and SHE approached HIM. I'm honestly past the point of caring about statistics or what anyone claims is true on the internet, because none of that shit applies in real life, and none of it worked for me.It's clear there's something else at play, which is why you're retarded, your comments are useless (though I suspect you don't actually give a shit about helping anyone) and one of the most common reasons men turn to this mystical shit is to get pussy
>>39561535Larpers gonna larp.You still here on 4chan seeking help lolNobody believes your shit anon shut the f up
>>39561535Behaving like an ass with women will only land you crappy women who will leave you a week later for another gangsta.To get wifey material this is not the right method. But you can't know it since you are just larping here.
>>39561624you've seen these girls dating them but you have no clue what their sex life is like. i've known guys that are in ltr and these guys wait few months before getting sex lol. so that's why getting a gf isnt hard, it doesnt mean you get sex as much as you would want to, some of these guys are lucky if they can get once per month. that supermodel woman you've seen has infinite power with that 3/10 guy, because he will surely obey her every whimwhile guys that are assholes have bitches calling them, practically begging them for sex, and they couldnt give a fuck about them. i know because these guys showed me convosbut i'm the retarded one, who has been outside, to countless parties, had lots of male friends, had several gfs and several sex partners. i'm retarded for telling you the truth and how women work.
>>39561664don't give a fuck, i'm a lazy bum i dont wanna work so im looking to manifest huge $$ to live like a king while you guys settle for your 6/10 sp and pathethic low paying careers lmao
>>39560127>>39560608Again, I don't care. Another anon on the last thread asked if about affirming for people to find you attractive. I shared my experience, and for some reason that made you so butthurt that you would reply back to me on a new thread to demand that i explain your situation to you. No one is here to prove this to you or try to convince you. Do it or don't. No one cares if you don't believe it.
>>39561721>you've seen these girls dating them but you have no clue what their sex life is likeneither do you> i've known guys that are in ltr and these guys wait few months before getting sex lolprojection>that supermodel woman you've seen has infinite power with that 3/10 guy, because he will surely obey her every whimprojection. For all you know he acts like an asshole like you preach and has her begging him for sex like you claim your friends have>who has been outside, to countless parties, had lots of male friends, had several gfs and several sex partners. i'm retarded for telling you the truth and how women work.so have I bro, and that's what I'm saying. I used to believe what you do, blackpill redpill shit, but I've honestly seen enough to sow doubt in my mind. >>39561728this is why I'm calling you retarded. You talk like you adopted the personality of the guy who bullied you in middle school. You come to a thread where the central theme is 'your mind creates reality' and insist your limited view is the only correct one, while also projecting your dumbass ideas with no basis. On the off chance you're not a troll, genuinely do better
>>39559449if you can supersede your physical attraction by thoughts you can also supersede your lack of attraction to others by bonding for matters of spiritual affairs
>>39561721>and they couldnt give a fuck about them.This is the one thing I will agree with you on. The only thing that was common to all the girls who ever found me attractive, was that I didn't give a fuck whether they liked me or not (at least not consciously in the moment). Whether those girls were hot, ugly, single or taken, whether I ended up dating them or not, that's the one thing. As soon as I emotionally attached to needing someone to like me, they magically disappear. Even ugly bitches way below my 'level'. Even women who were obsessed with me and sending me the kinds of texts your friends showed you.
>>39557045>I read some Neville and some UL, however I currently firmly believe that the mind is the creator of all things, but our physical beings must be driven by one crucial factor that can turn your 4d into 3d: action.>You see, hermetic laws come in handy at this point. It’s a fact that everything is mental, but it’s also a fact that in order to have an effect, you need to produce a cause. The cause, here, is the key.I think that this might be true, but from the other directionIf you manifest an opportunity, but when it shows up and you don't take it, did you really want it?If you "want" something enough to imagine it in your mind, but can't be bothered to go through the extra work of doing things in the physical world, do you really want it?I am not sure if physical things are required to manifest things. In fact, I know they absolutely aren't (in some cases). You really can manifest some things using just your mind.However, I definitely think there is some kind of correspondence between right thought and right action, and thought followed up by no action is probably a fraudulent self-deceptive thought to begin with.In other words, you want the girl, but really all women are ho's and tricks anyway, so fuck her. So you want her, but there is something in you resisting it.You want the high paying job, but you don't want to work. And all bosses are ass holes anyway, and the government would tax you at a higher percentage, and then there's insurance so.... you don't jump at the opportunity to actually GET that job when the opportunity (job interview) manifests. Meaning you don't really want the job. You think you do, but you don't. Or maybe more accurately, you DO want the high paying job, but there's also a part of you who doesn't even want to work at all (and all bosses are assholes, etc etc).So I think I more or less agree with you here, that right thought is followed by right action, but maybe in a sort of unrelated way.
>>39556967>my attempts to manifest human women (specific, general, just anything really) have only resulted in other men (particularly men worse off than me but also those better off) getting human women.This has happened to me as well.But I think a lot of this is solved by you manifesting a GP and not an SP.Then many opportunities will present themselves.I think a lot of the problems people have with SPs, is that they love them and they hate them. But an unknown (possibly idealized) woman has no real flaws because you haven't met her yet. So you won't start dwelling on her flaws and then counter-manifesting yourself, and then making those flaws in her worse, and then hating her more, but still "wanting" her, then it gets more negativeAnd you start manifesting and counter-manifesting it, and then it becomes a negative spiral.So going for GPs is much better than SPs. There's no baggage because you've never met a GP until you actually meet them. So there's no negative thoughtsother than negative thoughts about women in general, I guess. but that would also apply to an SP of course.
>>39557162>So according to you, it would be impossible to manifest anything other than what would normally be done with action? That would mean everything is bound by space and time which would render whole /loa/ and manifesting useless, so why would you be even doing any of the techniques thenI don't really think action is required to manifest things, I manifest things by pure thought all the time, but I DO think manifesting is bound by space and time.The events and scenarios you want to manifest do have to play out in 3D space and time, don't they? So unless you can manifest shifting into an entirely different reality, like an alternate timeline, or totally different physics, or whatever else, anything you manifest will ultimately exist within this world.The real trick here is to manifest things "you didn't know about previously". So it can bypass all the limits you've decided in your mind, because it was "just something you didn't know about". Some kind of surprise. Boom, there it is.If you don't know about it, you can't counter-manifest against yourself on that topic. So it can just be fresh.I think it's easier to do this (adding some "new" things here and there to reality) rather than shifting completely to a totally new and different reality. Maybe there's less resistance involved?
>>39561285>I don't know anymore, I figured the change was kind of like improved mood where none of what was wrong bothers you anymore but the 3d is being very slow recently so I inevitably end up going back to manifest if I feel even slight doubt or I get bored. Is this right or am I cucking myself?I think you might get it faster, or more money, if there was less resistance.Have you thought about why "it's not working" or "it's taking longer than I thought"?Why not "It's totally reasonable that I should just get money out of nowhere" "That kind of thing happens all the time" "People sometimes just get lucky with money out of nowhere"I'm not sure what scenario you imagined, so alter that accordingly to what you're trying to do.In other words, I think you might have manifested it properly, but there is still some resistance in you and you are counter-manifesting it. So work on getting rid of the resistance in this case, rather than trying to manifest it harder.I think the revision technique works well for that. Imagine you already have your thing, that it already worked. And you are living in that life. Any problems come up in your scenario? Do you feel bad about being successful? Feel bad about getting something for nothing? That's your resistance.So the revision method can be used to actually manifest things, or explore your own psychology and possible resistance that is still there.
>>39557315>He dies and is up in heaven and asks God what the heck, why didn't anyone get me, and God says he sent a ski boat, a raft, and a helicopter.>Mundane solutions were presented towards the one manifestingexactlyI think people be pursuing the unrelated or unwanted manifestations more, even just as a test.Or at least taking it as a good sign that what you're doing is doing "something" and if you keep manifesting then then "unrelated" manifestations will start getting closer and closer to your desire.
>>39557715>You need to reprogram your beliefs because money is literally just general abundance. There is nothing wrong with it by itself.thanks anon, that was useful to hear
>>39558503>You need to put in the work as well to be smart, handsome or charismatic!>Take care of yourself, be clean, be in good shape, learn to talk properly and to social engineer people.Basically do what you've always done coupled with adding the words - i'm believiiiing!! I'm manifestiiiing!!That isn't loa. You have no clue what loa actually is
>>39559332>That's why i have a hard time believing in LoAYou don't have to believe any of it. You can leave any time and forget about all of this if you want to.>>39559988>I'm getting really tired of complainers coming on to these threads for the sole purpose of demanding proof and doubtingSomehow these fools think that other people have to prove things to them for some reason. The level of delusion and entitlement is really something else
>>39558503>You need to put in the work as well to be smart, handsome or charismatic!>Take care of yourself, be clean, be in good shape, learn to talk properly and to social engineer people.LOA is a focus on using feeling to change your reality. You do not need to change anything about yourself. Reality conforms to you.>Asmongold>stinky non showering piece of shit unhealthy>tons of women, girlfriends, millions love himCan almost guarantee he manifested this.
>>39556955Has anyone tried to alter the appearance of someone else.Or changing other people in general. Or is it "set" once you meet them and learn about a certain detail? How can you overcome the "weight" of reality, and just straight up violate reality and make a certain change (or go away)?For example, making a woman more beautiful (that you already know)? Not making more women like that appear in your life, but altering one you already know
>>39561624>Honestly I don't care what you said, my point stands that you're retarded. And there's not a piece of advice regarding women you can give that I haven't already tried and failed atSo you're a complete incel loser and you're here I suppose to not be one? Correct? Then shut the fuck up, read the material and practice it instead of whining about your incel bullshit here.
>>39562281>Can almost guarantee he manifested this.Yes. Every single thing, bad and good is manifested. All of reality is manifested
>>39562324Just keep imagining her being more beautiful and she will be. >How can you overcome the "weight" of reality, and just straight up violate realityBy realizing that reality isn't fixed and external, it only appears to be so. Reality is completely imaginal and therefore changeable
Any good youtube channels about LoA?
>>39559597>>39559524>>39559446>and i dont seem to wanna manifest somethings because that would turn me into a normieThen don't be a normie. Be even better than them.Fall in love, and have an amazing love story. Normies don't really feel love that deeply. The stronger emotions you can feel, the more love you can feel and the more love you can give.Get a great job where you really help people, and it's a weird unorthodox sort of thing that no one's ever heard of, but are sort of impressed by when you talk about it at parties.Do something incredible with your life.Stand out and be different. No reason to be like a normie or "normal". Be BETTER than normal.
>>39557709>Why do memories feel different now?what's the context stream of consciousness anon? I can't read your mind... Or can I?
>>39557711>You think the physical is more real than your thoughts when it's the other way around, you got it all backwardsI've been thinking back to all my previous relationshipsAnd I think every "problem" that happened was anticipated by me worrying about first. Or some how anti-manifested from what I was trying to do, based on my own negative thoughtsOr something went sideways because of resistance, and I manifested a punishment or thought I "didn't deserve" something or "that will never happen" etcAll of it. Really, all of it. Like I was rewriting reality in real time, according to my own negative thoughts.And the times things worked out for me was when I really decided firmly "I am this" "I will do this" "this is important to me" and then kept at it.Maybe to truly manifest something, you have to continue doing your affirmations or SATS or whatever, until you have finally removed all resistance and truly believe on all levels that "I am ____", insert whatever you want here.
>>39557719>How can I utilize rituals and sigils to reinforce the assumptions I wish to manifest?the same as any other sigil magicYou use your sigil in some kind of ritual, and then whatever it represents will manifest in your reality. This is the basics of basics, sigils 101. I'm not trying to be mean here. I think you're overthinking it."Just use sigils", that's it. That's what they are designed to do. Manifest stuff
sorry it was on accident i didn't get the conformation the post was up so just kept posting again
>>39557789>Narcissists think they deserve everything, so they get it. Good people are often humble and think they deserve nothing, so they get it.I wonder why "deserving" something would interfere with it happening.What if you believe something will happen? What does "deserve" have to do with it?Maybe believing it will happen is not enough, you have to "Agree" with it on some level. Or accept it and internalize it. In other words, the inner change matches the outer change.I still wonder about that. Why would "I don't deserve this" change anything about "I believe this will happen"? Shouldn't the "I believe this will happen" over-ride the "I don't deserve it"??? Something can happen that you don't deserve, obviously.Truly a mystery
>>39558137>unfortunately i (still) see it as a necessary "evil". (in my imagination, there exists a place without money, people trade/barter what they need.)how would that be any different from using money?>id rather learn and consolidate deep occult esoteric wisdoms and practise them.And without money, you would need to trade and barter for your food.... and to get those trade goods you would need to.... work a job and then trade those things for what want.Or be a farmer and grow your own foodBut you still need to work. Money or no money, whether it's bartering or not, you still need to work.Or someone else needs to work for you, so that you can live for free.What you are really talking about is resource abundance where everyone has an easy life, and hardly needs to work so they have everything.Imagine if food grew 10x faster and larger with 10x less water, and electricity was 10x more efficient, and we could recycle and reuse things 10x more effectivelyThere would be far more resource abundance, people would hardly need to work, right?You're really rebelling against the need to pay your bills, and want to live for free. and there's nothing wrong with that. But it has nothing to do with money. Just the fact that we live in a material world, and have material needs. Food, water, shelter, security. Those needs are not free. It is what it is.
>>39559614sorry it was on accident i didn't get the conformation the post was up so just kept posting again
>>39558137>and how does one make firm changes to ones mindset and self-concept aka changes that are durable but yet CAN change if one desires so? constant (emotional) prayer/affirmations?I believe the best way is consistent mental pressure to move your mind in a new direction, and finding parts of your self image which are harmful and then manifesting/affirming positive version of that (which is its opposite, and will overcome the negative)though sometimes it works better to fire and forget.But if it keeps not working, as a long term problem, the problem is always with you. So the solution to the problem is also within you. In that case, you need to do more consistent/repeated mental pressure to change yourself and your deep seated beliefsIf you want to live in a better world, you need to build a better mind. Because even if you went to heaven today, you'd still probably find a way to ruin it and make yourself miserable or angry, or sad or "bored with the perfection" or whatever other problem you might invent even in literal paradise.Maybe it's a good thing we aren't born in heaven, and don't go there until we learn to be happy anywhere (with ourselves). By the time we are ready for heaven, we don't need it anymore, because heaven in inside. Though that means we also won't fuck it up when we go there.Death does seem to purify the soul.
>>39558184>Because they believe they can have those women. They believe they are they are irresistible to women. Now pair that with women who believe they are shit and deserve to be treated that way.Interesting way of putting it. I think that's true on some level. Maybe even most of the time. Perhaps I should manifest "I make my gf very happy" to avoid that problem.>Again, because they believe they deserve it.>When I was inches from ascension over a decade ago, I looked around and saw this- everyone gets what they believe they deserve,I asked this of an another anon but, doesn't "I believe this will happen" overwhelm the "I don't deserve this"?I know on a practical level "I don't deserve this" will hinder manifestations. But I don't know why it would on a theoretical level. Why would it?Can't you get things you don't deserve? People get things they don't deserve all the time?Is the real key here to believe you "deserve it" rather than "It will happen"?Or maybe you need to "believe it will happen" and "I deserve it" at the same time.So many questions
>>39562650>doesn't "I believe this will happen" overwhelm the "I don't deserve this"I guess the dominant feeling within the individual will win
>>39558373>i wish i knew, although being aware about it is the first step. i always felt like it was my part in life to suffer, it has been a major limitation in my life and i always keep relapsing into it. i know that one way or the other things will get easier for me, but some part in me still keeps telling me to take on that burden, to be better than everyone else.I wonder if "everyone sucks" and "I hate people" is manifested somehowand if we could change whatever is manifesting "people suck", then we wouldn't hate them. Because everyone would be really great peopleIs there any rule from manifesting that "everyone is awesome, and a great person"? I don't think so. So, why not?Seems like a good experiment to investigate whatever resistance I have, being "anti social" or "I hate people" or whatever else like that. Why is that happening? What is causing that? Time to find out I guess.
>>39558623>As long as the words are helping you focus on the goal, the actual wording is meaningless. Neville uses "Isn't it wonderful?"No, that's perfect. Because it gets rid of resistance, and "wanting" something even though you are conflicted."Isn't it great?" "Isn't it wonderful?" will manifest something that's just great with no hidden drawbacks, and nothing in you that fears or dreads getting exactly what you wished for. It's just great, so what is there to fear?Like let's say you have a fear of relationships, or resent women. You want to manifest a good woman (who is also beautiful) for your gf. But something holds you backImagine your ideal woman, who is great in every way, looks, personality, her position in life, etc. And then "Isn't it wonderful?""But won't she cheat on me, because I don't deserve her?" "No, because she loves me and thinks the world of me""Isn't it wonderful?""But I could never get her, won't she go for some other guy who is more handsome, taller, more money, better person?" "No, because for her, I am her perfect man"etc etcIf you can actually hear the voice of resistance, you can have a conversation with itAnd eventually it, you will say "Isn't it wonderful?" and it will say "... Yeah, I guess it is?" sort of hesitatingThen again and again, until you say "Isn't it wonderful?" and it says "Yeah! This is great!"
>>39558648>So whats the consensus on "letting go". Im in the camp of "keep doing preferred method/s until it appears in 3D". Some people say you should do it and then just stop.>So what do you guys think? So many conflicting information on it.I think sometimes it will just work on its own. and you can fire and forgetother times you have to keep doing it, and the manifestations will just get stronger and stronger until it fully manifestsI think if it's not working, it's probably resistance on your part, and you need to go back to affirmations so that you will believe it with no drawbacks and no inner fear.Then it will manifest more easilyNotice how sometimes you try and try, and it doens't work, and then you just stop caring (and it won't even make you happy now), and THEN it works? That's because you were holding yourself back. And once you no longer cared, you just stopped thinking about it, so there was no more resistance. Then it just "pops" into place.The key is to get things to happen without needing to stop caring and become jaded then give up. You should get things that actually make you happy, right?So then you need to remove the resistance. Then you can get things you want without giving up completely (while you still want it).
>>39562497>Or some how anti-manifested from what I was trying to do, based on my own negative thoughtsThere's no such thing as anti manifestation, you are manifesting at all times and it was just another manifestation like everything else. You can think logically that you want a good realtionship but then continually worry about your relationship. Which belief is stronger in you? The occasional logical thought or the constant worrying?
>>39559096>What i need to do? How do i chnage (transmutate) that idea from my subconsicous?find something else, to replace itthen manifest that
>>39559332>I don't find myself attractive, I'm even ashamed sometimes not to have a better physique and it makes my life weird socially, but from time to time there is someone (female) who tells my sister "oh your brother is handsome ". It happens regularly, I never affirmed or did sats, it just happens randomly.>How can you explain that? I don't see myself as handsome at all and still I get complimented. According to LoA i should live in a world where everyone sends me back my thoughts as a reflexionManifesting works by the beginning manifesting toward a certain end stateSo what kind of end state would require starting with a woman who knows you (friend/acquaintance of your sister) to think you're handsome?Work backward from there.It's probably "I deserve love" "I want a girlfriend"remember, not everything manifests forward. In fact, most things manifest backward.You visualize the end, and then manifesting makes the beginning happen so that you GET to the end state you imagined.So that woman thinking you're handsome wasn't your manifestation. As you said, you don't really think you're handsome. Rather, it was the required start to GET you to the end state you were actually manifesting. Meaning, you get a girlfriend.Funnily enough, if that's true, then it could be a way for you to actually become handsome. If enough women tell you you're handsome (because of this other manifestation), you might start to believe it, and then you might start to manifest it directly.Meaning you will manifest being handsome indirectly, using a backward facing manifestation.So I guess you're secret a super genius? So smart you weren't aware of it? Jokes aside, that's how it works half the time.Good job anon. And go get that lady! She wants the D(the "D" stands for desire.... her desire for your D)
>>39559449>but here's the thing, it was never people I liked, it was always old or unattractive women (or men). Not only did that not make me feel attractive, it made me feel even more unattractive because logically, if the only people finding me attractive are old and fat, it means I'm in that "league", ie also very unattractive. At least that's how it was in my mind.haha so true. that was my experienceAnd then somehow (before I knew any of this) I "suddenly" became more attractive. Nothing really changed, and it was a night and day differenceI think on some level, it was caused by some indirect manifesting. Maybe I "wanted to make a woman really happy" and the best way for that to happen was that she would find me very attractive and then we would start dating.And maybe that's a better way of manifesting a gf. Instead of "she is the perfect woman, and only wants me" I should manifest "I make my gf really happy".Probably also a good thing to manifest "I make her very happy, and she makes me very happy"I remember having a string of relationships, where I didn't really like the girl and it was rather unsatisfying. so I should manifest "I really like my gf, and she really likes me"
>>39560016>Building a faith basewhat is that?
>Man is the Ark containing within himself the male-female principles of every living thing.>The dove or idea which is sent out to find dry land is man’s attempt to embody his ideas. Man’s ideas resemble birds in flight – like the dove in the story, returning to man without finding a place to rest.>If man will not let such fruitless searches discourage him, one day the bird will return with a green sprig. After assuming the consciousness of the thing desired, he will be convinced that it is so; and he will feel and know that he is that which he has consciously appropriated, even though it is not yet confirmed by his senses.>One day man will become so identified with his conception that he will know it to be himself, and he will declare, “I AM; I AM that which I desire to be (I AM that I AM)”. He will find that, as he does so, he will begin to embody his desire (the dove or desire will this time find dry land), thereby realizing the mystery of the word made flesh.>Everything in the world is a crystallization of this liquid light. “I AM the light of the world” [John 8:12, John 9:5, John 12:46].
>>39561602>Gentlemen, I'm... surprised, unnerved, and a little pleased to report I have done an unwanted "dimensional shift" or whatever it's called.uh... based?>While visiting my parents for the holidays, on New Year's Eve, I was made aware that there's a tradition to play a particular church hymn just before the clock strikes 12 for the new year. This is being done every year, and every relative we spoke to with greetings and the like referenced this hymn by name. Only problem is, I'd never heard of it before. When I said as much, I got the weirdest stares.Then make more stuff happen! sounds like an exciting opportunity>Either that, or I've developed selective amnesia or something.Making yourself forget how something works is a good way to reality shift. Then you can "rediscover it" in a different way. And you won't have any cognitive dissonance and disbelieve it "cuz wasn't that the other way???" Nope! It has always been this way, and how else would you know?"You must have forgotten. Bless your heart."Do this again, and this time use the technique intentionally.
>>39562407>Just keep imagining her being more beautiful and she will be.I think this is true, and probably what happens when men fall in love with women."wow, she's so pretty" "she's so great"The woman ACTUALLY becomes more beautiful somehow.I was trying that while watching a video just as a test (and yes, anons, you can manifest changes in a video retro-actively as you're watching it even if it's not live). This was a random tech talk I was watching, and the talk show host was a woman. Something I didn't care about or even plan beforehand, just tried it out of nowhere.And the woman in question DID become noticeably more beautiful. But there was a certain feature (her nose) which just wouldn't change.Then I manifested "she is perfect woman" and she started saying things I really agreed with, and things that would show me that she's my kind of woman etc. Things that had nothing to do with the tech talk, about values I cared about on a personal level, and somehow it was related to the topic. But I really wasn't expecting that to come up.I kept trying to change her appearance, and it did work... but once I noticed a certain feature, let's say her eyes, or mouth, or how old she she appeared (like wrinkles), they wouldn't go away.So... I still have to think about it>By realizing that reality isn't fixed and external, it only appears to be so. Reality is completely imaginal and therefore changeableYeah I keep trying. thanks anon
>>39562815>There's no such thing as anti manifestation, you are manifesting at all times and it was just another manifestation like everything else.Yes, I agree.I just mean a "counter manifestation", meaning something negative that would cause me distress and I don't really want. As opposed to a "proper manifestation" where I try to make something happen and it does happen and I get what I want.I think anti manifestations come from resistance. And they are very annoying to get rid of, since you usually aren't aware of them.But the thing you really want, you are aware of. So that's easier to understand consciously, but maybe harder to make happen (some times).>You can think logically that you want a good realtionship but then continually worry about your relationship. Which belief is stronger in you? The occasional logical thought or the constant worrying?Yeah, exactly. I think I get into the start of a relationship and feel really positive. About what a relationship means to me, how I think the girl is so great, I'm excited to be with her, etcAnd then the novelty wears off and I stop thinking such strong thoughts about "she's the one" "wow she's so great" "she's so pretty", and start thinking about problems, and worrying about themAnd slowly they start manifesting. Because they're on my mind, especially if they do manifest and then I especially think about them because they were "confirmed" and "I knew it all along!" and then it becomes a negative spiralSo instead of doing that, which would just make it worse, I really should manifest in the opposite direction if that starts happening.Or really, even better, just stop accidentally manifesting problems by worrying about things that haven't even happened yet.A lot to think about. thanks anon
>>39562515>>39562584>sorry it was on accident i didn't get the conformation the post was up so just kept posting againthis man is stuck in a time loop. Watch the movie tenetnot sure why that popped in my head. tenet is a fun movie anyway. Yeah, go watch it!Then you can escape your time loops. Good luck
>>39562692>>doesn't "I believe this will happen" overwhelm the "I don't deserve this">I guess the dominant feeling within the individual will wingood point. maybe that's how it works
vicious cycle of not truly believing , but instead just 'really wanting / wishing for something' and then not remembering that you haven't been not truly believing, and then assuming that you were truly believing but you weren't.days go by and you are in your routine. Assuming that you were truly believing and being discouraged because you were assuming that you were truly believing.Have to focus and truly believe.
>It's not that love is unavailable to you, it's that you're given the space to become the highest version of yourself first - Joe DispenzaWhat level of ugly cope is this? This is your king, /LoA/ copers?
Threadly reminder:>"loa is just a mental outlook technique" retard>"loa doesn't work" retard>"lil anon is a vampire" retard>"loa is just magical thinking yet I'm still here" retard>"loa is just pseudoscience" retardThis is likely just one retard or it could be several retards, it doesn't really matter. Just hide their posts whenever you see them, don't waste your attention engaging them. Spend your time practicing the law, or if it doesn't work for you, then try something else. Don't waste your timeDiscuss the law, ask questions about the law, don't engage with retards
>>39562715This isn't even LoA but in the book How To Win Friend and Influence People he suggests taking the mindset that everyone tou meet is your friend and wants the best for you, and it really does work wonders even from a purely psychological perspective.
>>39563431Hello, lil anonStill trying to become a world famous rapper vampire? Playboi Carti already took your gimmick.
>>39563314see it this way - how are you going to recognize true love if you can't truly love yourself first?
>>39563431get up to date on your /LoA/ gen lore asshat, lilanon was a vampire but decided to quit being one, just like that (bila kayf!)
>>39561940This anon got the point. 100%.Yall just want to score when scoring basically means reaching your goals and reaching them means you’re the kind of animal that gets shit DONE.As I said prior; manifest all you want, you won’t be a bodybuilding champion by just wishing, period. Because being a bodybuilding champion means you need to train, eat, sleep like a champion. The rest is coping
>bila kayf!
i sometimes find myself reminisce my time in the group home, i would do menial and light labor for what basically was a 200 bucks a month. the amount was a pittance but it reminds me that in my current neetbuxx set up i can earn 900 bucks a month without it affecting my income support. that amount of money is significant to me so i am trying to get an easy job that i can do. sadly finding a job is very difficult in my country nowadays but i think i will get the job.
>>39563948this you?
>>39563431This is spam at this point, if you are this insecure about some people questioning your head canon then it’s your issue.As other anons have pointed out Lilanon claimed he was a vampire himself. That’s your star poster. Obviously some posters are going to question this but that’s what you get when 4chan’s top larper operates here.
>>39557045The cause you are speaking of is the assumption of the wish fulfilled, not something in the 3D. From the same Kybalion the principle of Cause comes from:>The Hermetic Teachings are that Man may use Law to overcome laws, and that the higher will always prevail against the lower, until at last he has reached the stage in which he seeks refuge in the LAW itself, and laughs the phenomenal laws to scorn.But if taking action works best for you, then keep doing it.
>>39564095Ehy man, I’m the poster of that comment.Could you explain better what you mean?I do agree with you that the wish fulfilled in your mind is the cause that leads to action, however I don’t understand what you mean with “if action is fine for you, then keep doing it”Is there another way to do this? I mean, some anon posted the story about the man stuck on the roof. He died because he didn’t took the action of moving his ass from the roof to the boat, even if he manifested more than one way to escape.
Nobody ask why we'd live in a world where we can manifest something by doing all these shenanigans? A world where we have to wait for x period of time to get something and still with no certainty. Who created such a world? Why such rules? Why?Is it some kind of experiment we live in? Or a test where only the braves survive? Are we observed?What for?Our body work in a specific way with rules, same for our mind. We were designed in such a beautiful and smart way, we can't even scratch the surface of how we really function. Honnestly all of this seem so strange.
>>39563944>thinks loa is just wishingngmi
>>39562843Thanks friend I really enjoyed reading your reply.Well i'm not ugly at all I'm exaggerating the trait, but I have self esteem issues. I think I could use LoA to fix them, it's a good method for self improvement I think, if not for manifesting. Your reasoning is very interesting too, I will think of this, thanks.
>>39564160More explaining? What for? Go do your "actions"
>>39562861That's the way I am doing it, imagining my gf so peaceful and happy in my arms first. Don't know if it will work buy I like putting her happiness first then mine. Maybe that's not the right way to proceed, don't know.
>>39562972>And the woman in question DID become noticeably more beautiful.I read an article saying the more you look at someone the more you find them attractive. Even someone that is not your style or at first repulses you can become beautiful after a while looking at them. There is probably a scientific explanation to this.So to get laid by your SP you probably have to make her see you more and more lol
>>39563835I think you can love yourself after finding someone who loves you. Love can come anytime.
>>39564203NTA but you're handsome anon. a handsome fella any woman would be happy to be with!>>39564212id say imagine yourself happy, you radiate love and want to kindle that love and sexual flair between you and her! you're not an afterthought anon! and you definitely should not think this way in your own mind!
>>39564160I meant that whatever method, technique or belief gets you the results you want is fine, there's no need to debate if you're doing well with your own method. After all this general is much more tailored towards the practical side of the Law, i.e. getting results, and as everyone is different it follows that everyone has different ways to get to where they want to be and they're all equally valid.As for the boat story - even though I doubt of its truthfulness, you could easily argue we don't know what the man was thinking, what he had placed his awareness on, what he believed at the time. I agree with you that if the opportunity presents itself you should take action though, no doubt about that. I just don't think it's a must.
>>39564208Found the incel who never took matter in his own hands lmao. Loa without according actions is like acting mindless, aka won’t fulfill its purpose >>39564293Yeah, I get your point.Again, imho, when you wish for something you need to be prepared for the consequences of that wish (see >>39561940). You can’t be the best footballer in the world if you don’t train your ass off, period. You can manifest all you want, but your goals/achievements tipically have the consequences of that specific goal you have in mind. I dare the big mouth here above manifest themselves as the next Mr. Olympia. I will be waiting for you.Now, to be in synchronicity and to vibe on the same frequency as a bodybuilding champion AND train and eat accordingly, different story.
>>39564293>>39564293Also, you mentioned “other” methods that are not acting accordingly to your own thoughts. Can you elaborate? Any on the top of your mind?
>>39564208Also, my friend, there’s no need to be so aggressive.My experience so far on this earth has got me sawing people achieving greatness by fighting relentlessly and constantly. Faith, in this case, together with illuminated action driven by that same faith, has been the common denominator to their successes.I’m more than available to hear your thoughts about the matter, without tearing each others limbs apart.
>>39563966This you?
>>39564477>whiteknighting for the finngolian schizo
>>39564192I think we are God experiencing. God is the unmoved mover. We are God's fingers, experiencing for God. Sending back little information packets of what it's like.
>>39564491No so much white knighting for MA but rather showing my disgust for muslims.
>>39562768Thank you, I'll remember this.
It’s so frustrating watching you anons argue over “wishing” and “action”You’re entirely missing the point.
>>39564522Shine light on us then, I think this might be one of the most popular thread on X for a reason, if everything was set, done and already knew we wouldn’t need to have discussions. So, please brother, go ahead
>>39563002Already watched it I think the pacing is a bit quick though usually chris nolan movies have a world building feeling to them
>>39564623poistha tämä jolophi...
>>39564536I don’t have to, you already know. >The only way to manifest your desires is through hard work. My reality confirms this.Life hacks, hustle culture, pick up artist, etc.>All I have to do is wish I have itDeluded himself into thinking he has a video game cheat code or magic wand.You’re the captain of your own ship. Start acting like it.
>>39564536it is law of assumption.You assume that the desired state is already true.
>>39564212you shallow fucks the mirror is what you need
>>39564387>I’m more than available to hear your thoughtsWhat for when you already think you know it? Go and do what you've always done + wishing lol
>>39564700Anon, this is not how you engage in civil and productive discussions. I’m sharing my experience, but I’m akin to learn from others while stupid fucks like you already have manifested their best reality yet are still here playing the smug mentorship meme. So you have two options, A) learn to discuss with proper mannerisms or B) manifest me kicking your head until you’re back in a sane state>>39564663Further elaboration is required, unless you’re able to explain it properly it means you didn’t grasp the concept and you’re playing the big dog by avoiding direct questions.Hell, I think most of you didn’t even bother to read the stuff that OP posted in the first place
>>39564729Looks like indians have found x. Great
>>39564770EMEA zone anon, better luck next time guessing my ethnicity. Anyway, keep dodging questions and play the guru, I’m sure your contribution to this thread is immense at this point
>>39564262The only handsome anon here is you mate, thanks for your encouragements !I experienced some beautiful love stories in my life, one of them was vertiginously beautiful. With time while getting older I am succumbing to negative thoughts, telling myself I can no longer please a woman anymore, my heart know it is BS but my brain thinks it's over for love stories.The brain is a tough machine to convince, and for some reason it seems to pay more attention to negative things compared to positive ones.I've never understood why it was so easy to dive into bad thoughts and entertain them, instead of doing this with nice ones. Strange how we are made.Anon I wish you all the love the world can give, you're a nice person, I'd have loved to hang with you (no homo), thank you very much.
>>39564845>and for some reason it seems to pay more attention to negative things compared to positive ones.That's because you made of habit of it. It's up to you to change that. You have nothing to convince but yourself. Your brain is an illusion
>>39564729>Further elaboration is required, unless you’re able to explain it properly it means you didn’t grasp the conceptYou’re in a 4chan thread seeking the meaning of life and getting upset when it’s not clearly spelled out for you. You claim to understand how things work, yet you’re accusing others for lack of understanding when you’re unable to obtain your instant gratification.As I said, you’re the captain of your own ship. Start acting like it. If that answer is unsatisfactory for you, I don’t know what to tell you.
>>39564894how's manifestation not fit into that though? yes i am the captain of my own ship, therefore i take radical control of how my thoughts, belief and knowing are shaping my reality everyday. it's pretty straightforward?
>>39564845The way I see it anon - Negativity in general is a lot like sin. it's easy to do, it takes the pain away, but long term it destroys.Positivity is the opposite! it might seem hard to do at first, but it grows and blossoms into beauty that spreads! I appreciate the kind words! I feel the love from here, and I think you can hit your goals no problem!
>>39564894Keep derailing my questions, idk what to tell you. Speaking gibberish when asked straightforward questions shows lack of understanding and knowledge.>>39565170He’s playing the smug guru part.I’m the anon that posted this >>39557045yet apparently it’s the most intelligent thing that was written here except for the OP message. And it’s a pity, because it basically means that no one (exceptions occur) read the fucking books that OP links.
>>39565227>Negativity in general is a lot like sinNTA but I actually agree, I'd go further to say that engaging with any thoughts that aligned with your desire or goals (including chasing 'false' desires that you don't *truly* want) could be in the same category of 'sin'. I wonder why negativity can feel so good though. Surely there must be a purpose to it, even if in the form of jokes to lighten up a negative situation.
>>39565517>engaging with any thoughts that aligned with your desire or goals could be in the same category of 'sin'wat? that just sounds like free will lmao
>>39565419>no one (exceptions occur) read the fucking books that OP linksin addition, book-anon was the best thing to happen in the last few threads and just a week or so later look where we are now. sigh>>39565517>I wonder why negativity can feel so good thoughthe tempter. the seducer.on a serious note though it's literally just what you've become used totake it from me, it feels far better to be aligned with the positive stuff you want to "aspire" tothe world greets you how you greet yourself, loving myself was the best thing i ever did honestly and i thank solely loa for it
>>39565634>book-anon was the best thing to happen in the last few threadslilanon got his panties in a twist over him, that's good enough in my book
>>39565583>>39565517Damn it, I meant 'engaging with thoughts NOT aligned with your desire can be classified as sin'
>>39565634yeah logically I know that, but it is damn hard to drop the negativity and be positive.
>>39565517>why negativity can feel so good though. Surely there must be a purpose to iBecause ahriman, the negative force that slows you down isn't evil. If you can instantly manifest anything, there's no reason to even exist. Like imagine you want someone to cum into but even that's ahriman because what u really want is that feeling of oblivion. It's negativity it's desire It's delay why you're alive
>>39565517It seems like negative thoughts were addictive. Open X or FB and you'll be naturally attracted by scam stories, crimes, etc... That's weird it's like we have been trained to like negative stories from the start.Anyway I don't think being ultra positive all the time is the solution though (what some call toxic positivity).
>>39559484>Hi when you talk about murphy is it joseph murphy?>I think his work is all about affirmations, no?Yes pretty much, but he also explains how the sub works and how you can be friend with it and build a relationship that will benefit you.
>>39565419Hello /fit/sig/loa/ brother. You speak the truth and this thread is full of Duning Kruger retards. Manifesting works and no one will be able to prove why but the theories on frequencies or psychocybernetics and RAS are interesting to discuss. Problem is, if you discuss it in this general the freaks come out. They make loa look bad because they globbed onto it as an excuse for inaction and living in a fantasy. Like any other religion. But the ones who have success with it use it in tandem with action. It just really triggers fat losers and goblins so they are a vocal minority. But many of us agree with you but don’t spend 24/7 here and instead check in only while taking a shit so there’s an illusion everyone is in an interdimensional incest relationship or a vampire. And will crab bucket any calls to action.
>>39557045UL looks like absolute schizo babbel. Neville is good but en vogue and all these newfags treat him like a deity. It’s nauseating. They don’t dare look at other people who use loa or teach manifesting techniques. They just appeal to daddy Neville. SATS isn’t the only technique. Sigils and affirmations seem to work. It’s fun to explore why but who cares at the end of the day? https://youtube.com/shorts/VgGE8XS9hJU There’s a Jim Rohn quote about people measuring the roots and studying the plant and then there’s people who just pick the fruit. Obvs value in both but I think tapping into metaphysical stuff you will never get a concrete answer since it’s beyond comprehension for 3-D beings. But look up the book “Psychocybernetics” for a non woo woo theory. I personally think the quantum physics and spirit guides and frequencies and all that make sense for the spiritual explanation but who knows.
>>39565419It’s unfortunate you mistake good faith responses for smugness. Your reality is what you make of it my friend.You are getting too caught up in how you achieve something and in the process are convincing yourself you cannot have it. Of course olympians and body builders work out. If your mindset is “if I want to be a body builder I need to start working out” you’ve already lost.I would encourage you to continue your journey of self reflection rather than accusing others of not understanding.
>>39565634Does book-anon have a mega folder or reading list I could find in the archives? Brian Tracy Superconscious Mindhttps://youtu.be/RO1Dm-X9zBw
>>39563835What made you assume I don't love myself, you cliche posting fucking retard? Are you a female?
>>39565880what you are talking about isn't loa, it's just positive visualization
>>39556967Is that your mom? Can I fuck her? What a milf. Sauce on pic so I can stalk her and bang her irl after a meetcute?
>>39566030Techniques to change your self image and frequency aren’t loa? Then wtf is a visionboard and why does everyone report success with them?
>>39565977No problem anon, writing is not a great gateway to communicate between individuals anyway.Then, please elaborate on >You are getting too caught up in how you achieve something and in the process are convincing yourself you cannot have it.If you have already that in your mind, and your actions are a mere method to get you from point A to point B, how can you convince yourself of the contrary? I’m not following you.
>>39565880what is your preferred technique to manifest, masteranon ?
>>39565949>but I think tapping into metaphysical stuff you will never get a concrete answer since it’s beyond comprehension for 3-D beingsWell said. I didn't manifest anything major on my ist yet, but it's probably because I think too much with my brain trying to understand how it works. Better letting go all of this and focus on the feeling
Hi anons, if I live in my mind, imagining my ideal life, and get satisfied with this, I'm afraid I'll only live things in my mind.If you enjoy something, the universe (you, whatever) will give you more of it. So if I enjoy living in my imagination then the risk is I'll always get nice things only in my mind. No?
>>39566069that's just a well known face in the finnish rappiotube circles, he used to stream himself just drinking and lying on the sofa (with the occasional bout of psychosis). then he got a hot big tiddy gf, in the end i am not too bitter about it. women have earlier expressed admiration towards his looks and he is a bit of an artistic soul so he stood the best chance to getting a gf from the rappiotube scene.now how does this relate to my manifestation? idk, i guess i just was being a sufferer at that point and wanted to feel like i was being trampled on by an unjust world.
>>39566096>frequencythat's loa talk, the "a" being attraction
About charging sigils with masturbation.... We already masturbate watching p0rn and those scenes never materialize in the 3D. Whereas you really feel them real while jerking, you have sensations and emotions and feelings as if the situation was real. And still your life is still the same, no 10/10 girl showing in your life to satisfy all your desires.So how charging a sigil with jerking would be different? (serious question)
>>39562324>Has anyone tried to alter the appearance of someone elseDimensional Market Anon made his wife's boobs bigger. I loved the crazy stuff he used to do, almost a "take that!" to the Anons that want to make this milquetoast so that can sell it to non-LoAs and look more impressive to them.
I'm tired. Why is it that every time I wholeheartedly believe something will manifest, that I never believe a second it will fail, 3D gets twice as awful as a result? I'm hit with horrible losses, and even deaths. All my attempts at disregarding 3D and being unwaveringly confident have only resulted in 3D showing me the worst possible outcomes. Why am I being punished for believing in myself? This makes no sense.
>>39566098You should explore the concept of time and causality. I don’t mean time travel or science fiction, but metaphysically. For me, the greatest breakthrough was the realization that many of the events and actions in my life were the result of manifestations I hadn’t made or understood yet, and when you finally understand it all clicks. You can be reductive and claim I’m post hoc rationalizing, I’m schizo, or I just have blind faith. To which I have no counter claim other than that’s where the fun in all this lies.
>>39566291This seems to be common, I don't know why. I'm going through this right now myself. People say to persist, so I'm going to try that. I haven't actually ever come out the other end though, so I don't know how correct they are.
>>39562522>I wonder why "deserving" something would interfere with it happening.Because it's a deep belief. Remember that when you are manifesting, if there is internal disagreement most often it resolves as nothing happening. "I want this"/"I don't deserve this" resolves about the same as "I want this"/"I'm scared of the consequences">What if you believe something will happen?Give an example>Maybe believing it will happen is not enough, you have to "Agree" with it on some levelBelief/acceptance is along the same lines. If you believe you can/should, that denotes acceptance. If you can't do that, you are not accepting.>Shouldn't the "I believe this will happen" over-ride the "I don't deserve it"???Greater belief wins>Something can happen that you don't deserve, obviously.Of course, but if you believed it should, it will happen anyway whether you deserved it or not.
>>39562650>Can't you get things you don't deserve? People get things they don't deserve all the time?I think what you are asking is why these things happen when a person (supposedly) doesn't believe it should, or at least, not specifically.Overall beliefs can hurt you. When you believe in the 3d, you are accepting a ton of other beliefs with it- you will get sick. You will get injured. You will struggle. You will lose people close to you. All of it is statistical and inevitable.Now look at that through the lense of "What I believe happens"
>>39565880Ehy fellow brother.I read your message with great pleasure since apparently being pragmatical in the right kind of way is perceived as being a non-believer, while in fact for me it’s the opposite! I also have enough evidence to understand that “all is mental”, in the sense that everything must be imagined first, then worked on.Visionaries are so called because they have a vision that they fulfilled. Visions without according actions is basically just being very vivid with own thoughts.>>39565949Yeah, ngl, UL is schizo tier. I gave it a quick read, however it lacks consistency and the so called proofs are nothing but very very vague schizo math (the all is one, you’re basically the same thing in all existence ecc.)Neville, I actually like him very much. SATS is something I can relate with since the sleep is the esoteric process where your soul leaves your body (see astral projections ecc.). You know, science is limited to what it can see, but if you have experienced stuff related to extra-body experiences you already know that the stuff is real and there’s a lot more to sleep than what meets the eyes. At that point, the math adds up in some way.Thanks for the link. I will give it a shot.
>>39562872>>Building a faith base>what is that?When you have some successes you can remind yourself of when you are working toward "bigger" manifests. When you are having trouble with a manifest it can feel like you are not accomplishing anything. I am working on a white whale right now that I am having trouble believing in, but I can remind myself that I have done other big things before and yes I can do this.
>>39566291Try watching this:https://youtu.be/VC_XOiQVuHk?si=n3xUjP-zOF_AXMcU
>>39565656>lilanon got his panties in a twist over himWho?
>>39565949>They just appeal to daddy Neville. SATS isn’t the only techniqueNeville taught almost every technique, so the gatekeepers that claim otherwise immediately out themselves.Neville is not the only teacher but he may be the most complete resource for this general. Nearly every problem Anons report here he addresses and gives alternatives for in addition to.>SigilsSigils are 2 steps removed and don't work reliably for everyone. Great if they do for you, but don't push them here, they are occult topic. Just like the hand raising crap.>but I think tapping into metaphysical stuff you will never get a concrete answer since it’s beyond comprehensionIf you really want to know how it works you can manifest the answers. I did it because I want to know everything. Did it make me a better manifester? Yes. Did it make me that much better as a manifester vs the time I put it? Probably not, but I like to know things.>for 3-D beingsYou're not a 3d being. None of us here are. We are pretending to be, but you are never anything other than what you are- Infinite.
>>39566420> SATS is something I can relate with since the sleep is the esoteric process where your soul leaves your body (see astral projections ecc.). You know, science is limited to what it can see, but if you have experienced stuff related to extra-body experienceYou have misunderstood everything.SATS is not the same as astral projection.You have also decided that astral projection is real. It isn’t. You don’t leave your body. It’s just a dream state.You are double stacking your larps. This is a bad situation. One more set of larps on top of larps and you might as well get a trip and claim you were tutored by Lilith.
>>39566522There was a poster that posted some books recently as recommendations. Probably him. I ignored it because the Bible was in there. Lmao. The Bible.
>>39566546>It’s a Lilanon will never be anything other than infinite episode.Lose some weight. I thought you could be anything, why can’t you be less than infinite? Limiting belief.
May I run a test along with you all? I would like a new, larger 4k computer monitor. It's an upgrade I could use. It can be any brand, but I like the color of IPS screens. 60 refresh rate is adequate, but higher would be terrific. I would like it free of charge. If I could procure it for a dime or a dollar, so be it. So long as its price is 99% off its retail value or completely free.I feel I am a magician in procuring it in this manner and form. I will post the results here with comment and a picture of the new monitor after I have manifested it. It is for my own leisure I desire this upgrade, and it is within the range of belief that I should procure it.Where am I? Home. How am I? In good health. Happy. In my lane, but fancy some material upgrades. If anything, this particular upgrade is a reflection of the amount of inner alchemy I have been doing, and perhaps this is a way for that work to channel into manifestation. Like I have stored up a certain amount of spiritual currency that I can spend on something I can imagine spending it on. I suppose I could save that currency, like I would money in a bank, but why not spend it? I manifested it with my efforts and imagination and feeling.I am sharing this, because a) this is my will and I am set on manifesting it, and b) I would like others in my life as I manifest my will. Not to rub it in anyone's faces, but so that I am not alone in doing manifesting, and finally c) I am curious if my manifestation methods could be enhanced by any wisdom that could be imparted here. I am not looking for reassurances.Thank you for reading my blog. Abracadabra.
>>39566626Never reveal your intended manifestations to anyone else.This is in the source material.It’s over for you.Go back and read the stuff in the OP.
>>39566645>imagine never sharing anything because it is already finished nothing is revealed unless itll never happenwho are you
>>39566626It won't work for you. Nobody here has had any success.
>>39566675assuming thats true, when i post my manifestation, that will no longer be the case.
>>39566645>>39566675holy limiting belief batman!
>>39566650>“Do not discuss your ambitions or desires with another, for the other will only echo your present fears. Secrecy is the first law to be observed in realising your desire.”>“Go, tell no man of this holy thing that you have conceived. Lock your secret within you”Seems I am Neville Goddard.You are an idiot who has never read any of the sources.
>>39566730Ah the biggest fucking failure on the board,with the highest post count.Read Neville as described here >>39566736But you never will for you are not interested in LoA and just need a place to tell us about your horrific life. You don’t rant to read the actual bits that prove you do everything wrong.If you just worked on improving yourself you might not be such a joke.Is it so hard to actually try for a change?
>>39566736neville is a teacher, not the law himself. i want to talk about it. if doing so pangs your inner fears, then thats a you problem.
>>39566759what if i just assume that i never told anyone about it?
>>39566736This.This general is filled with posters who never make any effort to actually do it right.
>>39566763Of course you want to announce your shit. You aren’t here to do the law just like this fucking blogger. >>39566772All mouth and no manifestation. You think you know better than the teachers. Lmao.It won’t work but continue to shit the place up. After all you only fail yourself.
>>39566799of course i do want to announce my intentions. you want to tell others to shut up like elon. im not so surprised there are kikes here, but lmao. goddard would never screech your are. youre not a teacher at all. youre just a jew. go ahead. keep feeding me. YNBAW
>>39566684It won't work. You know it won't.
>>39566841Every time I feel I’ve lost the plot, it’s refreshing to see people like you exist. Thank you, sincerely.
>>39566860i can't wait to see it.>>39566903what plot?
>>39557801So, nothing?
>>39566903>>39566945your plot, who has a plot shunning those discussing self-empowerment in relationship with God and his laws. you have a sad existence, but thankfully your time is almost up, kike.
>>39566626I'd like to do a test too, since I'm convinced manifestations are more bound to happen if several people are involved. Same with healing, if many people pray on you, miracles happen faster and more consistently (already proven, see for example Gregg Braden video about healing bladder cancer with LOA thanks to 3 persons).So I'd like 4 or 5 of us here, focus on one common desire like healing someone ill here, or anything else, and we do SATS everyday for this. Then after a week or so we stop and see what happens in the following days.It would be fun and interesting at the same time.We need a protocol to make it more scientific.
>>39567043> I'm convinced manifestations are more bound to happen if several people are involved.this is true. its called forming a mastermind. i had more people than i even knew praying for my life when i was in a coma last year with a 10% chance of survival. not only did i awake, i beat every low-balled chance of recovery every doctor gave me. transplant this, meds for the rest of your life-that. i needed none of it, and i'm now fully healthy and self-sustaining.what would you like to see, as a suggestion, a group to focus on manifesting?
>>39567095Congrats anon, your story is heart warming, thanks for sharing.I'm sure the prayers from different people helped you a lot, and even healed you.I'd like to reproduce this phenomenon.If we try with something like healing it could be too big for a first test. Let's focus on something more common (similarly to the pink tennis ball when we start with LOA). I know there is no big or small things with LOA, but psychologically some anons could be destabilized with a too ambitous goal (no 1 millions $ lottery win neither)I asked chatgpt to name this experiment, he suggested "Project Vibes in Action", seems rather good lol.Ok so for project VIA, let's how many anons would like to participate, and share their wish so we can pick up one. I suggest manifesting a participant being gifted a watch.I am participant1 you can refer to me as P1.<P1>Please share your ideas
>>39567262thank you. yeah i cant say enough about the healing, so i'll end it now. thank you :)i'll be <P2>I'll SATS tonight before sleep you, referred to as <P1> but also feelings wise as "the anon I was talking to earlier" receiving a watch. the watch is from another and it was given freely and not paid for. the event of gifting occurs in the physical domain and you possess the watch. it is yours. what you do with it, is entirely up to you. i am grateful to have assisted, however the event occurs.
>>39567308i will also energy clear room in the energetic plane for any doubts, phantom or from others, involving its manifestation or mental/emotional matters after-the-fact to gather in that room for it to be cleared. i find doing so to be pertinent to the manifestation process, much like the dinner process -- of before, during, and after. preparation, consumption, and cleaning. three phases to the whole experience.
>>39566564>There was a poster that posted some books recently as recommendationsOh, ya, the Anon that posted the perfect reading list. I didn't realize that was a big enough event to stop everything and discuss later and say I was upset about it.
>>39559239I am the abyss
>>39567308Great P2, welcome aboard !Yes we can practice SATS this way. For me I'll imagine reading a post here about a participant saying he has been gifted a watch out of the blue. I'll feel my joy for him and loop this feeling.Let's wait so we have 4-5 participants at least.Exciting !<P1>
>>39563944>As I said prior; manifest all you want, you won’t be a bodybuilding champion by just wishing, period. Because being a bodybuilding champion means you need to train, eat, sleep like a champion. The rest is copingNotice that in that wall of text, I did say you can manifest things purely through your mind.Though these are things that require nothing from youIf you want to be a body building champion, you really do need to... show up to the contest and beat all the other contenders. Meaning you need to get out of your house, compete on stage, talk to other people, etcSo just staying in your house won't do it. Same thing with "being a world famous actor". A world famous actor does have to actually get out of the house and do world famous actor type things, at least from time to time. And you do have to actually act in movies. Which means you need to get out of the house, and talk to people.Other manifestations can happen very quickly, even instantly, and require no effort on your part at all. They just happen.
>>39564192>Nobody ask why we'd live in a world where we can manifest something by doing all these shenanigans? Who created such a world? Why such rules? Why?many people have asked thatsome people have come up with answersOne of the most common is "the world is you, and you are the world" or "you are god, and you created this world from your mind"And other variations of that.>A world where we have to wait for x period of time to get something and still with no certainty.the answer would be "because of you">Honnestly all of this seem so strange.I agree. It is a bizarre world. How can our thoughts create change in the world, just by us thinking it? very strangeAnd not at all the way physics sees it.
>>39566420Yeah I love Neville. Just like everything, the fanbase ruins the source material. There’s a roastie I really like on YouTube called Neville Goddess who has a good take on his stuff. She used to be the mod for the NevilleGoddard subreddit (inb4 plebbit) and she and other mods had the same problem that you get on YouTube or /x/. There are grifters who will sell get rich quick lies and the desperate ppl who want to believe the lies. And it gets more clicks and all that. And same with these echochambers, people will insist that any sort of pragmatism or calls to action is blasphemy! But even Neville has changed his mind on things because just like us, he was experimenting to see what worked. I think anyone who tells you they know without a shadow of a doubt is lying or just convinced themselves. I am woo woo as fuck, I just explore various methods and look at the patterns. Pic rel and the links below are the Neville Goddess and Neville community ppl giving him a bad rep when he is a great teacher with a lot of wisdom: https://youtu.be/xTKyuc7wYPs?si=6F0a9Qu3NaSKkBwk https://youtu.be/vuR5z1CvfmE?si=CmURK4W8tC2wQiMz https://youtu.be/uLykIsf4mWs?si=x8w26nAr8Q8F9yyG
>>39564203>Thanks friend I really enjoyed reading your reply.>Well i'm not ugly at all I'm exaggerating the trait, but I have self esteem issues. I think I could use LoA to fix them, it's a good method for self improvement I think, if not for manifesting.>Your reasoning is very interesting too, I will think of this, thanks.you're welcome, and good luck!
>>39564663>Deluded himself into thinking he has a video game cheat code or magic wand.that is exactly how it worksIf you can't do that, you have a skill issuethough sometimes it is more difficult, takes longer, or requires you to go on an inner journey and change as a person.But sometimes it really does "just happen".
>>39566162>About charging sigils with masturbation.... We already masturbate watching p0rn and those scenes never materialize in the 3D. Whereas you really feel them real while jerking, you have sensations and emotions and feelings as if the situation was real. And still your life is still the same, no 10/10 girl showing in your life to satisfy all your desires.>So how charging a sigil with jerking would be different? (serious question)I have honestly wondered about thisWhat is the difference between visualizing a fantasy, and visualizing a manifestation?I think for one, you have no intent for "this to happen in real life" when you are just fantasizing. You "know" it's fake and that's the point. It's just a video you watch, or a fantasy you think about, and you do not behave as if it is actually real.So there's no intention to manifest it, for one.For two, you probably resist something in that fantasy. Like the classic case would be some hypersexual porn star who is great to fantasize about some sexual encounter, but afterward you think "she's such a whore". And she is literally a prostitute. And probably not good wife material, etc. So you wouldn't really want that in real life.So then you need to fantasize about something which is congruent with your other values. How can a woman be sexy, even hyper sexual, even fulfill all your fantasies, without being a whore?Certain sexual fantasies are hot, because they are dirty, or extreme or "out there". So those are straight out. Which means you need to remove that from your mental diet. Your eyes are how your brain eats info. What you look at is what your mind feeds on. And you are what you eat, right?In any case, to make this SATS fantasy a real manifestation, you would need to visualize something you don't resist (so nothing you think is dirty or "bad" or whatever), and push that intention out there and try to make it happen "in real life". So it's not "just" a fantasy.
>>39566167>>Has anyone tried to alter the appearance of someone else>Dimensional Market Anon made his wife's boobs bigger. I loved the crazy stuff he used to do, almost a "take that!" to the Anons that want to make this milquetoast so that can sell it to non-LoAs and look more impressive to them.Huh. I wonder if she just got more fat, or if she really did just become curvier and still stayed skinny.Would be kind of awesome, honestly. And if you could change a woman's appearance so she got curvier while somehow also getting skinnier, then that would kind of prove LOA is real in a more undeniable way.I wonder if it's more difficult to change how someone's face looks. If so, why? Because it should all be equally easy to change. The answer is of course "resistance is why one is harder or one is easier" but then how to overcome that resistance.
>>39566291>I'm tired. Why is it that every time I wholeheartedly believe something will manifest, that I never believe a second it will fail, 3D gets twice as awful as a result?sounds like you're fighting yourselfAnd the closer you get to your goal, the more you put obstacles and punishments in your way because you "don't deserve it" or something along those lines.Start again with "Isn't it wonderful?" and see if any mental resistance pops up"I got what I wanted, and isn't it wonderful?" Some second guessing, or self doubt pops up. "But if I got that big house, wouldn't I pay more property taxes?" Answer that question and put it to rest.Keep going, answering your doubts and fears, until you really honestly believe "this is good". That you are truly happy with the thought that "this will hapen"If you secretly dread it working, then the closer you get to your goal, the worse it will become. That sounds like what is happening to you, which is why I think you are fighting yourself.
>>39566162The intent behind it and the sheer belief that it will work. I'd wager that many religious miracles like drinking such and such water or touching such and such robe, spring from the fact the person was expecting and believing that such things would cure their problems, with absolute and fervent belief.
>>39566315>You should explore the concept of time and causality. I don’t mean time travel or science fiction, but metaphysically.>For me, the greatest breakthrough was the realization that many of the events and actions in my life were the result of manifestations I hadn’t made or understood yet, and when you finally understand it all clicks.>You can be reductive and claim I’m post hoc rationalizing, I’m schizo, or I just have blind faith. To which I have no counter claim other than that’s where the fun in all this lies.over the past couple days, I have really examined my life through the lens of "every that happens if because I manifested it" and I realized that many of the things (maybe even all of the things) happened after I imagined some thing happening, or gave some thought to some idea or eventOr that I counter manifested myself, because of some resistance or worry, and was blocked from getting what I wanted (or what I thought I wanted). And that lead to some investigation and self discoveryI think manifesting really does affect so much of our lives. And maybe the MOST powerful manifestations we do are the ones we don't even realize. meaning we didn't sit down and consciously try to manifest something, it just happened from "random" thoughts.it's almost as if the less effort you put in, the more powerful it will be when it manifests
>>39567862Thanks for your reply.Yes your points make sense.There are people who masturbate thinking of their SP instead of trashy woman acting on porn clips, and they don't show up neither. But yeah I think you nailed it with the intent, maybe they just fantasize or hope or wish, they don't live from the end or feel it's done.LOA acts in a mysterious way though, because somethimes you just have to think about something for a fraction of a second, forget about it, and boom you see it live in your 3D a few moments later. Still, their were no intent to manifest, it was just a random thought. Strange.
>>39567898>The intent behind it and the sheer belief that it will workWhat about this then anon>LOA acts in a mysterious way though, because somethimes you just have to think about something for a fraction of a second, forget about it, and boom you see it live in your 3D a few moments later. Still, their were no intent to manifest, it was just a random thought. Strange.
>>39566387>>I wonder why "deserving" something would interfere with it happening.>Because it's a deep belief.that does make sense. Believing you don't deserve something is a pretty deep one. pretty emotional, and usually something people don't think about consciously that much. They just "Feel" they deserve soemthing, or don't deserve.> Remember that when you are manifesting, if there is internal disagreement most often it resolves as nothing happening.interesting.> "I want this"/"I'm scared of the consequences"That also interferes? well I guess yeah I've run into that.But at that point, "I want this" would work equally well for "This is happening already". And wanting something, in my mind, shouldn't be as "strong" as something happening or not happening.So maybe... there's more to manifesting than just thinking "I am experiencing XYZ"Like all parts you have to agree"I want XYZ" "I deserve XYZ" "I believe XYZ is happening already" "I can handle the consequences of XYZ" "I look forward to the changes in my life from getting XYZ" "I will enjoy XYZ" etc etcSo "I want" "I deserve" "I believe" are all equal? Or maybe they all factor in, though some might be stronger as the others.Maybe it's based on how strong the belief is. So something has strong feelings about "I don't deserve XYZ", while the other thinks "This could never happen". So it will factor in more, based on which factor you have strong emotions.Either way, you have to get it all on board. So "I believe" and "I want" and "I deserve" all line up, and all of you is in harmony.And there's no second guessing or "but what if ABC????", which is also called resistance.All of you accepts XYZ as good, it will happen, you deserve it, etc.>If you believe you can/should, that denotes acceptance.Right. maybe there's even more. "deserve" "can" "believe" and also "should". If they all line up, it will manifest.
>>39567868Just wanted to say this, and put this here, in case some Anons want to make their gf/wife's tits bigger, there are PLENTY of mundane ways to do so.Off the top of my head red maca root, which boosts boob and butt size as well as fennel root, ingested and applied topically.Check out breast.is for a whole site dedicated to natural breast enhancement with a host of breast enlargement regimens, really cool documented progress of women inducing macromastia and even going from C cups to E cups.
>>39566485>>>Building a faith base>>what is that?>When you have some successes you can remind yourself of when you are working toward "bigger" manifests.Oh okay, yeah, that makes sense
>>39567746>the links below are the Neville Goddess and Neville community pplI usually don't like judging people on their look or their belongings, but after watching some videos about this ex-mod of the biggest LOA subreddit (he was doing this since years) he doesn't seem to live in a luxurious castle or wear expensive clothes, which is sus. I mean, if he was a mod in this famous subreddit, it implies he knows a lot about LOA, which means he could manifest anything including a luxurious life. I can't see any sign of this in his videos so it's not very encouraging.Anyway I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but in this particular case I am tempted to do it lol.Why all those coaches on youtube always look like they have an average life. With sucj a power, first they shouldnt waste their time making videos, and second they should show extraordinary things to their watchers. Something doesn't add up/
>>39566552>You have also decided that astral projection is real. It isn’t.Why not?And more importantly, what does it bother you if someone else on the internet believes something you don't? Who cares?
>>39566626>May I run a test along with you all? I would like a new, larger 4k computer monitor. It's an upgrade I could use. It can be any brand, but I like the color of IPS screens.sounds cool. I look forward to hearing the results of your test
>>39567926What about it lolManifestation is not an either/or scenario. I've manifested things I said off-handedly and didn't give a fuck about. I've also manifested things that I focused on, affirmed regularly for.I think when belief gets to the point where it's no longer belief, but knowledge, as in you KNOW this is going to work, that's when you get really good results with 2nd cause stuff like sigils or whatever.Whatever you want or focus on to want, you already have it, the moment you wanted it. I've read this before but I think the perfect analogy is like when buying something from the internet. It's yours. It's on the way. Just because it's not instantly in your lap doesn't mean it didn't happen or it's not yours. To the degree that you have resistance to the idea, even if you want it very much, that is how long it will take for your manifest to appear, to seem 'believable' within your existing mental framework of how things happen in 3D. Because in 4D, it's already yours, in the landscape of your mind and imagination, so it is an absolute certainty that the 3D MUST absolutely reflect what is already true in the 4D, it has no choice to.
>>39567926>>The intent behind it and the sheer belief that it will work>What about this then anon>>LOA acts in a mysterious way though, because somethimes you just have to think about something for a fraction of a second, forget about it, and boom you see it live in your 3D a few moments later. Still, their were no intent to manifest, it was just a random thought. Strange.yeah exactly. that is a good question. not that anon, but I do wonder about thatIt seems like a whisper is more powerful than a shout sometimes...but maybe that's just statistics. If you must use so much energy and push and push, and really exert your will, is that because you're resisting it?And the ones that happened just off "random" casual thought, which you then forgot about and barely put any energy into in the first place, that happens "easily". Because there was no resistance? PerhapsI feel like there's a way to test this.My theory is, if you had something which had NO resistance to, and then you added a lot of energy and went as crazy as possible, it would manifest even harder. Like it would the ultimate giga super manifestation.Because you really try to shove it into reality as much as possible, and also you had no resistance.Maybe a repeat of the ladder experiment would work. Or any other innocuous meaningless event (like picking up a red ball on the ground, or seeing a certain breed of dog).And if you super giga manifested it, you'd see dogs EVERYWHEREI have seen this happen myself, and it's super weird.Like for example, when I was thinking about my gf. And I put a lot of energy into it, for whatever reason. I wasn't even trying to manifest anything.When I went to the store later that day, I saw like 30 women who looked like her. All just in the same place. Very odd, jumped out at me very much.And I was like "Huh?" then I realized I put a lot of energy into it without realizing.
>>39567981>Anyway I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but in this particular case I am tempted to do it lol.>Why all those coaches on youtube always look like they have an average life.TrueI will always judge a magician by his results. Especially if he's teaching about money spells. Well he should be rich.If not, then why would I ever take his advice on manifesting money?Same thing with someone talking about manifesting a love relationship. He's very successful with women, right? Has a great wife and very happy (or alternatively, is very successful at the more short term side of things). If not, why would I ever take his advice?
>>39568039Thanks anon, but I think you missed my point, I was refering to manifestations that occur while you didn't even want them to occur. No intent no nothing, just a random thought and a few minutes later it's materializing in your life whereas you didn't ask anything.This anon here >>39568079 perfectly got the point and I like this explanation very much.But all in all I am certain we don't know all the requirements to manifest, believing or feeling doesn't seem the only required conditions (to me)
>>39568102>I will always judge a magician by his resultsTotally mate. I mean this redditor mod seems cool and everything, but cmon he didn't even heal his eyesight he still wears glasses.I must admit he has some good knowledge, I watched some of his videos and he is expressing things in a very good way. but it's all theory, nothing concrete we can judge and feel like wow/In this video he talks about Emile Coue method, I think Coue is the first who introduced affirmations, repetitions. According to the youtube this is an effective method to manifest. Well thank you mate but eveyone and his grandma is telling this since ages. He brings nothing new to the table.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEyzbyzuWBQBut again, he seems cool and honnest, I just don't see something spectacular coming from him, as we should expect from someone who breaths and eats LOA since years
>>39568102When it comes to judging a magician by his results... two come to me off the top my head. Both affirmation dudes, not really SATS.But you've got Jim Carrey obviously.And then also Scott Adams affirmed himself to becoming a nationally syndicated cartoonist, banging hot women way above his weight class, marrying an insanely hot bitch (who later divorced him but whatever).Tim Ferriss has had stories of affirmers who really attained exceptional lives on his podcast. Not sure if Tim himself is an affirmer but he himself is not really a good subject to study, he got a gigantic headstart from daddy's money, at least Jim and Scott were absolute nobodies.
>>39567981I agree. That’s the point kinda. And why I instead look at the common overlap for people who discuss loa. Jim Carey wrote a check to himself. Wayne Dyer made fake books as he wrote. Jack Canfield put a fake $100 bill on the ceiling. Oprah did vision boards. And Neville Goddess is a millionaire who is not a guru selling anything. Just a hobby for her and she discusses putting out the feeling of intent and is a big fan of wallace wattles: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvxIpZYVAkvZCqLxb-zKtc5NsXjMz03aM&si=lnYpeGV1X7NC-cBY Only people in echochambers online or selling some shit make Neville like a guru. Wayne Dyer said who gives a shit if crystals are bullshit, if a placebo gets you to internalize the feeling of “it is done” required to manifest then why not? Same with sigils or affirmations. That old guy who lives in a castle (Dan Pena) and is not woo woo at all is big on affirmations. https://youtu.be/JbZlA_VWG5g?si=asm2kYwJu4VHhsG3 Same with that famous comic artist (Grant Morris) / tv show writer/ millionaire talking about sigils.https://youtu.be/KTMFBYXmvMk?si=8B9eWNzpSBQaIsAp Only faggots online in these communities insist that Neville (PBuH) has the way.
>>39568254This anon knows what’s up. I have not heard anyone talk about SATS working outside of these communities. Not saying it doesn’t but to poo poo any other methods is weird. Why? Who cares how you get into that frequency or state of being or reprogram your subconscious. Scripting is a big one that works too and Bob Proctor is all about that. Super cheesy but the 80’s aesthetic is comfy as f.https://youtu.be/4rPDhM-mIJI?si=8X74_BgxUykD8_ax >>39566546>but don’t push them hereFuck you nigger, I can do what I want. If you’re mad about it remember EIYPO and go cry about it with some revisions tonight if you want me to stop. Meanwhile I’ll be cumming to sigils of me fucking your mother while mother anon’s succubus mom tongues my asshole.
>>39568303*has the only way
>>39567885Maybe? But the most recent example wasn't even related to myself but to one of my pets which ended up dying. This honestly felt terrible. The worst outcomes come when I'm relaxed, and the best outcomes come when I'm at the highest levels of stress or denial. My self concept might be pretty bad deeper in the unconscious. I'll try out your advice.
>>39567909I'm glad to see some other (?) anon verbalize what's been on my mind for so long. Some of the quickest, strangest manifestations for me have happened with a minimum of focus and thought dedicated to it. Like >>39568079 said >It seems like a whisper is more powerful than a shout sometimes...It might be of interest to you, there was a post here a few years back talking about billionaires, and their mindset. It was all very natural to them be they white trash, proper men, or idle rich. They knew they were wealthy and had to work for nothing and so it flowed on seamlessly for them. I have to look for that post again, I can share it here if someone else wishes to read it too.I'm starting to think a reason why a manifest has been failing to me is not lack of effort, but too much comfort. A part of me is too comfortable with the way things are now to really shake up my life too much. The reason why I suspect this is that this has been a reocurring pattern in my life, too comfortable in my lane to take a risk or strike out. Those who have been or are NEETs might know what I'm talking about.
>>39567262>>39567308I'm in. I'll manifest an anon being given a watch, specifically a Fossil. I'll visualize an anon admiring it on his/her wrist. <P3>
>>39556955Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>>39568764Id be interested in that post
>>39568948https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/33528058/#33531971I recommend their two previous posts, food for thought.>one attribute they all share without exception, without exclusion, without fail, is their borderline psychopathic disconnection from reality. they are all eccentric
>>39556955Does anyone have advice for detachment with an SP? I'm struggling with detachment and self love.Ex gf who I'm in regular contact with. Want to manifest her asking me to try a relationship again but I know that self love, detachment are my issues. I'm putting up too much resistance by obsessing over it, whereas i know if i can let go, be ok with being single, being ok with a life without her, the universe will unify her and i.
>>39569103you already got her my brother in Christ just play some vidya and eat healthy for a week
>>39568350>Fuck you nigger, I can do what I wantSure. Enjoy being off topic and impressing no one.>Meanwhile I’ll be cumming to sigilsEnjoy your second cause with a second helping of second cause with a side of closet sauce.
>>39569058Thank you for saving this thread from the unwashed masses
>>39569058Thank you
>>39568764>>Some of the quickest, strangest manifestations for me have happened with a minimum of focus and thought dedicated to it. Inspired me to make some 1 minute UL sessions for some of my desires
>Man’s desires can be symbolized as the dead child. The mere fact that he desires is positive proof that the thing desired is not yet a living reality in his world. He tries in every conceivable way to nurse this desire into reality, to make it live, but finds in the end that all attempts are fruitless.>Most men are not aware of the existence of the infinite power within themselves as the prophet.They remain indefinitely with a dead child in their arms, not realizing that the desire is the positive indication of limitless capacities for its fulfillment.>Let man once recognize that his consciousness is a prophet who breathes life into all that he is conscious of being, and he will close the door of his senses against his problem and fix his attention – solely on that which he desires, knowing that by so doing, his desires are certain to be realized.>He will discover recognition to be the breath of life, for he will perceive – as he consciously claims himself to be now expressing or possessing all he desires to be or to have – that he will be breathing the breath [sic!] of life into his desire.>The quality claimed for the desire (in a way unknown to him) will begin to move and become a living reality in his world.
>>39565981if you're still here, this was bookanon's post:>Could you recap exactly what you would read and in which order?Here's the exact reading order as i reccomend it (I assure you, you will NOT fail with this learning curve, is all uphill from here)>Joseph MurphyHe will cover all the beginner stuff, everything. Perfect introduction.>BibleOptional. As i said, you can enjoy better the work in this new light. Pair it up with William Blake and its a beautiful journey. But feel free to skip.>NevilleThe complete reader and lectures. Ignore Edward Art, he's a grifter redditor. If you need some complement to him, choose Freedom Barry instead, he actually meet neville and wrote some good stuff.>LanyonImo, the most overlooked one. Lanyon is a genius and will set you straight after the other two if you have any shadow of doubt left. Besides the couple of books in the Mega, his other works are delightful. Here's the .txt with his other stuff archived: https://files.catbox.moe/psncum.txt>WinifredAs well as Lanyon, it laid out further perspective, a perfect close up to the Abdullah anthology.>CastanedaGoing further. After all that, and the experience you will archieve reading those, NOW this author will make sense. Here's his complete works, a long with other two that also writted some good ancient shaman wisdom: https://files.catbox.moe/66s4hd.epub>Universal LineThe end. Self explanatory.Here's another gif from (Me) to (You), i compiled also Neville lectures not found in the Lectures pdf in the Mega, for archiving purposes. Here: https://files.catbox.moe/pbsuau.txtHope that helps alright.+ Robert B Stone (Magic of Psicotronic Power)+ Helen Schucman (A Course in Miracles)
>>39569839i love u demonposter-san
>>39568350>Who cares how you get into that frequency or state of being or reprogram your subconscious.because it's good to point out that, eventually you won't need those thingsIt's like the scene in the matrixNeo: "So are you telling me, that I can dodge bullets?"Morpheus: "No, Neo. I'm telling you, that when you're ready... You won't have to."Keep doing sigils if you want. I don't really have a problem with that. If that gets you to where you want to be. But it is ultimately a training wheel that you will probably discard at some point.
>>39568079>Like for example, when I was thinking about my gf. And I put a lot of energy into it, for whatever reason. I wasn't even trying to manifest anything.>When I went to the store later that day, I saw like 30 women who looked like her. All just in the same place. Very odd, jumped out at me very much.>And I was like "Huh?" then I realized I put a lot of energy into it without realizing.you know what, this leads me to a theory about why you should "let go" of manifests and then they will happen.Let's say you try to manifest something. You do your thing, send that thought "out there" with the hopes of it happening.And then let's say 5 minutes later you think about it.Does that satisfy the manifest? Like, boom, mission accomplished, job's done here boys. And all the magic or "energy" is just like "alright, i'm out homies, peace!"But if you DIDN'T think about it, just completely put it out of your mind, then the ONLY way that this energy or force or whatever, could possibly get you to see and experience that image was by shoving it in your face in real life.In other words, you are creating a boomerang. You make a thought or scene or image or whatever, and then it will happen again.If you just experience it again, then why does it need to happen in real life? You already got the boomerang.But if you don't think about it in your mind, it has no choice but to happen in real life, for you to experience that thought echo.Now, what is the counter proposal to this? People who manifest daily, until they get what they want.Perhaps in this case, they are constantly adding fuel to the fire, but never using it. They do their thing, manifest whatever, and then boom, they're out. They never dwell on it, or fantasize, or let it "come back" to them. They just do their thing and then put it out of their mind.So then it happens.But if you keep obsessing over it, you're like, taking energy out of the boomerang. You're making it "come back" too soon.
>>39569983this is such a badass post anon holy shit. this is literally me.
>>39570034>Now, what is the counter proposal to this? People who manifest daily, until they get what they want.>Perhaps in this case, they are constantly adding fuel to the fire, but never using it. They do their thing, manifest whatever, and then boom, they're out. They never dwell on it, or fantasize, or let it "come back" to them. They just do their thing and then put it out of their mind.>So then it happens.>But if you keep obsessing over it, you're like, taking energy out of the boomerang. You're making it "come back" too soon.In other words, if you are going to think about your desired event, only think about it if you are manifesting it and trying to push it into reality.I think you can get good results by constantly adding more fuel to the fire, and let's say doing an affirmation every day.I think where that sometimes goes wrong, is where people start worrying about it, dwelling in it, engaging in fantasy (as opposed to manifesting)... and then they either block themselves with resistance, or they let it boomerang too soonSo then why does it need to happen in real life? You already thought about it, so it already boomeranged.In other words, make sure you are always set to "output" and never input, when manifesting. You are always pushing it out. You are always firmly deciding "This is happening. This is real. It is here right now. I am experiencing it right now"In other words, keep adding fuel to the fire when you think about your desired event. Don't "take" fuel out of it. You are always set to "Send", not "receive", until it actually happens in real life.
>>39570034interesting anon. what about those than start their day with affirmations of their goals or desires? does it strengthen the manifest? or weaken it?
>>39570110>what about those than start their day with affirmations of their goals or desires?I already talked about that. Do you have further questions about what I wrote cuz I think I already answered that>does it strengthen the manifest? or weaken it?Long story short, it can make it stronger or weaker, depending on what you do.here:>Now, what is the counter proposal to this? People who manifest daily, until they get what they want.>Perhaps in this case, they are constantly adding fuel to the fire, but never using it. They do their thing, manifest whatever, and then boom, they're out. They never dwell on it, or fantasize, or let it "come back" to them. They just do their thing and then put it out of their mind.>So then it happens.>But if you keep obsessing over it, you're like, taking energy out of the boomerang. You're making it "come back" too soon.and here:>In other words, keep adding fuel to the fire when you think about your desired event. Don't "take" fuel out of it. You are always set to "Send", not "receive", until it actually happens in real life.
>>39569859Thank you!!
>>39557513I am also doing both those things, stretching and jumping for height too. You older than 20? I fully believe you can grow past 18, humans aren't some rigid robots that become finalized at a certain age. 1cm a month seems extremely possible
I've just recently come to the realization that it isn't about what you say/repeat in your mind; why would manifestation speak English? Its about the absolute feel. The universe works in frequencies, your emotions and what you feel change your frequency. It isn't so much so of what words you use, but rather the feeling of having it. Maybe this is obvious to you, but in these communities I have received that exact advice about using specific language several times, and that part is an farce.
>>39568303That Dan Pena video is fucking perfect, thanks for posting. I love the ferocity of his beliefs and it's palpable how he strengthens it every day with his way of affirming.It's crazy that people would post here with their own or others' experiences about how using one tool or the other (affirmations, witchy shit and that one anon with the sigils) and immediately some fucker will make it their life's agenda to dissuade the use of said tool. There's stages to all of this and if for now someone can see themselves achieving something by the use of a specific tool, I don't see why it should be dissuaded with such vehemence, least of all by some bitter loser on 4chan.It's also why I've stopped consuming most of the LoA material on Youtube, since it's all regurgitations of the same "just believe otherwise you're doing it wrong" story and none of them can stop shilling their $500 courses for half a minute. It's laughable when you really stop and pay attention to it
must resist heathenry
>>39571276>Dan Pena>>39569859>Freedom Barry>Shucman (can you spell anything right?>Winifred>Psicotronic (lmao, look up what you are talking about to get the word right)I love when the more talented trolls keep adding more and more names in an effort to divide the knowledge with personalities whose opinions conflicts against each other. Bravo agent anon, keep this up and you’ll get a job with mother-anon in Finland.
>>39568785hi P3, welcome aboard!I'll make a post in the new thread so people can join us and we'll start sap. Thanks<P1>
>>39569058really nice thread overall - damn but things used to be different back then eh?found this video in there and really enjoyed it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4Ya1BsygXQ>>39571456post your lambo
there needs to be a comprehensive guide on sigils for manifesting on here brosi've tried SATS, Subliminals, Affirmations and they barely worked for me. I just want physical changes like height, eye color and reversing balding.
>>39571746>lamboWhat is this? /biz/ in 2016?My neighbour had one for a while, he had to drive at about 5 miles an hour due to the potholes in the road. This made it one of the slowest cars in the area in practical terms. It was embarrassing. Manifest yourself some taste.
>>39571903>please add something else in that won’t work.So all the stuff they tell you to do didn’t work and your solution is to randomly throw in something unrelated? Could it be that this won’t work too?Can you find any supporting evidence of someone altering themselves physically anywhere using any techniques?
I know you guys probably think spirituality is cringe, M’lady. But I’m surprised that Alan Watts is never mentioned in these threads. Yeah he’s got a lot of gay hippie commie views but I find his work ties in really well with LoA and Neville in terms of helping me find meaning and purpose.https://youtu.be/NpHqYnFELLE