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>Free chart makers:
>Additional Resources:
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general
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Can someone tell me what kind of career I should take up. I know Indian astrology if you post yours in return I will read it.
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Please just want to know why has it always felt like I have a message to share and feel compelled to tell people about the spiritual things I've seen and to be honest, the many dreams I've had that lead me to believe I've been abducted, spirits I've seen, etc. Tyvmia
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,thank you in advance >.<
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>Venus in the 1st
Potentially attractive
>Jupiter in the 7th, retrograde
Too much of a good thing. It's like guys approaching you but you're not interested. It sounds like you've had some kind of issues in the past regarding things like these. Your Mars is in the 12th which can be indicative of many things, but both 12th and 1st house are dealing with the 5th house. Your moon is also in the 6th, indicating some kind of emotional issues that may have stemmed from trauma in childhood. Moon is also on a critical degree. Your emotions are powerful, but they work against you. The implication here is because of something you didn't really have much of a say over. Ruler of the 10th is in the 12th and that makes me wonder what the relationship with him is since the sun is in a decent enough position, but Cancer is in the 6th. Ill dignified or missing father? Mars is in Capricorn where it does well, but it's in a position where you can not see it from. Same for the moon. Very odd that these two otherwise dignified things are at odds.

My analysis is that something happened to you early on in childhood and there's a bad relationship regarding sex or something along those lines. The 5th house is a good house, but Saturn is the primary malefic and Gemini is double bodied sign, which means that it operates on two different levels that are opposing but related. An example of this would be wanting a boyfriend, having an ideal for what that means, but the desire leads you towards people you otherwise wouldn't consider and it's on you whether or not you give in to this or stay pure.

You're a very emotional person, probably hectic from time to time like crazy mood swings at times. You have a unique way of talking to people, but I don't really need to look at your chart to tell you that. Mercury being in Pisces is a great indicator tho since it's in the sign opposite of Virgo, where it's both exalted and in domicile.

You likely value it too since you're a goofball.
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How's 2025 going to fare?
MOST people are not in a career that they love or that they even wanted to do. Especially the state of the economy the last 5-10 years. Most people just work their way up at a job that is safe or doable for them. Rarely do you ever find someone that is in a career that they actively sought out.
I think that when people ask this question, and they ask it a lot, they think we're going to literally tell them a specific career, it will never happen. All astrology can tell you is what you might be good at, or things that you enjoy, but that still doesn't mean that a career in that would be something you want to do and consistently stay with. Like no one WANTS to be an accountant you know what i mean?

That being said, you do have a Libra Mercury and Scorpio Mars, Libra, especially in the 9th house, implies you would find interest in things like Law/Justice, Religion, and Teaching/professor/caretaker, and Scorpio Mars gives you the ability to dig deep into anything. This combination would be good for detective work, investigative work, some kind of job within a court room or even forensics. Howver you do also have the north node here which might make you put off by these topics, so its kind of a lose/lose situation in terms of what you would LIKE, but the north node represents the area of life that if you pursue it, it will grant you the most development and progress in your life.
you have venus conjunct the midheaven, which makes you one of those people that your baseline thought process is that your job must be something that you love.

you are older, so if you haven't figured out at least a little bit what direction to go in, i'm sure its weighing on you even more just based on your age. But you should have learned by now that your best bet is to work your way up at some place that isn't going to necessarily be your dream job.

Best of luck
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Any advice on areas of myself I should work on more than others. Also should I be concerned about how many empty houses I have.
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I was born either 1:03 or 1:23, I can't remember, so my rising is either Aries or Taurus, or A-T cusp. What do I do with this information?

Cancer sun, Capricorn moon.
>Also should I be concerned about how many empty houses I have.
There is nothing to be concerned about.

Think of the chart- like a video game character sheet. Before you came into consciousness into this realm, these were the stats that you chose to better navigate your story here.

You're a pretty intense person, by the looks of it. I hope you are finding ways to not be in your head so much
That's a lot of acorpio but i have more. Idk. Just enjoy being attractive lol. It's not that deep.
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i don't have any specific questions, i just want to know what observations y'all might have about my chart, serious or not
last thread the only response i got was being called a faggot tranny. can someone tell me if my life is fucked? anything i should watch out for or be wary of to get a better life?
>sun, moon, and mercury in aquarius
My only observation is that I would absolutely hate you. You are probably extremely obnoxious to deal with and have to feel special in every given scenario.
I don't see anything indicating you to be a faggot tranny or anything of the sort, but you might be a crash-out with how many Leo placements you have combined with that Virgo moon (and Sag Jupiter), but you also have a Capricorn rising, so idk.
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So, I believe in Placidus, but I'm posting my chart in Whole Sign for those that believe in that, and I want to ask those people for their interpretations of my chart here. I'll try to be specific.

1. Based on my chart, what career path do you think appeals to me the most?

2. What Sun signs do you think I would vibe with the most, generally speaking?

3. What is my relationship with money? In other words, how much do I value it, and do I pursue that value through my actions?

4. How does my physical activity look?

5. How does my mental activity look?

Thanks in advance. As a follow-up, sooner or later, I may post in Placidus and ask either the same questions, a list of different ones, or both.
I don't know what to look for in regards to a career path. I just know when I'm looking at artists, and I've seen some interesting things in charts before that have indicated someone's career, but they've had to tell me. Your chart is a little bit interesting though. You have a lot of Mars energy. You have both benefics in the 3rd. You'd make for a good tour guide. Your midheaven is in the 11th so that imports some 10th house significations there. Jupiter controls your 2nd and 11th house, and it being in the 3rd strikes me as someone who travels a lot. It being in a cardinal sign there's a lot of movement, but the signifier for the midheaven implies there's more than one thing and it has to do with people. Also interesting is the strong trine between Jupiter and the midheaven.

There's a problem though and it's that there's an exact aspect between your chiron and mercury. Your career is linked to a pain from your past involving your hopes and dreams. Maybe friends might have been involved. Might be multifaceted.

>What sun signs

This is a tricky one. Primarily water and earth signs since you have your moon and sun in those signs, but Scorpio and Taurus run some risk and it really depends. Your ascendant and Mars can form tough connections with other fixed sign placements.

You'd get along with Leo for sure. Leo descendant and your benefics are in Aries which opens up potential for them to really like you. Emotionally I'd say water and earth, but also important is that other placements are also important.

>What is your relationship to money

That's the same in both systems because unless you have a really weird house lay out the 2nd and 3rd houses both have significations of finances in hellenistic, it's just that people rarely talk about the 3rd. Honestly I didn't really know either until I read some of it's significations.

>How much do I value it

That's questionable. Pisces sun ruled by Aries Jupiter. Venus Aries tho. I'd say the drive is there.
>How does my physical activity look

What house to you attribute that to? Why are you asking me these dumb ass questions that Placidus wouldn't answer for you either. You have a poor 6th house (meaning troublesome. You might work out too much or too little. I don't like questions like these because I have to think about the likelihood of you doing really well at some point and then falling off. Just because your mars is good doesn't mean you're using it to get fit.

>How does my mental activity look?

This doesn't change in whole sign either. I see the moon in Capricorn in the 12th. I see that Mercury is retrograde in Aries. Likely any intelligence you have is kind of on the back burner. Emotions are a mystery to you when you do have them and that's half of your brain right there. It's being squared by Saturn but it's in the same element. I don't know how to interpret that but it's the same sign and Saturn is your primary malefic in a night chart.

It's weird. Restriction in the 4th house has old of 1st house and 12th house. The way you act is because of either your nation or your mom and I'd say mom because moon is in 12th and detriment.

The Moon is forming a superior square to Saturn, giving it more power over the things going on there.

>Ruler of the 8th in the 3rd

What's your relationship with your siblings, if you even have any
Thanks for your lengthy and detailed response. I'm very grateful for it. Much appreciated. In regards to the physicality question, I asked that because I have often witnessed astrologers accounting for that as well, tying that sort of thing to Jupiter placements, 6th house placements, or certain aspects and the like.

My relationship with my siblings is a weird one. I have three. We help eachother occasionally if something pops up, but we don't speak a whole lot. One of them, I don't speak to at all, as they live so far away from me and have for as long as I have grown. Another one I can rely on for certain things here and there, but we don't talk too much, they're just out doing their own thing. Then, one sibling I have actually communicates with me a lot more, but it's not a lot. We get along to some extent and share somewhat similar goals to a small degree. That one sort of relies on me more. Either one of the two that I have enough familiarity with, if we're around eachother for too long, we may be pretty annoyed in eachothers' presence, but I think I am usually good at not escalating what I deem to be unnecessary conflict.

I'll try to not give away too much in terms of saying what resonates or give too many clues currently about my life just so that I can leave a decent amount of room for interpretation on both ends, but I will of course follow up.

Again, I appreciate it. Do you have any interpretations regarding the 1st house placements on Uranus and Neptune? This is a weird one for me, because between the two house systems, they're either in the 1st or the 12th.
Oh, and I also want to add that if the siblings question is to peer into family dynamics, as soon as I had been out of living with my family such as parents back then, I had been living with friends of mine. Living with friends is where I've experienced really tough times in terms of weird power dynamics, etc. It has been up and down and has oftentimes been kind of an uncomfortable and frustrating environment. Living with family back in the day had plenty of uncomfortable moments as well, of course, but it was much more different, and I don't linger on it as much in comparison.
>Same sun sign and rising sign as me
Nice, you got nuked with that mercury placement though.
As for 2025, no idea, hopefully it kicks ass and doesn't suck ass.
Wait, another Pisces with Aquarius rising? Yo, where are all my copies coming from? Who are you people? What up gang
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Can anybody tell me what's in store for me in term of business, money, and significant other please?
what type of person am I and what will my future be?
>Venus in the 1st
>Potentially attractive
>Conjunct Neptune in Aquarius
It's a trap.
Do all uggos have prominent malefics?
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>what kind of career I should take up
The first thing that stands out is how top heavy your chart is, suggesting a strong need to express yourself and be seen. This is compounded by Scorpio Mars being right up in Midheaven, suggesting a love of public competition.
I should think trial lawyer or professional chess player would suit you. Your 12th house Moon suggests a good poker face, so that would also be a viable (but more risky) option.
As other Anon pointed out your 9th house Libra Mercury drives you to investigate so academic work may interest you, but you need a strong element of debate or struggle. So if you're thinking of returning to education I would consider law or business courses.
You're probably the kind of person who could persuade a VC to invest in your startup early, but your debilitated Saturn in the 7th warns of problems in partnerships. You would need to avoid having other people co-manage anything, and definitely keep family separate from business.
>I know Indian astrology if you post yours in return
Well that has me intrigued, since we don't get many here who do. I don't have a specific question, but please tell me what you think.
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Can I get a reading. I’m having a hard time finding anything positive to think about.
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Any insight on how my life may play out from here on or anything I am destined for? There's a girl at my work who I've developed feelings for and I'm wondering if something will come out of this? I just turned 30 and I'm beginning to develop a strong urge to begin a family of my own, otherwise I feel like my life will be meaningless. Any reading or advice would be appreciated.
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Am I cooked?
I'm 22 and will be travelling abroad next week to study as a semester-exchange student. Am I gonna make it? Also what does my natal chart show in regards to my career and love life.
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faggot tranny
money looks good on the whole. romance not so much.
this is like the third time i am seeing this chart, haven't you already gotten a reading?
>the many dreams I've had that lead me to believe I've been abducted
I have a feeling it has something to do with your 4th house. Did they get more intense during your first Saturn return (~27-31 years old)?
You need to open up emotionally a tad bit more, I can tell you that for sure, maybe this is why you are feeling the need to start a family considering your moon aspects but you do not have much luck with women considering your Venerial and Jovian aspects.
Your life will mostly be uneventful I would say, nothing really big happening out of the ordinary, BUT when big changes will be happening they will be very sudden, yet in your favor(Uranus).
That's all I can tell you briefly
Not really, look at your Saturn aspects, that should be pretty good, despite the weird amount of oppositions that you have those Saturnian energies and powers should be able to keep you going I'd say.
Be disciplined, though
nta but it always that saturn correlates with discipline if one has strong influence of it in the chart?
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Henlo I know this is probably the type of post you all hate but... Im a gemini, what the fuck does that mean?
Geminis are just mentally unhinged bros but in a chill way
That does sound like me.
Depending on the aspects but Saturn can be both limitations/restrictions and discipline, those are broad though, Saturn can mean many things but discipline and restrictions are the most important ones
does it mean restrictions that you're supposed to overcome or respect?
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Pls what does any of this mean kind astrobros?
depending on the restrictions it could mean both, but generally respecting them is more advantageous
>this is like the third time i am seeing this chart
I posted my chart once in the previous /astro/ thread but no replies.
even if it's the first house?
What do you wanna know?
Am I hot? Jk how to achieve happiness? What am I in for? What should I be aware of or watch out for?
First house is interpretable, cause it depends on many standards. You may think you're ugly while you're not actually ugly just too addicted to social media, I guess in the first house it is heavily dependent on the context, but in my personal opinion it should be respected even if in the first house
i just have a saturn have a close conjunction to ascendant
You should work in a job where you have direct influence with people, I think you would enjoy that a lot, you are likely highly emotional and developed quite well in this field and also your Mercurial aspects are very good so you are able to do well in jobs that rrquire trading, in terms of if you're hot, I'd say you're probably a solid 6-7/10 considering your Venerial aspects, you are not very lucky in general in life and you may have high libido(this is a guess, though due to your Lilith and Chiron aspects) and your high libido might be coming from some sort of trauma, in terms of what you should watch out for I'd say that you need to watch out for sudden and unexpected changes, as these seem to imbalance you quite severely, I think
Saturn conjunction ASC? then feel free to overcome restrictions and limitations, but don't forget to also be disciplined while doing so
Holy shit this is on point. I have high Libido to a point where I am a borderline sex addict and terribly manipulative. Im working on it though, no idea if its trauma. And I do work in a job thats essentially explaining technical shit to people which is good I guess. Trading in what sense?
>Saturn conjunction ASC?
yeah and it's a ruler of chart too. however how does one overcome the restrictions and limitations in general? by turning 180 degrees personality wise?
Maybe something like real estate agent would suit you really well, or just about anything that has to do with negotiation or trades, Mercury has got your back in that
I would recommend checking on your Almuten Figuris in order to get a better grasp at which methods of overcoming restrictions would be most optimal.
OK then I will read for you. You have Jupiter in the 9th house, so overseas trips (especially for education) should prove fruitful. Try to make the most of it.
Hard to tell exactly what your career might be. Possibly something to do with yapping - Mars is near the MC so maybe yapping about taboo topics that get you in trouble.
I think you are going to make it. Your ascendant ruler is Jupiter in the 9th (whole sign) house. This is pretty good. Although you have some pretty unpleasant placements too, like Pluto conjunct Ascendant.
For love life, you might experience difficulties or delays. You have Saturn in the 7th, which means that your Saturn return will be relevant for love life. For some people, this means not having a partner until they are around 27. For others, it can mean difficult or unfulfilling relationships until the Saturn return. You have Gemini Moon conjunct the Descendant, so your wife will probably be a fairly pleasant and nurturing yapper. The Moon is ~12 degrees away from Saturn, so I am going to read these planets as not being conjunct; if they are conjunct, that would be more negative for your wife (and also your mother, and also you).
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how do i check it? i though that the ruler of ascendant is the ruler of the chart?
do you use discord?
add me on discord and I will tell you more things about your chart using a specific software
my username on discord is: zaytwo
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What kind of partner and lifestyle would be best for me?
sadly i dont use discord. could you tell me in a completely abridged way?
I could but I need the specific coordinates of the hospital you were born in, if you're comfortable with sharing this information I will tell you much more:
>Date of birth
>Hour of Birth
>Coordinates of hospital
>Timezone(in GMT)
You need an ambitious partner who will change your life in either positive or negative ways, you crave changes, in terms of lifestyle maybe another anon can answer but I can't tell much besides the fact that you should let things flow swiftly considering your Jovian aspects
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Can I have some readings or observations?
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Here are your most influential planets, Venus at 34 points, Sun at 24 points, Mars at 23 points, so working with those three influences you should overcome those restrictions in a manner that is full of vigor and ambition, in short, I can tell you more info like Zodiacal Parallels, or maybe which Stars you should ask for help too.
Your taste in women is likely the same as it's always been, you're probably decent looking as well, you struggle with emotional matters in the sense that you swing from emotional to feeling nothing all the time and you are confused about it your sex life is somewhat spiritual?(Just guessing on this one) There will not be many sudden changes in your life, or if they are they will not be very beneficial to you, I think
Also try to develop your knowledge in esoteric/occult matters further, I get the sense that you know some brief stuff but are too lazy to dive deeper
What? Thats all bad stuff, what? Can you explain?
So nothing will change in my life, why?
Nothing good?
I do feel very emotional then dead inside a lot. My taste in women? What is that?
Spiritual sex life? What does that mean?
Well if there will be no changes in my life, thats bad, my life kinda sucks, it sucks for most people but even then.
I dont really believe I could do esoteric stuff, no confidence.
>I can tell you more info like Zodiacal Parallels, or maybe which Stars you should ask for help too.
where i should ask for help?
>Venus is the strongest
now that's a joke because i have nothing to do with love
Your ASC and MC are faced with mostly limitations and restrictions or straight up oppositions, you have one sextile with Mercury which could indicate that you will be financially well at some point in your life, and yes I do see the Neptune aspects you have which show that you don't have the confidence for eso/occult stuff but the whole point is to get out of your comfort zone, one thing I can tell you is that you have quite good aspects with your N Node which is why I told you that you should dive deeper into the esoteric or occult. You would benefit a lot from it due to your N Node aspects being so positive.
Venus is not just about love, Venus is also beauty, I'd say love is more of a mixture of Jovian + Venerial entities and powers.
Here are the Stars you should ask for help
> Solar - Denebola
> Lunar - Aldebaran
> Mercurial - Castor
> Venerial - Rigel
> Martian - Mirach
> Jovian - Pollux
> Saturnian - Alphecca(But wath out for this one, you have a Square 0.5° as an aspect for it, so you might need to show respect to this star
These are the Stars you should ask for help while performing any planetary ritual, or in general, just call for them.
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Thank you, that's interesting. Anything else you can mention? Thoughts on this? Anything else? I think I am too much of an atheist to do occult stuff
thanks. could you tell me my strongest/weakest areas from the natal chart, now that you have the data?
I think the person giving you that reading was a woman desu. I think that's the main problem here, the reader, I don't see anything that could resemble what they're saying based on my knowledge, I don't think you're a threat for anyone.
They just seem aggressive.
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Well, as you can see in that screenshot you can tell which planets have the most influence or not based on their points.
But I'll give you these following dates to watch out for in the future
The dates are YYYY/MM/DD
>Neptune Sextile Venus 2025/07.08 (Possible love interest?)
>Uranus Sextile Neptune 2026.01.20
>Saturn Sextile Moon 2026.06.10
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Also here are your Zodiacal Parallels, you are likely going to be in a good relationship with an Aries
Thank you fren!
thanks but my neptune square venus is the tightest aspect (aka delusion) so should i look for anything reasonable?
So you don't think it's accurate? Regarding that what can you tell me?

How did you learn astrology?
so im only good for occult stuff? nothing else?
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If the person is an Aries it's not really a problem I'd say. But same would go for a Gemini.
I'd appreciate a reading if a kindly seer wouldn't mind looking at my chart.

Career, love, passion, talents, weaknesses, or anything that might stand out to you
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Forgot chart
gemini? how so?
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I personally do not think it's accurate and it's just spilling shit at you because that anon had a personal stigma against these particular aspects of your chart.
In terms of what you'd be good at, according to your chart any job that can make you enough money quickly to survive for a while without working, something high risk but valuable.
>How did you learn astrology?
Just read a few books and besides that mostly doing chart readings for people for free.
This is more of a personal theory but I've noticed from my past experiences that the Zodiacal Contra parallel in Neptune indicates that they would be a good romantic match, but usually they are what is chosen after a break up, or divorce even.
Can you do your chart on astro-seek? I prefer reading their version, if you do I can have a look at yours
anon, im just a turbo virgin so no break up or divorce ever happening. do you use whole house or placidus system?
That doesn't mean you'll never find someone
Also Placidus
Sure, give a few and I'll plug it in
Also ask some questions you wanna know, it's easier when I have to just look for specific things rather than general overlook
>Do I have an interpretation of the generational planets in the first

No, I mainly use aspects in that regard, and even then they're usually kind of up in the air. Those planets aren't well understood. I use a three degree range for them since they aren't visible in a majority of circumstances. Neptune sextiles your mercury, chiron and jupiter however. There may be a misunderstanding or delusion surrounding you. Whether this is talking about something that is real or perceived is not clear. You could simply be imagining things.

The problem with neptune and uranus is that when I have noticed it's effects there are usually other indicators as well, and it's not for certain what they always mean. Speaking from personal experience they result in weird things in transit.

You ought to know what your neptune placement means soon enough. Pluto will be transiting to it some time in the near future. I had mine parked on top of my neptune and uranus which are tightly conjunct in my chart while uranus was trining both of them and Neptune was off sextiling both. Things were funny for a while and one of the interpretations I was given was that I was seeing things as they actually are.

I didn't say that, I just used an example of what having a masculine mars and venus could mean. I then explained other aspects of your chart that soften that. Ask better questions if you want better answers.
>also Placidus
so many planets in 7th house but nothing ever happens.
is it because of intercepted house?
Sure. Can you give me advice related to what work I should pursue? What are my weaknesses? What are my strengths? What kind of romantic partner would work well for me?
I think in terms of what you should pursue professionally would be something like a banker or something that keeps you motivated, something engaging that is constantly flowing energy into your life, I would say that your weakness is mostly laziness, desu.
>Strength: intelligence both rational and emotional
>Romantic partner: ANYONE who pushes you from behind to try new things, I think you're either too insecure or too comfortable to do new things
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Well I think it's a matter of profections in this case, even though planets are packed in the 7th house the certain age should be reached too, have a look at picrel
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This one is better, sorry
Also, just one more question:
Could you explain my most influential Jovian planets?
been wanting to learn astrology myself but its very hard to study it, i keep getting distracted by what to study, this type or vedic, houses, etc

i dont know a job like that, anything else worth mentioning in my chart?
I dont think that i could be my aries woman even if i have aries moon.
Not planets but your Vertex and Fortune
Vertex Opposition Vertex can mean there is a lot of optimism and place to grow, and Fortune Opposition Jupiter means clashing between expansion and its energies, so you are stuck in a loop of trying to achieve things but never doing so
Aries x Aries is a good match, I know many couples like that!
Nah, I gave him that reading because I told him no like 10 times. This guy can post this out of context all he wants but ultimately I have given him a couple of readings every single time, and every time I do he ignores them. I write something positive, he ignores it. I tell him something to watch out for and he spirals. I spent about an hour or more with another astrologer talking about what the issues are and how they are easily fixed. These are things he KNOWS and has been told atleast a dozen times because EVERY SINGLE ASTROLOGER HERE has given him a reading. He's a constant nuisance on every general like this. He does this shit here, and he does this in /div/ too.
Why? Fasting sucks, especially if you try doing it while working.
How would I break out of it?
I guess your Vertex aspects, many squares, you will be very limited in terms of things happening in your life, but the Vertex Opposition Moon tells me that despite your bad luck I think you will find a decent partner
Ah, fair, sorry for accusing you then, my apologies
Also this asshat has verbally abused women before because of his delusion that everyone hates him (he focuses on women especially)

Everything I posted was an analysis of his chart and his character and how he presents himself (Negatively)
Use the energies between Mars and Jupiter, you have a Conjunction there, I'd say try to network as much as possible and find a group to work with, possibly even lead
I get that, like I said I'm sorry for accusing you, I don't come here too often so idk the regulars of the threads
Nah, it's fine, dw about it anon. Sorry if it seemed like I was mad at you. I'm just tired of getting dragged into this guy's shenanigans.
Hey, but you always seem angry at me when i asked if i was going to be a musician
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I love you, Virgo women.
What are you talking about? This sort of thing just makes me think I>>39567069
should start name fagging. It'd stop all the confusion.
Arent you the one person that was angry at me, the reader when I asked so long ago if I was going to be a musician? Btw, someone else was posting my chart during a certain period of time, impersonating me
Bro you have asked so many people here for reads. The chances of you accurately guessing who I am are very small.
That's true, I did ask a lot, just not all the times I've asked it was me, but yes I have my own issues. Could I ask something to you again? It's just a doubt I am having over certain things, please? In private? If you're the same that gave me the bad reading, then I know you know a lot of astrology
>Someone was impersonating me for a while

Nah, my encounters were with you for sure. People posting your chart here are a clear sign you should stop pestering people though. Just go live your life. holy shit.
It was fairly eye opening to see that someone was shouting and shitposting as if they were me, but I cant just leave and live. I dont know how to do that, please hear me out
I know how this ends. Sorry, but no. I have given you way too much of my time and energy as is. Sort things out yourself. You don't need me to tell you how to live your life you need agency, and you won't develop it like this.
Just tell me please, is my chart accurate in regards to being quite dull in life? A life thats just average, not achieving anything at all?
Interesting, thanks for the read!
Also as a heads up that Venus in the 8th is representative of him not seeing the romantic opportunities presented to him. Dude is legitimately traumatized and thinks he's ugly and unlovable. The houses that don't form aspects to the ascendant are all troublesome in some way, with the 2nd being the least troublesome since it's a succedent house which assists the ascendant. This is why the 6th, 8th and 12th houses all have bad reputations.

The 8th house is spiritual for the same reason that the 6th and 12th houses are. How can you see other people's values clearly? To have something there is to be fixated on something that isn't yours. Something that is perhaps even intangible. It's the thing that props others up. It represents literal death and transformation/change in this way as well, since the 2nd house reflects aspects of your livelihood and values. The 8th house is the aspect of that that you can't see: death and the things that come with it.
I haven't had any romance. What does that mean? I'll see love if I kill myself?
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why is my eye-hand coordination so bad and how do I better it
>Everything going on in the 5th and sixth house
>Venus in the 3rd house ruling over the 12th

Unironically going outside will be very good for you. Walks are good for multiple reasons. One is it'll activate your 3rd house. Second reason is that it'll deal with the 6th house nuisance since you need to be grounded. Your Mercury is in the 5th but it is in detriment due to the sign it's in and where the ruler of the house is.
Going outside bores me so much. Nothing interesting going on, ever.
Oh. Further advice is to practice grounding techniques in general, and to avoid doing things fuck with your attention before you need to exercise it. You need to be in the body to realize how it's moving etc. If you can't be fucked to do meditation then do Qigong.

Are you killing your dopamine? When's the last time you went outside for a walk?
>Are you killing your dopamine?
I did need to take SSRIs before and I'm also quite masturbation addicted
>When's the last time you went outside for a walk?
I was in the city today but it only made me more depressed
I actually walk quite often, it's just that Northern Germany in this time of the year is really miserable.
Damn that sucks. Maybe I should go back to NEETing...thank you for taking the time to read me, i appreciate it.

That'll do it

See if you can't get on Adderall or something. Mutable signs are kind of ADHD / Autism energy if afflicted I've noticed. Your thoughts can go in different directions and your moon is also zigzagging about. Both parts of the brain are kind of moving about hectically.

I recommend that you become observant of your own behaviors, and also that you stop jacking off so much. Doing it every so often is fine, but everything in moderation because the dopamine spike is going to hit your processing power hard. Look into dopamine and how it affects speech and hand-eye coordination.

Dopamine functions a lot like any neurotransmitter. It is elastic and will regulate based on how active it is. The problem with jacking off is that it spikes your dopamine levels really hard and you already struggle with processing. Your mars and mercury being in the 5th, ruled by the 6th well... 5th house actions (sex is included in this) serve the sixth house, which is related to health. You seem to do well there, but I wouldn't stay.
Thank you Mr starman :)
Did you accidentally snag my post in this reply? Because my post has nothing to do with y'all's fued.

Thank you.


The ascendant lord Mars is with Venus in the 3rd house with Saturn. Saturn is the 3rd lord. Mars is also the 6th lord. Venus is the 7th lord.

This point to relationships being hard work. You can be somewhat aggressive and domineering and want to force your will. Saturn restrains this and causes frustration. Saturn and Mars are not friendly planets and there is a great war going on here, both of them are very strong. Venus is caught in the middle.

It is sort of like all of your bad qualities express themselves in how you interact with your partner or spouse. It is a place of great struggle. Venus is exalted in Pisces in the Zodiac. It is a planet of free movement, spontaneous exchanges of affection. Our Venus is our ability to give to others in such a way they naturally give to us what we want and need in return. It is a bit like watering a plant continuously in a garden. We have to be careful to water our relationships everyday for them to bear fruit. You tend not to water (Sat) but you still make intense demands for the fruits (Mars)

On this other hand this position is good for police or military work. But, if you enter that line of work it will most certainly destroy your marriage. It will increase that Mars and Saturn energy in the 3rd house.

You can be very focused and intense.

Jupiter is well placed in Leo in the 10th house, aspected by the 10th lord Sun with Mercury from the 4th house.

The importance and dignity of that Jupiter would have to be seen in the dasamsa and navamsa divisional chart to confirm its power, but if it is strong there, it can be a great benediction upon the life and ones public standing. The mutual aspect between Sun and Jupiter in kendra houses can bring a great deal of stability and goodness to the life and personality.

The Moon with Ketu, the North Node can make one's own mind and emotions somewhat distant, like you are viewing yourself from 30,000 feet. You mind can also be changeable and rapid, being in Gemini and the 8th house. It can be interested in deep penetration and discussing occult matters (i.e. astrology). But you tend to try and see the big picture. Certainly you are not dogmatic.

Moon in the 8th with Ketu can also make security in relationships difficult to attain. There can be emotional detachment that makes it hard to connect to others.

Rahu, the South Node in the 2nd house, there can be deep seated fear and discomfort regarding wealth, material security, or sustaining others. This can manifest as overcompensation and an obsession with gathering wealth. This will become an issue when Rahu matures at age 42. However, Rahu is ruled by Jupiter and aspected by Jupiter. The tendency is for this to make you work harder, to gain status and wealth.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reading.
How to read pararels?
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High level star magus here. Ask me any astrology question.
>Hard mode: don't ask boring or schizophrenic questions
Tell me your MC sign, the condition of its ruler (sign, house and aspects) and if you have any planets in the 10th house then talk about the following things:
>were you popular or not in school, university, your job and other social settings where you might belong to
>how do you personally feel about your place in the world and experience of belonging to society
>what kind of impression do people get from you
>how do people talk about you when you're not around, if you happen to know
>do you feel that you've always gone with the flow socially and things tend to just work out or have you struggled with fitting in and gaining acceptance from society
>is there a disconnect between how you feel socially vs the reality of your reputation (ex: you’ve always been anxious and insecure but people tend to like you)

If you decide to participate, please be as honest and as self-aware and impartial as possible, keep your self-pity and desire to be a misunderstood martyr at bay.

IMPORTANT: Please use traditional rulers for Scorpio (Mars), Aquarius (Saturn) and Pisces (Jupiter)
What house system do you use?

What things do you consider carry the most weight and are the first and foremost things you look for in a chart when you begin to analyze it for a good grasp and what do you consider are insignificant details/memes that people need to stop wasting their attention on?
>MC sign
>condition of its ruler
8th house, in conjunction with sun and mercury, also a square to mars and north node, trine to uranus and sextile to pluto
>10th house
>were you popular or not in school, university, your job and other social settings where you might belong to
I was somewhere in between normal people and outcasts but never belong to any group.
>how do you personally feel about your place in the world and experience of belonging to society
can have a polite interactions but ultimately feel alienation
>what kind of impression do people get from you
an extremely moody person
>how do people talk about you when you're not around, if you happen to know
never managed to catch such situation
>do you feel that you've always gone with the flow socially and things tend to just work out or have you struggled with fitting in and gaining acceptance from society
I just feel that I always have to make the first move or interaction because the opposite just never happens to me.
>is there a disconnect between how you feel socially vs the reality of your reputation (ex: you’ve always been anxious and insecure but people tend to like you)
I would guess that most people actually seem to like/tolerate me but I struggle with finding the reason for it.
MC in Leo, Sun in Aquarius in the fourth house (see: >>39567416)
>were you popular or not in school, university, your job and other social settings where you might belong to
More popular than expected. People always loved me or just thought I was some weirdo
>how do you personally feel about your place in the world and experience of belonging to society
I don't really have a place in society. In fact I hate this society like rabies.
>what kind of impression do people get from you
Smart funny weirdo
>how do people talk about you when you're not around, if you happen to know
They oft make fun of how I act
>do you feel that you've always gone with the flow socially and things tend to just work out or have you struggled with fitting in and gaining acceptance from society
I feel like I am struggling even though I don't have any particular issues with that
>is there a disconnect between how you feel socially vs the reality of your reputation (ex: you’ve always been anxious and insecure but people tend to like you)
Yea pretty much
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>What house system do you use?
Whole sign houses forever.
>What things do you consider carry the most weight and are the first and foremost things you look for in a chart
Ascendant ruler, sun, moon. Check the house placements and the condition. These will mark the focus of the native.
If you start reading a chart and you see that the ascendant ruler, the luminaries, and the benefics are all either in bad houses and/or in bad condition, then you know you are dealing with an unfortunate person. Doubly so if the malefics are super pronounced like a Mars-Saturn conjunction on an angle.
>what do you consider are insignificant details/memes that people need to stop wasting their attention on?
Most of psychological astrology is bunk. Avoid excessive psychoanalysing and wahoo bullshit. Focus on more straightforward and preferably objective things. "Scorpios are this, Scorpios are that". Are they? People who have more placements (especially important placements) in malefic signs will be more rough, vulgar, and/or austere. Likewise for benefic signs, they will be softer, squirmier, more naive, or temperately optimistic depending on the person. But trying to apply elaborate descriptions for people of each sign (especially if you are only using the Sun sign) is going to be very challenging EVEN IF you are actually really good at that stuff.
Honorary mention to timing techniques which are super good but require an intermediate level of knowledge and experience to understand and use correctly. Once you sink your teeth into that stuff, you know there's no going back.
nta but could recommend astrology reading material?
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Sure, so long as you are serious.
For the basics, try these:
- Brennan's Hellenistic Astrology
- Rob Hand's Planets in Transit
- Deborah Houlding's Temples of the Sky
- Tarnas' Cosmos and Psyche
Brennan's podcast is an incredible resource, too. His courses are also very important and helpful if you can access them. It's a serious time investment to tackle all this earnestly, but it pays off. Honestly, with astrology the important thing is to see another good astrologer's method and absorb it deeply, and grind out tons of practice. It helps if you study in long term, focused bursts, rather than a little bit here and there. You'll have an easier time burning things into your memory if you are doing daily practice.
Good luck.


>Condition of it's ruler

Saturn is conjunct to the midheaven in 9th house on the Anaretic degree. It just barely forms a square with my sun in the 12th, which is on the 21st degree. Up to you whether you want to count it, but it's the only aspect that Saturn really makes.

>10th house

Part of Fortune, but no planets.

>Were you popular in school

No, but some people liked me. I was kind of a loner and it was difficult to express myself in public. Not so much at home. I got over this around highschool, but by then I was doing different kinds of schooling, like home schooling and then alternative kinds of schooling.

>What impression do people get from me

Chatty, funny, but nice and mature at the same time

>How do people talk about you when you're not around

Depends on the person. I'm kind of a polarizing figure online. I have people who love me, and I have people who hate me. It's kind of weird, like I have a good reputation that sets people off when I start setting boundaries. It usually doesn't go over well because I've started to get annoyed.

>Do you feel that you've always gone with the flow

I used to be a people pleaser, now I work on doing things for myself because it never worked out. People were never satisfied no matter how much I did for them. I don't need acceptance from others. I've come to realize that I will attract people who accept me if I just do the things I want to do.

>Is there a disconnect

Yes, actually. A lot of people tell me they like me, give me compliments etc but none of it really phases me unless they're a friend or something.
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try to hurt me
What's your opinion on aspect patterns like the Mystic Rectangle? I'm not well studied, but I'm on my way. I've yet to see these aspect patterns discussed in the hellenistic sphere.
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Do you know of any timing techniques to use in conjunction with solar return charts?
>MC sign
>condition of its ruler
Libra 4th house, opposite saturn but trine moon and jupiter
>10th house
>were you popular or not in school, university, your job and other social settings where you might belong to
all of my work peers tend to love me but I tend to bend the rules which often causes issues with management. in regards to school/university I'd say I had a lot of acquaintances but not too many real friends. always felt like a bit of an outcast.
>how do you personally feel about your place in the world and experience of belonging to society
the world is oddly accepting of me but something still feels off. I feel as though everyone genuinely likes me but no one truly loves me. I do end up getting a lot of unasked favors/gifts from women though
>what kind of impression do people get from you
used to work with UHNW people and one of the oligarchs assistants used to refer to me as her ball of sunshine. that sentiment seems to be shared across a lot of the people I meet
>how do people talk about you when you're not around, if you happen to know
no clue desu
>do you feel that you've always gone with the flow socially and things tend to just work out or have you struggled with fitting in and gaining acceptance from society
Outside of a few niche scenarios I've had to actively initiate in anything I've ever wanted. I've had even some of the most conservative people I know appreciate the fact that I'm authentically myself
>is there a disconnect between how you feel socially vs the reality of your reputation (ex: you’ve always been anxious and insecure but people tend to like you)
I've always been a ball of anxiety

also taking more feedback on the vibe my chart gives off
It's because we don't really use aspect patterns. Other than the T-square and Grand Cross, I don't really find the rest very useful. Not even the Grand Trine. Personally, I think it's overblown.
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>Do you know of any timing techniques to use in conjunction with solar return charts?
Only profections. Watch the placement of the profected lord in the Solar Return chart - that will indicate an area of focus for the year.
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Yes. Around 28 I woke up to sleep paralysis that I hadn't had in years. I was visited by something I saw years ago in my dream (a floating black triangle), when I woke up I spoke "we are the watchers out of my mouth but in a voice that wasn't mine"

I heard footsteps scuttling about and couldn't move as hard as I tried until I heard them close the door.
how to understand the t-square?
Thank you for taking the time. I never had my Vedic chart read before, so it does help to get a fresh perspective.
Thank you all. I wanted to see something. I've been noticing charts of celebrities who seem to remain in power or are considered sweethearts despite their controversies while others attract antagonism no matter what they do.

There is a trend of the former having an MC ruled by benefics while the latter have MCs ruled by malefics or have their MC rulers in harmful aspects to malefics. It's a general observation and it's harder to determine with people who are not widely famous but I wanted to see if it tracks with general people too.
Depends on the specific configuration. The opposition and the square are very powerful aspects, so a T-square is a powerful energetic signature to have in a chart. Some charts tend to be more inactive - this one won't typically be it.
One interesting chart example I have seen was this careerist finance bro. He had Capricorn Jupiter, Aries Saturn, and Cancer Mars. That's three planets in fall and in tense aspect (involving malefics). Still, it was fascinating how it worked out pretty successfully in his case. I think it's because of the huge amount of receptions in his chart - by medieval rules, all three planets receive each other. Jupiter also improves the condition of both Saturn and Mars. So he was doing pretty well, staying on top of things and living an active life.
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Would anyone be interested in making a few observations on my natal chart? :) Anything and everything is welcome, though some specific themes could be romance, health, career , finances , family and friendship as these all are very intense parts of my life so far :) Thanks
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What do you guys make of Musk's natal chart?
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An overall reading would be great if there is anyone generous out there. As of right now, I am interested in what my chart means in terms of my romantic life and life purpose.
all i will say is that you can immediately tell he's gonna be a le randumb autist
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I was told my birtchart is mesmerizing by a girl I know. What does it say?
shes not wrong
How would I do in a potential business venture?
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hi everyone
i'm at a confused point in my life in most aspects. i have abundant energy, but am not sure where to direct it, especially in terms of a career. i am 19 and male. i am in a relationship, although it has been shaky lately, my heart is entirely in it. i am a very idealistic person who sets extraordinarily high (and perhaps unrealistic) expectations for myself and others. i have an issue with power.
any observations advice would be appreciated, as i am not very learned with astrology. thank you.
it says get a readable chart with degrees and without fake aspects.
Does the squaring planet hold the keys to mitigating the negative energy of the opposition?
Again, it depends on the configuration. If the squaring planet is a malefic and the other two planets are not, then the squaring planet is the source of the negative energy.
You might be good with finance or fundraising. You have Moon conjunct ascendant so you may benefit from projects where you can see things grow and develop and nurture them. Would likely enjoy working with a close team you trust and like.
If you try to listen to your heart, you should have better luck finding your way than most. Your ascendant ruler is the Moon, which is in the first house, as I said, directly on the ascendant. So you might wander around a bit and explore different things, but your instincts should fairly reliably guide you to what you need to find. As a general rule, it may be a good idea to look after your needs. Seek that which you feel you want and need, rather than trying to force another path on yourself. The Moon likes creating freely, without too many constraints.
You do have a pretty mean Mars-Saturn-Jupiter T-square. Watch your financial situation and beware of gold diggers. You may be a pretty tough person, but don't put yourself in unnecessarily adversarial situations, especially if the stakes are high. Fight for what you need, but not for frivolous reasons.
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sure, here you go. I am a newbie.
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Now, here's my chart in Placidus. Any interpretations of the house placements, etc. here from a placidean perspective is welcome and appreciated. The previous questions will apply here.

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Can anyone please give me a overall reading on my chart? I've never really done this before. What can a chart say about the future for me?
>I’m having a hard time finding anything positive to think about.
Why friend?
Alright, sorry you've been feeling so down. You might start to cheer up more though as you pass through your saturn return though in around a years time.
>As a general rule, it may be a good idea to look after your needs. Seek that which you feel you want and need, rather than trying to force another path on yourself. The Moon likes creating freely, without too many constraints.
This is great advice. I've definitely had issues with trying to force myself to fit into certain paths in life, even if it didn't feel natural to me.
>You may be a pretty tough person, but don't put yourself in unnecessarily adversarial situations, especially if the stakes are high. Fight for what you need, but not for frivolous reasons.
Spot on as well. I've definitely had issues with taking fights I didn't need to.
Thank you for your insight
Absolutely no one said that to you. Why does this keep happening? I'll never stop bringing it up. Every person that does this is an NPC.
>Thats a lot of Scorpio but I have more :P enjoy being attractive ha ha

Genuinely what is wrong with you idiots
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Got into this not too long ago and started feverishly researching what all of it means. If any kind anon is so inclined, insights about my chart would be appreciated. I'm really all over the place as a person. My goals change within the span of months and I can never seem to commit to anything. I guess I'd just like to figure out my life's purpose. I feel like it has to do with uncovering some fundamental truth or deeper meaning.
That aside, can anyone rec me some youtubers that have solid astrology knowledge? Or any other resources of interest. That'd be really helpful.
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AQ, Willing to trade readings also.

Hot takes on this synastry? He's the red, I'm the blue.

Mars is conjunct your descendant. Romantic relationships may be difficult; remediation should be happy, spreading love, etc. if that's not there, run.

Pluto just entered your 6th house. Changes coming you way regarding health, habits routine. In the next few years you may come to understand some childhood trauma better because Pluto will be conjunct your Chiron.

Venus on the MC, are you pretty?

NN in Aries in the 8h. When people offer you help, take it. It's okay to take it. It has the power to change your life.

You dating history does not define you. All the love we have ever given away returns to us. I highly suggest finding some spiritual practice, you might find waifu that way without even looking. A person with Virgo traits or water placements would suit.

Pluto is conjunct our Venus and Chiron rn. Are you okay? Lol.

Any 12 house practice you pick up will be beneficial. Don't go summoning demons or dumb shit like that, but you're being pushed to explore the hidden side of yourself right now. T
what does it mean
ego death approaches. buckle up buttercup
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Could someone tell me what I should expect this year?
It's a very odd chart. Jupiter on the desendant is a good sign. Lots of opportunities for relationships. Mars and Venus give off a weird vibe though, like you're overly sexual or something like that. Venus being in Scorpio is a bit funny too, like that you're overly controlling in love. Possessive might be the right word. Lock you up in my cellar and toss away the key kind of shit.

Mars isn't in a bad position though, and there's an exact aspect square, with Mars being receptive to Venus. Essentially it helps out and none of Mars' bullshit gets back to Venus.

Moon is in opposition to the Sun, which is on the 0th degree. You're likely really high energy. The sun being there in the 4th house (it's 4th house in whole sign, which is what I read) is indicative of people who are into things like their natiion and private life. People with strong placements there either care a lot about family or they're on /pol/ and/or discord posting memes and news articles. It's only one planet though and it's in Capricorn, so I doubt it's that extreme. But your emotional world is wigged out over this because whatever's happening in the homne front isn't working out for the 10th house. The 4th house is kind of in shambles since it's ruler is in the 8th house. It's retrograde though which is kind of strange. It's like the struggle is optional and that you're not dealing with it. 8th house deals with death, other people's finances and inheritance.

What's going on with your family life? I'm not sure how to interpret this.
>Summoning demons
That's a 3rd house thing, homie. 12th house is mom telling you to go take a shower but you tell her "not yet" because you're playing the hit video game "Watch Dogs"

>Mars in Taurus in 3rd house, ruled by the 12th house

Oh wait lmao

>What does it say about my love life

Not so good things


Does life need a purpose? Chart says you've a really intuitive person and that creating things, taking care of people.. that's the shit that you live for. 10th house ruler is in the 9th, so you might enjoy anything that falls under that umbrella. Might enjoy reading charts like I do. Might enjoy writing or traveling. All of your cadent houses are active, and it just squeezes out of being a grand cross. You've got a T square with the two malefics of the chart, and it's kind of fucking your Jupiter up.

>What does that mean?

Basically there's still good things, but bad things come with the good things, or good things only come because of the bad things.

It's like being hit by a truck giving you disability checks. I mean, you get money, but at what cost?
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Bum a reading
>post on 4chan
Idk but it's not looking good.
I think you might meet someone romantically. There is going to be movement in your love life if it hasn't started already. Pluto moving into 7h
also, do you get bitches?

Do your parents make you act and look a certain way and does this conflict with how you actually feel inside?
Might be good with a social profession, or working with people you are close with. Finance or some kind of asset management job may be good. Alternatively, something to do with care, charities, supporting people in difficult situations. Possibly even military.
You probably also have a sharp tongue you may be able to use in some type of context. Tucker Carlson has a similarish Mars-Mercury opposition, for example.
>That aside, can anyone rec me some youtubers that have solid astrology knowledge?
I watch Chris Brennan, but he's a lot more beneficial to a serious student than a layman. Unless you are determined to learn for yourself, you probably won't get too much use from Chris.
What kind of spiritual or "12th house practice" could I do? Searched online but didn't find much helpful. Also, I am not quite doing well these months, for sure.
What does "not so good things" about love mean? It's coming out really negative here, not sure what to do about it.
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What do I have going for me? This year or general. Thanks!
Venus is in the 12th and the ruler of the 7th is Mercury, which is in bad condition. What I'm getting from this is that romance is an issue for you, and Venus in particular says that it's an area in life where mistakes are made. No ill intent on your part, but romance is a bit strained and you have a lot to give to people who perhaps do not understand or can not match the energy that you're providing. Venus is also ruled by a malefic planet that's in bad condition, so the 12th house is subservient to the 6th, which is just as bad as if not worse than the 12th. It depends on if you want to be hurt in ways that people can actually see or not, but the implication here is that romance serves these restrictions in some form, and you're facing restrictions in an area that will fuck your health up. It seems like a mess.

>What do I do

Just live your life but be aware that life is going to require you to pay attention to things. This shows that romance will have obstacles and issues. Things that you will need to learn and grow from. When something bad happens in a relationship, don't say "Aww, well she was crazy as fuck so it's not my fault."

No, analyze the relationship, analyze what went wrong. It's always so easy to blame the other person and not see what you did wrong, but even in the worst situation you are still at fault for engaging if you jumped the gun. Look for red flags and things like that.

7th house is ruled by Mercury, so issues you encounter might be as simple as communicating properly.
Can I have a reading on mine?

astrotards logic be like:
>you were ultimately alienated in your childhood, absent parents and such, so you got 8th house placements and you're fated to be a banker or real estate broker
too much firmicus damaged your brain. these people usually end up being psychologists or something related to the human mind, philosophy, occultism. you should all develop a bit more of logical thinking rather than jumping to irrational conclusions based on textbook descriptions.
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Will someone look at my SR Chart? I'm feeling a lot of dread surrounding the upcoming year. I feel Saturn's approach.
I wanna see if anyone has a worse chart than me

>moon-Pluto conjunction
>Saturn in first house, in Aries (fall)
>Chiron in libra, in the 7th house
>mars in detriment
>Jupiter in fall
>nothing in 5th house besides Lilith
>no personal planets in the 7th
>Venus square ascendant and opposite midheaven
do i have super powers?
how retarded am i?
should i suck more cocks?
Your super power is sucking cock
i fucking knew it
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How does my year look love-wise, work-wise, and luck-wise?
>Saturn in the 12th conjunct to Venus
>That Sun-Mars Square

If you're a girl that'll make you overly sexual. Cock sucking will be somewhat normal.
**The mars and venus will make you overly sexual
I can't read charts but having a leo sun, aqua moon and scorpio rising must be rough
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If anyone’s up can I have a general analysis of my chart??
Looking at your chart in wholesign, your 4th and 5th house will be activated and important for you during the return. They might already be starting to get activated if you are concerned about the unstable future that this year will bring.
Hi, can someone answer this for me?
How is 2025 looking for me?
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Hmmm, you make a good point. The 8th house is the house of death, so dealing with braindead retard faggots (psychology and occultism) makes perfect sense as a delineation. Well said, anon.
Yeah that's pretty retarded, sorry.
Go easy on the cocksucking.
Sure, but only because you have the same name as my German friend.
Not sure what you want me to delineate though.
You probably have financial problems and also mixed fortune with siblings. You might have some health problems but should stay on top of them. Good worker with good attention to detail? Some gifts with learning, spirituality, teaching.
You seem like a more community and family oriented man. Playing some kind of mentorship role in your local community may be important to you.
Not me.
Saturn return incoming.
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I have three planets in the 8th house and I don't feel identified with traditional descriptions:
>Real estate broker
>Other people's money
Hell, no. I'm more interested in the human mind and exploring the metaphysical nature of this reality. May it be that I'm an Aquarius Rising or something, but most tradlarpers give actual empty and vague descriptions reading the 8th house.

However, modern "bullshit" descriptions, label used by many tradlarpers fit me better than hellenistic astrology.
>Death, transformation, rebirth
>Human mind
>8th house is just an idle house
is it true?
>It's the 8th house Virgo Moon-Mercury conjunction fella
Didn't realise you had picked up astrological study beyond personal use. Well done on doing so.
You are, however, not sufficiently familiar with traditional significations. Traditionally, the 8th house can also represent death, decay, fear, isolation, corruption, and also old things. Anything in line with these significations would be just as valid as the wealth related ones. So for example, you being a 4chan autist may be considered a result of your 8th house stellium. Not to mention that you are super young, and it is possible that your stellium reflects something that either happens later in life or else points to a single event (or a small number of events) that will happen in the future. For example, ruler of H11/H5 in H8 may indicate managing the estates of a friend, patron, or child. Or if you join a political party and end up managing the finances of that party, that would also count as a manifestation of H11 in H8.
I would associate any pursuits you have in the fields of psychology, philosophy, and esotericism with your 9th house placements instead, and perhaps also with your Virgo Mercury which gives you a gift for some of these subjects. Your Moon-Mercury conjunction may also be relevant for psychology (especially since it is in Virgo).
I have seen 8th house placements represent spiritual interests but in most cases they reflect corruptions and vulgarisations. One "neopagan" revivalist I am aware of had all major 8th house stuff going on, but all he accomplished was a corrupted reconstruction of a dead thing (8th house). True spirituality was, in his case, lacking.
Depends on how you interpret that. Generally, it reduces activity and success in the life of the native. But it can also do useful things. A lot depends on your background and circumstances. Sometimes you get a Mike Bloomberg, and sometimes you get a homeless beggar.
Is it like reduction of activity and success for a greater outcome or just reduction for the sake of reduction?
Traditionally the 8th house is considered one of the bad houses. As I said, it has its own strengths and upsides to offer, but typically it is not the preferred house to have a placement in.
Aren't I entering a 6th house protection year though?
Hi. In a bit weird period of life right now, trying to change career path and doing my best to do something about becoming a better person.
Any insights in term of money, health, sex, and career improvement?
You forgot the best interpretation of the 8th house, sex and not the casual kind.
In whole sign that'll line up with your Saturn placement, so it could just further emphasize the role of limitations and other saturn themes with regards to the sixth in Pisces, but Saturn will still activate Capricorn (4th) and Aquarius (5th) planets so you could see developments or changes in those areas of your life as a result of or with the looming effects that saturn has on in your sixth in Pisces.

Could be off in some way with this basic analysis though as I'm an astrology newbie, mostly just using my own experiences as a reference with the signs/houses that got activated before and during my return.
You should actually post a SR chart the next time you want one analyzed anon. It's like one button away after you make a chart on astro-seek.

In regards to your SR, it's a 6th house profection, but we have to check out what's going on with everything else as well. Transits to the 6th house, involving it's ruler etc. The house involved in your whole sign SR chart will also be relevant, since we'll project houses from the ascendant to see what topics are relevant, and also show us where planets are now. Your moon is in the 12th natally, but it may be in a very good position in your SR return chart, and it may be getting positively aspected for instance.
Just post your chart so I can laugh at you for worrying over nothing and tell you that things are going to be okay.

>Nothing in 5th house

This shit actually triggers me, because people seem to misunderstand what the houses do all the time, and it's just frustrating. Nothing being in your 5th house means absolutely nothing. Your 5th house is controlled by another sector of your chart still, which is why you care about this shit to begin with. If having nothing there meant something, you wouldn't give a singular fuck. You care about this shit because it's active in some form in your chart. All parts of your chart are going to be active at some point as well. That's what transits are.

Also, it's kind of sad that you just associate the 5th and 7th with sex, anon. My 5th house has Jupiter in it, and the 7th is ruled by Jupiter and I haven't fucked once.

Having a planet in the 5th house is related to good acts, and things worth doing. Having a planet in the 5th relates to sex because having kids and starting a family is a good act. It's called the house of good fortune, not the house of getting mad fucking pussy. It's why having a malefic planet like Mars can result in an over indulgence in sex. Because that's kind of a bad-good thing.

Now I just want to see the node range you're giving your venus and the angles, because if it's any higher than 4 on anything other than a conjunction I'm going to demand you touch grass.


>Venus is interacting with the angles

Bro, it's a benefic. Oh no.
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Sorry, anon. I figured I'd post my birth chart for reference and then post my sr chart if anyone was interested in looking. Should I be using whole sign for more predictive astrological insights?
>Should I be using whole sign for

Yes. So many of these techniques were developed with whole sign in mind.

>Posts SR chart
>Doesn't post one that has the original planet locations on it so that I can make easy comparisons


Anyways, as I figured, there's going to be some issues regarding relationships this year. There's growth in figuring out what you want, versus what other people want. It might be a bit messy but in general, you're figuring things out. I wouldn't say that it's the end of the world, as this SR seems geared toward making things better. Will it be rough? Yeah, probably. This year seems more geared towards improving the home life and things surrounding it.

There's a funny emphasis on the 9th house though. It deals with a variety of topics such as religion, travel, writing and other really gay things. Your Saturn return is almost over anyways, so it's not going to shit up your year entirely. I get the impression that there will emotional drain though. Saturn is going to hit your natal moon and venus on it's way out, and in the SR chart Saturn is squaring the moon which is in the 8th, Venus is around where your natal placement is, but it's in Aries in the 6th (Aries is your 7th in your birth chart)

I have no idea what is going on in your life anon, but the 6th house is not a good house to have in good house since even in the best interpretation it represents doctors and people dealing with injuries. A lot of scum bags are also an issue with 6th house placements. You seem like someone who cares about their family.. Spend time with the people close to you. I don't mean to scare you, and it could mean nothing, but it's never a bad idea to make sure the people around you know that you love them. You should know what it means sooner rather than later.
*Not a good house to have planets in

Fuck. What going back to fix a sentence does to a mf while he is contemplating the cosmos.
Could you give me a QRD on SR charts? Do they simply portend what your next year will be like? Do their aspects to a natal chart matter when assessing strengths and overall direction and themes for that year, or just the SR aspects themselves? Do they need to approached with the annual profection in mind?
Ah lol I finally figured it out. I'm a retard sometimes. I always liked Whole sign more anyways. It's neater, and you can figure out placements easy. It's interesting that you mentioned the 9th house and writing specifically because I've been trying to get my career as a writer started, and I'm about to endeavor on a trip to see if I can make that happen, coincidentally right before my solar return. It probably won't work out, but fuck it. My Saturn return thus far has been pretty uneventful and has mostly dealt with 6th house issues as expected: tried to quit smoking and failed, pets have had numerous medical issues, moved away for work and that didn't pan out so moved back home, had lack of work and then issues in the workplace when I got it (drama amongst other coworkers not even necessarily about me), got medical work done that I'd been needing, and it looks like I'm about to start a customer service job, which makes sense again given that it'll be a 6th house profection year and that house is ruled by my Cap Jupiter, which is in my 3rd house in placidus. It'd also be with my father/he's the one responsible for getting me the job, so maybe that's why the 4th house is activated?
what can you see about finances/career/education? feeling a bit stuck right now in terms of my future. any family/parental advice? anything really lol
So... I'm fucked up. I rarely see people with 8th house placements and the ones who have planets there are usually isolated social losers. The 8th house is not merciful with the native unless unexpected changes happen in life.

I have one question, how does a planet in aversion to the ascendant behaves differently to a "normal" placement? I mean, the Moon in the 8th (aversion to the ascendant) is about repressed/hidden feelings from other people?
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Hello, I need some help.
Could someone read some specific stuff? Should I kill myself?
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what are the worst and best aspects of this natal? also does anyone have good Chinese astrology books?
No, you're still young and you shouldn't make your parents upset. Learn to master your anger or channel it into something productive for you.
what questions do you have? besides if you should kill yourself I can interpret your aspects but give me some real questions
Don't catastrophise too much. Astrology is there to be of use to us, not to constrain us. Osho may have been a bastard, but he still wrote his name in history, and he has a massive 8th house stellium. You are not irremediably "fucked up" just because you have placements in a bad house.
>I have one question, how does a planet in aversion to the ascendant behaves differently to a "normal" placement? I mean, the Moon in the 8th (aversion to the ascendant) is about repressed/hidden feelings from other people?
In theory, it is about hidden feelings from yourself. The position I have seen upheld by Chris Brennan is that things occurring in bad houses may occur outside the psychological awareness of the native. So, a 12th or 8th house Moon may mean a lesser awareness of your own emotions. But I don't necessarily think this type of psychologising interpretation is valid (especially in your case, since you have a Moon-Mercury conjunction in Virgo and are likely to interpret your emotions with some level of skill).
I would rather argue that placements in a bad house (like the 8th house) are not directly supportive of the native's life. For example, in Osho's case, although he was quite famous and well-known, he ended up increasingly burrowing deeper and deeper in his insane cult commune, and the whackos there eventually had him all drugged up, disoriented, and pliable. Another possible example would be a traumatised NEET becoming increasingly alienated from the world and from life. Not just any 8th house placement will do this, but there are some that are more likely to do this than others. Even then, there is wiggle room, as I said. The 8th house is not just a house in aversion to the ascendant, it is the 2nd house to the 7th house. So things to do with other people's money are a perfectly normal signification that can produce a successful life. There are other options, too.
Pros: strong Jupiter, great for money and creativity
Cons: possible relationship and health challenges
You should take your meds instead.
Finances are probably okay. Mixed fortune with career; you have Venus conjunct the MC within 5 degrees which is pretty cool, but Mars is also in the 10th house. Education and spirituality/travel may be quite important to you, but there will probably be difficulties with those topics.
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So what can I do to cope with being a shy, demotivated leo ascendant? I'm not dumb or terrible to look at, but I'd rather be sleeping than doing just about anything else. Not the greatest recipe for success from my experience.

>Most likely to ruin their life with a terrible decision due to a personal grudge

>Most likely to end up in the friendzone

>Most annoying /astro/ poster

>Most likely to antagonize a fight then pussy out last minute and hide behind an authority

>Most likely to get an NDE drinking themselves to death and then preaching to everyone they found Jesus
>Most likely to be discord mod with a kitten overseas

>Most likely to send "hi" to every pretty girl followed on IG and then unfollows them when they don't respond

>Most likely to suffer night terrors

>Most likely to bash spouse's head in a blind rage

>Most likely to be a former fat kid who never quite gets over it
>Most likely to idolize Elon Musk

>Most likely the weird quiet kid you give a chance to then regret it because he starts acting up

>Most likely to preach about sexual ethics and purity but goon to unspeakable types of porn

>Most likely to get away with touching a drunk passed out girl at a party

>Most likely to develop erotomania for a celebrity or have a fictional waifu
>drinking to death
Jokes on you, I'm teetotaler
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Anything good in terms of love and good memories?
Hey anon can I have one of these?

also if someone wanna give me a word about possible stuff coming in 2025 kek
Pretty boring chart to be honest. Nothing too exciting or too bad. To answer your question, your “worst” aspect is Saturn conjunct Mercury. Best i guess is Jupiter textile Sun.
NTA, 8th house placements are not rare & having them doesn’t mean you’re isolated or suppressed, those are 12th house rulerships.
NTA, You should be overlapping them as a transit chart, not posting separately. You also don’t need to use whole signs, Placidus is the most used and most informative system for a reason. Some people have preferences but you’ll notice Whole Signs is too vague and over generalizes, forcing people into a 30 degree box implying they’ll all go through the same things at the same time. I’ve only ever found Whole Signs to be moderately helpful is when I’m doing horary.
Also, I want to add, Solar Return charts are bunk. Sure you can get a general idea of the year ahead but it’s essentially just an unnecessary label for the transits of the day of your birthday. It doesn’t really set the tone for anything as you still need to consider all of the upcoming transits and those can’t be found in the “solar return chart”
Be careful. Some “reader” in here had a full blown melt down the last time someone tried to say the 8th house rules sex [even though it absolutely does]
I can think of probably 100+ people off the top of my head with “worse” placements than this. What is the obsession from some people that makes them so desperately to have
>a “bad” chart
>”the worst chart you’ve ever seen”
>”scariest chart you’ve ever seen”
>”most cooked chart ever”

Jesus christ
You’re already in your Saturn Return so you don’t feel him approaching, he’s been there. You’d be better off looking at all major transits of the next 3 months or MAJOR transits of the next year instead of whatever you think a Solar Return chart is.
By approach, I meant the orb tightening. I think it's 7 degrees away now, so I should start to feel it more, right?
Yeah, I fucked up when I made the chart.
Here it is but whole sign >>39594697
I forgot to say "to cope with a crisis" but it's good you're handling your Moon-Neptune opposition is non-destructive ways.

>Most likely to get felt up by a female superior at work
Transits are the weakest technique in predictive hierarchy, and they aren't remotely comparable to the precision of solar and lunar returns. It's so useless no serious high-level astrologer will ever use transits as the main tool when
forecasting future events.
7th lord is bonified by Venus and Jupiter.
What's a Hades Moon? How can I cope with a natal Hades Moon?
Can someone help me with my chart? My general issue is that my life has been really difficult after April 1, 2016. Almost everything I try to do goes wrong and there is almost always some kind of issue no matter how much I try to claw forward. I've been able to accomplish some things in this time period but I had to fight tooth and nail for every single thing. Not sure if 2025 will be a favorable time for me, it feels like it will be more of the same swimming in shit as it has been for the past 8.5 years.
Can someone read stuff in my chart?
cant do anything right
i dont know what to ask
why am i depressed why is my life kinda shit
can you read my chart?
How does sign energy manifest differently in Sun and Moon signs? Do they overlap or operate in different modes?
Think of the Sun as the battery which powers you being alive. The state and quality of your natal Sun shows the power of you as an individual in this world and what kind of energy you move with to make a place for yourself in this reality. The qualities of the Sun sign are something more general throughout time and you tend to grown into them or ideally lean into to self-actualize.

The Moon is the internal state of your psyche/mind. Your operating system if you will. It is receptive and more local. It doesn't show your "character" or "personality" externally per se rather if you act out on what the Moon perceives and commands people may start to associate certain traits to describe you with.

As for if they manifest differently - not every sign that's good for the Sun is good for the Moon (and vice versa). The clearest example of this is Scorpio - a generally good-ish sign for the Sun (as it's traditionally a Mars sign which is friendly to the Sun, the other Mars sign Aries is the Sun's exaltation). A Scorpio Sun might not be the loudest brightest presence in the room but the quiet disagreeableness and desire for power of Scorpio resonate with the Sun's ultimate desire for independence and authority.

The Moon on the other hand suffers in Scorpio - the sign is too harsh, intense and fixed for what the Moon does, ideally you want your mind to flow, stay calm and realistic and adapt to change. A Scorpio Moon individual will be tormented by emotions they can't purge without crisis and destruction, they will be distrustful and their imagination will go off the rails with fantasies of paranoia and ill-will because of Scorpio's intense nature.
Is the Scorpio the only bad sign for Moon? Seems signs like Aries or Gemini should clash with what Moon does.
If you want to go textbook - Scorpio and Capricorn are "officially bad" for Moon due to being opposite Moon's rulership over Cancer and exaltation in Taurus.

In practice you could make a pro/cons list for every sign but as a general guide look at which planets rule which signs - Mars and Saturn signs are harsh, Venus and Jupiter signs are soft and Mercury signs are neutral though not overly compatible with Moon's values.

House placement and aspects will greatly impact the condition of the Moon. Also real life rarely plays out as cut and dried, I've seen people make great use of Moons in enemy signs just like people with friendly Moon signs struggle with complacency or chaotic inner worlds.
I've read your chart 50 billion times. In fact, it turns out I even have it saved on my computer under the title "unstable degenerate overwhelmed by self hatred".
lol, who else is in the hall of /astro/ fame?
I have one guy from another board who asked me to read his chart and then disappeared. I've got a gang war guy. Also a wannabe gangster. A composer. A couple of disabled guys. I've got a guy who developed schizophrenia through drug use. An incel. A sexual degenerate. A voice actor and his nympho girlfriend. Some guy posted his crush's chart and I saved that too.
These are the ones in my main folder that have intuitive file names and are easy to mention. I've got more saved with less intuitive names and in other folders.
So what can you tell me?
What do you see?
>lots of right triangles
Hmm... Mars is well dignified, but Mars is in a really funny position. Whatever the 9th is signifying is harsh for you. I get the impression that you're a writer, but that the mars causes issues. It's in Taurus, so your struggles are venusian in nature. It's like getting kick back whenever you do something venusian, like art or nurturing others. It's in the 9th, so religion, writing, studying and traveling to places far away will have a similar effect, although you will also find a lot of good things here as well. There is struggle for the things that make you happy in that sense. You may have a hard time asserting yourself and potentially over compensate to deal with that by pre-emptively acting.

>Sun and Venus in the 6th

Also kind of torture. Venus being in the 6th implies difficulty seeing your own appeal, beauty and artistic abilities. Sun is there too. Father was not too present in life even if physically there, perhaps religious.

A lot of your chart is ruled by Saturn in the 5th. Restrictions play a large role in your life. The 5th house has to deal with good deeds that you sow and things of that nature. It deals with creation, children, things like that. Mercury is here, so I feel very strongly that you're meant to be a writer or some other kind of artist. There may be struggles acting on that however.

Saturn trines Mars which concerns me. You don't really want trines between malefics usually, since it can intensify their more negative effects. I have a well dignified Saturn as well, and it's like missing out on something you thought you wanted to give you appreciation for what matters, or things being restricted from you so that you could experience the world without it, giving you a greater appreciation for it when you do get it. It also gives you a greater sense for those things because you will likely be exposed to what it's like when those things fail. In Capricorn I can only assume this relates to the importance of hard work.
isnt his ruler of the chart is mercury (virgo asc)?
Also, you have Mercury trining your moon and Jupiter so I'd say you're pretty smart.

Also correction. Your mom was the religious (?) one. Could relate to anything elating to the 9th, such as traveling, being foreign etc. Signifiers for your dad are in the 5th so I assume he was a good guy or at least tried to be since the sun is more important.
I didn't say otherwise. I ran out of space, but yeah. Could make things like pottery or other complex things related to art.
I guess that I am a little too fixated on the 9th though. Anon could be a foreign contractor doing good acts for those in need for all I know. Could program games too. I associate the 5th with creation and good things rather than just sex though, and the 9th house can relate to things that are published on levels other than just writing. I feel like even youtube videos would fall under that umbrella to an extent.
I've already told you everything there is for you to know.
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I need to know more
Last time you told me I was ugly inside and out. Why is that? Told me too that I couldnt even go gay
Tell me more
Stop harassing readers holy shit.
>Last time you told me I was ugly inside and out. Why is that? Told me too that I couldnt even go gay
That wasn't me.
Then just answer the stuff I need to know more about.
Could you read about it on my chart?
if you post your chart here again im going to start praying to the shem angels that (hopefully) you learn your lesson and stop harassing people. everyone here knows what your chart says. they all say the same thing.
Instead of helping me...
what seperates gas planets from terrestrial planets in astrology
My occult friends will hear of this
I already know my angels
You refuse to help me
what do the lines mean?
Astrology isn't my wheelhouse, but something occurred to me earlier, and I apologize if this is too vague to get anything of substance.
Is there anything astrologically significant set to happen around Easter this year? A convergence or alignment or something?
Lol, there is no way you just said this about transits. Look, if you're new to this that's fine but don't be ridiculous.
reading a book isn't going to make you good at astrology homie. i notice things happening on every personal transit, and it's especially relevant if there's a profection relevant to cancer or leo.

imagine being so wrong that it's catastrophic. you do know that things are transiting all the time, right? what do you think a saturn return is? what do you think 9/11 is? exactly, two things intersecting at interesting times.
You sound retarded.
you sound like you dont know what an eclipse is
Can someone help me?
so edgy
>Most likely to get away with touching a drunk passed out girl at a party
But anon I am a girl and I don't even go to parties
Please, give general advice on romantic relationships
Also, is this good or bad chart?
good evening maam, open your aspects
Please do a reading of my chart, i have a few questions

1. Who am i/what are my aspects

2. Do i have spirtual growth in the future?

3. Do i suffer a great amount in the future?

4. Will i become a powerful/Influential person?

5. Will i find love?

Sorry if these are a bit vague.
My nodal return started last night.
it's aspects
uhhh idk when easter is but it's typically in the spring so probably around the spring equinox
it's mostly good, i would say.
you don't even have your ascendant, anon.
Wait what does ascendent mean, how do i do the chart properly?
you need your actual birthtime. then, using your birthtime, the website will calculate which sign was rising in the eastern horizon at the time you were born. this is pretty important for most astrological techniques.
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What's happening here?
>Lol, there is no way you just said this about transits.
Transits as understood in the modern sense are useless, no matter what you may read on internet forums or hear from any popular astrologer. There isn't a single person on this planet who can predict any concrete events at a specified time by using them as a standalone thing. You can make them say anything you want to fit a particular situation, which is all most astrologers can do - take a result and explain it after the fact by chiron transiting the natal midpoint of Juno/Saturn semisextile. The idea that planets making configurations to the natal chart as they move in real-time can do anything other than stir up thoughts or feelings (unless they are activated) is just worthless. Astrological prediction never concerns itself with real time, you should always be operating in symbolic time. The hierarchy of predictive techniques, that work and are most useful, is as follows:
Primary Directions
Solar and Lunar Returns
A transit is like pulling the trigger - it won't make the gun shoot if it's not loaded in the first place. This is why you have to first see if there is any bullet in the chamber, i.e. analyze the Solar and Lunar Return chart, Secondary Progressions, etc.
>Look, if you're new to this that's fine but don't be ridiculous.
Dunning–Kruger effect is strong on this shithole website.
What the fuck am I reading? I can't understand your rambling.
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I just realized that astrology is real and its probably part of how the matrix imprints characteristics on us when we are born, Programming us and making it harder for us on purpose. I don't know how to read it, can someone redpill me on my chart?
>idk when easter is
It's one of those holidays that jumps around, but this year it's on 4/20.
Anyone know why my chart is associated with kali according to another user?
>Mars-Saturn-Pluto configuration on the ASC/DSC axis
>8th house stellium
Says here you are quite the character. In general, I'd say a turbo chud and a Guts-style struggler.
I have no idea. Don't see anything that makes me feel the same.
Maybe because Jupiter is pretty powerful since it's conjunct to an angle and the primary benefic or perhaps because pluto is in the 8th?

This is for the kali chart btw.
Mars/Saturn/Pluto is the exact opposite of a chud. This person could end you and is probably difficult to deal with in long spouts.

You’re gravely misinformed. Just because (YOU) can’t do predictive astrology doesn’t mean that no one can. Astrologers make extremely accurate predictions all time, based on transits and other tools. You sound arrogant, especially because all a Solar Return is, is transits, profections are hardly a tool used beyond general theme. Ephemrises exist for this exact reason, to see how it played out in history, and then apply current or future conditions to figure out how it will play out this time around. I can’t blame the lazy for thinking this is an inaccurate tool, because it’s time consuming. Thanks for the laugh, this has got to be one of the most blank claims I’ve seen on this shell of a website.
If someone actually told you this they are blowing smoke up your ass. Nothing profound about this chart.
They didn’t mean it in a profound way, they were doing this silly “ I’ll associate a god by your chart “ game and they picked kali for me without a explanation, this wasn’t like a “ you are spiritually endowed be be the next 8th circle venerable emperor specialist of physical shendao cultivation “ type of thing.
Okay well if it was a game then they just slapped on a God, that doesn’t mean they actually think your chart resembles Kali
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I dunno, that just makes me think you'll have luck with relationships.
>Mars/Saturn/Pluto is the exact opposite of a chud. This person could end you and is probably difficult to deal with in long spouts.
Why do you assume that 'chud' means 'ineffectual'? That's not what I meant at all. There are many types of chuds, including pic related.
>this wasn’t like a “ you are spiritually endowed be be the next 8th circle venerable emperor specialist of physical shendao cultivation “ type of thing
Get a load of this guy! He's not qualified to be the next 8th circle venerable emperor specialist of physical shendao cultivation!! What a joke!
Ive returned OP, had to find out the time of birth but my questions are the same

1. Who am i/what are my aspects

2. Do i have spirtual growth in the future?

3. Do i suffer a great amount in the future?

4. Will i become a powerful/Influential person?

5. Will i find love?
Do you guys have links for the 2025 horoscopes of the 12 signs? I've already checked Veerle DeBruyne, Hannah's elsewhere, Haley Comet Astrology, and Beyond the veil astrology, but I get the feeling some of you might have better content.
>You’re gravely misinformed. Just because (YOU) can’t do predictive astrology doesn’t mean that no one can.

Nice strawman. I didn't say people cannot predict, I said that they cannot predict with transits. Matter of fact, I'm perfectly capable of delineating people's natal charts ranging from describing physical appearance to pinpointing death dates down to minutes.

>Astrologers make extremely accurate predictions all time, based on transits and other tools. You sound arrogant, especially because all a Solar Return is, is transits, profections are hardly a tool used beyond general theme.

No, they don't make predictions with transits. I will reiterate - name one astrologer that has forecasted future with fucking transits. It is not possible to predict using transits. Transits are a marginal technique that has traditionally been used as a touch up, not something that can provide you with anything substantial, in any area of astrology. The notion that they can is modern, and modern astrology does not concern itself with prediction. Primary directions and solar returns, on the other hand, can make divination possible.

>Ephemrises exist for this exact reason, to see how it played out in history, and then apply current or future conditions to figure out how it will play out this time around. I can’t blame the lazy for thinking this is an inaccurate tool, because it’s time consuming. Thanks for the laugh, this has got to be one of the most blank claims I’ve seen on this shell of a website.

What are you rambling vol. 2
Are you a downie by chance?
It was from looking at the chart, all games have rules, I’m just wondering which one he was following.
I’ve been closing in on a breakthrough to my golden core, I’m just waiting for the sun to shift and the planets to align. The feng shui is adequate, I’m ensuring a quality of 3 or lower.
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You should've generated the chart again, anon. It's not updated. But it's okay, I'll generate it for you. Attaching it to my post. Hope your birthplace is accurate as well (afaik NYC is a different place).
1. You are kind of a scary fellow. Mars is your ascendant ruler, representing you, and your luminaries are both in the Martian sign of Aries too. That's a lot of assertive, combative energy. You also have a Mars-Saturn opposition, which may make you an extreme personality. The Mars-Neptune conjunction may give you more religious and spiritual traits, although you have other things helping out with that too. Mars-Jupiter sextile might be one of those things, and might help soften that Mars-Saturn edge.
You seem more family, ancestry, and land oriented. Those topics may be important for you.
You seem to be a fighter, but also possess a loyal and gentle side, judging by your Taurus Venus.
2. Probably yes. You have a strong Jupiter and your 9th house ruler is applying to the most positive planet in the chart.
3. Hard to predict with a natal chart. It looks to me like you will meet your fair share of hardship, but you will be equipped to handle it. As I said, you have a lot of warrior like qualities.
4. Possibly, but you will need to work at it and there will be continual challenges. The most negative planet in the chart is in the 10th house of authority. Still, that planet has some good aspects, and the ruler of the house is the Sun, which is exalted. So you'll need to work hard, and the payoff will come more slowly. Your Saturn return will be relevant.
5. Definitely looks like it. The most positive planet in the chart is in the 7th house of marriage.
Shit reading from a shit website.
Appreciate the reading anon! I know i already asked question so i apologize in advance for taking up more of ur time but,

Will i become a strong person, physically, mentally, and spirtually?

And will I ever become finacially stable?

Last 2 question i promise. Thanks!
Can u read mine any better than? If its such a shit reading i can only assume u can do better right?
They can predict with transits, and have, for thousands of years, with insane accuracy. People have even done it in this thread multiple times, people predicted a pandemic, people predicted the presidency, people predict crypto and stock markets, natural disasters, etc. And these are just some recent examples.

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's not a thing. I pity you, many such cases where someone is so insecure with their abilities or themselves they have to claim that something doesn't exist, or that it doesn't happen that way. I mean, you can look up literally millions of astrological predictions that are time stamped that have came to be. It's really as simple as that.
Not even sure why I'm bothering, this person always is arguing with anons and readers about the weirdest things that are easily proven wrong. Yet he still sits here and pouts. This one isn't even worth it because no one needs to do a multi paragraph analysis to ~prove~ that transits are used in predictive astrology. Actually, no one has ever used a fuckin profection or solar return to predict anything ever.
But I guess if all you know is personal natal chart astrology then of course you would think that a solar return is a prediction tool, even though a solar return is quite literally a transit chart itself.
I mean even myself I have years worth of articles & patreon posts that are dated and time stamped with countless accurate predictions. I even wrote one in 2019 about Pluto in Aquarius and how it would drastically destroy air travel [among other things] and was quickly forgotten about until here we are finally experiencing the transit and now theres the Boeing crisis, drones, etc, and thats just one example of how simple and small and precise a prediction can be. Thats how exact and frivolous it can be.
Idk why I'm still bothering with this. Transits are used and have been used for thousands of years to accurately predict events, moods, ~happenings~
I mean shit, astrologers had predicted the TRUMP ASASSINATION ATTEMPT months before it happened. Countless examples of this. Lol.

Sometimes you gotta just laugh at the retardation.
Here's your (You).
>Will i become a strong person, physically, mentally, and spirtually?
Can't see why not. As I mentioned, plenty of warrior like qualities.
>And will I ever become finacially stable?
Certainly looks like it, since your 2nd house is in good condition. You have Jupiter there. Nice.
Thanks again for the reading anon.

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